It was never meant to be. ||...

By whoopsitsmax

191K 7.6K 4.3K

In which instead of betraying Techno, Tommy finally takes a stand against Tubbo. (Spoilers for the recent eve... More

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- not an update but read pls -
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14.8K 540 490
By whoopsitsmax

"YOU BETRAYED ME!" Tommy yells as he attempts to block Tubbos attack towards him "you only cared about the discs, I did what I had to do!" Tubbo yells in response, as he tries to strike Tommy, the shield blocking his attempts

"The discs Tubbo!" The blonde yells in anger, dodging another hit from the President of L'Manburg before taking a deep breathe "The discs were worth more than you ever were!" He yells as everyone stills, the group surrounding the two frozen as if time was paused.

Tubbo looks at Tommy, tears slowly forming in his eyes, "You don't..." He says choking back a sob "you don't mean that, Tommy" He mutters as Tommy scoffs, gripping the handle of the 'axe of peace' which Techno had given him before entering L'Manburg "Give me my fucking disc, Tubbo."

A moment passed before Tubbo hesitantly hands the disc to Tommy 'Mellohi', hoping that if anything would get Tommy to forgive him it would be this, before backing away from him "You can't mean that the discs are worth more.." Tubbo whispers but Tommy heard him loud and clear.

"Can't I? Tubbo you fucking exiled me! Do you not remember the old saying?" Tommy asks, but doesn't give Tubbo time to answer

"Independence or death. If we get no revolution, we want nothing. We would rather die than give into you and join your SMP." Tommy quotes, it was a quote everyone in the destroyed community house knew.

It was the quote that Wilbur Soot said moments before the first attack on L'manburg.

Tubbo looks at Tommy puzzled, "What does Wilbur have to do with this?" He asks almost nervously "You gave in. You fucking gave in, Tubbo!" Tommy yells, stepping closer to Tubbo with each word

"You gave in and joined his fucking SMP, just like Eret! You are nothing but a power hungry coward." Tommy states in anger, his voice raising more and more the closer he gets to Tubbo, who was slowly backing away

"You promised you wouldn't be Schlatt, and you know what? You aren't. You're fucking worse, you're dreams little puppet, I didn't blow up the fucking community house! But I wish I fucking did." Tommy says, his anger getting the best of him before looking towards Dream

"I would have killed myself because of Dream and his manipulative and toxic tactics if I had not found Techno!" Tommy yells pointing towards the man he's found a new sense of brotherhood with

Tubbo tries to speak but Tommy doesn't let him as he slowly looks back at his ex best friend. "It use to be me and you, against all odds, no matter what. But here we stand on opposing sides." Tommy says before backing away from Tubbo and smirking towards Techno

"I'm in." He says, as Technos eyes light up "You're in?" He asks the younger child who nods with a grin "Lets go to war." He says, his arms raised out as a sadistic smirk finds its way onto his face

Tubbo looks at him in shock, a feeling of betrayal shooting throw him as he began to realise that his actions had consequences.

"..What?" He says quietly in response to Tommys comment as Techno throws a pearl towards the youngest member of the server

"You have till 8PM tomorrow to prepare." Tommy says almost teasingly, as if trying to tempt Tubbo into fighting him again before smiling towards Techno

"Let's go to war!" The King of the Artic yells before the two pearl away from L'Manburg, no one daring to follow after, not even Dream who stood there in disbelief.

"Tommy wouldn't destroy L'Manburg.. right?" Niki asks quietly, she may not like the child anymore, but she can only hope he has some good left in him

"We don't know.. The Tommy we knew wouldn't have said anything like that to Tubbo..." Sapnap says, though the two have had their fair share of disagreements, he still considered Tommy a good friend

"Dream what the fuck did you do to him?" Tubbo asks, glaring at the man in green "I fucked up.." Dream mutters, "This is not good." He adds on as he looks at the people L'Manberg and the Dream SMP, worried looks on all their faces

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