His Heartbeat

By gulle_jana

513K 25.8K 14.2K

~ Zindagi or kuch nahi.. Bas! Teri meri kahani hai..~ (life is nothing! But! A story of yours and mine!) ☆☆☆☆... More

Chapter 01
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 04
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 34

7.3K 406 217
By gulle_jana

Happy reading beautifuls.....

"Log jis cheez ka khoof rkhty hain
Hum us cheez ka shoq rlhty hain!"


Author's p.o.v

Zarlin was sitting on bench alone in garden when Mahi came beside her.

"Can I sit here?"
Mahi asked.

Zarlin smiled.



"Can I ask you something?"
Mahi asked.


"What you think about Mahir?"

"What to think? He is prrtty cool and intelligent and yeah good looking too. He is such an idol for me. You know I have seen patients begging for his appointments."
Zarlin said excitedly.

" Really?"
Samahir asked smiling.

"Yeah! Let me narrate yesterday's event to you."
Zarlin said getting electrified as if it was her favourite topic.

"Go ahead!"
Samahir smiled.

"Yesterday an old lady came along with his grand son and there were numerous capable surgeons but she was firm on her statement that she will only consult with Dr.Mahir and he was not on call."

Samahir asked.

"Then what? I called him and asked to come and you won't believe Mahi that when that old lady saw him she burst into tears while smiling. She gave him so much suppletions Mahi! And you know what? He deserves them too. No doctor I repeat no doctor in whole hospital is as humble and as caring as him. He smiled whole day and you know Mahi a doctor's smile can cure the hald disease of  patient."
Zarlin smiled.

"Ahan! He is indeed sweet!"
Samahir sighed.

"Indeed! He rules over thousands of hearts with his smile."
Zarlin said looking at sky.

"Okay so what you think that a successful doctor like him can also be the best husband?"
On her question Zarlin turned towards her fully.

"If you are talking about him then...He can!!!"
Zarlin said proudly.

" So should I ASK Zara chachi to find a girl for him?"
Samahir elbowed her.

" You cheater!!! You know already!"
Zarlin shouted.

"I don't know anything!!"
Mahi shrugged.

"Ok! So get yourself teady to pick a dead body."
Zarlin said angrily.

"Oh ho! Are you going to suicide for him?"
Mahi hide her laugh shouting dramatically.

"I am talking about the girl you will find for him."
Zarlin stated.

" Is it so?"
Samahir asked teasingly.

" Come on yar! You know that... I like him!"
Zarlin said with head hanging down.

"Oyeee hoyeew!!!!"
Mahi shouted on her lungs making sure that whole town hears her whiel dancing.

"But I won't be able to say it at his face."
Zarlin said slowly.

"I knew it! That's why I planned a date for you both!"
Mahi winked.

Zarlin's jaw dropped to ground at her 10g speed.

" Yes baby!"
Mahi smiled whiel dancing.

"What if he rejects me?"
Zarlin asked fidgeting.

" He won't!"

" Why?"

"Cause he is already head over heels for you. Can't you see it?"

Zarlin smiled shyly.

"Now let me tell you how you will propose him!
All you have to do is just go to him, hold his hand.
Take a deep breath!"
Samahir said while holding Zarlin's hand and doing so.

" Then?"
Zarlin asked confused.

"Then say slowly slowly...
I cant breath without you!"

"Why? Is he oxygen?"
Zarlin asked and Mahi facepalmed herself.

"Can't you separate doctor from your name for a while and be illogical???"
Mahi asked.

Zarlin nodded.

"Let's rehearse again!
You will say slowly..
Mahir!!! My love!
I want you to stick to my side for rest of my life."

"Stick? Is he a germ?"
Zarlin interrupted her again who was saying with closed eyes.

"Aby sallooo!! Single hi maro tum log!"

(You guys die single!)

Samahir left her hand and went inside stomping her feet.

Inside the house another drama was going on.

Wali and Almir were trying to make Mahir learnt how to propose Zarlin.

"I ain't getting a single word!"
Mahir said straight.

"Let's be practical!! Almir! Tabeer! Come here!"
Samahir shouted.

Tabeer, who was unaware of all this came and stood beside Almir.

" Now Tabeer! Almir will propose you!!!"
Almir' s eyes widened while Tabeer lowered her gaze smiling.

That's  when Wali and Samahir exchanged looks raising their brows at each other.

"in ko bad ma dekhngy!"

(Will see them later!)

Samahir whispered and he nodded.

Wali shouted.

I.. I don't know what I fell!!"
Almir said kneeling infront of her.

"Fell? Fell in gutter? Or where did you fall?"
Wali slapped his head.

"Sorry! Actually I fell for you. Your beauty captured my heart!!"
Almir said.

"Beauty?? Are you in love or not? Decide it first!!"
Wali interuppted again.

