When I said I love you (OS)✅

By souji28

2.6K 194 538

On the second anniversary of their marriage, Gauri is set to make her husband grant her wish while he has oth... More

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When I said I love you

1.7K 157 510
By souji28

Cliché alert**: The following OS might contain extremely cliché content which might make your tongues go numb with sweetness... mine did....🤪🤪🤭

So, read further at your own risk...

I am putting the blame on shifa for giving me such a title... the content has to match the title... 🤷‍♀️... I had to do it...

To make myself clear,

This OS is written as a part of a task in which i was tagged...by saKhalifa.. who started an OS series write up....

So according to the task,

One needs to write an OS (essentially on rikara) on the title given by the predecessor. Then they can publishe their work in a week(challenge every friday) to give the next challenge Title to whomever they want to read the OS from... I found it interesting... and thought to try it.

Hope you enjoy reading this.


"Happy anniversary Gauri" wished Jhanvi Singh Oberoi hugging her ever-smiling daughter in law.

It has been two years since her son brought her home and Jhanvi never saw her complain or demand for anything.

Her son Omkara Singh Oberoi on the otherhand, is quite the opposite of his meek wife. He is arrogant, demanding, possessive and egoistic... a carbon copy of his late father Tej Singh Oberoi.

When Omkara first introduced Gauri to the family who was his then classmate, Jhanvi couldn't believe a girl like her could ever fall in love with her angry 'Nandi' son.

Gauri belonged to a simple middle class family, an only child to Shakti and Pinky Sharma. When her family got to know of their daughter's love for Omkara who way beyond their financial status was, the heir of Oberoi family, they did not approve of the alliance. A series of fights and emotional blackmail ensued, after which Gauri's parents decided to get her married to a groom of their choice.

When her son got a whiff of the same, he crashed the wedding, married his love and stormed out of the place, bringing home a weeping bride.

Jhanvi's heart went out for the poor girl who had to choose between her parents and her husband. As far as she could remember, Gauri never cried after that day when she broke ties with her family but Jhanvi knew she missed them. She tried to talk to her son about the same but he was adamant that his wife doesn't need them.

Being a woman, she knew she can never replace a girl's parents but she tried her best to not make her feel alone. Now after two years of being married, Gauri is an essential part of their family of four.

Her younger son Rudra Singh Oberoi loved his Bhabhi who always saved him from his tyrant brother. Unlike her elder son who now handled their business and hardly had time for his wife, her younger one was full of charm partnering with her daughter in law, taking her out to his parties and movie dates, assuring that she had her own share of fun without his brother breathing down their neck all the time.

"Thank you maa" said Gauri smiling happily and returning the hug.

"Did Om get up?"

"Yeah maa... he is getting ready... he has an early meeting today" she said and moved into the kitchen to instruct the staff to make two steaming cups of coffee, one for her husband and the other for her brother in law.

"Did he wish you?" asked Jhanvi following her into the kitchen and only got a smile in return.

"Great... my akdu of a son forgot his wedding anniversary... why do you even love him"

Gauri laughed and replied in her husbands defense "He had a bad day yesterday maa.. must be stressed... he will wish me when he calms down probably"

Jhanvi sighed and shook her head before she asked about her other son "Your laadla didn't wake up yet.. did he? Late night party again?"

"No maa... he has an exam in a few days... Bechara... he has been studying all night... stop judging him in a wrong way" she lied avoiding her mother in law's eyes.

"I highly doubt that Gauri... the only thing I and Omkara agree to is that Rudra is a notorious work skipper and that has increased by ten folds since he has your support... he listens to you... you should make him more responsible" Jhanvi reprimanded.

"Offo maa... he is just a child... let him have fun... he will know once he gets older"

"Accha... so they call twenty five year old men children these days" said Jhanvi in all sarcasm and the servant disturbed the conversation handing Gauri a cup.

Making an excuse, Gauri escaped her mother in law to go to Rudra's room to give him his bed coffee.

