Hellion: The wildest one daug...

By tessaRyoung

182K 4.2K 1.2K

⚜️Hellion⚜️ -ON HIATUS- Mischievous or Troublemaking person, especially a child. What if Kol Mikaelson had a... More

The before [edited]
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt.1
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.2
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.3
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.3.0
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.3.1
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.3.2
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt.3.3
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt.3.4
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt.3.5
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 3.6
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 3.7
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 3.8
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 3.9
What the hell is going on in that town?Pt3.10
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt.4
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 4.2
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 4.3
What the hell is going on in that town? Pt. 4.4
What the hell is going on in that town? Le Finale
Goodbye Scott
Hellion: The Legacy
This Is The Part Where You Run. Pt.1

What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 4.1

3.9K 112 40
By tessaRyoung

It's been a few days since the whole Derek thing, it turns out Kate did find a way into her house and knocked her out, to which Aurora was salty about.

Derek went back to his normal self, the werewolf said he didn't remember anything from his hours as a youngster, much to Aurora relied but she will avoid him as much as possible.

That night when Derek went back to himself, someone stole 117 million dollars from Peter. Aurora thought it was hilarious. Karma's a bitch.

At the current moment the green eyed girl was at Corey's house, it was late at night and both teens were studying in the boys room, they had a chemistry quiz the next day and Aurora was helping him.

The girl was laying in the bed eating skittles while Corey was sitting in the floor looking over the book.

"Okay, so the units of measurement are Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Density and Temperature." Said Corey to which Aurora nod abstinently while she shove skittle into her mouth.

Corey read quickly the pages of his book before turning to Aurora with a determinate face. "I'm ready, test me"

"That's what she said" mutter Aurora earning a flat look from the boy. "Though crowd"

She hold her hand up mocking surrender and sit up looking at her book "Prepare 500 mL of a 1.0 M solution of potassium chloride that is 93.0% pure. The gram formula weight of potassium chloride is 74.56 g/mol."

Corey wrote down what Aurora told him and started answering, after a few minutes he gave him the paper and looks it over and shakes her head.

"No, look it's pretty easy " she moves to the edge of the bed so she could show Corey the solution.

"You only have to calculate the mass of impure potassium chloride needed. The mass of impure potassium chloride = M pure × V pure × gram formula weight / percent purity." She grab a pencil and wrote the right solution on it.

Corey groan and hit his head with his book "This is impossible, let me see your notes again"

"Here" she gave him her notebook while opening a package of Takis fire.

"Ro, the hell is this?" Said Corey confused earning the girls attention.

"I know the words are a bit messy but I told you I was in a hurryyy" she trails off as she looks at her notes.

Instead of formulas and problems, her notebook was filled with random letters and numbers she didn't realized she wrote. There was pages of pages of that.

"Well?" Asked Corey

"Uh- This is my doodling notebook, I must have confused it with chemistry one, sorry" Aurora lied and took the book out of his hands. She decided that she'll talk to Scott about it tomorrow.

Corey sighs "it doesn't matter anyway, I'm going to suck tomorrow"

"Hey no, I mean you will suck but you still try" shrugged the girl causing a glare from Corey.

"I'm sorry miss perfect but not all of us have a high GPA" He grabbed a pillow and hit her.

She narrow her eyes at him and grabs a pillow herself and hit him back, soon both teens began a pillow fight forgetting about chemistry.

After a good 10 minutes of fighting, Aurora holds hand up in defeat, breathing heavily and giggling "Okay, okay you win"

Corey who was also giggling while panting, hold hind fist up in victory "Oh yeah, I'm the best"

Aurora rolls her eye with a smile "Yeah right only because you have bigger pillows"

"There is no need to be a sore looser Ro, just admit I'm better" said Corey cockily.

"Whatever, I need water" she said heading to the door but not before taking her phone to answer her mom's texts.

"Bring me one please" the boy yelled after her earning a "Okay" from her.