" Will you stop interrupting him??"
Tabeer shouted startling them all.

Wali nodded solemnly.

" Actually Tabeer! I don't know what it is but I love you!! Love you so much!!"
Almir said may be what was in his heart.

"Cut!! Welldone!!"
Samahir clapped and Almir stood up.

Tabeer got to know that it was all act and her mouth fell opened while rest of them hide their laughs except Almir who was looking everywhere but AT Tabeer.

"Time wasters!!!"
She left lounge throwing deggars at them.


Mahir was in hospital and he had to go hotel for his date from here AND Zarlin will meet him there.

It was 6 in evening when Samahir departed Zarlin with Wali.

Mahi came back to her room while scrolling Insta.

"Na kisi ki call ati hai na message! Smjh nh ata phone hai ya calculator!"

(Neither someone calls me nor messages me. I don't get whether I am using phone or calculatir!)

She whined while putting her phone on charge.


Mahir came out hospital cheerfully and jumped in his car.

He was damn happy yet nervous.

The thought that he will be expressing his love to her was making his jump again and again.

Car was moving swiftly but suddenly stopped due to heavy traffic.

After waiting for almost 10 minutes when traffic didn't even bulge he jumped out of car and that's when he heard loud voices and cries.

"What happened??"
He asked a man.

" Actually sir there is a boy who got shot during robbery. He is bleeding too much but no one is taking him hospital. I can't take him to cause I am on bile and he is unconscious. "

Mahir didn't listen more and ran towards the crowd.

His blood froze listening to a mother's cries who was pouring her heart out beside her son's bleeding body.

Mahir quickly pushed people aside and checked his nerves.

He was alive!

He took his one hand and supported his uncomcious frame.

"Can't you guys help?? There can be some beloved one of yours too!! How can you all be this much heartless???"
Mahir shouted with face getting red.

All of them lowered theirs heads getting ashamed.
One of them came forward and helps Mahir in taking his body to his car.

His mother also sat in back seat with his son while Mahir igmited the engine.

Nothing was on his long except that he had to save a life and that was most important thing in the world.
He forgot what he was doing and where he was going.

Mahir stopped his car near hospital and  within few moments he made his body lay at on stretcher and started pushing stretcher inside the hospital.



He was contiously shouting.

"Where is Doctor?? Tell him that it's an emergency case."
He ran towards counter.

"What's the problem??"
Mahir turned around at a manly voice and saw a man standing in lab coat.

"Doctor Shame" was written in his lab coat.

" He got shot in a robbery. You need to operate him immediately as the wound is near heart."
Mahir said.

Doctor said arrogantly.


"I don't take such cases without police permission!"
Doctor said without any expression.

" Are you insane?? He is almost dying nd all you care is police case??"
Mahir asked controlling his anger.

"Sorry sir! Only surgeon present in hospital is Doctor Shams!!"
Receptionist said trying to signal him to control his anger.

Mahir held Shams's collar.

Sham shouted.


Mahir shouted angrily.


He gritted teeth leaving him making him stumble.

"Make the operation theatre ready!"
He said to a nurse who nodded and ran away.

He shouted.

" This way sir!!"
A ward boy said guiding him.

Mahir asked them to take boy in operation theatre  and took his phone out.

"Hello Ali!"

"I an sending you my location. Come here in 5. This place really needs your presence!!!"
He said gritting teeth and that was enough for Ali to get signal.

He nodded and hung up.

After few moments Mahir entered in operation theatre in OT DRESS and just then 3 army jeeps stopped in front of hospital.

Boy had lost much blood.

Blood pouches were attached to his veins during operation.

"What you think about yourself??"
Doctor Shams entered in operation theatre shouting.

This rip staff's concentration apart.

Shams kicked door again.

"Come out!!"
A voice came from outside.

" Who the hell are you now??"
Shams turned around.

" LET me enlighten you that who the hell I am!!"
Ali said punching Sham's face directly making him fall on ground.

"Dare to utter a single word and I won't be responsible for my upcoming actions."
Ali loaded his gun and pointing at him.

All of them were looking at them while Mahir was still busy.

" You guys continue!!"
Ali said and dragged Shams out.

Operation resumed again.

No one disturbed them again .

And standing by his words Mahir did surgery in that hospital.

After almost 2 hours he sighed taking his mask off.

"Operation successful!"
He smiled tiredly.

Only he knew what he was feeling during all this time in surgery. There was a sudden terror in his heart of not being able to save the boy.

That boy was so young. May be in his mid 20s. Life was waiting for him and Mahir wanted him to return back to it.

He came out of theatre while staff shifted boy in private room.

Boy's mother came towards Mahir running.

"How's my son?"
She cried.

" He is out of  danger and will wake up soon."
Mahir smiled kissing her wrinkled hand.