"Rudy.. get up... you will be late" she said pushing him lightly but he rolled on saying "Bhabhi... please... just a few more minutes"

"You have been telling that to me since forever... get up or I will have to call your brother"

Rudy giggled from under the blanket "Kuch bhi... you will never do that to me my pyaari Bhabhi... I know you love me more"

Gauri smiled and turned to the door but gasped the next moment "Omkaraji... vo...vo... Rudy is just about to get up" she said worriedly and Rudra threw the blanket away sitting up straight on his bed.

When he looked at the empty doorway and a smiling Gauri he pouted "This is cheating Bhabhi"

Gauri laughed and handed him the now cold coffee "Finish it and go to the washroom" she said and turned to leave when he held her hand.

Rudra got up and hugged his sister in law "Happy anniversary Bhabhi"

'You remember" she said smiling, hugging him back.

"Of course... one good thing that my akduu, forever-frowning brother has done in his lifetime" he quipped and Gauri playfully slapped his back.

"What plans for today? Does your husband even remember it?"

"He would have planned something... go... it is getting late" she said and left the room.


Omkara fumbled with his tie for the second time before his patience wore out. He threw it across the bed and turned around to get his jacket which his wife had neatly placed on their bed.

"What happened... what did the tie do?" he heard his wife's playful tone and frowned at her.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Why are you venting your anger on the poor thing Omkaraji... you haven't learnt to do a simple task" she said taking the piece of customized cloth and walked towards him.

As his wife completed the task with ease, he mumbled a thanks and went about to search for his files.

Gauri silently watched her husband untidily pull out the contents of his study drawer and her lips shaped into a knowing smirk.


"Gauri..." he yelled irritatedly and she laughed internally.

Good improvement... he searched for a complete three seconds before he yelled.... She thought.

"Get me the Sinha file... God... why don't you arrange them in an order... this is..." he continued to rant while she looked into drawer, picked up the said file and handed it to him.

Omkara stopped for a moment before he said "Who told you to put it in the upper rack... I was searching the usual drawer"

She is not going to tell him that he was told for the nth time that all the important files are kept in the upper drawer.. especially when he had a meeting with that company the very next day.

Gauri just shrugged and smiled before she turned around, took the coffee from the bedside table and handed him the drink.

Omkara sipped the liquid and made a face "cold" he commented but drank it anyway seeing the 'I-am-not going down-to re heat it' look from his wife.

His wife rarely warned him through her eyes but when she did, he would not try his luck.

Once he handed her the finished cup, he grabbed his coat and wore it looking into the mirror, checking his appearance before leaving for his meeting.

Gauri looked at her husband looking dapper, dressed in her favorite royal blue suit, his beard freshly trimmed and his hair left open. The only set back was his condescending frown which he seemed to carry a lot these days.

Without wasting time, she came to his front and hugged him tight. Omkara's hands embraced her in a reflex and a smile replaced his frown.

"Kyaa baat hai... madam ko achanak se itna pyaar aa raha hai aaj? (what makes you all lovey-dovey today?)" he whispered kissing her temple.

"Pyaar hai... kabhi bhi aa sakta hai (love... can come anytime...un-informed)" she replied "You are looking handsome today"

Omkara laughed "Why? Coz I let my hair loose?"

"Hmmm" came the reply and he parted from the hug to give her a thorough kiss.

When his wife melted into his arms, he deepened the kiss plundering her mouth and she pulled him closer slanting her head to the side to mould with his mouth. A bit later when he started kissing her cheek and then her neck, she moaned his name in passion making him take a bite of her skin.

"Shhh... Omkara" she said in anger moving away when he mumbled a sorry and kissed her, stopping any further protests.

"You are getting late..." she reminded him when he refused to stop and he groaned "You shouldn't be this lovely early in the morning Gauri"

After giving another peck, he left her to right his appearance while she smiled at him wiping his mouth of her tinted lip gloss.

"You were cranky and you will yell at the office staff if you go there with that frown" she said kissing his cheek "I had to do what I needed to"

"That was because you didn't wait for me last night"

Gauri frowned "May I remind you sir, that you yelled when I called you last night... saying you will be late and asked me not to wait for you"

"Still, I expected that you will stay awake" he said and she shook her head in disbelief.

"I would have Omkaraji... if you didn't ask me to sleep"

"I was in a bad mood and I needed you to listen to me"

Gauri narrowed her eyes "Just listen?"

