Butterflies & Fireworks

By Deans-Gardian-Angel

272 16 1

This may not have been her first choice - or her second - as to where she wanted to spend Christmas, with the... More

Chapter 1 ~ The Cabin
Chapter 2 ~ Settling in
Chapter 3 ~ Good Company
Chapter 4 ~ Conffession

Chapter 5 ~ Butterflies & Fireworks

56 3 1
By Deans-Gardian-Angel

They woke up, the morning of Christmas Eve, together in bed. Dean wanted to apologize and promise that last night would never happen again, but he didn't get a chance. Instead, she rolled him over and hugged him, thanking him for letting her help him. He couldn't find the power to argue.

They ate breakfast silently, together, occasionally touching each other on the shoulder or back or knee. After last night, Y/N couldn't get enough of him and Dean? Well, Dean had always craved her. They did the usual, watching movies, or more so having them play in the background while they talked or played cards or board games, and then suddenly Dean disappeared. All he said was that he had to do something in the yard before slipping on his boots and jacket and bolting. Y/N was left in the cabin. He couldn't have gone far, given that Baby was still parked safely outside and so she chose to finish something she'd started long ago. At least it felt like long ago. She sat on the couch, reading the book she had been consumed by at one point. She only had a few chapters left of the story and so she finished them. The ending was bittersweet and as sad as it may have been, it made her smile. Not all ending can be happy. Sometimes you lose your favourite character, sometimes the bad guys win, sometimes they don't work out. Chances were, she would forget about this book in the future too caught up in real life to think of such simple things. But she'd remember it before she died, moments before she died, and she'd smile at the memory. One that would always bring her back to this cabin and to Dean.

The sun had gone down and she'd spent most of the day alone. She wondered if she'd scared him, or made him uncomfortable but he didn't seem to be in the morning or that night. She'd figure it out when he got back. Y/N made herself some toast as she stood in her jeans and t-shirt, layered with a flannel over the counter. Just as she finished her dinner, he came barging in.


"Kitchen!" He swung himself around the corner.

"Sweetheart, get your boots and jacket on, I wanna show you something." She was glad to see him in such a chipper mood so she brushed off her hands and smiled. Dean partly dragged her out the door once she had her outside attire on.

The instant the door closed behind her, everything slowed. Dean was no longer in a rush, holding out his hand for her to take. The snowflakes were few and far between but created a beautiful aesthetic. She took his hand and he led her into the forest. The moon crept over them as they brushed past snow-covered pines through the woods. She never let go of his hand and never asked where he was taking her. Dean led her deeper and deeper never looking back to her. He knew where he was going. When he spotted what he'd been looking for he stopped in his tracks turning to Y/N who ran into his chest with an "umph". He reached for her face brushing the unruly strands out of her eyes and bent down to see her better.

"Close your eyes, sweetheart." And she did so without hesitation. He took both her hands in his, leading her further a few more feet before coming to a stop once again. He let go of her hands and stepped back, taking her in with a smile for a second, before granting her permission to open her eyes.

"You can open your eyes now, sweetheart." She was smiling softly as she began lifting her eyelids that had temporarily rendered her blind. Her smile was lost as she became more aware of what surrounded her.

"Dean... What is this?" Y/N stood a couple of feet back from what seemed to be a frozen pond, illuminated by a solitary lamp next to her. He smiled at her. "When did I step into a wardrobe mister Tumnus." Dean got her reference immediately having it been one of the many movies they watched over their time together. He smiled at her backlit form, stepping closer to her.

"I found it. When I went out to cut some more wood, I came across that pole and realized it was a lamp. Figured it had to be here for a reason and then I landed on my ass."
"You slipped." She smiled.

"I slipped. But it gave me an idea. This idea." Dean moved from in front of her and took his place next to Y/N, overlooking the pond, his hand brushing her lightly. "We don't have ice skates, but we have the ice. And we still have each other." He turned his head, looking to her as he finished his sentence. She was still looking over everything, a Mona Lisa smile on her lips. "Will you dance with me Y/N?"

Turning to him briefly, she laughed sweetly at his statement half in disbelief half in shyness.

"We'll fall." She pointed out the obvious.

"Then we fall." He shrugged his shoulder.

"What'll we listen to?"

