Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

Itachi and Kisame

2.7K 97 31
By Animalover9

To the side is Keio~! :3 Who you'll know soon enough

Much thanks to 'BadassKittyChic' for all the comments and advertising my book to others!! >3< 

Here's the folks in the lead for Akisha's heart;




...Kiba sure did lose his fans quick XD 

Well keep on reading and of course voting!

***Akisha's POV***

I walked along a path with Naruto and the Pervy Sage. Naruto looked brightly up at Pervy Sage, his eye shining with anticipation "So! So! Pervy Sage! What awesome jutsu will you teach me now!?" His voice overly energetic as always, yet now that I was right next to him he seemed louder than normal. Pervy Sage stared down at him, a frown hanging off his lips. "Hey, don't you know what an amazing person I am?" I snickered. This guy... Amazing? He lets Naruto call him Pervy Sage; how can he be 'amazing'?

The Pervy Sage glared at me for my little snickers. "Don't laugh at me, kid!!" Suddenly he struck a stupid pose, seemingly attempting to be his own version of col. "It's been said that I am the Toad Sage... The legendary white-haired frog summoning child!..The handsome man that can silence a crying child!!....HE TRULY KNOWN AS JIRAIYA-SAMA! ME!"

Jiraiya? That seems familiar..

I sweat dropped at the sad old man as Naruto looked up with a strange look and walked away, Jiraiya fell  over dramatically, then picking himself up slowly, looking at Naruto as he walked on ahead. Jiraiya turned to me. "H-Have you at least heard of me?" Naruto turned back with a dull look. "You know, Pervy Sage. I don't think any ones heard of you-" I snapped my fingers. "That's it! You wrote 'Make Out Paradise'!" Jiraiya jumped up and down with happiness for a split second, and continued to wrap an arm around my body, making me sweat drop twice in only five minutes. "AH-HAH! YES! I'M VERY FAMOUS WITH MY WRITING AS WELL! I mean, I didn't think my readers would get so young like yourself... BUT YOU HAVE HEARD OF ME!!" Jiraiya ended with a grin and pulled out several books.

"Here! As a token of my gratitude!!" Jiraiya shoved several books in my face which all seemed to be signed by him.

My sweat drop grew larger as I took the books. "Gee... Thanks...." I didn't even read them. Kakashi does though... And me being me, I had to ask what they were about... Turns out Kakashi spares no details when it comes to talking about things he's creepily over-interested in. Naruto huffed crossing his arms by the fact that I kinda knew who Jiraiya was. Naruto then jumped over to Jiraiya, pointing at him. "Hey! Hey! Why did you even want me to come with you!? I have to be special, right!??" Naruto grinned, his ideas swirling in his mind. "I have some cool power right!?"

Jiraiya crossed his arms. "Such a rude thing to say infront of Akisha. She's here too, you know? You implying that she's not special?" There was a tiny snide tune to Jiraiya's voice, showing his impatience with Naruto. Naruto took a step back turning to me. "NO I-I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" Naruto clung to me with waterfall tears that anyone could see were fake. I hid my small sigh and sent him a closed eye smile. "No. It's fine, I didn't even look at it like that." Naruto jumped off and turned back to Jiraiya. "SEE! SHE'S FINE WITH IT! " I shook my head at his antics. Naruto is more devious than I thought.

Jiraiya sighed. "Come on, let's just go to an inn and training will start later." Naruto, a thirteen year old boy, giggled, quite literately, and ran off ahead screaming, "TRAINING! TRAINING! TRAINING!" Jiraiya sweat dropped with a tiny sigh and turned to me. "How do you deal with that idiot?" I shrugged my answer at him, "Smile and nod, Jiraiya-Sama. Smile and nod."

Jiraiya raised an eye brow in question. "Jiraiya-Sama? I thought you were going to call me..." His facial expression drooped. "You know..." I laughed. He was embarrassed to say 'Pervy Sage'? "Yeah well, if you really are who you say you are then you deserve some respect, right?" It was true. He did deserve some respect... Plus, I should be thankful I'm going to have my own training here with summonings. Jiraiya shook his head with a smile. "Alright then, kid. We should probably go catch up to that blonde idiot before he manages to break everything." "But.. We're in a rural area?" "He'd find a way."