Aurora then got distracted, she thought about the doodles on her notebook, it wasn't odd that she did something without realizing but when she did it was more like actual sentences.

The girl shakes her head and looked up where the kitchen was supposed to be only to stop dead on her tracks. She wasn't in Corey's house anymore.

The girl found herself in front of Corey's neighbors house, the Walcotts, she only knew them because throughout the summer Corey developed a crush on the youngest Walcott, Sean.

The front door was open, which tells her that something must have left it like that. Aurora knows something is wrong, so she slowly started making her way in the house.

The house was dark, she hesitated before climbing the stairs, with shaky steps she moved toward the first room, she slowly opened the door and her eyes landed in a body of a boy, he had a big cut on his back making her gasp slightly.

She moved to the next room and sure enough there was a couple both of them with the same cuts, blood was oozing out of them.

Aurora moved to the next room only to find that the door was smash, she looked inside the room but fortunately didn't find any more bodies.

The girl quickly moved outside the house and dial 911. She looked around nervously hoping that the killer had left. The operator quickly answered.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Umm- I'll like to report a body.... several actually"

Corey came out short after she called the police and she told him what happened, he was utterly confused since he didn't really heard anything but he believed what she told him; that when she was down to get their water when she heard the screams.

After talking to the police, mostly sheriff Stilinski about what happened which consisted in; 'I don't know who did it- I only heard the screams and come to check it out- I didn't saw anything' after that she was let free. Unfortunately it was morning already. And so the two sleep deprived teens made their way in school.

After the first and second period, Aurora was making her way out her history class, she had always enjoyed the subject. She liked to learn about the origins of things which was ironically since she had no idea of hers.

Anyhow she loved the subject, although things like slavery and colonization completely disgusted her. She in all honesty didn't understand why people used to do that, why they thought that just because of the color of their skin or their beliefs made them less of a human beings. And it made her blood boil to think some people still think have the same stupid mentality. When in reality we are all the same. No matter the race. Religion. Sexuality. Gender. We are all the fucking same. We all laugh, we all cry, we all bleed red, we all need to breath. People deserve respect.

Aurora was brought out of her thoughts when someone grab her shoulders and started guiding her through the halls.

"Stiles what are you doing?" Asked Aurora when she realized who's hands were on her shoulder.

"There was a triple homicide Aurora, an axe murderer. We need to find your brother" said the spastic boy

"I know, I found the bodies last night, but what I didn't know was that it was an axe what killed them" grumble the girl bitterly.

Stiles stop in his tracks and look down at the girl "What? How?"

"I was staying at Corey's last night, the Walcott's are his neighbors, I just- look I don't know, okay, I just walked there" said Aurora with a shrug.

"Why didn't you called me?" Asked Stiles

She gave him a look and continued walking, ignoring Stiles protests about calling him first if she find a body, they soon found Scott and Kira. Stiles quickly gave them a rundown of the situation.

"An axe-murderer?" Asked Kira

"A family-murdering axe-murderer!" Said stiles

"I already heard about it." Said Scott opening his locker

Stiles gave him a look "Wait, what? You did? How? Was it Rory?"

"Yes and my mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news. " answer Scott

Stiles nods "Perfect! Let's go!"

He stared to leave but he was the only one who moved.

"Whoa, whoa-- we've got econ. in five minutes... and Rory got a quiz" said Scott

"All right, did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe-murderer???"

"Stiles, did you suddenly hit your head and forgot that your dad's the sheriff? And I'm pretty sure he wants your nosey ass stay out of it."said Aurora earning nods of agreement from Scott and Kira.

Stiles looked at them incredulously "Are you guys kidding me? There's a family-murdering axe-murderer and we're not going to do anything about it???"

Kira shrugged "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it..."

"So, you three just want to stay here, school, go to class? Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life!" Said stiles in disbelief before waking away.

"See you at tryouts?" Scott called after him only getting a weird hand moves from the spastic boy.

"Rory, you are going to the tryouts right?" Asked Scott putting books in his locker.