"Whatever we want." Her heart flutters in her chest time and time again, his words winning her over for the thousandth time in such short a period. She thought it unfair she didn't know if Dean felt this way as well. She hoped and prayed he did because now that she'd allowed herself this much pleasure, there was no going back. "What do you say?" He held out his hand, offering it to her. "Are you willing to risk falling?" Little did he know, she already had. But all be damned if she wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat, and those seemed to be quicker as of late. She reached for his hand and took it, the heat of his skin scorching her own. He didn't move, holding her gaze, and without a word, she knew he wanted her to go first. Her first step broke the intimate silence as the snow crunched under her weight. Dean followed behind. He supported her as she stepped onto the ice before he stepped behind her. They faced each other once in the centre of the rink. He got impossibly close to her body without yet holding her, his arms at his side. She stood and waited for him to do something but he took a chance to appreciate the moment. He reached up to her cheek putting his forehead against hers and squeezing his eyes shut, her own eyes fluttering to a close as a response to the intimacy of the moment. Wrapping her arms around his body she pulled him closer, closing whatever space could have been argued as such, though there was very little of it. They finally looked at each other both smiling wildly.

"You're beautiful." It was Y/N who spoke these words this time around. Dean was winded by her words, unable to breathe as his eyes welled up with tears though never spilling over. He'd been called many things; hot, attractive, sexy, and many others, he may have even been called beautiful by a few, but for every one of the compliments he'd received, none were meant for his soul the way this one was.

"Thank you." Was a choked back sob as he caught his breath. She pressed her cheek to his chest listening to his struggling breaths and raging heart. She closed her eyes as he started to sway them from side to side.

"What are we listening to?" She whispered.

"You'll like it." And he began to hum the introduction to a song she swore she'd never heard.

"I don't know this one."

"Sure, you do. Just listen." He continued the song never stopping the sway of their bodies.

Good times for a change

See, the luck I've had

Can make a good man

Turn bad

So please, please, please

Let me, let me, let me

Let me get what I want

This time

Haven't had a dream in a long time

See, the life I've had

Can make a good man bad

So for once in my life

Let me get what I want

Lord knows, it would be the first time

Lord knows, it would be the first time

True to her words she hadn't heard the song, that fell so purely from his lips, and yet, in her body, she remembered it. The words brought back memories that made her hurt, though some were just the memories of feelings. Feelings she'd never experienced before, memories she hadn't lived. And yet they were hers. She clutched to Dean's jacket so tightly it pained her hands.

"I'm so sorry for ever hurting you." She shuddered in his arms as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"It's okay, Y/N. It's okay, sweetheart. I forgive you. I've forgiven you a million times over. And I will forgive you a million times more." He'd stopped singing but they could still both hear the music giving them a rhythm to follow as they continued dancing on the ice underneath them. She'd stopped crying after a while but the dancing never did, and her grip never loosened, fearing she'd lose him if she let go.

"This is more of a fairytale than hallmark."

"Good. I much prefer fairytales. Don't you?" A sigh from her lips was the only response he got and I was the only one he needed.

"I have so many butterflies in my stomach."

"I've been calling them fireworks." There was a pause.

"I think I knew you before. In a past life. Do you believe in those?" She lifted her head from his chest to look him in the eye when he answered.

"Sweetheart, I know we knew each other in a past life. I've always known you. You said so yourself, I was different for you, you knew you'd grow attached, you knew you'd love me. Just as I did. I've always known you, sweetheart."

"I do love you, Dean." He was smiling sadly, on the brink of crying.

"And I love you." Foreheads were pressed against each other once again as they steadied themselves, both breathing heavily.

"I've missed you so much. My sweetheart." She choked on her tears holding him as tightly as her frozen hands would let her.

"Gah—I've missed you too, my love."

Their first kiss lasted years in their souls. Y/N held his cheeks in her hands as she pulled him closer, closer, while Dean did the same. Her fingers curled over his jaw, grazing over his soft scruff while his thumbs brushed over her cheekbones. When they pulled away, every season had come and gone. They clung to each other a moment more before relaxing into each other. Y/N pulled away first getting down onto the ice and lying back.

"Will you lay with me, Dean?" And he did, taking her hand in his, he left no space between them. They lay in silence, comfortably, though a question was burning Y/Ns tongue and she couldn't hold it back.