"Man, what a strange town..." Naruto observed as we walked into an inn at the more or less run-down looking town we entered. Jiraiya turned to us. "Now we'll be starting the train-" Jiraiya stopped talking, his eyes popping out at what I'd say most men would consider to be an extremely attractive woman walking by. Naruto's eyes popped out too, unlike Jiraiya though, he began to drool. The woman stopped and turned to them with a wink before she sashayed away. I face palmed. Oh, this is going to be pathetic. Jiraiya turned to us. "HERE AKISHA TAKE THIS, START A CONTRACT WITH THE CATS!" He threw a scroll at me with was sealed with the word 'Feline'. "AND FOR YOU, NARUTO! HERE'S THE ROOM KEY! GO AND REFINE YOUR CHAKRA AS PRACTICE!"

"WHAT!? HEY- PERVY SAGE!? WHERE DO YOU THINK-" Naruto couldn't even finish his sentence when Jiraiya ran after the woman. I was left with plently of concerns, but I focused on one as I scratched my neck, turning to Naruto. "Um... Did he only get one room?" Naruto looked down at the key with a pout, not seeing what I was getting at." Yeah.." ...I gave him another second, waiting for him to figure it out...

"GAH! YOU'RE A GIRL!! WE NEED ANOTHER ROOM OR AN EXTRA BED OR- OR- SOMETHING!!" Naruto shouted flailing his arms around. I sighed. "Took you long enough... Let's just go to the room, we'll figure out the sleeping situation later.. I can probably change in the bathroom anyway, let's not worry about it."

Naruto forgot about that situation quickly when he nodded and dragged me up into the room. It had two beds and I doubt Jiraiya would share with Naruto so I could sleep separately... The walls were a light plain yellow-ish color and there really wasn't much room or any decorations. The blonde went to sit on the bed, closing his eyes and focusing on his chakra. "Stupid Pervy Sage... I should be doing something useful.." He murmured lowly, but soon silenced as he went deeper in to concentrating. I opted to sit on the floor with the scroll. 

How the hell did Jiraiya get this scroll if it's my father's? Then again, no one said it was in my father's possession. In fact, Jiraiya could have been trusted with it.... Or he could have stolen it... Either way, I have it now and I guess that's good enough for me.

I slid open the scroll. There were many open spots after my father's name. Looking up before his name, I saw my grandfather's and my great grandfather's and so on. They were all men of the family. A quiet though overtook me slowly. I'm a girl.. They're all men.. But, me being a girl couldn't have had part in the fact of my father's hate of me being a ninja, right? I huffed quietly. That is probably one of the reasons, sexist bastard. Moving on I swiftly bit my thumb and scribbled my name in a free spot. So... I guess that's done. What now? "Hey Naruto, do you know how to summon things?"

Naruto jumped up, his concentration gone at the chance of him being able to show off. "YEAH! I CAN SUMMON THIS GIANT TOA-" I cut him off. "I said 'how' to summon, not 'what' you can summon.." Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Heh, Heh.. Oh... Yeah, well, now that you made the contract, focus the amount of chakra you want and slam your hand on the ground saying 'Summoning Jutsu' or 'Summoning No Jutsu' and BAM! It should be summoned!!" Naruto thumbed me up at the end.

I sighed... I have a feeling this won't work..

Concentrating most of my chakra, I slammed my hand down. "SUMMONING JUTSU!" A puff of smoke appeared making me gasp. "HEY! IT WORK-Eh?"A small normal looking cat with the exception of non-normal purple eyes sat in the middle looking half bored, yet curiosity lingered in it's eyes. "Look at this, I've been summoned, I thought I'd never get to." His voice with smooth with a hint of sly. I groaned and plopped back down on the floor. "I used up most of my chakra to summon something so small like you!?" I whined, not taking in to account of the cat's feelings.

The cat didn't even seem to take offense as he rubbed his head on my legs. "Oh darling, that's quite well. Most first time summons are small kittens... Well if that's what is assigned to them. Although I really am a smaller time summoning with being only a cat and all... Say, you are a Syerki of course, right?"

I wasn't sure whether to inch away or leave the cat be. "Uh yeah... What are you doing to my leg?" 

The cat looked down and licked his paw. "Marked my scent."

Well, this is an odd cat. "Uh... Okay.. Anyway, what's your name?" The cat looked up sharply with interest. "About time you asked. Keio is my name." I scoffed. What a little- "And your name, madam?" "Akisha." I said, sneaking a peek at Naruto who was still focusing on his chakra. "I suppose I should say I'm honored to meet you-" Three knocks on the door were heard interrupting Keio. Keio's fur puffed up and his eyes sharpened at the door. "I don't think it's the brightest idea to open the door." Keio's voice was hinted with real threat. 