Aurora scoff "God no I've been to enough of those, besides I've decided that I want to try out for the soccer team this year"

"Really?" Asks Kira

"Since when you like to exercise?" asked Scott in confusion.

"I thought I might try something new, I don't know, anyways try outs are today actually so.... crap" she checked the clock and sighs at the time "I got to blast or I'm going to be late, by the way I'm leaving with Corey so don't worry. later losers"

Aurora made her way to chemistry and sat down next to the blonde boy from the other day, Garret. He send her a smile to which she returned but slightly less friendly.

She took out her books praying that the professor came soon so she could avoid communicating with him. Unfortunately her prayers were ignored.

"So Aurora, are you coming to try outs later today?" Asked the boy

"Nope" she said

"Aww, why not? Isn't your brother the Captain? McCall right?"Asks the boy

Aurora turn to him and shrugged " My world doesn't revolves around Scott"

"True, then how about you go to see me?"He smirked at her

"I'm not into blondes" she smile sweetly at him before turning back to her book.

It was true, Aurora was never into blondes, she didn't exactly know why? But she thought that probably her subconscious made her don't like anyone romantically who remained her of her mother. But that just a theory.

"Oh come on, you won't even know if you want try" he said to her

"I said no and don't you have a girlfriend?" She said and after that Garret went silent much to her pleasure.

Mr. Holland came in a few minutes after that and gave them the Quiz, Aurora was concentrated.

After a few minutes she was done and so was everyone else, it was a relatively easy quiz. They all gave the quiz back and the normal class started.

After school, Aurora who was in her sports clothes and Corey were making their way to the field, they were sharing it with the lacrosse players, tho they would be using the far right side of the field.

"I can't believe you of all people is trying out for sports" said Corey

" I mean why not? And what about you? Weren't you telling me a few days ago that you wanted to become a lacrosse player?" Sake the girl

Corey looked at the part of the field were the lacrosse team was "I said maybe next year"

Aurora only shrugged and run to the field with the other girls. The girl started stretching and warming up when a slight nervous voice came from next to her.

"Hi, I'm Julie"

Aurora looked at the source of the voice and saw a girl smiling at her, holding her hand out. To the green eyes she looked familiar, she smiled and shakes her hand "I'm Aurora, you are in a band, right? Uh- what was it called?"

"Sunset curve and yes that's me" smiled Julie.

"My friend took me to one of your gigs this summer, you guys are pretty good" said Aurora.

Julie smiles sheepishly "Thanks"

Then the sound of a whistle cut their conversation, Coach Bolton was in the middle of the girls.

"Okay ladies, let's see what you got" said the man holding a clipboard.

Aurora looked at Julie "Good luck"

Julies nods "Right back at you"

And so the tryouts began, at first they did free shots, one girl was standing at the goalie catching the balls going her way.

Aurora score most of her shots, only a couple were stopped, after that the group was divided in two teams. They were going to play a match.

Aurora was fortunate enough to be in the same as Julie, the girl was the Captain of their team.

"Team, me and Aurora will be the middle center, you got the ball and passed it to us" said Julie

They all nod and the match soon began. Their team was destroying the other, Julie and Aurora worked harmoniously. They passed the ball to each other, knows were the other would be, great communication. When one score the other would high five her.

And just as Aurora was about to Score again, a loud commotion grabbed everyone's attention.

The lacrosse team was surrounding someone on the floor while the coach was yelling something. Then two figures that looked very much like Scott and Stiles pick the boy up and took him inside the school.

Aurora pinch the bridge of her nose, those idiots probably did something. She then decided against going to see what happened and continued playing.

By the end of the tryouts, Julie and Aurora had score the most, they were talking happily as they drink their water when four figures approached them. Aurora notice it was the band.

"Julie, that was awesome" yelled a girl in dreads.

"Yeah, you really killed it Julie" said a very cute boy with beanie.

As the others said their agreements, Corey went to Aurora.

