Knowing The Cold Heart (Book...


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Can people really be soulmates? Or is it a sad story that we would like to believe in order to feel better in... More

New Characters Of Book 3
Chapter 1 'Alone'
Chapter 3 'Unlocked Personality'
Chapter 4 'The Beginning Of An Obsession'
Chapter 5 'Desires Within My Pained Heart'
Chapter 6 'Don't F*cking Play Me!'
Chapter 7 'Are You Really Okay?'
Chapter 8 'The Man So Beautiful'
Chapter 9 'Back To Square One'
Chapter 10 'The Legend Is Back'
Back after almost 1,5 years...
Chapter 11 'Winning Doesn't Lead To Happiness'
Chapter 12 'All I See Is Red'
Chapter 13 'Mood Stabilizer'
Chapter 14 'My eyes eternally on you'
Chapter 15 'You Need To Let It Go'
Chapter 16 'Do I Really Love You?'
Chapter 17 'Beautiful Night With You'
Chapter 18 'Love You To The Moon And Back'

Chapter 2 'I Always See You!'

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I laid my eyes on you the second you walked into the room. I directly knew you were mine. Because the emotions inside me were dancing together with you, I forget all the pain I have deep inside of me -

(Picture above is Duyon)

Duyon's POV

I was in room 1, room 1 is for patients who need to be further tested for their disorders so that we can treat them better.

Since we are not sure that Leo is a murderer, he must be treated differently from the other patients. They wouldn't put him in prison because he could be a danger to himself and the others in prison because of his disorders.

Nor do they have enough evidence to hold him in prison for more than a month. That's why he comes here to be treated and to wait for the investigation to be over.

The door opened with a boy and two police officers holding him by his wrist. The police officers sat the boy down on the chair while the boy was handcuffed. The police officers then looked at me before letting me know that I needed to push de red button on the table if he misbehaved.

The police officers left after giving me another document from the police unit about Leo. I took the documents to the table where Leo was sitting.

''I am the supervisor and the person who is in charge of helping you. My name is Duyon'' I told him with a smile while looking at his expressionless face. He looked a lot different from his picture. He has a weird air around him from the moment he stepped instead of the room.

I can't put my hands around it. Why does the room feel colder with him inside?

''I know you don't like to talk about your family. So I will not ask or talk about them for the time being. Can you please tell me how you feel right now?'' I asked him in a serious tone while looking at his expression change into a weird one.

The mixture of disbelieve and anger was written on his face for a second before again changing fast into an expressionless face.

''My dad died a month ago. So that's enough to tell you how I feel'' He said in a tone that I never heard before. It was low and emotionless. It had no emotion whatsoever. I never heard a voice in this kind of tone. The hairs on my back stood up from his ice-cold tone.

''I know, but I want to know what kinds of emotions you are feeling right now'' I told him but this time in a hard tone. He was still staring into my eyes without saying anything. It made me uncomfortable because of the cold stare he gave me.

Those green eyes didn't help the situation either because it made his stare much more unsettling and cold.

''I feel anger'' He told me but this time in a serious tone while still keeping his eyes on me. I nodded while looking at the documents in front of me.

''That's because they think you killed your father'' I told him in a hard tone while looking at his shocked expression.

''You feel anger because they accused you of murdering your own father'' I said in a hard tone before standing up from my seat.

''Don't talk about me like you know me. I feel anger because of everything that happened in my life'' He said in a hard tone while looking at the documents I had in my hands.

''What are those things you feel anger from in your life?'' I asked him but this time in a calm and collected tone while looking at his emotionless expression.

''I am not talking about myself'' He said in a calm tone while still keeping his eyes on me. Why does he only stare at me without looking any second away? That's not normal to do. It makes people feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

''You're not going to protect yourself by silence. It makes you more guilty on your part. It does more damage than good'' I told him in a serious tone before sitting down again in front of him.

''You also work for the police. You want me in prison-like they want!'' He said but this time in an angry tone while trying to open the lock of the handcuffs. He's finally showing some emotion, even if it's aggression.

''No, Leo. I am here to help you with your disorders. If everything goes well, I can stand by your side in the trails when the time is right. I will defend you but that will only happen if your aggressive behavior changes'' I said in a serious tone.

I could see he was thinking deeply about my words.

''I will send you to your room for today. I will talk further with you when you calmed down'' I told him before walking to the door.

I looked back at him and saw his face already turned to look at me. ''You're the same me'' He said with a smirk while still staring into my eyes. Those eyes stared right through me. As if he wanted to let me know he knew everything about me.

''Pardon? I am not a psychopath, Leo. What do you know about me?'' I asked him in a hard tone while looking at his grin getting wider. The creepiness I get from this guy isn't normal.

The way he talks and the way he stares the whole time into my eyes is abnormal. It's like he is playing a game with me.

''Your eyes. I recognize evil when I see one'' He said in a low tone but this time in an emotionless expression before turning his face away from me.

I opened the door before looking once back at his figure sitting by the white table. Does he know my past?