"Dean... do you think we're..." Soulmates.She wasn't sure if she should finish her question and so it seemed, she didn't have to.

"I know we are. Don't you?"

"I was just making sure. I can't imagine what life must be like without one."

"I know. I've had lives where I didn't have you. It was agony."

"How do you remember."

"I don't have memories. But I remember the feeling of losing you, and I've never had to go through that in this life."

"Why don't I remember those feelings."

"Because you never lost me. I lost you." She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. He whispered the lyric to the song he'd sung earlier.

"So please please please let me get what I want, lord knows it would be the first time." This time around he would. He would keep her for his whole life and she would too. For all, they knew they'd go out Butch and Sundance, gun blazing, on their next hunt, or maybe they would make it to a ripe old age and fall asleep in each other's arms one last time. All they knew was that this time, they would get what they want. After a little while longer the energy had changed to more easy-going and sillier as they played with each other's fingers.

"You know, there are probably ice skates in the shed."

"Shit! I didn't even think to look in there sweetheart, I'm sorry." She giggled tugging on his index.

"It's okay. This was much better anyway."

"You sure, cause I can just rewind and bring the ice skate this time." More giggles passed through her lips and he couldn't resist pulling her onto his body. She leaned down kissing him again.


"Fireworks." After seconds, though it felt more like minutes, Dean's watch chimed and he smiled knowing what it meant.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart."

"Merry Christmas, Dean."

It wasn't long after that when they started getting cold, lying on the ice as the wind blew solitary snowflakes over the scene they found themselves in. They got up, making their way back to the heat of the cabin. Stepping inside, Y/N toed off her boots while Dean worked on his laces. She slid off her jacket watching Dean kick his boots to the side. She worked, her hands over his chest earning his attention. Pushing the jacket off his shoulder, it landed on the ground behind him. Her lips ghosted over his as she pulled him closer, standing on her tippy toes to seal their kiss. Dean's breath carried over her cheek as he struggled to catch his breath, pulling her hopelessly closer.

"Dean." He hummed through kissing her again. "Bedroom."

"You're place or mine?"

"Doesn't really matter. I'm sure they'll both be well broken in by the time we leave." She mumbled over his lips and he breathed out a chuckle.

"Mine it is. It's closer. Need you closer." He reached for the back of her thighs, hoisting her up effortlessly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. One hand pushed down on his back holding her chest to his. She drew soft whimpers as she tugged gently on the hairs on the nape of his neck, and heavy groans when she rolled her hips against his hardening length. Dean gasped for air and Y/N giggled resting her head against his before stealing another kiss. Dean carried her upstairs to his room, blinded by lust.

"Open the door." He muttered against her. She reached behind her, feeling for the doorknob as he pressed into her hard against it. It took her a few fumbles to unlatch the door as Dean licked up her throat before sucking a deep purple mark on her skin. He stumbled in with her in his arms once the knob turned. Her feet touched the ground and the instant they did, she was tugging her flannel off her shoulders as Dean did the same. He replaced the distance between, with his body on hers, pushing her towards the bed with more passionate kisses. His fingers hook in her belt loops keeping her pinned to him, though not for long, as he let go sliding them along her hips into her back pockets, giving a healthy squeeze as she moaned into his mouth. She felt his strong bulge when he pushed on her ass, and it gave her a rush knowing she was the reason. She grabbed him by his shirt and spun them around pushing Dean onto the bed before crawling over him to straddle his hips. With Dean beneath her, she paused, appreciating the view. Her hands ran up his taunt chest pushing his shirt with every inch her fingers traveled. Her touch burned his skin like ice, prompting him to grip her tight on her hips, no doubt leaving bruises as a reminder of where his fingers had been. She rolled her hips again earning a growl from the god-like specimen of a man underneath her. He sat up abruptly, pulling her face to his own, capturing her lips with his, greedily. She pulled his shirt over his shoulders as he lifted his arms, quickly grasping his lips again, once it was out of the way. She reached for her own shirt pulling it over her head bearing her bra-clad chest to Dean. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath as he kissed over her collar bone and down the valley of her breasts. Reaching behind her, he unhooked her bra, letting the straps fall off her shoulders, exposing her naked form to him at last. Her arms wrapped sound his neck, grinding down on his manhood while he kneaded her breasts, sucking her nipple into his mouth and toying at it with his tongue. He nipped, earning an audible gasp from her, then move to her other. Y/N worked on getting his belt undone. It slid out of its loops around his hips smoothly the move to the moves to the button which she indeed in a rush. Reaching into his jeans she pressed down over his boxers earning a deep groan. She smiled down on him and pressed again massaging his cock. Y/N slid her hand into his boxers stroking his length. Dean sighed, his head resting on her shoulder as he fought for his next breath.