"You sucked" said the boy playfully.

The green eyes girl snorted "Thanks Bitch"

"Rory" someone called

The girl turn to see Julie and her friends smiling at her.

"Rory this is the band, This is Flynn" the girl in dreads wave "hello"

"This is Reggie" the boy in the leather jacket smile seductively and wink "Well hello there"

"That's Luke" the cute boy with the beanie wave with a smirk "McCall" that made the girl raised her eyebrows amusingly.

"And finally Alex" the blonde boy wave smiling "hey"

Aurora smiled at them "Nice to meet you, I'm Aurora and this" she place a hand on Corey's shoulder "is Corey"

"Hey" the hey chorus

"I know you, you are from that band right? Uh-" Corey trails off and Aurora finish for him "Sunset Curve"

Corey nods and smiles "Yes, we went to one of their shows, you guys rock"

"Thanks" said Luke and Alex

"Tell your friends" Reggie Smiled.

"Hey, how about we go to grab something to eat." Julie propose looking at them.

Corey and Aurora looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure"

Through the rest of the day they began to know each other. They talked about the band and their aspirations, like being in the hall of fame by 30 and Reggie wanting to add country music to their album.

They really enjoyed the evening, at the end they all exchange numbers and went home.

It was already late when Aurora arrived to her house, she notice Stiles car in the driveway alerting her that the spastic boy was in their house. But that was nothing new.

The green eyed girl made her way to her room deciding to ignore the boys, once in her room she change into her pijamas and started blasting music, more specifically Megan Thee Stallion. Completely oblivious that in her brothers room there was a boy being tied up to a chair.

"Fuck bein' good, I'm a bad bitch.
I'm sick of motherfuckers tryna tell me how to live.
Wack hoes hate under my pictures on the 'Gram.
Bitch, you better hope I never run across your man." Aurora sang loudly feeling herself.

She was singing the chorus when a loud noice made her stop. The girl turn the music down and opened her door. She looked at the hallway then moved to the stairs where her brother and and her illegitimate brother were on the floor.

She snorted at the sight "Did you two losers fell off the stairs"

They glared at her.

Aurora then proceeded to know what had actually happened, Scott bite someone, he actually bite someone. And that someone was Liam Dunbar, the boy who had developed a crush for her and at any chance he gets he'll stared at her even though Aurora doesn't even spared him a glance.

The green eyed girl also learned that Sean, was something called Wendigo. Lydia finding some bodies in his house and that lead to Aurora to show them about the things she wrote and Stiles told her that Lydia wrote the same, which didn't exactly surprised her.

The next day just before lunch, Aurora was walking through the halls when someone called her, it was Mr. Holland. She stopped and he catch up with her.

"Mrs. McCall, do you have a minute?" Said the man

Aurora nods and he leads her to his classroom.

"Is there something wrong sir?" Asked the girl frowning when he stared to look for something.

"Yes, actually." He then pulled out her quiz sheet and gave it to her. Aurora frown face when she saw what was written in every single one of the answers.

'13- 3- 16- 8- 7'

"Aurora you are one of the best students in my class, I really don't understand what happened here" said Mr. Holland.

Aurora frown still looking at the paper "I- uh- I'm sorry- I"

" Look, how about I let you take it again? Like I said you are one of my best students I'm sure it was just a slipped" said her professor

"yes, uh- thank you. I swear it won't happen again"

Mr. Holland smiled "I'm counting on it" he gave her the sheet and she took a seat in one of the tables.

Her hand moved quickly, answering the questions right this time. Her mind tho, it was still on the other paper.

What the hell does that means?

After she took the quiz and gave it back, she got an A, by the way, the girl was walking still thinking in the possibilities those numbers could mean when Scott came from behind her and lead her to the buses. The girl having her mind somewhere else just let herself be led.

Once the whole pack was there the meeting started. Still the girl wasn't paying much attention only hearing the last half.

"I'm not sharing my basement." Said Malia

"Actually, it's my basement, and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." Lydia stated.

