Jungkook ff:The babysitter

By angelkya222

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It's about a girl named y/n that babysits a child for someone and falls in love with him will he like her bac... More

Episode 1-My life
Chapter 2-Working alot
Chapter 3-First day babysitting
Chapter 4-A day to myself
Chapter 5-Just Another Day
Chapter 6-The Bet
Chapter 7-Sweet and Spicy
Chapter 8-Date
Part 9-Date (part 2)
Part 10-Life with Jungkook
Chapter 11-Anniversary
Chapter 12-Sister's special day's
Chapter 14-Ruined Suprise
Chapter 15-Commitment
Chapter 16-Adding to the family
Update 3
Another story

Chapter 13-Just me and him

300 4 0
By angelkya222

Next day:*Morning*-Monday January 25

Jungkook pov

I wake up because of light beaming on my face.I look over and see y/n asleep but keep moving around cuz of the sunlight so i get up and close the curtains so she wont wake up.Then i get ready and i check on jungwoo and get him ready and cook breakfast quietly so y/n wont wake up.We eat and then i drop jungwoo off at y/n parents house so they can babysit for two days.I got y/n some breakfast and went home then woke her up.

Jungkook:Y/n wake up baby

Y/n:What do you want

Jungkook:I want you to wake up and eat

Y/n:Can we just cuddle

Jungkook:Maybe later

Y/n:No now

She pulls me in the bed and hugs me tightly so i get up place the food in the kitchen,take off my shirt and shoes and lay down and cuddle her for a while.

29 minutes later*

Jungkook:Ok for real this time you have to get up princess


Jungkook:So you can eat...come on

I pick her up and put her on the couch in the living room,then heat up the food.I bring it to her and feed her.

Y/n:Ur not hungry?

Jungkook:No me and Jungwoo ate already

Y/n:Where is jungwoo

Jungkook:At your parents house he's staying there for a while

Y/n:Oh...what are we going to do today

Jungkook:Today were are doing alot so after we eat get ready i have our outfits on the bed


Y/n pov*

I clean my dish after i  eat and goes in the room to see jungkook in his outfit.I get showered and do my morning routine then put my outfit on.


Jungkook:You look sexy

He came closer and pecked my lips and then we got in the car and he started driving.We end up being at a nail salon.

Y/n:What are we doing here?

Jungkook:For you..come here

We go in and he talks to the nail person and they seat me down and start to do my toes and nails.

5hrs later*

They finish and i dry the then go to jungkook.



Jungkook:Do you like them

Y/n:I love them thank you

We go to the car after he pays then we go somewhere else.While i doze off into my phone listening to music,i feel the car stop so i look over and she jungkook getting out the car.I look around and where at an skateing ring he opens the door for me and we go and get skates then go in the ring.I hold on to the sides and try to skates as jungkook's keep going around the ring and when he's about to go around again he stops and holds my hand.

Jungkook:let go of the side


Jungkook:I wont let you fall i promise

Y/n:Are you sure

Jungkook:Yes now let go

I let go and jungkook skates with me making sure i dont fall.

2hrs later*

Im getting the hang of it so now i know how skate by myself but then the mic comes on and they say clear the floor for only people who know how to skate backwards.I was about to get out of the ring when jungkook pulls me back in and turns me around and starts teaching me to skate backwards.

30min later*

We still skating backwards while jungkook is holding me.

A couple minutes later me and jungkook stop skating and get something from the food court.

Jungkook:What you want to eat baby

Y/n:A corndog and fries

Jungkook:Ok ill be back

He goes and get our food while i get a table for us.I sit and then he comes back with our food in a few minutes.We eat and talk but i notice that his phone keeps blowing up.

Y/n:Whose that?

Jungkook:Work i got alot to catch up on Wendsday

Y/n:Oh..am i taking up your time from work

Jungkook:No i love spending time with you

Y/n:Well you still have work and i dont want you pulling all nighters to finish it

Jungkook:It fine

Y/n:Sure*rolls eyes*

We finish eating and then we leave the place i decide to drive since he's been driving the whole time.Liitle did he know i was driving him to work.We stop at his work place that was filled with people going everywhere having places to be meeting to go to and work to do.