I didn't like the feelings I get when I am with him. I am now rethinking my statement about Leo not being the killer. The way he behaves is not like someone whose innocent.

I walked back to my office with the documents the police officer from before gave me. It's new data about the suicide case.

I sat down and began to read the documents about Leo and the suicide case.

Before I knew it I grabbed my phone and called Nina, my assistant. I couldn't believe what I was reading. This case is much more twisted than I originally thought.

Blaze's POV

I called Duyon to ask if he had time to cook today for me and Samuel. But he said he won't be home after two days.

I still can't believe he bought an apartment close to work last month. I haven't seen the apartment yet. But Duyon told me he would like a place close to work so that he can be there in 5 minutes if they need him in the mental hospital.

Even I can see he's obsessed with his job after the accident that happened to his ex-patient.

The patient was normal without any illness and was still taken to Duyon's mental institution by his parents because they hated their child and wanted him gone from their lives. With the information from his parents, they gave him medication before he was tested for any of those disorders the parents claimed the boy had.

Because the parents gave the mental hospital the old medication that they claimed was used by their son. Due to the strong medication from the mental hospital and being abandoned by his parents, the patient committed suicide in his room.

The parents were sent to prison because it showed that they mentally and physically abused their fourteen-year-old son daily for many years. That was also the main reason the son committed suicide inside the hospital. Duyon was the one to find his dead body the next day when he had an appointment with the little boy.

Everything I know about the sad suicide of the fourteen years old boy was shown on the news a year ago. Duyon couldn't talk about the incident because of his work. He can not disclose information about any of his patients. Because it's the privacy of his patients and it's forbidden to talk about it after his work.

That's was also the big reason he had it so hard during that time. He couldn't tell me what happened until I heard it myself from the news. That's also the big reason he went to therapy to cope with the trauma and stress from his hard job.

I only can hope he isn't working his ass off and is still taking all the blame from that incident.

''Blaze, someone delivered a present for you'' Samuel said before giving me the big black box that he was caring.

I opened the box and saw a big flower bouquet with red roses. I took the bouquet and underneath it were two boxes. The bigger one was a cake box and the other one was a box from Rolex. The name 'Rolex' was written above the box with gold.

I took those two boxes and put them on my table. ''It's from Duyon'' I told Samuel who was watching me closely unpacking the cake box. I took the cake from the cold box.

''It's beautiful!'' Samuel told me when he saw the caramel vanilla cholate drip cake, with the words 'For my sweet husband' written above the cake with gold letters.

I smiled while staring at my favorite birthday cake that Duyon made for my birthday when he started baking two years back. He started baking because he said that he finds it relaxing when he was stressed out. Since that time he made delicious cakes and cookies for me because he knows I have a sweet tooth. He's really good at making those delicious sweets. It's a while since he made something for me.

''Did Duyon made that for your birthday?" Samuel asked me. I nodded while smiling. ''Yeah! He makes delicious cakes. I can't believe he made this when his work schedule is so full'' I said before opening the watch present.

My jaw dropped when I saw the Rolex watch. I can't believe I am now looking at The Rolex GMT Master II Ice watch. It's one of the most expensive Rolex watches you can buy. I remembered that I told him that I really wanted to buy this watch one day because it was one of my dream watches to own, but I can't believe he gave me such an expensive watch as a birthday present.

It's a shame he isn't here so I can thank him for such a present. I really want to see his face right now so I can kiss him deeply. I miss him.

''Are you fucking kidding me?????!!!!!!'' Samuel asked with a shocked expression while taking a better glance at the watch I had in my hands. ''Yeah! I through the same. He really went all the way with this year's birthday present'' I said with a smile before putting the watch on my wrist.

''That's a sugar daddy that you have!'' Samuel said while shaking his head in disbelieve.

''Blaze, there's a note tied up with the bouquet'' Samuel told me before giving me the note.

I opened the envelope and began to read the handwritten note.


Happy Birtday Blaze The Bear!

I know how much we wanted to celebrate your thirty-second birthday but we both are very busy with work right now. I hope you liked the gift I sent over to your studio!

I made the cake with only love on my mind. That's why each bite will taste wonderful. PS. don't eat the whole cake in one sitting!

I know how much you love the Rolex GTM Master II Ice. I had the watch custom made to your taste so it's more expensive than the Rolex you wanted because it's special. On the back of the watch is your name written on it with 24k pure gold so you always know that the watch is yours.

Enjoy your lovely birthday even without me because I am always together with you!

I love you Blaze and a happy birthday to you.


I don't know what it was but my tears began to stream down my face. The note was so him and he made it much more special with the love all over the note. I could hear his voice speaking while reading the paper note he wrote.

''Are you okay?'' Samuel asked with a worried expression. I nodded before standing up. ''Bring me a knife so we can eat the cake'' I told him before bringing the cake to the fridge.

I grabbed my phone from my desk before calling Duyon.

''How are you?'' Duyon asked directly after picking up the phone.

''Better than ever! How can you give me such an expensive gift?'' I asked him in disbelieve. The watch is more expensive than the car I ride combined with the two motorcycles I have.