"All right, she's still learning..." defended Stiles

"But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams-- we can chain him to one of them." Scott informs

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?"asked Kira

"I say, if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggested.

Malia holds her hand up "I'm in!"

"We're not killing or kidnapping him!" Scott said

Aurora snorted "You mean not kidnapping him again, you already did that brother"

Scott send her a glare.

"Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia said

Stiles frown "So, you're going to ask out a freshman?"

"No-- I'm done with teenage boys. But I know of someone every freshman boys are crushing on" Lydia said slyly looking at Aurora causing Scott to make a face.

The girl was glaring at the floor, still thinking about the numbers, when the silence fell she looked up.


"You are going to ask liam out to the fake party " said Lydia

"Fuck no" said Aurora earning a slap in the back of her head by her brother "Language"

Aurora only shrugged "Whatever, I'm not asking Liam out, he's a freshman"

"So are you" Stiles state incredulously

"Exactly. Why don't we use the trickster? I mean we're playing a trick on him right?" Aurora looked at Kira just like everyone else.

The girls eyes widen "Who, me? No way. Not me."

"Yes, you! You know what they call a female fox? A vixen!" Said Lydia

Kira looked between them nervously "Me?"

"Yes you, Kira. Be the mother-fucking vixen bitch!" Said Aurora earning another slap at the back of her head. "RORY"

All through the day Aurora's mind didn't left the sheet, she was in her room waiting for the night to fall.

The girl was laying in her back, glaring at the paper, hoping that if she glared enough the answers will appear.

Her phone went off causing her to stop glaring at the paper to answer it.

"Bitch, I lost my periodic table, the one that had all the notes and stuff and I have homework for Monday" cried Corey "I swear I'm dropping out"

Aurora rolled her eyes "Stop whining, I'll send you a picture."

"Thanks" he hang up.

Aurora sighs and took her periodic table out of her bag, she took a picture and send it to Corey.

Just as she was going to put it back in her bag, something caught her eye. The numbers. She grab the quiz sheet and the period table and started comparing.

13- Aluminum- Al

3- Lithium- Li

16- sulfur- S

8- Oxygen- O

7- Nitrogen- N

"Allison" mutter Aurora with a frown, she still felt the familiar sting in her chest at her name but that didn't stop her from questioning what the hell does that means.

There was a knock on her door and Scott opened the door. "Ro, come on we got to go"

Aurora quickly got up from her bed and made her way down the stairs. "Wait, listen to this"

The girl told him what she discovered, the Alfa frown looking at the paper then at her.

"What do you think it's means?" Asked Aurora

Scott shrugged "maybe it's the key Lydia needs or maybe is something else" he looked at his phone "let's talked about it after getting liam"

Aurora nod and both soon went off to Lydia's lake house. Scott and Aurora pulled up to the lake house to find Lydia, Malia, and Stiles waiting. Stiles looks concerned.

"I just talked to Kira. She's on her way. She said it's all going fine." Said Scott

"It's not that... I have to tell you something." He said anxiously "I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school."

"This is going to be bad, isn't it?" Scott said.

Stiles puts his phone out "He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And... the kid's got some serious anger issues."

"How serious?" Asked Scott

"Well, that's his teacher's car... " he give his phone to Scott "After he took a crowbar to it."

Aurora had to stand on her tiptoes to see and was utterly surprised with what she saw, it was the teaches car completely wrecked, with the words 'This is your fault' scratch on it.

The green eyes girl sighs "well Scott you really won the lottery there"

"Rory stop, this is serious"

Minutes later Kira got inside the house, where they all were at, bringing Liam with her. As soon as he walks in the door Kira closes the door and won't let him out.

"Sorry" she said sheepishly.

Liam glared at them "What the hell is this?"

"Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam--" said stiles

"And we're the only ones that can help." Scott continued, he soon started telling him everything.

Aurora lost interest at the moment he started explaining what he did to Liam, she stared at her nails as the other talk.

