Blinded (Chicago Fire - Fanfi...

Par oldlittleme

642 7 0

Chicago Fire's Gabby Dawson and Matt Casey. What will happen to Casey when Gabby arrives out of the blue afte... Plus

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

Part 3

142 2 0
Par oldlittleme

"Ambo 61, Engine 51, Squad 3, Truck 81, Battalion 25, Road accident 1234 roadblock lane street."

"Lets go guys!" Herman shouted as all make a way to the front.


"Wow! What happened here?" Severide yelled climbing out seeing what happened.

"Captain! That car in the middle got the worse!" Herman yelled

"We got it!" Severide yelled as the whole squad run to the mostly injured car.

"Casey!" Severide yelled in shock.

The whole squad 3 stepped away in shock.

"Oh man!" Capp yelled looking at Tony who turn to Casey

"Damn." Tony and Capp yelled.

"Casey! Quickly it's Dawson!"

"What!" Brett yelled as all run to the sence.

"Gabby!" Casey yelled dropping everything.

"Oh my!" Chief yelled running

"Gabby can you hear me." Casey yelled seeing Gabby full blood, he feel for a pulse but it was weak. He looked over her shoulder and his eyes grew big.

"She is pregnant!" Brett yelled

"Gabby, can you hear me!" Casey yelled panicking

Gabby moved slowly and a small noise came from her.

"Gabby, we are getting you out." Casey yelled as they bring a back board and getting her out, all run to the scene. Brett and Mackey examines her.

"Gabby is hurt, baby sounds good"

"Whats wrong Brett!" Casey yelled wanting to know how she is.

"Internal bleeding, her lungs are collapsed!"

"Brett, she needs surgery now!" Mackey yelled

"I know that!" Brett yelled still in shocked.

Mackey put a mask on Gabby, and a heart monitor. "Lets go!"

"I'll drive, Brett will you help her?"

"Can I?" Casey asked wanting to be inside with Gabby

"Go Casey." Brett told

"We'll meet you there. " Chief explained and got the group together.

"Go! She is family." The other battalion yelled


"Casey I need you to hold that wound." as her eyes opened.

"Matt!" She mounted trouh the air mask.

"Shh don't talk I'm right here. " Casey re sure her that she isn't alone here.

"Brett!" Gabby yelled taking her mask off.

"I'm also here. Keep this on." Brett explained to her seeing how weak she is.


"Gabby keep your mask on don't talk." Brett explained as Matt held it for her.

"No, Matt. He is yours." Gabby told removing the mask

"He's mine? You mean my son." Casey asked in shock as Brett look to them.

"I wanted to tell you, I-I want him to meet you Matt, his fa-father...."

"She is in V5th." Brett yelled pushing Casey away, his eyes grew big.

"Gabby come on!" Brett yelled doing compressions.


"You can't leave!" Casey yelled looking at Brett ontop of her.

"Come on Gabby!" As Brett keep going.

"Come on!" Brett yelled crying.

"Gabby!" Casey yelled holding her hand

"We got a normal rythym." Brett yelled in relief as Casey smiled back at her.

"Thank you." He whispered gentley.

"We're here!" Mackey yelled

"Come on Gabby!" Casey told as Brett and Mackey rolled him in.

"Why!" Casey yelled hitting the ambo with his fist and falling to his knees as firehouse 51 arrived.

"Casey! How is she?" Kidd yelled

"Not good." Casey cried.

"Casey, she is gonna be fine."  Hermann explained.

"The little boy is mine." He muttered as all look at each in shock.

"I have a son." Casey explained in shock.

"Lets go inside." Chief told as all walked in.

"You're a father." Brett explained smiling

"Yeah, I didn't even knew." Casey explained walking in

"Dr Halstead, she is crashing!" A nurse yelled, as Gabby took her mask off.

"Tell Matt... I'm sorry. " She muttered

"No, Gabby you can tell him." Will yelled

"He will make an awesome father... just like with Louie...."


"Casey." All asked seeing him in shock,

"I told her to adopt, I was so scared she dies if she is pregnant. I throw her chance away and here it is. I can think why she kept quite." Casey cried as all look at each.


"I came as quickly, how is she?"

"She is in bad shape."

"He is mine?" Casey asked as Antonio nodded.

"She asked me to keep it qiute and give her time, I wasn't happy about it but, I expected her wishes."