Jungkook:Why are we here

Y/n:For you to atleast get a little work done

Jungkook:No today is for us to spend time together

Y/n:And that what we did but you need to be succesful with work too...so lets go

We went in and to his office,He started doing work while i do somework that's not due till next week.I see jungkook keep giving me glances from time to time which i didnt mind.But then i felt his gaze on me for a long time.

Y/n:Jungkook focus on your work

Jungkook:How can i focus when theres a beautiful princess in the room.

I chuckle and walk towards him and sit on his lap he startes kissing me living hickeys here and there,Then i get up and sit back in my place that i was before.

Jungkook:That not fair no teasing*he whines*

Y/n:Maybe youll get more if you finish atleast half your work

We go back to doing work

3hrs later*

I look up and she jungkook standing infront of me


Jungkook:Im done

Y/n:K..time to got home

Jungkook:What?...you said you'll make love to me

Y/n:Did i specifically say that


Y/n:Exactly now lets go home



I walk to the car while jungkooks back hugging me and keep saying please like a baby.We finially get in the car and i start to drive home when i feel jungkook hand squeeze my thigh and keep rising up my leg to my vagina.

Y/n:Stop im driving

He starts pouting and crosses his arms.

I finially get home and we go inside the house.I see jungkook go in the room straight away,So i take my shoes off and go to the room to see jungkook laying down with joggers and no shirt about to go to sleep.I take my clothes off so i only have my undergarments on and go to the bed and crawl ontop of jungkook.

Jungkook:what are you doing*mumbles with eyes closed*

I start kissing his all over his face the lips and went down to his neck leaving hickeys on it.He finally opens his and eye my whole body,then he flip us over and start making out and leaving hickeys on my neck.


I wake up to go to the bathroom and wash my hands,put my hair in a messy bun then i look in the mirrior

I trace them with my fingers and then hop in the shower,i get out and get ready then go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Few minutes later i feel hands wrap around me and peck my cheek

Y/n:Good morning

Jungkook:Good morning my love

He pulls the front of my sweater up a little and rest his hand on my thigh as i finish cooking.I turn around,my eyes widen at the sight im seeing.

Jungkook:Do you like your masterpeice

I blush and shove my face in the crook of his neck as i rest my hands on his chest.

Jungkook:Can i see mines?

I pull my sweater up and show him as he traces it from my breast to my stomach,not forgeting to leave goosebumps on my body.

Jungkook:Ill have to admit its beautiful...i did great

Y/n:Ok lets eat

We sit down and eat our food.The rest off the day we just cuddle and enjoyed eachothers company.

2 weeks later-Tuesday Febuary 9

I woke up in the middle of my sleep and ran to the bathroom to vomit,Ive been vomiting alot for the past two weeks.Also much more like my breast swelling,peeing more and jungkook tells me im moody.I wrap my hair in a messy bun and sit on the toliet seat thinking.

Y/n:Ill justt make an appointment with my doctor for tommorow

I made the appointment then went in the kitchen got my some peanut butter and oreos to eat and watched jessie.

1hr later*


Y/n:Yes my baby

Jungwoo:Why are you up

Y/n:I woke up early to watch t.v.

Jungwoo:OK can i watch t.v. with you

Y/n:Sure come here

I lift him up on the couch and we watch t.v.

4 hrs later*

I start making brunch for everyone,i finish a couple minutes later and i go to wake up jungkook.Then we eat the food and i clean up everything,after im done i sit on jungkooks lap.We relax and watch movies,etc. for the rest of the day.

Next day-*Morning*

I woke up ready to go to my appointment i got ready grabbed the stuff i needed and headed out.I got there and my doctor told me to come to the room,she tried a few test on me that might be what making me have the symptoms im having.My phone went off and its was jungkook who texted me.



Y/n:Doctors i was scueduled for an appointment(i lied)

Jungkook:Ard what time you gon be back i want to cuddle

Y/n:Idk maybe at night im supposed to be doing stuff with the girls

Jungkook:K..ill keep checking up on you to make sure your fine

Y/n:Ok baby

The doctor came back....

Ends at 0:31


She makes sure that everything is ok with me and the baby and then she let me go.I called the girls.