" May Allah give you long and healthy Life!!.."
With this she gave her heartily wishes to him.

After bidding her Allah Hafiz Mahir made it's way towards lobby.

Whole hospital was surrounded by army while Doctor Shams was sitting on floor with bruised face.

" This hospital is under army command. His license is being ceased and he can't do any surgery  for next 6 years."
Ali said as soon as he saw Mahir.

Mahir smiled and gave him a brotherly hug.

"Thankx for coming man!"
Mahir whispered.

"Thankx for calling! Just because of you I got so many heartily wishes."
Ali smiled back whispering.

After that Mahir left while Ali was still there.

Mahir realized that he was damn late.


"Let's go back Wali! I guess he won't come."
Zarlin said lowly standing up from chair.

They were in a park which was fully booked by Wali.

It was whole decorated with lights, candles and red and white balloons.
There was a decorated table in the centre around which 2 chairs were placed.

Zarlin was wearing red frock while there was a black shawl draped around her.

Wali came towards her

"Let's wait for 2 more minutes."
Wali said trying to call Mahir whose phone was continously switched off.

"We have been waiting since 2 hours Wali."
She said sadly.

Just then they heard screeching sound and a car stopped in front of them.

Wali recognized the car.
It was Mahir's.

Wali cleared his throat when Mahir came out of car.

Zarlin turned her head sideways.

"Khayal rkhna bs sar na phar dy tera!"

(Make sure she doesn't rip your head!)

Wali added sarcastically patting his shoulder and went to his car.

"Assalam o alikum!"
Mahir said nervously.

"Walikum Salam!"
She said slowly.


"I want to go home, Mahir!"
She said frustratingly.

"Zarlin atleast listen to me once."
Mahir pleaded.

"What? What you want me to listen?? The man who can't come on time the day when he has date with the girl who loves him madly what that man can do in his Life?? Who knows if he comes on time at his wedding or not?"
She shouted in teary.

Mahir sighed.

She was right.

Mahir turned her towards him and started taking his jacket off.

She kept on looking at him until he removed it fully.

Her words died on her lips when she spotted blood stains on his white shirt.

"It's not mine!"
He said and she felt peace empowering her.

" Actually..."
With this he narrated whole story to her.

"I am Sorry! You said true! I am indeed an irresponsible man. If I was thinking like Mahir then I would have escaped from that  situation but I was Doctor Mahir back there. I am sorry again!!!"
He said slowly.

"Mahir! I am sorry. I didn't let you explain. I am really sorry."
Zarlin cried.

"No need!"
Mahir smiled.

An awkward silence came between them.

"Won't you say anything?"
Mahir asked.

" Actually...Mahi told me many things but.."

"Ok ok! Let's leave confession for me."
Mahir smiled cause he knew what type of illogical things Mahi must have told her.

Mahir knelt down in front of her.

"I don't know the game of words therefore I will go straight. I fell in love with you the first time I caught a glimpse of you. "

Mahir said mot knowing that whole Khan villa was listening to him and all credit goes to Wali AND Samahir cause Wali put speaker on table which was connected WITH samahir's phone.

Wali had already went home.

"Btao! Shadi krogi mujhse?
Ma tumharay liye choriyan ly k aya krunga!"

(Tell me! Will you narry me?
I will bring bangles for you.)

Everyone knew how much obsessed Zarlin was with bangles.

At his statement she smiled wholeheartedly.

Mahir stretched palm infront of her want Waited for her answer.

Not only he but all of them were waiting.

She said with happy tears.

For a moment Mahir didn't believe his ears.

"I will marry you!!!"
She repeated and held his palm.

"Yeyy heyyyy!!!"
All the youngsters shouted while jumping.

Elders were looking at each other with jaws dropping to ground.

They were amazed at what type of children they had produced.

Yusha uncle stood up and called Mahir who was still jumping.

"Yes dad!"
Mahir's happy voice beamed in lounge

"No salam nothing! Just yes dad?"

"Salam dad!"

"Tu beta ghr aa!"

(You just come home!)

"Han to aa rha hon!"

(OK I am coming!)

"Too aa na!"

(Ok come!)

"To ap phone bnd kryga to aunga na!"

(I will come when you hang up!)

Mahir said and yusha uncle hung up.

Haider was chachu was rolling with laughter while Yusha chachu was glaring at him.

Zara chachi and Neha phopho was already happy at the decision their children made.

"You know why I didn't ask your parents first?"
Mahir asked Zarlin while jumping in car.


"Cause I wanted to know your opinion first so no one can force you."
Mahir said smiling.

"Thank you for being this nice!"
Zarlin smiled.

And within moments car was pacing on road.


Assalam o alikum my janans!!

So how's it?

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Allah Hafiz

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