"Why did she kept qiute?" Casey asked

"You both broke up, she found out she is pregnant after she came to visit, she told me she didn't want to tell you cause you wouldn't accept, since you wanted her to adopt, if she dies giving birth. It will be worth it, a new life in her place or a chance. She told me she needs time then she will come and show you. She wanted him to be part of your life even if she wasn't part of yours."

"She still loves you Matt, even if she wants to keep him and you save." Antonio told as Casey put his hand over his face crying.


"How do I do this?" Will cried falling to the floor, with his knees.

He stood up and walked to the rest.

"Will?" All asked panting in worried as he stroked his head, all mouth opened.

"We did everything we can, she is okay but not for long, we can't operate, she is alive but Internal bleeding the anyreysm can broke anytime we can keep her on life for a few minutes or seconds when the baby is out, we can remove the baby as soon as possible since she is 36 weeks, there is a bigger chance for the baby as the crash rumored the aneurysm for Gabby..."

"What!" Casey yelled as all looked away.

"She can make it or she can't. I'm saying now that you know."

"Can I see her."

"You all are welcome"

Casey run in with all following Gabby turn to him and smiled

"I love you Gabby!" as Matt hold her hand. All stayed by the door looking in.

"Gabby stay with us." Casey yelled, she smiled as she look to the rest including Antonio as her eyes closes.


"She is okay Matt, she is just resting. We need to keep her calm."

"Can we remove the baby?" Will asked

"What did she?"

"She said yes, but I'm making sure. She asked me, if you are willing she wants to do a normal birth, since it's saver."

"Yes, if it's?"

"It is since, the cesarean can cause more bleeding and then normal more stress, so normal is saver but both have concern."

"Brett? Kidd? Mackey? What do you think?" Casey asked them

"Normal does sound better?" Brett replies as Mackey nodded

"I think so too." Kidd smiled

"We gonna do her in two hours, so she can rest and be ready, when she wakes keep her calm."

"Thank you Will."

"When she wakes, call me we have to take her off the ventilator, to see if she can breath normally or she will go with the ventilation, which is harder stress."


"She looks so great!" Casey told putting his hand on her stomach. "He feels so strong."

"A father huh. For real this time." Severide smiled


Suddenly Gabby opened her eyes.

"Hey you, shhh. " Casey smiled

"I'll go and call Will."


"You ready Gabby?" Will asked looking at her nodding.

As all went in.

"Deep slow breathing." As Will remove the tubes.

"Gentley small breath, there you go." Will replied smiling "Process looks good, I'm happy Gabby. So an hour then we will get you ready, calm and relax okay." As Gabby nodded.

"How do you feel?" Mackey asked

"Good." Dawson smiled

"Sure?" Hermann asked as she smiled

"Yes, Lieutenant. Wow, Hermann you're a Lieutenant. I miss a lot around here I see." Gabby laughed.

"Our new Paramedic Guana Mackey or Gruz old friend." Severide smiled

"Was the paramedic before her Emily Foster?"

"Yes, she went to study surgery. " Brett explained sitting with Gabby on the bed

"You where a firefighter?" Gallo asked, Gabby nodded

"And Captain Casey husband?" Ritter as as Hermann look at him

"Hey, manors." Hermann explained as all laughed even Gabby

"A long time ago." Dawson continued looking at Matt, who smiled

"Well, we just wanted to make sure the rumors are true." Ritter told as Gallo nodded.

"A very good firefighter." Chief told as Gabby smiled

"Chief are you getting easy on me now?" Gabby smirked


"How is Tuesday?" Gabby asked

"The dog? She is awesome, or new house leader." Stella followed

"Hey!" Chief yelled laughing

"And my couch buddy." Moutch yelled.

"I know a few other from the news and gossip, like Gallo run the cancer awareness, and Severide, I'm sorry about your father. And Glaptin leaved for retirement? Brett, you were engaged? And Hermann put a fire in the bunk room with his own office."

"Hey!" Herrmann reported

"Oh, and Gruz got married to a girl named Chloe." Moutch told as Gabby look at him.

"What! Really?" She yelled happily as all laughed at him

"Yeah, I met her at a fire." Joe told smirking

"Aww so she is smokin." Gabby told the jokes as all laughed at her.

"I want to be part of the baby." Casey told out of the unknown as all looked at him

"We gonna head outside." Brett told as Gabby stopped her.

"No, stay. I don't have anything to hide." Gabby told taking a deep breath. "Matt, he is yours and he will be part of you."

