The promise | Newt fanfic| bo...

By mynewttomytommy

118K 3.2K 2.5K

A promise held them together. A promise between the only girl and the blonde boy. It's the glue in their fri... More

-Before you read-
Main cast and playlist
-chapter 1: before him-
-chapter 2: the promise-
-chapter 3: new greenie-
-Chapter 4:The beginning-
-Chapter 5: Bonfire-
-Chapter 6: The aftermath-
-chapter 7: Stung-
-chapter 8: The banishing-
-chapter 9: Took a turn for the worse-
-chapter 10: Returning the favour-
-chapter 11: Realisation-
-Chapter 12: Unexpected-
-Chapter 13: Punishment-
-Chapter 14: Can we mend it-
-Chapter 15: Admit it-
-Chapter 16: Feisty genius-
-Chapter 17: She's awake-
-Chapter 18: Time to Confess-
-Chapter 19: Discoveries-
-Chapter 20: How fast the night changes-
-Chapter 21: Destruction-
-chapter 22: Who we were-
-chapter 23: The great escape-
-Chapter 25: The curly haired hero-
-chapter 26: Ava Paige-
-Double Trouble-
-Girl Problems-
-Dance with me-
other books / please read

-chapter 24: War-

1.7K 71 20
By mynewttomytommy


"This way!"

Thomas led the group along the corridors of the maze, ivy hanging low from the walls. The thuds of the gladers feet echoed around them ,each time they took a step.

Robyn stayed back with Newt, who struggled slightly due to his limp. Although he ran with difficulty, he still managed to keep close the the group of boys in front, Chuck also joining the pair.

"Keep going babe," Robyn held onto his shoulder, looking him in the eyes, "You have got this!"
He sent her a thankful smile, his dimples showing.

Although her lungs burned from running through the endless turns and corridors of the maze, she had her full attention on the two boys. Her ankle had a dull ache as she placed pressure on it, but she brushed it off and instead grabbed a hold of Chuck's hand.

"You alright bud?" She panted, holding him tight.

"Y-yeah. Are....are....we....nearly....there?" he breathed heavily, his little legs trying to keep up with the older gladers strides.

"We should be," She slowed down at a pace the young boy would be able to cope with, Newt also doing the same and jogging at the right side of her.

"Look, it's opening up more!" The blonde boy pointed out, causing the other two to look up.

The small ,tight walls had gone and the place became less claustrophobic. Small amounts of the tall, stone walls surrounded them, and the ground changed. The once cracked, stone ground had become a dry,sand floor, which sent dust clouds up into the air with every step.

As Robyn pushed her flowing hair from her face, she noticed a large red number on the wall, '3'.

"What do you think that's for?" Newt tapped her shoulder, noticing the same thing.

The girl had remembered the time she went into the map room with Minho and Thomas, and how the runner had explained the 'outer sections', which all had numbers.

"I think we are in the outer sections of the maze" Robyn whispered slightly, trying to contain her breath.

Newt tilted his head at his girlfriend, confused to how she knew, but decided not to question it. The boy simply reached for the girls hand and intertwined their fingers together. He traced his thumb on the back of her hand, smiling in admiration as he ran.
Even running, she looked just as good as always.
The girl lifted her head, catching her boyfriend staring. A big smile formed on her face as she looked back, wishing they were somewhere else together.

"Newt, i love you" The wind rushed through her hair, as she pushed her way along.

"I love you too Rob!" He struggled to speak properly, exhaustion obviously affecting him.

"Guys this is not the time" Chuck snapped from beside, still holding onto Robyn. She coughed slightly, trying to pretend their moment didn't happen in-front of the boy.

"Guys, keep going!" Thomas encouraged them all from the front.

Robyn assumed they were at the place as she noticed the boys in front slow down, then coming to a halt. As Newt, chuck and Robyn caught up, they all pushed their bodies against the wall, to avoid being seen.

Thomas looked down the long corridor, a green, metal abomination coming into view. He flung his head back, resting on the wall, praying he hadn't been seen.

"Is it a griever?" Chuck lowered his voice, obviously scared from his last encounter.

"Yeah," Thomas attempted to slow his breathing, grabbing his wooden pole.

"Oh shit," the young boy mumbled under his breath.

Robyn had turned to face Newt with a terrified expression. The grievers were one of the only things Robyn feared and now she had to fight them once again and risk her life for freedom.

"It's going to be fine love," The blonde boy bent down, so his lips were brushing against her ear.
Even in the worst situations, he still gave her butterflies.

