How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

83.6K 2.1K 592

When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 20 - She's awake

961 29 9
By Thunderthighz2005

Bruce (Wayne's) pov

"Guys" Kelani screamed.

"I don't feel so good" She whispered and fell backwards. She lifted her hand up to see it covered in blood from her wounds.

"Kelani" I screamed and ran to her and held her in my arms

"What happened?" Harley said

"Bruce get her to med bay right now" Nick shouted at me.

We rushed her up there and ripped her shirt and saw some of her wounds.

"Kelani take your glammer down right now, we need to see where your injured" Scott (Lang) said.

She did and we all we shocked and mad as to who did this to her.

"Oh Kelani" Allison said

"It's ok, I'm alright, I just feel a bit tired" She said.

"No you stay awake" Rhodes said

"Don't you dare fall asleep" Jackson said

"Come on vinccessa stay awake for a little longer" Wanda said

"I'm so tired" She said and closed her eyes.

"Kelani, wake up, wake up" I cried with holding her hands

"We  need to stop the bleeding" Stephen said

"Quick hurry" Tony said

They fixed all her wounds and she just lay there.

"Who did this to her?" Bucky growled

"Whoever hurt our princess is going to pay" Stiles said.

"In blood" Scott (Mccall) said

A week later...............

It has been a week since, Kelani woken up. Since then all of us have been a mess.

"Someone is at the door to see Kelani" Friday said.

"Who is it?" Tony sniffled through his tears.

"Hunter" Friday reponded

"No way" Justin growled

"He's not coming in" Jessica snarled

"He's also going no where near Kelani" Zach hissed

"Come on, I know no of us like him but it's Kelani friend and she would be mad at  us if we didn't let him see her" Esme said with teary eyes

"Fine let him in" Steve huffed.

"Okay" Friday responded.

As soon as the elevator doors opened he came running in with bags and gifts and shouted "Where is she?" "Is she ok?" "What happened??" 

We all glared at him and then he looked over and saw her and he gasped and ran to her and held her hand.

"My poor Kel, please come back to me, I need you" Hunter said

Derek growled so loudly eyes yellow with fury and Bruce (Banner) started to turn green.

We all growled at him and Henry said "She's not yours, she's ours and don't call her that" 

"Why?" Hunter said

"Because she's mated to us and belongs to us" I said

"She will never belong to you" Harley and Diana said

"You look a bit like Tory" Bella said

"Do you know who Tory is?" Edward said and we growled at his name.

"No I don't know a Tory" Hunter said but he avoided eye contact, we all knew he was lying.


Yesterday at lunch before everyone came home.

Justin's pov

I sat at the lunch table with my mates and said "Shall I call Tony and ask him to do a background check on Hunter now while we are at school?"

"Yes, I want to know who he is" Zach said

"Something is off about him" Jessica said

"He looks a lot like Tory" Charlotte said

"Do you think maybe they are related?" Jasper said

"Maybe" Henry said

"He just seems really suspicious" Camila said

"From what you have told us" Chris said

"I don't want any one to hurt Kelani again" Ariana said

"She's been through enough mentally and physically, if he dares hurt her I'll kill him myself" Shawn said.

"No we all will" I said.

I brought my phone out and dialled Tony's number. It rung a couple of times then he picked up.

"Hey kid what's up?" Tony said.

"Hey Tony can I ask you a favour?" I said

"Sure, shoot." Tony said

"Well I need you to do a background check on someone" I said

"Who? And Why?" He said

"Just a new friend of Kelani's and because he looks really suspicious and I don't want her in danger" I said

"Okay understandable." Tony said

"What's his name?" Tony said

"Well I have a picture and a first name but not a last name" I said

"Okay kid send them to me and I'll see what I can find" Tony send

"Thanks Tony" I breathed

"No problem" Then I hanged up.

I sent Tony the picture nd Hunter's name.

The phone was on speaker.

"What now?" Zach said

"Now we wait" I said

Flashback over

"Can I be alone with Kelani for a few minutes?" Hunter said

"No" Jasper (Henry and Charlotte's mate) said

"Why?" "She's my friend" Hunter pleaded.

"Because we don't trust you that's why" T'challa said

"I get it you want to protect her after like you know she's your mate" Hunter said

"After what?" Rhodes said

"I meant because well after all this time you found her but I would never hurt her she's my sou- friend, she's my friend" Hunter said.

"No Tony we don't even know him let alone trust him" Clarck said

"We just can't do it" Billy said

"Friday managed to pull up those things we found. Let's go have a look at them and then we will come straight back." Logan said

"Fine but if we come back and she's dead, missing or hurt even a little bit more, I will make you wish you were dead" Natasha seethed. 

We all walked out and went to the lounge. 

Natasha's pov

"Fine but if we come back and she's dead, missing or hurt even a little bit more, I will make you wish you were dead" I seethed. 

We all arrived at the lounge and pulled up Hunter's records.

Arrested for:

- Arson

- Murder to the first degree

- Robbery

- Speeding

- Sexual assault

- Motor vehicle theft 

- Robbery 

- Arson 

- Speeding 

- Sexual assault

- Murder to the first degree

"He can't be near her." Natasha growled

"He's dangerous" Wanda said

"Ruthless" Jacob said

"He's done all of that and he's 18" Carlisle said shocked

"We have to get her away from him now" Liam shouted.

We closed Hunter's file and we were about to run back to med bay when Friday said

"Kelani's awake"

Then we heard a scream.

We all looked at each other.

"Kelani" Pietro shouted.

We all raced up there and saw Hunter on top of her. 

Bucky and Derek threw him off beating him up.

"Don't go near her, you sick bastard" Derek shouted at him. We were all glaring at him until we heard Kelani shout


Hunter was unconscious so we left him by the wall.

