
By sheens199

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Alora Cole is the girl everyone dreams of having, including the Gryffindor's. When she transfers to Hogwarts... More



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By sheens199

Friendly Faces;

Alora's P.O.V.

I woke up with a slight headache pounding in my head, I sat up slowly only to see I'm still in yesterday's clothes. I must've fallen asleep crying. 

As slowly as I can, I got up and decided to head downstairs. To my surprise, everyone was already awake and by everyone, I mean Pansy, Leona and Atlas. 

"Morning," I mumble, walking into the kitchen where everyone is eating their breakfast. 

"Sleeping beauty awakens," Atlas chuckles, sipping his coffee. 

I roll my eyes and sit down next to Leona who pats my head, "You know, the Aurors are coming today. Pansy just told me." I lift my head up and raise my brows at her.

"Am I meant to be happy?" She sipped her coffee, choosing to ignore my sour mood. "They should be here any-"

As Pansy was speaking, the doorbell went off and she smirked at me before getting up to answer the door. "I don't see what's so exciting about a bunch of Aurors guarding me like I'm gold," I said. 

Atlas and Leona both rolled their eyes. The door opened and in walked Pansy accompanied by a bunch of Aurors. I looked up and my eyes widened along with my smile.

"Ron?" I asked in complete surprise, needing to make sure I'm looking at a Weasley. "The one and only," he chuckled. 

I walked up and gave him a hug, his friend Harry who was standing behind him too. There were a few other Aurors I didn't know of but to my surprise, another Weasley joined the party.

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed as I saw Ginny who was holding a baby boy in her hand. "Ginny Weasley!" She chuckled before hugging me with one hand as she used the other to support her baby. 

"Well, let's go into the living room. It's so cramped in here," Leona shivered, shoving us all out of the kitchen. 

Once we all sat down, I was in awe as Ron explained how he along with Harry and the other Aurors will be guarding Leona's house as well as my safety. "We'll be here during the day, during the night the Aurors will shift," Ron finished. 

"Thank you, honestly this is all so bizarre to me," I sighed, looking around the room.

"But you'll be safe, don't worry," Pansy reassured me as she was writing some stuff down in her workbook. I gave her a swift nod.

I turned around to Ginny who was bouncing her baby boy on her lap. "So who's the little angel," I cooed as I looked at the little boy. 

"James Sirius Potter," Ginny smiled as she pulled some of the curls back. "Aha! Nice doing with the name," I laughed. "Can I hold him?"

Ginny smiled before handing me the baby, he sat on my lap as he played with the rings on my fingers. It was just Ginny, Leona and I sitting in the living room - the boys went out to find Theo because apparently, the Aurors won't let him in despite knowing him. 

"How old is he?" I asked, he was absolutely adorable. You could tell he looked a lot like Harry but had Ginny's smile, my heart was melting at the cute boy. 

Over the years I grew a soft spot for kids, especially babies. My heart ached whenever I held one but little James was the cutest being. 

"Turning 1 in October," she said, sighing as she rubbed her temples. 

Baby James had his chubby fingers wrapped around my fingers as he attempted to put them in his mouth. "James! What did we say about biting people's fingers? No!" Ginny scowled.

"It's fine, he's such a cutie," I giggled, flipping him over so he faced me. His big smile never failed to warm my heart, he was truly an angel. 

As I was making faces at the tiny Potter, the door opened. The three of our heads jolted to see Draco walk in. "What do you want?" Leona asked, standing up. 

"I came to discuss Astoria's history, you know the one you asked about," Draco sighed, waving some papers in his hands. 

"Oh, wait here. I need to get my things. Also, did you see the boys outside?" Leona rushed as she tapped her leg impatiently. 

Draco nodded his head, "Yeah. Theo's fighting with some kid named uh- I don't know but they're sorting that out." Leona rolled her eyes before heading upstairs. 

"Weaslette! Alora!" Draco nodded. Ginny waved him off as she looked like she was ready to fall asleep at any moment. 

As I tried to ignore Draco, he came and sat next to me on the couch. "Atlas knock you up?" He asked, staring at me and the baby. 

I looked to Ginny who rolled her eyes before letting him know the baby is hers. "No offense or anything Weaslette-" Draco started. "Here we go," she groaned. 

"-But you let your scarhead of a husband name your child?" Draco finished to which Ginny nodded her head. "Why?"

I could tell Ginny was beginning to get frustrated with the blonde. "He's a baby, Draco. I think it's sweet they named him after the dead," I interjected, bouncing the baby who began to giggle. 

"Whatever. Watch Potter name his next son 'Dumbledore', that kid would be bullied till the end of time," Draco snickered and I slapped his chest, hoping he'd shut up.

Baby James began crying suddenly and Ginny groaned, I could tell she was beginning to get tired of the baby's constant need. "I know James, the blondie otter is a meanie.  Let's go in the kitchen, he hasn't touched anything," I talked to the baby as I took him into the kitchen. 


An hour later, Theo finally joins Ginny and I in the kitchen. He's startled for a second by the baby in my hand but brushes it off. "Where have you been?" I asked the flustered boy. 

He had a big bruise on his forehead and I could only assume he'd been in a fight. I haven't seen Theo in a long time before I came back to Britain and it sure as hell is weird seeing him injured. Even back at school, he'd never have a physical fight. 

"Don't even- I came to grab an icepack," Theo huffed, "Did you know Draco is sitting in the living room? For someone who got a dying wife, he sure spends a lot of time at his ex's house she's staying at."

Ginny and I glanced at each other as the boy walked out, I rolled my eyes as I handed James back to Ginny. "Come on, let's go out and see what this is all about," I sighed and we walked out of the kitchen. 

To my disappointment, Draco was still here and it didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon. "Well, we'll be outside if you need us," Harry said as he walked into the living room. 

"Thank you, Harry. Truly," I smiled and he nodded his head before walking to Ginny and James. 

Draco rose his brows at me, "Why are they outside?" Leona smacked the blonde with a newspaper, handing it to him, "Do you not read the news?"

"Sorry, bit preoccupied with my wife's current state of health," he snapped, opening the daily prophet to read it. 

After scanning it for a while Draco looked up at me, there was something in his eyes - those ocean-like eyes. "They're back?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, I wonder how long it'll take before they kidnap me again," I snort, walking towards the door to find Atlas and Theo. 

"Alora, this isn't funny. Your life is really-" Draco began but I interrupted him, walking back towards him. 

"Look, Malfoy. Your wife is on her death bed and as much joy that that brings me, you should be worried about her rather than your 'ex' who you didn't even bother to open a simple piece of mail which would've explained everything." My voice slightly raised at the end as the tears began forming but I brushed them off as I walked out, slamming the door behind me. 

When I found out that I would become the luckiest person in the world, I was devastated. But after the DNA test, I couldn't help but feel relieved and overjoyed. What hurt the most was the fact that I owl'd him and he sent the letter back, not even bothering to open it. 


Quick Question: What do you guys prefer, Narrators P.O.V. or their personal ones?

Also for my book after this what would you guys like to read? Comment on one of the below:

After the War

An Alternate Universe (Voldy leading and stuff)

During their school year (Probably 6th)

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