The Unexpected Romance

By neptunepandalover7

16 3 0

Nevaeh and Asher had always been in the shadow of their sister haven. Ever since haven and nevaeh were born h... More

new friendships

the favorite child

12 2 0
By neptunepandalover7

"Nevaeh, Haven, asher its time for school get dressed" yelled my father from downstairs.

"yes father one second" I yelled back.

"good morning Nevaeh" said my twin sister Haven. my sister Haven had always been the favorite child even before our mother had died. Haven was blonde and she had beautiful blue eyes I also had blonde hair but i had light grey kinda blue color eyes. Haven was beautiful Haven had good grades everyone loved her while I on the other hand had bad grades and no one ever gave me a second glance I was a loner but i liked it that way. Our 10 year old little brother Asher wasn't much different from me our father hated us and we just had to except that it would always be that way.

"morning Ash morning Haven" I said smiling.

"morning Nev" said Asher, "are you ready for your first day of tenth grade Nev?". "yeah, although i'm a little nervous" I responded. "what about you haven are you ready?" asked Asher. "yep i cant wait to see my friends again" said Haven. "yeah me too" I said.

At school...

"ok its time for attendance when i call your name say here" said my lonley social studies teacher miss. Willson, "reis brenner" she called. 

"present" replied the girl. she continued to call names i wasn't really listening to who she was calling.

"Aaron Williams" called miss. Willson. I turned to see who she was calling and a boy in the back of the class caught my eye, he had like dark dirty blonde hair a light tan skin color and he had the same color eyes as me. "here" called the boy. I quickly turned back in my seat and i started to think to myself i didn't recognize this boy so i just assumed he was a new kid.

"haven and nevaeh smith" called miss. Willson "present" we said simultaneously.

"ok now that i have taken attendance everyone take out your social studies books and open to page 110" said miss. Willson. I took out my book and opened it to the assigned page.

"ring, ring, ring" the bell for lunch sounded.

"ok get out go eat lunch" said miss. Willson

In the cafeteria...

"how was class with miss. Willson" asked one of my only friends Talon Baker. "annoying as always, but there is this cute boy in my class i think hes new" i said. i looked around the cafeteria and saw that the boy was walking towards us.

"hello i'm Aaron Williams your in my social studies class right" said the boy from my class putting out his hand to me. "yes I am my name is Nevaeh Smith and this is my friend Talon Baker" I said shaking his hand. "yeah I knew your name was either Nevaeh or Haven but i didnt know" said Aaron. "yeah, Haven is my twin sister" i replied giggling a little. "can i sit with you?" asked Aaron. "don't you have friends you can sit with" asked Talon. "no i'm new to this school and i don't know my way around yet. I was hoping we could be friends" he said. "you can sit with us and don't mind Talon she can be kinda pushy and aggresive" i said moving over so he could sit next to me. "what class do you have next Nevaeh?" asked Aaron. " i have science next. oh and friends call me Nev" I said. "and friends call me Tal" said Talon.

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