"Kel your back and awake" I said and cried as she held me in her arms.

We all hugged her and cried.

"I missed you all so much" She said and laughed.

"No need to cry, I am here" She said

"We thought we lost you" Tony said

"You scared us when you collapsed" Bruce (Banner) said.

"We are glad your safe and sound" Alice said

"Now can you guys tell me why you were beating up Hunter" Kelani said

We all growled.

"Well?" She said

"We looked at his record and we saw some things on there. It said he has been arrested for arson, murder to the first degree, robbery, speeding, sexual assault, motor vehicle theft and other worrying things. He's dangerous and you need to stay away from him." I said worried.

"Is that it?" Is all she said

"Are you serious? You know how serious those crimes are Kel?" Alex said

"He told already and that's in his past, that he is not that person anymore." She said

"I don't care what you say three of us are always going to be with you from now on" I said

"We need you safe" Scott (Lang) said

"We want you protected." Tony said and I smiled.

"All right I understand. Now come here all of you and give me kisses and hugs, I missed you all so much" She said

"We all missed you more vincessa, so much, ve are very glad you are back" Pietro said.#

"Damn, I have definitely missed your sexy accent" She said and we all chuckled and gave her hugs and kisses.

"Why did you scream earlier?" I asked

"Did he hurt you?" Barry

"We'll kill him if he did" Nick said

"No he didn't" She said

We all felt her hiss and then we did too after our soulmarks burned, she was lying.

"Kelani" Shuri said

"Okay yes but not on purpose" She said telling the truth. 

"I was sleeping and dreaming and then I had a nightmare and it scared me so much, I woke up and was gasping for breath then Hunter scared me and I screamed because he tackled me and landed on my wound and scared me." She said

"Are you sure?" Stephen asked her

"Yes I'm sure" She said and smiled

"God we missed you so much, we were a wreck without you, we are so glad your back. But we are serious you are not going anywhere any more without at least three or four of us with you because we don't want you getting hurt again." Steve said

"I'm glad to be back and I missed you guys too, I ma not going anywhere. I am right here. All right I don't mind you guys protecting me" She said

"Now tell us what happened at school. We are not stupid Kelani because you came home with all new wounds from school bleeding and bruised up when we took your illusion down. So tell us who did it please we just want you to be happy and safe. Don't tell us no one and that it was an accident or say don't worry or never mind. Because we do worry, we-

Kelani cut Peter (Parker) off by saying "I was going to tell you all the day we came back and i tried to tell you but you were all arguing over Hunter and then I fell to the floor and was tired so fell asleep. I love that you guys care for me and love me and protect me. I feel the same way about you guys, I love you all so much. I'll tell you who it was but no getting mad all right. That's aimed at all of you mainly you: Loki, Bucky, Thor, Emmet, Derek, Edward, Zach, Jessica, Natasha, Wanda and Bruce (Banner)" Kelani said.

"Doll, I doubt that is possible we will stay calm because someone hurt you and we won't take that very well as you know." Bucky said

"It was Sydney, Emilia, Britney and Chad." Kelani whispered really quietly.

"What was that?" Jessica said

"It was Sydney, Emilia, Britney and Chad." Kelani said again

"One more time" Allison said

"It was Sydney, Emilia, Britney and Chad." Kelani shouted.

"Seriously they hurt you again?" I growled

"No stop I don't want people dead because of me" Kelani said

"Fine but just a bit of revenge" Barry said smirking

"Fine but not now." Kelani said and got out of her bed. 

"It's the weekend and I want to relax and spend time with my handsome and beautiful mates" Kelani said.

"Uggh what happened?" Hunter groaned

"Oh it's you again" I groaned 

"Ruined our perfect moment" Stiles said

"Thanks for being there Hunter but go enjoy your weekend" Kelani said.

"I'll see you at school Monday yeah?" Hunter said

"Sure" Kel said.

We all watched him walk out. Thank God. 

"Thank God he's gone" I said.

Kelani's pov

I'm not in pain anymore. But I can't move. All of a sudden I saw a hand in front of me. I looked to see whose hand it was, it was my grandma. I miss her so much.

"Grandma?" I said teary eyes as I accepted my hand. She helped pull me up.

"Yes child it's me" She said

"I've missed you so much" I said and gave her a big hug she returned it.

"Am I in heaven? Did I die?" I said.

"No your half way there though. It's not your time Kelani, you need to go back. Look at your mates." She said

"But I don't want to leave, I miss you" I cried

"Look I love you so much you know that, I'm always watching over you but you need to get back to your mates. Also stay away from Hunter Kelani he's trouble and danger stay away from him." My grandma said before disappearing.

"Wait" I say and she was gone

I scream loud and woke up and then Hunter jumped on me, I was so scared but calmed down. My mates came running in. Bucky and Derek beat up Hunter until he was unconsicious.

Time skip.........................................

"Uggh what happened?" Hunter groaned

"Oh it's you again" Natasha groaned

"Ruined our perfect moment" Stiles said

"Thanks for being there Hunter but go enjoy your weekend" I said.

"I'll see you at school Monday yeah?" Hunter said

"Sure" I said.

We all watched him walk out. Thank God.

"Thank God he's gone" Natasha said.

Thor carried me to the lounge and put me on the sofa.

"Thank you my king" I said

"Any time our queen" He boomed.

I sat on Bucky's lap next to Loki and Thor.

We watched movies on television again together Disney movies and comedy movies. I looked at the time and it was getting late.

"I'm going to bed everyone, it's late. I'll see you all in the morning" I said and kissed them all and hugged them all good night. Tomorrow is a new day, new experiments ;)


I know this was a boring chapter. Sorry and sorry for all the pov switches, had to get this chapter out the way.

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