"Werewolf? Werecoyote? Banshee?Fox?" Liam said looking at each of them.

Kira shrug "Kitsune. But "fox" works."

Liam looked at Aurora who was looking bored "Witch?"

The girl nod " With banshee on the side"

"What do you mean?" Asked Liam

"I'm both, it's complicated so don't ask"

Liam nods still confused and looks at stiles "What are you?"

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit... It was very evil..." said the boy

"What are you now?" Asked Liam

Stiles looked around awkwardly "Better?"

Liams gaze fall to the chains "Are those for me?"

"No, they're for me." Malia said and flashed her glowing blue eyes.

Liam eyes widen "How did you do that?"

"You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon." Scott said calmly

Liam's glared at him "moon's already out."

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Asked Scott

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs! You guys are out of your freaking minds! I don't know how you did that eye-thing, and I don't care-- I'm walking out the door right now, and if any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna--" Liam said with fury but stopped, he holds his head and falls to the ground.

Scott step forward worriedly "What's wrong? Liam?"

"You don't hear that?"

Outside, cars pull up to the house. Aurora looks through the window

"Did you tell someone about this?" Asked Lydia

"My friend, Mason...You said it was a party..." Liam's groans on the floor

"Who did Mason invite?" Asked stiles

"Everyone." Aurora confirmed as she looked at the big crowd.

Liam starts to shift, and his nails scratch the hardwood floors.

"The floors! Get him off the floors!" Lydia orders desperately as Liam growls.

"We need to get him to the boathouse-- now!" Said Scott.

Scott and Kira hurry Liam to the boathouse.

Malia starts to shift "Ugh! Stiles...?"

"Yeah?" She growls at him "Hey! Okay, basement. Now. Now!"

Lydia turn and said hysterically "What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?"

Stiles sighs "Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?"

Lydia scoff in offense "What? Me! Obviously!"

"Okay! Then throw a party. You have Rory to help you out" he then hurried Malia to the basement leaving the two girls there.

They shared a look and Lydia open the door to the big crowd.

"Hey... Uh, are we in the right place...?" Asked a boy.

" ...For the party?" The voice of Garret made Aurora roll her eyes.

The green eyes girl step forward leaning against the door in a cool manner "Hell yeah"

The crowd cheer and step into the house and as the crowd step in, Lydia send Aurora a look and mouthed "You better help me out"

The green eyes girl smirk and wink at her. The music started blasting, and Aurora joined the masses.

She was still looking out for the house and telling anyone who was doing to much to calm the F down. She knows about Lydia's current economic situation, hell all of them were the same, if not worst.

She was waking around when someone yelled her name. She turn to see Alex, Flynn, Julie, Reggie and Luke smiling at her.

She smile back "Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"Well it's a party" said Reggie

"It sure is" chuckles the girl

"Is this your party? You 'cause we saw you at the front door" asked Luke

"No, not really, this is my friend's house, Lydia Martin, you know the pretty pissed off strawberry blonde" said Aurora earning a few laughs.

"If it would be my party I would have probably told you guys so you can play somet-" she stops when she saw someone girl trying to put beer in a vase "Give me a second"

She walk up to the girl and snatch the vase off her hands "Look sweetheart, I know you don't have much class but one don't put beer in a vase, specifically when the vase is not yours"

The girl left with a embarrassment look on her face, Aurora sighs and puts the vase where is was. She sighs and runs a hand over her hair. Being responsible is terrible.

She then went back to find Julie and the others but her feet got another idea. Aurora was outside. She knows what this is, someone's dead.

She breaths and hug herself to keep herself warm and took a step forward and then another until her eye landed on the body, literally, the head was a few feet away from it.

"Oh man..." she cringes and took her phone out and dial the only one she could call in a moment like this.

"Stiles, I found a body"


Not me adding Julie and the Phantoms to the fic. But don't worry they won't have any impact on the story or anything.

Hope you liked it. Lots of love.
Stay save.

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