"Dean." She whispered dragging her lips over the shell of his ear and down his neck, pausing to lick and suck over his skin, tasting him as she gripped his cock. He responded with a moan as she worked her hand over him, pumping just enough to make him want more but never enough to be satisfied with the one. "I want you." His lips were on hers, sucking and biting them, his tongue licking over them before diving deeper. She parted her lips for his, granting him access as she sucked on his tongue. She broke the kiss, moving down his neck and over shoulders, dragging her teeth over his pulse point.

"Sweetheart." He was panting resting back, on one hand, holding her face in the other.

"Shhh." She came back up teasing a kiss though never delivering. "Lean back." His eyes grew wider as he watched her push him down before sliding off the bed standing in front of him as she put on a show. She turned her back to him before shimming out of her skinny jeans bending over provocatively. She could tell he liked the view by the sighs flooding her ears. She turned back, once rid of her jeans, to see a cheeky smirk on the lips of her spectator as e rested on his elbows. She crawled back onto the bed and he sat up but she stopped him from kissing her with a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her confused and saddened but the lack of contact desperate for her touch. She only smiled seductively before pushing him back down. She was directly above him, one hand on his chest, rendering it harder to breathe, as per her intentions, while the other brushed through his hair and along the side of his face. She felt his jaw, ticked under her touch though his lips were still parted. She licked her lips. He looked downright edible, and that exactly what she intended to do. Her thumb slid over his bottom lip, her lips so close though never touching his and he whimpered at the teasing. She bit her lip, getting precisely what she wanted. She worked her way down his body, licking at his nipples causing him to gasp. Her fingers slid ever so lightly over his ribs, on the brink of ticking but still heavy enough to set his skin ablaze. His muscles rippled under her lips as she kissed and licked down his chest, dragging her tongue over and dipping it into his belly button, before kissing along the treasure trail on her way further south. She moves to unzip his jeans the rest of the way noticing how hard he was. His pants and boxers strained under the pressure of his agonizingly sensitive cock. Y/N gripped the sides of both the boxers and jeans pulling them both off at once as he lifted his ass, making it easier. The evidence of his arousal sprung free, weeping precum as she wriggled his pants down his legs all the while watching him breathe heavily. She took him in her hand, lightly, obtaining a soft moan. She licked at the flared, blushing red tip, swirling and spreading the clear precum over it. Dean fisted the sheet, tortured by her delicate touch. She slid her lips over him taking him as deeply as she could on the first try, motivated by Deans hissing as she sucked on him. Dean was well endowed but she managed to take him to this hilt, working her throat open as she bobbed her head, overruling her physical demands to gag. She took all of him, her nose buried in his well-maintained pubic hair at the base of his thick cock. She held herself there, forcing herself to swallow, her throat contracting around him prompting a straggled moan to rip through his throat. She pulled off gasping for air, her mouth still tied to his dick by a string of saliva. He was panting as she worked him over in her hand, before going back for more. Dean's cries grew louder and closer together, his hips jerking up into her mouth from the overstimulation. She sucked on him, hard, harder.

"Y/N!" He gasped. "Gah! Wait! Wait. Y/N s-stop!" At those words, she pulled off of him still holding him in her hand but didn't move as she looked to him. His eyes were black with lust as his cock pulsed in her palm. "Not yet." She crawled back up as he panted, struggling to catch his breath. She kissed him, pressing her spit slick lips to his momentarily. His tongue rested on his teeth peeking out only enough to make her jealous that it wasn't her lips they sat on heavily. He surprised her by pushing her up and rolling her onto her back. Her head hit the pillows as she watched Dean looked her over. She didn't once feel self-conscious under his gaze. The way he mulled over where to start, desperate for every inch of her. She could see it in the way eyes washed over her that he was admiring and not judging. She lifted her chin, proud.