"Hey Chuck, you take this. Stay behind okay" Minho handed him the leftover griever part, to which the boy hesitantly took.

"It's alright, stick with me," Teresa softly spoke, pulling her hair back into a low ponytail.

"I'll come with you both," Robyn stepped forward and joined the pair.

"Once we get through, it will activate and the door will open. We stay close and we stick together! We get through this, we get out now. Or we die trying!" All eyes and ears were on Thomas as he addressed them all, his strong leadership skills showing.

Before they began to fight, Robyn pulled the blonde boy away. She crashed her lips against his. The short kiss was full of love but worry. This could be their last kiss, their goodbyes.

Newt pulled her into a quick hug, before squeezing her hand.

"No matter what happens, you get out. If i'm hurt or gone, you leave me behind and get the hell out of here, you hear me?" He moved his fingers to the bottom of her chin, pushing her head up so she would face him.

"You know i can't do that," She looked at him, tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe what he was saying.

"No, you will. Promise me" He spoke sternly but only because he cared about this girl's life more than his own.

Even though she hated to say it, she promised to her boyfriend, pecking his lips swiftly. Her hand reached for her machete, pulling it out to use it for defense.

The group was silent as they waited for a command from Thomas.

The boy sent a quick nod to everyone.

"You ready? Let's go!" He yelled at the crowd.

The noise of knives could be heard as they all pulled them out, preparing to fight. Robyn spun hers in her hand, lowering it into a comfortable and efficient place. This was it.

"Let's go!" The boy slammed his wooden pole into the ground, commencing the war.

Robyn grabbed a hold of Chuck as they all began to move. Battle cries were all that could be heard as the gladers stormed their way in, waving their weapons above them. Thomas led the group, the stick held in-front of his face as he charged forward.

When Robyn began to run, she noticed the griever preparing to attack at the bottom of the corridor. The boys ran directly at it, as it scraped its legs across the ground. The griever wasted no time and ran towards the boys, who still yelled as they moved forward.

The girl watched as the griever towered over them, but soon tripping slightly when the gladers attacked. Their spears, poles and machetes, dug into its slimy body, nearly causing it to fall off the edge. It saved itself from death, letting out a roar at the attackers. It spat at the boys, showing its sharp teeth.

Robyn felt panicked as she watched from afar, the griever was strong but she had some faith in her friends. The girl just wanted to join in and destroy the monster for good and get out of here.

"Teresa, i need to help," She turned to her friend, her feet tapping the floor.

"Robyn you can't, you could die," Teresa held her arm tightly, pleading.

"I'd rather die knowing i helped my friends, then sit and watch them die!" Robyn avoided eye contact with the girl and instead ruffled Chuck's hair.

"Love you Chucky boy," With that, she sprinted off towards the fight.

"ROBYN NO!" She could hear the young boy cry from behind, but she knew she had to do something.

The girl screamed as she ran, releasing her anger. The machete of hers was held high and as she reached the griever, she slammed it into its body.
The 'animal' shrieked in pain, causing it rise up into the air, its legs moving around.

"Robyn!" Newt ran over to her, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her away.

The griever was clearly furious with Robyn's actions and began to use its metal tail to slam the crowd. The couple narrowly dodged the swings, ducking and diving. They were the lucky ones, because it wrapped its claw around one of the boys,hurling him away and down the drop. Robyn couldn't see which boy it was, and as bad as it seems ,it was the least of her worries.

The griever snarled and roared once again, slamming its spikes onto the floor, causing it to shake slightly.

Robyn hadn't even noticed Teresa and Chuck had followed, until she saw the girl slice at the metal legs. The brunette raced over, helping her break it apart. She flung her machete back, colliding it with the metal, snapping it apart. She sent Teresa a quick nod before continuing to battle.

The griever was now moving its body around, crashing into boys. It's tail had slammed into Chuck, the key flying out of his hands.

"THE KEY!" He shouted as it was launched away. The boy watched it roll away and began to make his way to it.

"Chuck, watch the edge" Robyn cried out, following closely behind. The key rolled further and further to the edge, but Chuck flung himself forward and caught it. Unfortunately, his body was now hanging off the edge, head first.

Robyn sprinted over, grabbing the boys legs. When she looked down the drop, she noticed a shadow moving. Within the darkness, a grievers body appeared, much to Robyn and Chuck's delight.

"Oh shit!" the young boy gulped as he watched it come closer.