Naruto stared at him dumbly. "Why not? It's probably Pervy Sage who's date failed..." 

Keio scoffed. "Poor foxy, he must hate you for your stupidity." "Huh, what? Who's foxy? What did that mean?" Naruto asked looking as confused as me. Keio rolled his eyes. "We felines have amazing sense, didn't you know?" Three more knocks on the door were heard. The knocks were louder and more demanding, making Keio's fur stand even more now. "Hey! I'm confused too here!.." I said gaining some attention back to me. "Fine, whatever. Open the door." Keio's voice came out low to Naruto. He turned to me. "Summon me again when you have the time, I might explain some useful abilities to you depending if I decide I like you. Ciao for now!" And with those words Keio vanished with a puff of smoke.

Naruto got up to the door, prepared to open it when he looked to me. "Hey Kish, don't take this the wrong way, but I think that cat of your's is a little..." He made a whistle sound showing off his thoughts of insanity. I turned my head to the side with a small sigh. For once Naruto seems correct. Naruto then proceeded to open the door. "So Pervy Sage, did your date- Eh? Who are you guys?" Confusion in Naruto's tone perked up my interest. I stood up and raced over to Naruto seeing that Jiraiya really wasn't there. Rather to men with identical cloaks, one had a giant sword and the other looked remarkably like an older Sasuke. Both of them equally menacing looking.

Wait a second, the second man's eyes... Are red? Is it.. Sharingan? Like Sasuke?... But I thought all Uchiha's beside Sasuke were murdered? Unless.. Who's the man that murdered them?...

"Hm? Is this boy really the Kyubi, Itachi?" The one who resembled a shark asked. 'Itachi' nodded. "Naruto Uzumaki... We would like you to come with us." Naruto didn't respond and neither did I. What do they want with him? And what did that guy mean by Kyubi? What's that have to do with anything here? Itachi sharpened his eyes at us, mainly Naruto. "Come out of the room now." I tapped Naruto on the shoulder. "Right now would be a great time to shut the door!" I whispered with fear pulsing through my voice. A great time to shut the door and run away to Jiraiya would be now indeed.

Naruto stepped out of the room. "Wha-What do you guys want with me?" I almost groaned to show my annoyance. No one ever listens to me, do they? It's like I don't exist in these situations, I swear. "Say, Itachi, perhaps I should cut off a leg or two, so he can't move?" The shark featured man grinned. "As for the girl, we might as well kill her, so she can't report this to Konoha." Oh God, what? What? He said... Did he say kill?

 Itachi raised his hand, silencing his partner. "It's been awhile Sasuke.." What the f- Huh? Sasuke's here.. I turned to Sasuke, I was going to say something along the lines of getting help, but the look in his eyes stopped me. The look was something I never see too often, especially in Konoha. It was that look of pure hatred...That look that was enough to send chills down a grown man's spine, let alone a kid like myself.

"Itachi." Sasuke spat out his name like it was poisonous. 

The man who resembled a shark to an unnatural extent laughed. "Today's quite the day, don't you think? The second time I've seen another Sharingan.." High amusement could easily be detected in the sentence. I scratched the back of my head with a sigh. "Yeah sure, a marvelous day.." I nonchalantly answered with hints of sarcasm, as a stupid defense mechanism for the fear building inside of me. He glanced over. "I wasn't asking you, but I like your sarcasm, lightens up the atmosphere." Oh yay. The man who wanted me dead is starting to like me... Unless what he said was sarcasm. I over think some things to a bad point...

I nodded showing that I had heard him and tried my best to slide behind Naruto who was confused as all hell. Not that I could blame him. I peaked over to Sasuke who looked up at Itachi, a shadow casting over his eyes which were blazing red. "I will kill you.."  Sasuke said in the most deadliest tone I've ever heard. "Heh.. Heh.. Say Itachi, just who is this guy?" Itachi faced his shark companion. "He is my younger brother." Naruto looked at Itachi and then back to Sasuke as I slipped further away behind Naruto, trying my best to stay hidden. After all, I really don't want to get killed...

The shark featured man, who's name I really should learn, turned to Sasuke in a thinking way. "Here I thought you killed the entire Uchiha clan Itachi? Guess not.."  Okay this is bad.. Really bad... There's no way Sasuke's strong enough to kill this guy if the guy wiped out most of the clan. I mean, there's a reason that no one ever went after this guy, this would probably be it.

And I would have said something but... I really don't want to die.