"I want those off." He neglected to make eye contact as he submerged his face between her thighs. She cried in shock at her sensitivity as he dragged his teeth over her clit, through her soaked panties. They were ruined after how aroused she had come to be while sucking him off. She wasn't opposed to going down on someone, though had never been particularly fond of it and never volunteered to do so. But with him, with Dean. She couldn't turn up a chance of tasting him heavy on her tongue. She now found herself in a similar position as Dean teased and tortured her through her panties. He slipped his finger into the waistband, sliding them off of where they rested tantalizingly low on her hips. They pulled off easily as she drew her knees together for a trouble-free removal. His hands were hot on her skin as he peeled her open, pushing her legs apart. Her feet were firmly planted in the bed as he leaned over kissing up her thigh. Dean lay down on his stomach, his arms threading under her legs and around to her waist. She could feel his breath on her throbbing core, cruelty tempting her. She felt excited and slightly concerned when Dean took her wrists in his strong grip, holding them down along her side. She looked down at him, his dark eyes making her heart pound as he smirked up at her, a devilish grin that wouldn't work coming from anyone else. The panic she felt as she tried pulling her hands back with no luck was exhilarating. He gave little kitten licks over her hot cunt, drawing moans and sighs from her kiss swollen lips. His nose bumped at her clit as he sealed his mouth over her pussy, pulling a cry from her throat and a tug from her wrists. He did it again, working her open with his masterful tongue until she was screaming his name over and over, bucking her hips. Her laboured breathing spurred him on as he hummed, sending vibration over her sensitive core. His cock pulsed at the sound of her wails as she was dragged to the edge and pushed over by all stimuli. She lifted off the bed seeking more friction as he pulled away, her hands still pinned as she writhed under his admission. Her arousal glistened on his face, licking his lips to taste her one last time before moving up her body and sharing her flavour in a searing kiss.

"Not fair that you got to make me cum and I didn't."

"Well, now's your chance." He kissed her again, more demanding than the last. He growled nipping at her lips and sucking them into his mouth.

"Dean." Her nails dug into his back as she gasped for air. "I need you. Mm. Please."


"IUD. I want to feel you." Her words sent a pulse to his cock where it prodded at her hungry, dripping entrance. Dean held himself, thumbing the head of his length through her folds, teasingly before feeding the tip into her waiting hole and pausing. His body was pressed against hers, slotted between her legs. He felt her throb working to pull him in further but he didn't move. Her eyes were hooded with lust, nearly closed.

"Look at me." Her eyes flutter open at his command, once she looked into his eyes, her breathing slowed. The love was overflowing from him and it caught her by surprise to see such emotion in the act they were performing. He leaned down, planting a firm kiss on her swollen lips one last time before pushing in, both gasping. She felt his tip push against her cervix leaving her a weeping mess beneath him as he withdrew and pushed back in. He felt her walls flutter around him as he set a stable pace. The build was delicious and Y/N could feel her end nearing with every thrust of Dean's hips against her own. Her legs wrapped around his hips giving him a new angle allowing him to fuck her deeper and she screamed, strings of curse words and his name all laced together with sounds of attained pleasure. Her heels dug into his back spurring him on. He could feel her ending closing in on them.

"Look at me." She found his gaze once more, holding it as he pounded her into the mattress until she came undone around him with, the strongest orgasm she'd ever experienced, stars stealing her sight. Her walls squeezed his cock as he worked her through her release. He grunted, pounding into her a few more times, no longer able to hold off his completion with her walls throbbing around him, and spilled himself inside her. He held her eyes as he came with stuttered breaths and stalled moans. Her cunt still worked over him pulling him in as she milked him for all he was worth.

His weight was comforting as they caught their breath, her hand running up and down his back as his thumbs spun circles on her shoulders. He hadn't yet pulled out not wanting to leave the heat that enveloped him and she'd be lying if she said she wanted him out. Her walls would occasionally flutter causing him to groan and her to giggle. His face was buried in her the crook of her neck kissing softly and leaving love bites on her skin.

"I don't want you to move." She whispered in his ear.