Y/n:I need yall to meet me at xxxx

Momo:For what

Y/n:To help me pick a wedding dress,shoes and stuff


Lisa:I cant


Lisa:I got plans

Rose:When she means plans shes talking about suga asked her on a date

Y/n:Lisa cancel for me please..


Y/n:or else ill have to make some changes and you'll have to come

Lisa:Ill like to see you try

Y/n:Ok everyone else make your way there.

Ends call

Texts jungkook:


Jungkook:Yes princess

Y/n:Im going to get my clothes and stuff for the wedding i think you should too with the boys

Jungkook:Yea ill text them

Y/n:And make sure yoongi goes

Jungkook:Anything for you baby

I drive to the place and tell the lady to keep a look out for a group of girls because they are with me.I go up and start grabbing dresses that i might want to wear.That i wouldn't be able to show my bump at the wedding and then get something that would show my bump.

46 min later*

All the girls are here even lisa but she's made at me.We all trying the dresses on they finally picked there dresses with i have my outfit already.We decide to go to the food court that's in the mall.

The girls dresses:

After we eat we just walk around and buy stuff i picked up something for jungkook and jungwoo.Then we went our seperate ways while i went to my sister house driving behind jennie.We made it there and tae wasnt there.

Y/n:I think tae might be with jungkook


Y/n:Ok i need you to hold on to my outfit because i trust you and im pretty sure tae is going to holding onto jungkook's tux.


I gave her it and then left to drive home.

3 months later-Monday May 10

Ive been trying to hide my little bump from jungkook,he has noticed me eating alot and me not wanting to be intimate.I still try to be loving and avoid sitting on his lap so he wouldnt know im heavy,but he always want to cuddle and put me on his lap.I cant really tell if he notice because he doesnt really react anyway,I wear his big hoodies all the time he leaves but he always tries to put me in clothes that i used to fit.Which he thinks i still can but cant now that i have grown bigger.

Jungkook:Y/n come and cuddle with me please


I get up and get some chocolate then go to jungkook and cuddle.

Jungkook:Are ready its in 1 more month and 11 more days

Y/n:Ready more than anything

Jungkook:I cant wait if i didnt care that i want you to have the perfect wedding i wouldve been got married to you

I chuckled and pecked his lip and we continued to cuddle.After we were done i went jungwoo and picked him up.

Y/n:But first we have to be ready for this little adorable baby birthday

Jungwoo:Im not a baby im a man

Y/n:Yeah i mean man*chuckles*

Jungkook:Only 2 more days

Jungwoo:Im ready to party

Y/n:We are too

Jungkook:How about we go get you a outfit

We went to the mall to get him his outfit,eat and gifts.Then we came back and went to sleep cuz we was out all day

2 days later-Wendsday May 12 (aka jungwoo birthday)

Me and jungkook woke up and got dressed but he noticed i went into the other room and threw his hoodie on.We then invited everyone over,and we started decorating and i went to go get to cake and some snacks.

Outfit:With big hoodie over it

I got the stuff and went home and started put the candy out on the table.

Jungkook:Arent you hot you know you can take the hoodie off

Y/n:Ik but im cold

Jungkook:Are you sick you have been distant and wearing my hoodies alot

Y/n:No im just chilly

Jungkook:Are you sure

Y/n:Yes baby


He pecks my lips and leave.He goes to wake jungwoo and get him ready when they come out...

Everyone:HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGWOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Jungwoo:Wow thank you

Y/n:You look so handsome

Jungwoo:Thank you eomma

The rest of the day we party and sing happy birthday...i notice jungwoo talking to isabel

Y/n:Aww arent the so cute


We finish the party and everyone left,junwoo opened up his presents.

Y/n:Here go your present

He opens it and his eyes widen

Jungkook:OMG....thank you eomma 

Y/n:Your welcome

I put it on him


 Jungwoo:Appa look what eomma got me

 Jungkook:Now you look like a real man


I chuckle and sit down on the couch and so do they.We decide to watch a movie and we wind up falling asleep.

Ard kookies thats the end of this chapter.Sorry for not posting for a long time just wasnt feeling like writting but i figured yall been waiting so here it is.I might be doing 2 more chapters this month.I'll try to keep posting as much as i can.Byeeeee love yall❤️💗💓💕💖💛💙💜💚

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