Omkara grinned "You know me better"

"Besharam..." she said and pulled his cheek "You could have woken me up..."

"I couldn't" he said sighing and hugged her close "You looked tired and worn out... leave it... We can stay awake tonight... what say?" he whispered huskily and her heart, bet fast in anticipation.

She looked at him, nodded and kissed his lips signing their deal before she begrudgingly left him, asking him to leave for work which he agreed hurrying downstairs.


"O... didn't you forget something?" asked Rudra when he saw his brother gulping down food.

"Yes... I forgot to spank you for coming home late... will do that in the evening"

"Urghh... not that.... Something about Bhabhi..."

"What about her?"

"Rudy... aren't you getting late.... The driver is waiting... eat" said Gauri giving him a warning and Rudra sighed before doing as he was told.

He tried to hint his brother.. not his fault if he is thick skulled... he thought shrugging.

Omkara got up from his place and bid his family a bye before leaving for work.

"Gauri...Why did you stop Rudra..."

"I am just giving him a benefit of doubt maa... it is possible that he planned something and wants to surprise me"

"You think so?? He looked to be in a hurry.... He must be busy with his current project"

"Still... let me see... if not, I can also give him a surprise.. there is no rule that only husbands need to plan a surprise for their wives... even a wife can do that" she said with a wink and Jhanvi smiled.

"My son is very lucky to have you my dear"

"Right mom... bhabhi ... why are you cho chweet" he asked and Gauri laughed.

"Ofcourse... she bears you and your childishness... she must be great... aren't you done eating? Why are the vegetables left out... eat them Rudra.... When will you grow up?" scolded Jhanvi and her son sulked poking the vegetables with his fork.


Gauri grinned satisfied with her work... Their bedroom decorated with neon lights and scented candles emitting their fragrance gave the air a romantic touch...

Dressed in a teal colored chiffon saree, matching it with a contrast magenta pink blouse, she choose the classy yet sassy look. The oxidized teal handcrafted jewelry added to her grace making her stand out utterly beautiful without even trying for it... Tonight, she planned to convince her husband to give her a baby... 'No baby...no love making was the motto'.

Despite her protests since the past few months, he seemed to be non-budging citing his dislike to share their already meagre couple time with a newcomer.

She looked at the wall clock and frowned when it showed half past eight.

If her husband planned a surprise... he should have called by now... because no matter how romantic he turned to be, he needed to get a proper sleep to have a 'no-Nandi' day the next morning.

Otherwise, he would turn the entire office into a circus with him donning the role of a hunter ready to whip his staff whom he would then consider mere animals and not fellow humans.

Does that mean he forgot their day? she pondered.

Well, bad for him good for her... She can add a bit of drama to her seduction, making him the guilty party... who had shredded her soft heart into bits and to make them into whole again, he needed to play to her tunes.... she smirked wickedly when her phone rang.

When she saw that her caller is Dandi, their security head she sighed.

So he remembers...hmmm... my bad... she concluded.

Her brain started to find loopholes...trying to recollect all the incidents when he had been rude and arrogant to brace the plan of her playing the victim.

"Haa Dandi... what did your sir plan?"

Dandi chuckled "This is supposed to be a surprise madam"

"It would have been if I didn't know him better... what is it any way... a movie night... a dinner date or should I start packing for a vacation?"

"I am asked to accompany you to the Royal Fort hotel madam"

"Right.. dinner date it is... okay... I am dressed and ready to go... when should we leave?"

"In that case you can come down madam... I am waiting for you by the car side" he said to which Gauri muttered an okay before she grabbed her wallet and sprinted downstairs.


On reaching the Venue, she half expected Omkara to be the gentleman to walk her to their place on the roof top of the seven star hotel... which she was sure would have been booked for the day but when he was absent, she turned to Dandi for further instructions.

"Sir asked you to go to your favorite spot madam... the roof top table... everything is arranged" he said and she nodded getting out of the car.

Fifteen minutes later, when she was guided onto the top floor of the hotel which gave a serene view of the city studded with lights below, she smiled fondly as nostalgia hit her.