"I've been waiting a long time to say this... I've lived hating you.... I'VE LIVED TO KILL YOU!!" Sasuke shouted at Itachi as chidori sparked around his arm. Despite me being taller then Naruto I shrinked behind him and grabbed his arm. "H-hey Naruto. Th-his is getting very dangerous.." I said the obvious of coursel... However, what else was I suppose to say?

Rage and hate burned in Sasuke's eyes when finally he charged at Itachi. "DIEEE!!"  I gasped at the next scene that came.  He.. He stopped it... Like it was nothing. Itachi held Sasuke's arm that still had a fading chidori. 

Sasuke glared up with slight defeat but his anger over powered it. I didn't take my eyes off of Sasuke as I whispered to Naruto. "Naruto, I hate being the typical sad person here... But can you do something!?" Naruto nodded determinedly and placed his hands together, focusing his chakra again. "You're in the way brother." After that small sentence a sickening snap was heard. I inched forward slightly, pure shock running through me. "SASUKE!?" Naruto started performing handsigns when the shark faced man slashed his sword down near Naruto. His eyes opened up. "M-My chakra!?" The man grinned, his strange eyes peering at his sword in delight. "My Samehada eats up chakra, a fine sword she is, eh?" 

Naruto gulped and turned to me. "Eh? Hey Kish... Do you happen to have anything to help out here?" I shook my head, no longer brave enough to speak. The shark faced man chuckled loudly. "So should I chop off the left leg or the right leg first?" He turned to me. "Or is it time to take my kill?" I gulped with fear. I really, really don't want to die... "Heh! Time to die then!" 


I looked up with hope, hearing that voice echo I'd knew that it'd only be Jiraiya to have busted through the wall with a frog summoning. I release a little breath of relief, I really had started to worry there for a second that Naruto and I weren't exactly going to make it through this. "You two guys don't seem to know much about me. I'm better at catching girls than they are at me."  A vein of anger pulsed on my forehead as I crossed my arms. "Bullcrap..." Naruto muttered looking away. The guy might have just saved us, but he's incredible immature for his age

Jiraiya ignored us and went on with some speech about how women fall so easily for him. I looked over at Sasuke who was cradling his broken arm in pain. It seems everyone was engaged in conversation as I kept staring in fear at Sasuke. If that's what happened to him than what would happen to me? I mean at the Chunin Exams that was just luck of the draw... Even though my opponents were slightly psycho... That's probably what gave me the advantage. They were unstable, I wasn't.

"So, you really are after Naruto.." I looked up as soon as I heard those words. What exactly do they want from him though? Jiraiya performed a hand sign and the frog that he used to bust in here vanished in a puff of smoke. "You're not going to get Naruto." Jiraiya's voice suddenly changed drastically. Anyone could tell that Jiraiya was not playing anymore. Itachi tilted his head slightly, almost in a condescending way. "And why is that?" Jiraiya stepped in front of Naruto and myself. "Because today, you both shall die by my hand."

"STOP! STAY OUT OF IT!" Sasuke yelled as he shakily got up. "This guy is mine!" I stepped towards him. "Sasuke! Don't! You won't be able-" Sasuke glared at me. "Shut. Up." I stepped back in silence but the concern never left my face. Itachi gave him a simple glance. "I have no interest in you right now." Then he sent Sasuke flying with a quick punch. However Itachi wasn't done, rather he met Sasuke at the wall he flew into and dragged him up by his neck. 

My mind raced. Only one thought was focused on.

'I have to do something.' 

Racing by the shark faced man and Jiraiya, I took out some senbon needles and threw them at Itachi's face. He, of course, dodged flawlessly, but that was the point. Him dodging made him drop Sasuke to the floor. Then again, this made me his center of attention. "You also seem to be a nuisance." I gasped for air as he suddenly grabbed me by my throat. I didn't dare look into his eyes, but rather had them squeezed close in fear. "LET HER GO ITACHI! YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME, DAMMIT!" Sasuke called making Itachi drop me. I sucked in as much air as I could get and looked up, seeing Itachi reappear behind Sasuke. "As you wish younger brother." Sasuke barely turned around to face him when Itachi kneed him against the wall. I think I could hear Naruto growling as Itachi beat him merciless. Sasuke looked up meeting Itachi's eyes. Not a second later Sasuke was screaming and squirming in pain. 