''Silly, it was your dream to own one of the expensive Rolex watches. That's why I wanted to gift you one on your birthday. It's a shame that I didn't see your reaction when you saw the watch'' He said with a quiet tone as if he was disappointed with not being here with me.

''I need to go!'' Duyon said in a hurry. ''Alright, thank you for those amazing gifts!'' I said with a smile.

''Happy birthday Blaze!'' He said before hanging up the phone.

I looked over to Samuel who was already cutting the cake and putting it on a plate for us to eat.

I also need to work because I only have a few hours to finish painting before giving it to the client.

I can't shake the feeling I got when I talked to Duyon. He sounded tired but also nervous as if was experiencing something bad. He always works too hard.

I really need to see him in order to check if he's really taking care of himself.

Duyon's POV

I was in the office with Nina. I was reading the documents the police officer gave me.

''Are you taking tomorrow as your day off? Nina asked me while pouring black coffee into my cup. ''Yes, but only tomorrow. I need to test Leo in order to treat him'' I told her before taking a sip from the black coffee. I could taste the bitter and burned flavor of the roasted arabica bones.

''Duyon you need more than a week off in order to give your body and mental state some time off. I know it's hard for you but you really need to take a break before you break down!'' She said in a serious tone before sitting on the couch that was in my office.

''I will but I first need to test him and after I did that. I will give Kei the orders to treat him with pills and therapy. But I need to know what kinds of disorders this boy has!" I told her in a hard tone before standing up.

''I will not make the same mistake twice'' I said in a serious tone before sitting next to her on the couch.

''But how did your little vacation go?'' I asked her with a smile. The look on her face went from worried to anger in a split second.

''We went to The Nederlands to see the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit in Amsterdam. I was truly amazed to see so many paintings from famous painters back in the day. But in the end, he ruined the day'' She said in an angry tone before grabbing the cup of tea she had on the table in front of her.

''What did Kaen do?'' I asked her. She took a sip from the warm tea before she sighed with disappointment.

''The whole two weeks of the vacation he was only checking out other girls. The girls in the Netherlands are much taller than us here in Japan. Almost every girl had blond or light brown hair with green or blue eyes. They were really beautiful almost like models. Not all of them but most of them were really beautiful'' She said in a serious tone while looking at me.

I smiled. She always is worrying about things that don't matter.

''Nina, you know you are beautiful, right?!'' I asked her in a serious tone. The expression on her face told me everything. She's not confident about her beauty. She looked sad and confused at the same time.

''Did he say something about your appearance?'' I asked her in a hard tone.

''He told me I looked ugly compared to the Dutch girls. He also told me I was too fat'' She said with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her head and hugged her close to my body while patting her back softly.

She's only twenty-five but still a woman who's looking for true love. I can't even count how many bad boys she dated in those two years that I know her. She's a sweet and kind girl but also very sensitive. If her boyfriend tells her she's too fat she will believe him and try to lose weight. When in reality she has the perfect body. She always works hard to maintain her fit body in order to look good. Strict diet and working out to keep her slim body while aging.

That's the kind of girl Nina is. Very soft and kind sometimes too kind for her own good.

''Never believe him because he doesn't deserve you at all. You better break up with him!'' I told her with a serious tone before grabbing a tissue so she can wipe the tears away.

''Thank you, Duyon. I really hope I can find someone as sweet and caring as you one day'' She said with a sad smile before standing up.

''I am not sweet. You need someone as sweet as you are. Don't waste your time with Kaen anymore. If he's trying to hurt or burden you tell me and I will help you'' I told her in a serious tone before standing up.

''You can go home for today. And take a day off in order to end things with him and have time for yourself'' I told her with a smile. She looked shocked and excited at the same time.

''Thank you, Duyon. You're the best!'' She said before grabbing her things and walking to the door.

''Don't even let a man tell you what you're worth. You deserve better, Nina'' I said with a smile when I saw her sad expression turn into a happy one.

''I love you!'' She said with a smile before leaving the room.

I cleaned up the mess we made during our lunch break before sitting down at my desk.

I read the document for the fifth time already not believing what they found in the house.

After a thorough search in the house of Leo and his father. They came across that Leo had been badly beaten by his father daily. The police agents found video footage of Leo being beaten up by his dad while his dad was drunk.

They didn't write everything they saw on the footage but they said it was very gruesome to watch. They found footage of a least five years' worth. Because of daily assaults by his father, the motive for killing his father is stronger in this case.

Leo has a big reason for killing his father because of his father being abusive to him. The big question is, did he kill him on purpose or was it self defense? Or was it really a suicide?

They only found footage of his father being abusive towards Leo. But they never found evidence that Leo killed him.

The only question I want to know is, Did his father really commit suicide, or was he murdered by his own son?


Do you think Leo killed his father? Or was it really a suicide?

I will publish one chapter a week from now on. I hope you can understand.

(Next chapter will be published on Sunday 17 January 2021)

See you next time - MF

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