It was the same place he choose to propose her for marriage three years ago...when she rejected him...knowing they had no future together. She broke him, tortured herself for months when he finally took things into his hands and saved her from the hell of a life she was willing to step into.

How time flew... she couldn't help but wonder.

Three years ago...she was her parents' obedient daughter whose entire world focused on their happiness and their expectations of her... It hurt when they didn't value her love more than propriety... it terribly hurt when they called her husband and in laws names only because he showed them that they were wrong to marry her off to a person when she had another in her heart.

Today, she is the wife of a businessman who might be a beast to his world but with his beauty, he always was a sweetheart. Two years of marriage and never did he make her regret her decision.

Gauri walked to the table following the hotel manager, lost in thoughts. She did not notice that it was an elderly couple seated in the chairs of an intricately arranged dinner table and not her husband Omkara.

The manager excused himself wishing her a happy evening when the elderly woman turned around. "Gauri...!!!" she uttered happily and Gauri looked at the woman in shock.

"Maa.." she whispered and was soon engulfed in a warm hug by her mother Pinky Sharma who rushed to her.

Gauri hugged her back, her eyes pooling up making her vaguely see her father standing up from his place and greeting her with a guilty smile.

"Gauri... beta... are you okay?" asked her mother checking her hands and face as if looking for something. Gauri wiped away her tears and looked at her mother confused.

"I am good maa... what are you looking for"

"Is he punishing you?" her mother gasped finding a visible bruise on her neck, which her husband gave her that morning.

"Maa... it is nothing... what are you even talking about.?"

"Don't lie Gauri... you can tell us... you went against us and married him... that doesn't mean you should stay in an abusive relationship... we are always there for you beta" her father Shakti Sharma spoke in concern.

"Maa.. papa... what is all this... you are under the wrong impression... Omkaraji never raised a hand against me... nor his mother... and Rudra... Rudy is like my brother... I am incredibly happy with them maa... believe me"

When her parents still looked at her doubtfully, she made them sit and showed them her phone where she had all the memories captured in pictures.

Shakti and Pinky looked at their daughter smiling, laughing and expressively narrating the two years of life she spend without them and realized their mistake. They gave a satisfied smile to each other and turned to their daughter who didn't seem to stop praising her husband.

"Maa... how can you even think that he could do something like that... I mean... he loves me so much that he arranged this meet between us... why did you think he would invite you to a seven star hotel?"

"Your husband... might be dear to you... but he still remains an arrogant, obsessive and egoistic person to me Gauri... After what happened a week ago, I add manipulation into the list of inky qualities he is cursed with" said Shakti Sharma fuming.

Gauri looked at her mother in question when she explained "Omkara met us a week back saying he has had enough of you... He claimed that he doesn't want you anymore and when he asked for divorce, you wouldn't budge since you have no where else to go. He arranged this meeting for us to convince you to make things easier"

Gauri gasped covering her mouth... unable to believe that her husband had pulled such a stunt. On further thoughts, she knew why he did so... Mr. Oberoi is too arrogant to coax her parents but he is also a darling to notice that she missed them and tried to give them back to her on the very day she lost them.

"He did that only for you to come here and meet me papa"

"Yeah... We gathered that much" came the stern reply.

The parents and the daughter dined for the next one and a half hour with Gauri talking about mundane things... how she missed their support and how her in laws made her feel at home... while her parents being apologetic for not realizing they were forcing her into a loveless life.

Gauri didn't realize that the time was past ten thirty when her husband called her reminding her of the same.

"Hello Omk..." she started happily but was cut off.

"Are you done with the talk? Come home... I miss my wife"

Gauri rolled her eyes I miss you bhi aise bolte hai jaise ki koi imposition diya ho... Mr. Akdu singh Oberoi.

When she saw her parents curiously watching her, "Hmmm" she mumbled.

"What... aren't you done? It has been hours"

When his wife hummed again, he snapped "Kya hmm? don't tell me they convinced you to divorce me... I might consider killing them this time"

Gauri held her laugh and quickly hung up after muttering "I will be home soon"


Omkara glared at the phone in his hand hoping that his glower would reach the caller warning her to call him again, before he turned to his mother "Dare she hung up on me mom"

Jhanvi sniggered making him angrier.