I stood up ready to try and do something again, but that no doubt would lead to a rather untimely demise for myself. Itachi dropped Sasuke and turned to me. "Your turn-" "STOP IT!! YOU BASTARD!!" Naruto yelled, fury racing through his shouts. "Honestly Itachi, you use those eyes too many times in one day.." Itachi's partner said, whether actually feeling concern or not was a debatable thing. Naruto ignored Jiraiya's warning and ran toward Sasuke and I. "I'M GOING TO KILL-EH! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Naruto turned to Jiraiya expecting an answer as worry and anger still mixed in his features. I looked to Jiraiya also expecting an answer for the walls becoming pink and sticky.

"Too bad for you Itachi, Kisame-" So that's the terrifying looking shark faced man's name."-For you both are trapped within the toad's stomach!" Oh. Ew. I guess that explains why we're all sticking to it. Itachi whispered one last thing to Sasuke before looking to Jiraiya. "Naruto and Kisha, stay still. Don't move an inch!" I saluted Jiraiya. "No problem there, Jiraiya-Sama." Jiraiya had a sweat dropp cling to his forehead at me, but quickly turned his attention back to Itachi and Kisame, waiting for their next move. "Kisame, come!" Itachi called. Kisame nodded and ripped his sword out of the.. Stomach? Yeah, the toad's stomach thing Jiraiya had going on here. "Don't think you're getting away that easily!" Jiraiya yelled and while making another hand sign which seemed to make the walls close in on them. Itachi avoided this by creating black flames that burned a hole for their freedom.

Jiraiya stood in the middle of the hall way walking towards where they escaped, a frown claiming his concentrated face. I slowly walked to Sasuke who was passed out in a troublesome slumber. I raised my hand feeling his forehead. Naruto kneeled beside me. Sasuke was sick. Very sick.... Perhaps not physically, but something definitely happened mentally... It's strange, you can almost feel his spirit dwindling down. "Ji-Jiraiya-Sama?"Jiraiya turned towards me. "Hm?" I motioned towards Sasuke. "Oh right, give me a second. I have to seal this fire up."  I watched Jiraiya as he sealed up the strange black fire into a scroll.

Jiraiya turned to Naruto and I. "I guess we'll-" "DYNAMIC ENTRY!!" None other than the green beast of Konoha: Gai,  yelled and sent a kick to Jiraiya's face. Naruto and I both looked to eachother, for once, truly connecting with exhilarated thoughts.


Jiraiya stared plainly at Gai who was busy apologising after all of Jiraiya's explaining. Naruto and I had Sasuke's arms around our shoulders. "Yes, yes Gai. Now then, moving on to a different topic, Sasuke must go to a hospital." Gai nodded curtly. "I understand! Shall I take him there!?" "HEY! HEY! PERVY-SAGE!? IS SASUKE GONNA BE OKAY!?" Naruto yelled frantically, letting go of Sasuke and leaving me to handle his weight. Jiriaya looked down at Naruto."It's hard to say, Naruto.." Naruto scoffed. "Well I say change of plans!! We go after those guys-" "Do that and you'll die within seconds." 

Naruto looked up surprised. "BUT-" "No buts Naruto. It's the truth, I understand you want to help-" "BAH! YOU DON'T GET IT, PERVY SAGE!! I MEAN WHAT KINDA GUY-" "Naruto. Shut up." Jiraiya said with his voice stern and pretty intimidating if I must say so myself. Naruto gulped and looked away. I closed my eyes and slid against the wall, sitting down with poor Sasuke next to me. I've never really liked him... But, he's apart of Konoha, and to be beaten down like this? It's... It's terrible..

Jiriaya picked up Sasuke and handed him to Gai. "I guess we're going to have to go after that person now as we continue our training." I looked up with an arched eye brow. "What person? Who?" Jiraiya grinned. "The famous medical Ninja!"  I sighed, he is one to be dramatic. "And their name is?" 



 Heyo there~ Lemme make one thing clear! ^-^ Sasuke will NOT be an option! I mean I don't hate him... but I find his character to be utterly selfish and bipolar. He's bad at his emotions and can't handle his priorities well. Plus, Akisha has no interest in him anyway. Which I want to make even more clear that it's not a Mary-Sue thing that a character doesn't find Sasuke relationship material, only when a character hates on him is it truly Mary-Sue-ish. Besides, you don't see Hinata fawning over Sasuke either! ...*clears throat loudly* It's not happening ._.

When I sent this chapter to a friend they thought that Akisha and Sasuke would go together so I just wanted to make this clear... I might have gotten into a slight rant! But yeah...


Also! So sorry for the wait! >,< It's with Christmas and winter break... =w= I really didn't want to do anything~





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