"I don't want to move." He kissed her cheek. "But I'm too heavy to fall asleep on you." She pouted at the logic that went into his statement. Dean smiled and kissed her pout, lifting himself up though not pulling out. She looked at him, sad that they would finally break apart. He lifted her as he rolled into his back holding her to his chest, managing to do so still seated in her warm core. She smiled down at him before kissing him softly, resting her head on his shoulder. He pulled the blankets over them, shielding them from the potential cold.
"Goodnight sweetheart." She hummed, comfortable and warm, her sated desire still tingling in the back of her mind and all over her body. She had never been happier. And neither had he.

Dean woke up first, taking a minute to convince himself that what happened last night at the pond, in bed, was real. It was everything he'd longed for, all he wanted now was that she stayed, though he had a feeling she would. He felt her stir on his chest humming in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open slowly as her grip tightened on him.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Mm, it's Christmas morning, aren't we supposed to be rushing downstairs to see what Santa brought us?"

"He delivered mine last night so I'm in no hurry." He kissed the top of her head and she hummed again. Rolling off her partner, Y/N made her way to the shower, looking over to the man in their bed as he watched her move.

"I'm sure there's room in the shower if you want to conserve water." Sending a wink his way.

"I've always been one to care about the environment." He joked as he got up and followed her in.

Y/N and Dean ate breakfast slowly, still worn out from last night's activities, wanting to take it slow around each other.

"What's that?" She looked at the tree where her gift for Dean lay, but next to it was a smaller object, wrapped in equally festive paper.

"Why don't you go see." She looked at him, dropping her head to her shoulder slightly.

"Dean." She drew out his name.

"What? Wasn't me."

"You're not funny."

"I'm hilarious." She made her way over to the tree leaving her plate of bacon unattended.

"Don't touch my bacon." She crouched down next to the item while Dean rolled his eyes.

"So? What is it?" She picked it up.

"You tell me." Then put it back down.

"You're not gonna open it?"

"Are we doing presents?" She went back to him as he spun on his stool to face her and stood between his legs with her arms around his neck, kissing him repeatedly.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Dean cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast while Y/N poured them each a glass of eggnog and brought the gifts to the coffee table so they could sit on the couch. She had once again tackled him. This time onto the couch and instead of loud laughs there were soft giggles and happy sighs.

"Here." Y/N reached over to the table to grab the gift for Dean, never moving from her spot on his chest. Dean took it, focusing on her.

"Kiss me." She complied laying it thick on his lips.

"Now open." He tore away piece by piece revealing the collector's edition of the entire Led Zeppelin vinyl collection.

"Oh, wow." His eyes went wide as he traced the edge of the box. "This is beautiful. This is awesome. Wow. I mean look at this it has everything from '69 to '79. This is awesome."

"You like it." She smiled as she watched him gawk at his gift, from where her chin rested in her palms, his beating heart under them. He nodded vigorously.
"I love it. Thank you. I love it."

"Now we can stop playing Christmas and hair rock and listen to real classics."

"Awesome." He was beaming, hardly registering anything else. "Your turn." He finally put the collection down on the coffee table and grabbed his gift for her. He handed it to her and she looked at him with a childish grin.

"Kiss me." He chuckled and pulled her closer kissing her breathless. She peeled back the tape, unfolded the paper, and unwrapped the gift. Her smile disappeared from her lips while tears blurred her vision. "I wouldn't have even thought to ask for this." She cried wiping her tears away quickly so she could get a better look and he smiled.

"You like it?" She nodded, dislodging more tears.

"Can we watch it right now?"

"Of course." She jumped off of him, rushing to the DVD player and put her very own copy of Brother Bearin before returning to her spot-on Dean's chest.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She had come a long way from hating Dean. Well, never hating him, always loving him, but a long way indeed. She knew now, though, more than anything, that against all odds he would always be there for her.

Deans thumb brushed over her cheek continuously, as he watched her, never getting enough of watching her.

"Y/N." She turned her head to look back at him. "I need to ask you something and it might be stupid considering the circumstances but I can't leave this up to assumptions." She nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Is this real? Is this long term, or is it temporary?"

"Do you want it to be?" He watched her, smiling fondly.

"I want you."

"I was hoping you'd say that." She held his gaze. Every time she looked at him it was like seeing him for the first time. "I'm not going anywhere, Winchester."




The End

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