"One day... no... few hours with her parents and she started ignoring me"

"Om... she is with her parents and when you talk bad about them... how can she reply... sometimes I feel you are more difficult than Rudy.. you should understand her"

"Why? And what more should I understand... It is our anniversary.. and I made her spend time with her parents... isn't it too sweet of me? And what did she do... she bloody didn't let me finish the conversation... I am not going to talk to her... you just see"

Jhanvi smiled at her son... no matter how angry he is... her daughter in law is skilled enough to handle him... she better not be present when that happens... lest her sanskaari bahu shies away and goes silent, making her son turn hulk.

"Okay fine... go to your room then... and let me sleep" she said and pushed him out.

Upon entering their room, the scent of the candles made Omkara's mood turn sourer. He was supposed to have a promising night with his wife tonight.

'What a waste' he groaned in disappointment... Why should he decide to be chivalrous and think about his wife's wishes keeping his needs aside.

Angrily, he threw the candles into a box, putting them away from his sight and went into the washroom. Changing into his trackpants and vest, he slipped under the duvet to take a small nap before his wife decides to bestow him with her presence.


Gauri hurriedly walked up the stairs into her room half praying that her husband stayed up for her. Looking at him wrapped under the covers, sleeping peacefully, she sighed in dismay.

Huh!! One day...He couldn't wait up for one day... she sulked before she locked their door and went to change.

Dressed in her shorts and t shirt, she looked at him trying to decide if it was safe to wake him up. Making up her mind, she lifted the duvet and snuggled close to her husband hoping he wakes up to her touch.

"Omkara ji" she called him in a soft voice.

"Omkara... wake up" she pushed him a bit making him frown in his sleep and turn to the other side.

Gauri glared at his back before she pushed him again, this time with more strength.

Omkara lifted his head and looked at her disoriented before his glare returned "Ohh... madam has finally come home... had fun? Now let me sleep" he said covering himself with the blanket which she shred off the next minute.

"Omkaraji... wake up... today is supposed to be our anniversary"

"Glad you remember it... anyways... it is past twelve... so technically.. our day is over"

"It isn't twelve yet... we have ten more minutes" she smiled at him pecking his lips and he narrowed his eyes.

"You hung up on me... you know I hate it" he accused and she giggled hugging him tight.

"Don't laugh"

"Sorry.." she said looking at him and flapping her eyelashes rapidly "thank you"

Omkara smiled lazily "You are welcome"

"Why did you do it?... scare my parents" she asked kissing his cheek though she already knew the answer.

"You know me Gauri... I still hate them but you love them so I had to somehow bring them back to you... I wanted to see if I can still tolerate their presence ... so I tested if they really loved you ... to see if they still would support you when you needed them... I lied and goodness they believed it...however dramatic it may seem"

Gauri smiled "And why would you tolerate them for me?"

"Because, When I said I love you.. I meant I love all of you...everything about you... everything you love...and your parents will always be a part of you" he said and she looked at him moon eyed.

"You wanted to start a family and without them you might feel a void... umm...My mom scared me enough about the mood swings thing that I felt I shouldn't be the sole sufferer" he revealed making her laugh.

"If it makes you happy... I can live with them being a part of my life... but kindly make the contact time as little as possible... I wo..." he started and Gauri shushed his next words kissing him.

Omkara was only too happy to oblige, opening his mouth to accommodate her. Her hands wound around his neck and his own went for her waist. When she pushed herself more into him biting his lip, he groaned, his hands finding the helm of her shirt and pulled it over her head in a quick move.

"I love you Omkara" she managed to croak in between their hungry kisses and he replied "I love you too my love.. happy anniversary" before he got to work and showed her how much he meant his words.

Despite what her mother in law often said... Gauri felt she was the luckier one amongst them...to get a life partner like him. After all, when she said she loved him, she meant all of him... his arrogance, his ego, his love for her and also his akdu-ness.

I said I love you

I said I care

When I tell you I love you

It means I will be there

I'll never leave you

I ain't going nowhere

When I tell you I love you

Cross my heart I will be there.

----Song by babyface.


The end......

Vote and comment...

see you....later... yours Soujanya.

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