H i r e d ( p . s u n g h o...

By WaengOrangeade

2.9K 178 17

She was hired to protect, and to secure him. But she's also hired to kill. He's being protected and secured... More

Thanking Ceremony...Hahahah


166 14 2
By WaengOrangeade

" I'll stay here, I'll watch from afar. Jungwon, Jake, and me will watch over you. Can you hear me, Y/n, Mr. Seo ?"

" Yes, Heeseung. I can hear you. "

" Same here. "

" Changbin-oppa, let's clear the guards outside first. Felix, Minho, can you hear me ?"

" Yeah. I can hear you. "

" I can hear you too. "

" How 'bout the others ? Are they doing well ? Make sure that the guards won't see them. "

" All set, Mr. Seo. "

" All troops, when Y/n raises her hand after bringing one guard down, we'll move. Roger that ?"

" Roger that, Mr. Seo. "

" Copy that. "

" Y/n, go now. "

" Okay... "

Y/n silently sneaked in the bushes to make an ambush. But she thought it will take a long time for her so she grabbed her guns and inserted a silencer each on it. She confidently showed herself to the guards, and of course the guards don't know her because she's wearing a mask just like 'Cat Woman'.

" Who are you ? " the guards said as they pointed a gun at her.

" I'm your worst nightmare, mfs. " she said as she quickly grabbed her gun and rolled down and shot the guards on their head then raised her hand as a signal.

" Y/n, I told you to just bring one down. " Changbin said while him and the others started to move.

" I don't care. I'm too thrilled. Besides, it will make our work easier, don't you think ? "

" Okay, okay. Thanks a lot. "

The team succeeded their first mission. Next, they will go now inside their mansion secretly while Y/n and Jungkook went to Sunghoon's room quietly as what her brother said. Jungkook injected Sunghoon a sleeping drug to make sure that he won't be a hindrance to them. Y/n opened his closet and noticed there's a medium-sized door on it. She opened it by the door knob to see that there's an another lock for the money.

She used the password that Changbin gave to her last time and it worked. As she opened it, moneys, golds, and diamonds, are found in it. She quickly put all of it in her bag not until she saw a tiny door knob on it to see that inside of it are guns that Y/n loves. Her eyes gleam with joy as she tried to scream but she mustn't.

" Hey, Jungkook ! I'll leave you here, I'll go somewhere. "

" Okay, Y/n. "

Y/n quickly opened her bag and stole Sunghoon's hidden guns on her bag. She wants to steal all of them but the bag she's carrying is too heavy.

" Need help, Y/n? "

" Yeah, bring this one and carry it carefully. For now, retreat yourself and put that on the escaping vehicle. Go ! I'll go now with Changbin !"

" Copy that. "

" Changbin-oppa, I'm done here. Jungkook will carry the things I stole from Sunghoon to our escaping vehicle. Where are you ? I'll go there now."

" I'm at his dad's room. Hurry up, Y/n. After that, we'll beat him and Taehyun the hell up. "

" Okay, coming. "

" Y/n ! Don't come out of Sunghoon's room !"

" What is it, Heeseung ? "

" One of the maids will go here ! Hide ! "

" Thanks. I'll hide now. "

As the maid came inside, she was about to scream but luckily, Y/n shot the maid to her head. Bull's eye.

" Sorry ma'am but no one dares to interrupt a woman on a mission."

" Good. You can go now. "

" Thanks, Hee. "

As Y/n quietly walked outside, she uses the furnitures as her hiding place while going to Mr. Park's room.

" You came late. "

" Because some rat interrupted the cat. Now, I'll steal and you'll take care of him. "

After a few minutes, Y/n managed to steal everything from him and gave Changbin a smirk as he did the same too.

" Changbin-oppa, did you drugged him to sleep ? "

" Yeah, I did. Don't be too noisy, he's having his beauty sleep. Hahahha..." Changbin said as he chuckled.

" Mr. Seo ! Y/n ! Don't go out of his room ! Taehyun and the other guards are coming ! The guards scattered everywhere while Taehyun is going here with a gun !"

" Okay, remind the others especially Lee Know and Felix. Including Jungkook too. "

" Copy that, Mr. Seo. Jungwon, Jake ! Remind the others ! Quick !"

" Everyone, prepare. The guards scattered everywhere with their weapons. Prepare for the fight. While Felix and Minho, go to Mr. Seo and Y/n's location, ASAP. Taehyun's coming with a gun."

