Break The Rules But Be Smart...

By Zaddywannn

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My mother taught me to value others, My Mentor taught me to lie to others, the Hunger games taught me how to... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
Chapter 18/Epilogue

authors notes (not completed)

55 1 2
By Zaddywannn

Authors notes!

Hi! My name is Melanie Cruz:) I am the author of

"Break the rules but be smear about it the: second quarter quell."

This little author's notes will explain some things throughout the book that might not be obvious, but when you realize it, it will be like an NOOO WAY moment!.

Here We Go!

Writing the book.

Well, to start, a lot of things flipped once I started editing and re-writing.

There was no Mom, Brother, or sister... in the beginning, I didn't want to have the whole family because that just made things complicated, but then I went *what the heck!* when I read Mockingjay, and I added them. Multiple things changed, I originally had the base of this fanfic as a sort of romance between Effie and Haymitch, but that would have been unrealistic. I wanted to show how they got to their relationship, not the whole #Hayffie thing just yet. Don't get me wrong. I AM a Hayffie shipper #Hayffie4life.

When I started to write this fanfiction, I originally wanted it to be three chapters, legit.. reaping, training, games! (probably would have been faster) I wanted it to be short and to the point, and I didn't want to spend 5+ months working on it... but SIKE! I spent 5+ months working on this, 3-4 hours each day... not fun, but it was really worth it. It was supposed to be like a mixtape, if you know what I mean, I just had some ideas about my foot, and I wrote them down, thinking this will be short and sweet.

So another thing, I started to write this fanfiction with only 15 characters. I ended up with 123 characters at the end. It was a fiasco but a fun one!

You might ask, why are there so many theories added into the book ( press snow and coin dating, press snow stealing the crown, Effie and Haymitch, etc.)? Well, these are my personal and just how I believed things happen! If you don't like them, it's fine.

Questions about the book:

Why did Ajax, Maysilee, Fauna, Amy, Mom, and Louren all die in the same way?

Well, it was apart of the fears. I wanted Haymitch to have it engraved In his head and like really scar him. Nothing in particular. I thought it was something unique to add.

Why Haymitch?

I always got frustrated with Katniss, and her mind made me angry at times. REALLY. So I picked my favorite characters that I could relate to so the writing process would be easier (not to mention he is my favorite character ). I could write his sarcastic jokes easier and try to view his world in the same way.

Why did you have such direct fashion statements?

I would go on painters and lookout editor fashion and pick things I would ave each character wear, so if I like a dress and there was a scene like Penelope was wearing something specific or Fauna, I would go on pinkest look at the pin I saved and go from there to describing it.

Let's Start with Haymitch Abernathy:)

The color purple.

In the fanfic, it is mentioned that Haymitch's favorite color is purple because, in the movies, we see that Haymitch wears a purple suit, and often Effie wears a purple dress, lipstick, etc. They do this as a silent protest against the capital for killing Haymitch's family. Also, a person whose favorite color is purple means that they are more compassionate, probably thinking.... Haymitch? Compassionate? In the movies and books, we see Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch's relationship and how they really were a family. And also! I had seen many guys that I knew; their favorite color was purple... not red or green (usually the more basic ifykyk), so yeah! I thought Europe was a perfect fit.

Why freaking watches?

Fun story! My grandfather always had a pocket watch with him... I have always found it interesting soo that was my base, and I also prefer pocket watched over wristwatches.

We see in Haymitchs suit outfit thing a chain that goes from a pocket to enter the pocket. Usually, these are pocket watches. I think that Haymitch would always carry around a little Fauna with him.. or whoever He was missing dearly that day. Again, a silent protest.

Why did you take certain liberties from the book/movies

well, in the books, they say that Haymitch has dark hair. I couldn't think of him like that! I had this image of a tough, strong, smart young man with golden locks, and I just had to take something from the book and somethings from the movie so that everyone could understand.

So somethings are book accurate, some are movie... it really vends on your imagination.

Why did you Have Haymitch get beat up so much?

Nobody becomes an alcoholic because they had maybe a bad day. I wanted his experience to really be out there, and I wanted his hate for the capital to be insane. I wanted Haymitch's character to really reflect the person we see. We see how much he hates it in the movies, and I just wanted to show the "why?" Factor. The reason why he is the way he is... we know he had a terrible science, but I just wanted to shine that light a little brighter.

Why did you give Haymitch all this mental stuff?

Personally, I have some of these, or my family members do. I wanted to write about something I experience or something I have seen happen. For example, I wouldn't say I like little sounds. What would drive me crazy? Having a freaking pocket watch that makes a clicking noise with me 24/7!

That would really kill me. So all of his disorders come from my own experience or my family members. So again, "the writing process could be easier" I honestly thought that with the alcoholic problem would come mental issues, like Annie... but not to that extent.

Thoughts on the pin?
I've noticed that the pin is not something a gift you elf get yourself. The pin is more of an acquired gift.

Thoughts on the golden wrist band/why did you add it?

Well, when I was writing, I thought, "how can I tie in the pin?".

First, I had it that all of D12 got a pin, but then that seemed unrealistic and nearly no THENNN. I realized that EFFIE gave HAYMITCH the bracelet in catching fire, and I thought there HAD to be more to it than just a stylish bracelet.

My thoughts on it, well... it's coollllll.