"Fucking hell!" Robyn's eyes widened at the sight.

Teresa appeared at the side of Robyn, grabbing onto Chuck's backpack.

"We've got you Chuck," Teresa and Robyn began to heave the boy upwards.

"Pull me up, pull me up!" He began to wave his arms around, trying to get up. The griever began to crawl its way up the wall, closing the gap between itself and the boy.

The two girls used their combined strength to pull the boy up. When they did, Robyn looked back at the boys, who had somehow managed to push a griever off the path. She stood panting, her mouth wide open.

"Robyn!" Teresa pushed her away, as metal legs appeared. The trio all stumbled back and began to cry for help.

The girl looked at her boyfriend, who had turned around to see the commotion. Not only was there one griever, but now two emerging from the darkness below.

"RUN!" Robyn used her arms to help her go faster, the grievers hot on her tail.

"HELP US!" Chuck screamed to the rest of the group.

"Chuck?" Thomas had turned around at the young boys voice,his face full of fear.

He saw the trio running towards them and ordered the others to protect them. They all charged again with their weapons, pushing the griever back just before they caught the girls and the boy.

Robyn and her friends didn't stop, they made their way over to the other wall. As they approached, it slowly lifted open, revealing more opening walls.

"It worked," Chuck sighed with relief.

They all looked back at the fighting boys, Thomas looking at them.

"You lot go," he commanded before returning to the grievers.

"You heard what he said, let's go!" Robyn ushered the others down the corridor.

The opening doors, revealed a circle opening which the trio went through. Inside, another stone wall stood, a small circle in the middle.

The three of them searched the wall for a way out, but found nothing.

"There must be a way out" Teresa yelled with frustration.

"There has to be, this is the only way!" Robyn used her hands to pat down the wall, searching for any handles or buttons.

Robyn turned around, chaos erupting behind them. The griever looked more fierce than usual, as it grabbed the sticks of boys and flung their bodies around. She prayed her boyfriend would be safe.

Her attention was caught as a weird sound happened behind her. She spun around to see the circle light up red, numbers around the edges. The noise grew louder as more numbers appeared.

"Teresa it needs a code," Robyn faced her friend.

Teresa took on board what she said and ran closer to the fighters.

"Thomas!" She yelled, "It needs a code. Eight numbers!"

The boy faced around and knew exactly what she meant, or he knew Minho knew it.

Robyn saw the boy continue to hit the griever until his loud voice could be heard.

"Hey Minho, what's the code?" He called for the runner.


"The sections of the maze Minho, what are the numbers!" Robyn raced forward so the boy could hear her from behind.

"Rob do the code!" The girl nodded at Teresa's instructions and went back to the screen.

"7" Minho shouted between hits "1.....5.....2...erm....6...4!"

The girl quickly pressed the numbers ,which left the runners mouth, still awaiting more.

"Minho what el-?"

When she looked behind, she saw a griever fall from the air, collapsing on top of Minho. He held it back, pushing his stick into its neck. The grievers teeth crashed together in the boys face, showing no mercy.

"Minho!" Robyn watched from afar.

Minho struggled to keep the monster at bay, until another boy flew at its body. That boy would be Jeff.

The medjack let out cries as he slammed his weapon into the leg repeatedly. With Jeff's distraction, Minho was able to crawl free, letting Robyn relax slightly. However, it wasn't long before Jeff's pole got stuck within the griever ,whilst he still held it. The poor boy's body was shook about as the griever tried to get the boy away.Jeff never let go despite his body flailing around.

"JEFF!" Winston called out as his best friend was dragged away by grievers, ripping him from limb to limb.

The gladers didn't have time to mourn as more of the killing machines inched closer.

"Minho the code, hurry!" Chuck yelled.

"Erm....6...4.....8....3" The runner still defended himself as he tried to remember the code correctly.

With the last number typed in, the lights went green and the word 'completed' was displayed.

"Guys hurry, it's done!" Robyn informed her friends as the doors began to close once again.

Swiftly, they all moved back, watching the grievers be squashed by the weight of the stone doors. Their bodies turned to mush and Thomas threw his spear at the last remaining one. They were dead. It was over.

"That's a good sight to see," Robyn let out a large breath of relief.

The gap in the wall closed, and the gladers were left in the unknown. They did it.


The story is nearly over :(

But don't worry, i'm doing a second :)

Remember to vote and comment.

Does anyone know any good ways to promote their book? I only know Tik tok :(

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