" Sh*t ! Roger that ! "

" What the hell...I'm going there. "

As Taehyun opened the door, the place was clean as Y/n and Changbin put the things back to their correct position and place. Y/n was hiding above the very high book shelf, laying down while Changbin tried to hide between the thick books where the money is hidden.

Taehyun was pointing his gun while checking the positions of every objects and trace every footsteps, footprints, and some other evidences that a person is here. As what Y/n said, he's pretty sharp. But of course, these siblings are too sharp and strong too.

Y/n gently tapped her finger on the shelf, making a code, sending it to Changbin. While she's tapping, Changbin receives the message immediately.

As the two silently pointing their guns at Taehyun's head...

" Did you think that I'm an idiot ? I heard all of your tapping thing. Now, get out of there and face me. "

And then Changbin came out since Y/n was unknown to be seen since she's not above the shelf anymore.

" My thought's were right. It's you, Seo Changbin. What did you do to them ?"

" Helping them to sleep peacefully. Don't worry, I didn't killed them."

" You attacked the wrong people-- "

" And you challenged the wrong person, mf." Y/n said as she point her gun at the back of Taehyun's head and immediately shot him dead.

" Who would have  thought that he's easy to kill ?" Felix said, coming out from his hiding place.

" You didn't gave me a chance to kill him, Y/n! Aiishhhh !"

" Y/n, you call this guy sharp ? He looks like he is but his brain must be still sleeping right now." Changbin said.

" I don't know. People change. Lee Know, I didn't gave you a chance ? Here, let's play a game. Rock, paper, scissors, 5 points. The winner gets to shoot this dead man wherever you want him to shoot. 5 bullets only."

" Okay, you and Lee Know first. "


" Lee Know wins. "

" Gosh, when can I beat you in this game ?" Y/n said as Lee Know shot Taehyun five times according to the rules.

" Next, Lee Know and Felix. "

Felix wins, 5 shots.

" Felix and Y/n. "

Felix wins, another 5 shots.


" You're really a short-tempered woman, Y/n. Just like your height." Felix said.

" Mind to repeat that again, Yongbokie ? Do you want me to shot that aussie mouth of yours, hmm ? For your information, I'm 160 cm. "

" Okay, okay ! Me and Felix will now start. "

Changbin wins, 5 shots.

" If I still didn't win to you oppa, I'm going to make 10 shots."

" Game. "

Y/n wins, 5 shots.

" Okay, I think that I'm not unlucky in this. "

" Yah, that's enough. I don't want to use all of my precious bullets !" Y/n said.

" Well, you're right. By the way, how many is it ? "

" Hmmm...my first shot so 1 and 5 for the match between me and Changbin, then Lee Know got 5, Felix got 10, and Changbin-oppa got 5. 26 shots in total. Poor little guy. By the way, get out of here and I'll go back to my room to prevent any suspicion. I'll give my gun and everything I got here to Changbin."

" Okay, mission accomplished. "

Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jake heard it so they spread the news and everyone is happy. They managed to escape the mansion while Y/n went back to her room to see that it was 2:55 AM and cleaned up herself and slept peacefully.

( 7 AM in the morning )


" What the hell is that noise ?! It's 7 in the morning and I'm still sleepy!"

" Mr. Sunghoon ! Mr. Sunghoon ! T-Taehyun i-is...h-he's... "

" What happened to him ?! " he said as he quickly stood up and went to his father's room to see if he's safe but this is what he saw.

It's the bloody corpse of Taehyun as his blood stained most of the floor mat of Mr. Park's room. His father was angry for killing Taehyun and so did Sunghoon. Sunghoon remembered Y/n immediately and quickly ran to her room.

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the love of his life, sleeping. He hugged her gently as she opened her eyes.

" Sunghoon...w-why are you here ? "

" Taehyun is dead...he was killed by...I don't know but I've got this strong feeling that it is Changbin."

" H-He's dead ?! H-How did he died ?! "

" Shot dead. Bullets all around his dead body. 26 bullets were found."

" Oh my gosh, Sunghoon...I'm sorry for the loss. "

" What I think now is why the hell they didn't tried to hurt you..."

" So you want me to end up like Taehyun, huh ? "

" No ! It's not like that ! I'm really grateful that they didn't hurt you or else I would've get my guns and kill him right away. Maybe they didn't tried to hurt you because they will take you somewhere else someday...I WON'T LET HIM DO THAT. HE MUST FACE ME BEFORE HE CAN GET YOU."

" Hey...chill. They won't hurt me or take me somewhere else, okay? I'm a strong woman you know? "

What a great day to start...

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