"I-I meant, part of your life. Danm it Gabby, why did you leave me?"

"Leave you!?" Gabby yelled "I asked you to come with me you refused?"

"Casey, Will said calm." Antonio yelled as all saw Gabby taking a deep breath.

"You okay?" Brett asked looking at her, as she nodded.

"Casey, he has a point." Severide told gentley touching his shoulder.

"Gabby, why did you tell me?" Casey asked

"Casey, after that one night. You never spoked to me, on the 3th month, I found out I was carrying your baby. Then I wanted to tell you, yet we were so far from each other, you wouldn't come, and I didn't want you to worry."

"Worry?" Casey asked confused

"You told me to adopt, since I must not risk my life. Casey I don't care! Everything was fine and healthy, till that car accident. " Gabby told as she stopped and close her eyes.

"Gabby!" All yelled as she look at them.

"It's nothing." She replied

"I know I told you I wanted my own baby, after I had that miscarriage a few years back."

"We got Louie, I didn't want to adopt after Louie, since his real father gained him back, you kept on. Even going without me, Matt, when I adopted Louie, you and I weren't even close, just a couple. We were married later, remember. And still you went without me."


"90% percentage Matt out of 10, you still didn't expect it." Dawson continued as all look at them, Casey realized he did a mistake.

"I'm sorry." Casey told, in his voice was disappointment.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise that sooner." He continued walking to her taking her hand.

"Matt, I did forgive you. You are part of this baby's world as much as you want, but in my life I can't let you." Gabby told seeing Matt, who tears were falling down his cheek.

"I love you Gabby!" He told looking at her wanting her to take him back

"I love you too Matt, and will always."

"Gabby, you okay?" Will, asked walking in. "The monitor says, you are in pain." As all turn to Gabby who nodded "A while now." She replied back.

"Gabby you okay?" Casey asked seeing her close her eyes.

"No. It's getting worse." Gabby groaned as Will head to feel.

"Deep slow breaths, very good Gabby, you know the drill." Suddenly Gabby groaned.

"Gabby! What's wrong with her?" Casey yelled

"Matt, it means the baby is on his way." Will told getting his nurses

"You mean she is in labour?" Casey asked looking at Gabby who looked at him nodding.

"Why didn't you say?" Brett told smiling looking at her, as all smiled in the background.

"I'm fine." Gabby smiled at her, as Brett went for a hug. Stella followed.

"You're gonna be a mommy!" Stella yelled hugging her.

"Gabby, two people can stay?" Will told as 2 more nurses walk in.

"Sylvie and Matt. Sorry Stella."

"Don't sweat it girl, rules are rules. Just be okay." Stella smiled as all gave her a hug, saying a blessing.

"Good luck." Antonio told giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Love you!" All yelled as she smiled.

As Dr. Halstead close the curtains.

"You ready Gabby?" Will asked smiling as she nodded.

Dr. Halstead, gentley put her legs into stirrups and closed her, as Brett stood by her right and Casey by her left side.

"You ready for this?" Brett asked smiling as she smiled back at her
"You are gonna be just great, Gabby. " Matt told holding her hand, Gabby smiled at him, she miss this.

"Gabby, I'm Donna, I'm gonna be you're OB, I'm here to help assist Dr Halstead. You are gonna feel a little discomfort, ready." She replied as Gabby nodded, she closed her eyes.

"It's okay." Matt reassured her, as Brett smiled seeing Matt like this.

"Dr Halstead, she is 9 cm dilated, we can start the process, no crowning yet." Donna replied as Matt smiled at her.

"Gabby, you want to wait for the crowning or do you want to start push?" Donna asked as Will stand by the monitors looking at Matt next to him.

"How far is the head?" Gabby asked as Donna smiled "A few centimeters."

"We can start, I can feel him." Gabby told as Donna looked.

"Dr Halstead, crown is showing, we can begin." Donna told as Will get closer.

"Ready?" Matt asked as she smiled back at him nodding her head.

"Ready? Push Gabby!" Will resured her

"Come Gabby, you got this." Brett smiled holding her hand.

"Push." As Gabby close her eyes Matt smiled at her holding her hand.

"Another big push!" Dr Halstead went in and grab.

"This hurt so much!" Gabby cried, as Brett smile sadly "You have this!"

"You are doing so well Gabby, I'm really so proud of you!" Matt told kissing her forehead "You got this baby!"