Gran (Beatrice Abernathy)

I don't honestly have much on Gran, only that. A) When I was planning, I wanted the capital to kill her. B) I wanted Her relationship with Haymitch to be strong. When I started writing, I wanted her name to be Bea; growing up, I watched a lot, I mean a lot of Andy Griffith, and Aunt Bea always touched my heart! So when I wrote about gran, I was writing about Aunt Bea! I tried to keep someone in my head when ii wrote her lines. I wanted Haymitchs and Gran's relationship to be like Opie and Aunt Bea:)

Dahlia Everdeen/Abernathy

okay. Controversial character. So. Here we go.

I have the biggest theory on Haymitch and Mrs.Everdeen (katniss's mom) being sibs! So I added it. I added it because it would add more insight and explain things for further movies/books. I wanted her name to be Dahlia bc Dahlia is a flower, Primrose is a flower, then there's a Katniss plant, sooooo! It's all around the same thing. I really wanted to show her dry career ad how it developed, so that's why she still isn't your favorite charterer. I based her development on an older sister that Is like 20 yrs older then her siblings, so she's more like a mom then a sister but still annoys you as a sister if that makes sense:)

I Originally hand added Dahlia, LOL. It was originally just Gran and Haymitch, but then as I read Mockingjay- I had to add a truckload of new characters.


There wasn't much. I knew I wanted Dahlia's personality to come from her, so that's why I didn't make her so spicy and interesting. I wanted her love for her son (Haymitch) to show that even though they weren't close. I wanted them Mohave a weird connection but without the talking, just the knowing.

Louren Abernathy

My FAV. Well, not really, but I do love Louren. Lourens name... Louren is derived from Pharaoh in the story of Moses trying to let His people go! You know the story, Pharaoh didn't believe Moses/God and, well, his son died because of his foolishness. Well, Haymitch's brother represents Pharaoh's son, and Haymitch is pharaoh... and the capital plays the role of god (lower case g ) it's hard to explain. Still, to sum it up, Louren died because of Haymitch's consequence, Louren died because of Pharaoh's consequence. Same thing;)

Ajax Cohen

There isn't much! I based on Ajax and Haymitch's relationship with what my brother has with his best friends. They talk at night, say meaningful things, and do anything for one another (not to mention they are girl chasers!) I wanted their relationship to be classic. I am a teenage boy. I like girls; I want a girlfriend and yeah... I didn't want something out of the box, but I did want their strong relationship towards the end to show when ajax sacrifices himself for Haymitch (more biblical reference)...

Maysilee Donner!

okay, you'll know her, so it's self-explanatory, but in the beginning, I actually wanted Maysilee to be this hip Hispanic girl with the curly hair, the braids, the fire, the red lipstick! )you know the drill) but then I discovered her character more, and I had to make her more district 12 accurate. In the beginning, I forgot about Maysilee.... I named her Lydia Sallow, and she had a way more different personality, and she was just. Different. She was a very "Hip Hispanic girl with like the curly hair, the braids the fire the red lipstick!" type. That's how I made her in my first draft, actually.

No love story for Maysville and Haymitch! I sorryrryryryryr, but I do notttt ship these two.

Fauna Clark

Oh beautiful Fauna, well. I based Fauna off when calls the heart character (opal) (if you know her hat should give an eye-opener). I wanted Haymitch to have a Connection with her, and when I was developing her, I really didn't want Haymitch to stay there like how katniss did. Nope! I wanted him to dip.

Penelope Marie.

My actual favorite! When I created her, I knew I wanted Haymitch to have a cool girl, an ally who was annoying and smart but not to mention Funny!. I wanted Penelope to be the one everyone loves and is just the best. So I based Penelope on myself! (i sounds cocky, LOL) (don't take it the wrong way)

When I was writing their conversations, I would say to myself, 'Melanie, how would you answer' ad BAM.... I also wanted Haymitch and Penelope's relationship t to be based on a friendship I had, so when I had to write the dialogue, I could base it may be off of something that maybe happened before, etc., like Ms.Dramatic and stuff like that.

Penelope's name is simple, something I would name my daughter, her name was initially going to be Ivy, but when I was drawing her and making sketches, I was like- "how about Penelope" then a couple of seconds passed. I was like, "PENELOPE MARIE!"

Why did you not want Penelope to kill?

Based on myself, I would never kill or think about it, but then there are people who the thought just goes through their head. Like ofc, nobody thinks about killing someone, but like shooting a deer- I would NEVER! But my uncle would do it in a heartbeat. I wanted her to be mentally unstable when she saw it happening, as her life had completely changed when she saw the body hit the floor or legs dangling. So again, based off of me.

Effie Trinket.

Effie Effie well,

I am a HAYFFIE FOR LIFE STAN PERSON, but... writing this fanfic, I had to chill.

Haymitch at 16 didn't for me look like the love romance type guy- he was more of an I see things the way they are and #factsdontcareaboutyourfeeling type guy, so when it came to Effie, I wanted to make her so perfect that when Haymitch saw her, he was like "there's gotta be something bad about this one."

Why is Effie's backstory so different? —-

I didn't want her to be capital. I wanted er to be ashamed of being district... kind of like what some people go through like they'll lie about some things to make themselves feel better- but instead, Haymitch catches onto the plot.

The Prep TEAM!

Okay, so we know their already fashion icons-


Evian and Haymitch relationship #lovethem like my gosh is freakin cool. I love Evian's trust in Haymitch as if he were her son- I love Evian. Such a fashion icon and a relatable character, like when she takes her heels off #girlifeeeellllyou.


The most toxic out of them all-, I mean, they were chill at times, but they tripped on several occasions.


Nothing to it, sweet girl who gives good advice.

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