"Big push Gabby!" Will went on, Gabby did and groaned

"Head is out mom." Will smiled "You ready for the big one?" As Gabby nodded.

"Will you two please help Gabby sit a little up?" Matt and Brett help her, as she smiled back

"On 3, ready?" Gabby nodded "1,2,3," as Gabby gave everything she closed her eyes and groaned.

"We got him!" Will yelled as they hear him cry, Gabby falled back crying.

"Look Gabby, here's your little boy. " Will told holding him up for them to see, as Donna cut the cord and take the baby to the side.

"Is he okay?" Gabby called out as Will smiled.

"I'm so proud of you Gabby!" Matt cried kissing Gabby out of nowhere as Gabby smiled at him, seeing tears fall down his cheek, she took her fingers and wipe them of... Brett smiled seeing them so happy, as she turn to the little boy coming over.

"Here you go mommy." Donna told placing the little boy in Gabby arms crying, he stopped at look up at Gabby, she cried looking at Matt, he followed, as Brett, open up to see.

"A baby in Covid." Brett smiled as all laughed.

"He is healthy and good, and you're vitals are good and save. The aneurysm still perfect." Dr Halstead smiled, as they smiled.

As all entered.

"So?" Stella yelled wanting to see the baby.

"Come in." Gabby smiled as all walked in.

"I'll check upon you two later again." Will talked as Matt gave him a handshake.

"Thank you."

"No problem, this time we saved both." Will told as Matt smiled looking at Gabby smiling back.

"So what is his name, you two?" Hermann asked smiling

"Not decided on that yet." Gabby told as Severide smiled "There is still enough time."

"Would you guys mind giving me and Gabby a minute?" Casey asked as all nodded

"I'm counting!" Hermann yelled as all laughed.


"Listen, what does this mean for us?" Matt asked holding his son.

"I love you, Matt. I really do. And maybe in the future we will be. For now, we will be like a divorced mother and father, kiss once and a while for the hello's and goodbye's but, it stays there."

"Gabby, I want us to be more then that."

"Matt, I know you, you moved on."

"I didn't!" Matt explained

"Oh yeah, Sylvie?" Gabby blurted


"I saw the way you two look at each, and I'm happy. I'll be the grandma, coming once in a while getting the child and bringing the child and say hello."


"Matt, I also want to move forward. We have been trough a lot and we need to be apart, we argue, mess things up, used to work together that was hard."

"I'm not ready to give up on you."

"Matt, you have to let me go, I did. I'm glad you are here for our son, he brings us together and we are always together trough him, you are a awesome father, and you helped me a lot today, I appreciate and are grateful for that."

"It sound that you gave up on us?"

"I did a long time ago. You did too, just being here today, won't change things Matt, promise me that you will at least try?"

"You really want to do this?" Matt asked sadly as Gabby nodded, deep down he understood what she says.

"Thanks Gabby, I'll sure miss the times we had together. " Matt told putting the baby in the grin basket, going over to Gabby giving her a hug.

"Me too Matt, for now it's the best." She replied hugging him back.

"Name?" Gabby laughed as he smiled

"Umm, I love Junior, Juan, Alex, Lucas, Brian..." As Matt as Gabby look at each.

"Brian! Otis?" Both screamed smiling

"Brian?" Gabby called as Matt smiled

"Love it!" Both yelled happily

"Brian Casey, after you're surname?"

"How about, Brian Antonio Casey?"


"Something from you're site, and you're brother hasn't killed me yet, and he gave me permission long time ago to marry you. I fought I was dead by asking. " Matt told as Gabby laughed.

"Then it's settled. Brian Antonio Casey."

"Call Brett for me." Gabby asked smiling, as he nodded going outside and bringing her in.

"Matt, stay." She replied smiling

"Is everything alright?" Sylvie asked

"Yeah, Sylvie you're my best friend and I want the best for you, take Matt, you two love each other and we agreed to let each go, please keep him away from me." Gabby joked as Sylvie smiled

"You're not mad?" Sylvie asked

"No, just don't get mad as I bring our son." Gabby laughed as Sylvie nodded "Never! "

"Case closed." As they all laughed, as the rest came back in.

"Everybody meet Brian Antonio Casey." Gabby told as Matt pointed to their son.

"Otis and Antonio." Matt told as all smiled and mouth opened.

"A day to remember!" Guana smiled as all nodded cheering.


The End.

I want her to get back on Chicago Fire! I miss her so much...

Continuer la Lecture

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