X-Men (Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

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Their world was destroyed, turned to ruin by the arrival of Apocalypse. With no other option, Charles Xavier... More

The Day The World Ended
Our New World
New Bonds
The Teachers and Students
First Class
Our Youth
Night of the Sentinel
Weapon X Pt. 1
Weapon X Pt. 2
A Thief's Heart
Reunions and Investigations
Burying the Past Pt.1
Burying the Past Pt. 3
Our Friendships
The Choices We Make
The Brotherhood Pt. 1
The Brotherhood Pt. 2
The Brotherhood Pt. 3
A New Day

Burying the Past Pt. 2

3.9K 168 80
By IvanBullock

You opened your eyes to the morning light peaking through the blinds of the hotel room. Betsy's hotel room.

You looked over to see said woman getting dressed for the day. Quite a sight, actually.

Betsy stopped and looked over her shoulder at you.

Betsy: You're staring.

Y/N: You didn't have a problem with it last night.

Betsy smiled slightly as you sat up. You looked over at your gear and yawned as you got out of bed. As you got dressed, you thought back on the night before. Whatever happened, it was raw emotion. Not just for you either.

Betsy: I'm sorry.

You looked over at the woman when you finished buckling your belt.

Y/N: For what?

Betsy: Last night. I...we're hurting. Both in our own way. So...

Y/N: Let me guess. One time thing?

Betsy looked at you and smiled.

Betsy: Yeah.

Y/N: Deal. I....I think I figured some stuff out, actually. Oh, and never apologize for something so great ever again. Please?

Betsy laughed as you threw on your shirt.


Fighting never felt so good.

You grabbed one of the gangster's arms and snapped it before you threw him towards a group which took them all down. You then reached your hand out and created a F/C blade of telepathic energy which you used to slice a wooden pillar which caused the balcony to collapse on another group.

Y/N: I'm loving this power.

Jubilee: I wish I had a bunch of cool powers.

She blasted off some of her own energy which sent a man flying backwards where Betsy grabbed him and slammed him into a table.

One more man tried to attack you from behind but you slammed your hand into his throat which sent him to his knees. Jubilee then blasted him.

This fine establishment is known as the 77 Club. One of the biggest Yakuza hideouts in all of Japan. Also the place where Betsy was looking for the oh so pressing question.

Betsy: <Where is Matsu'o Tsurayaba?!>

You smiled as you nudged Jubilee.

Y/N: I think I see why the me in this world fell so hard for her.

Jubilee: She is pretty badass.

Betsy grabbed the last man and slammed him up against the wall. She created a blade and held it against his neck.

Betsy: <You better talk. I'm feeling a bit impatient today.>
Meanwhile, across the city in the Kabukiihd district, a man poured his patron another beer. He shakily handed it to the terrifying man. As soon as he did, he stepped back quickly.

He looked around his bar and at all the defeated men that were piled around. Countless taken down in a matter of minutes.

Man: <Please don't hurt me.>

Logan: <Keep pouring, and I won't.>
You stood beside your small team among the bamboo trees that surrounded the Tsurayaba estate.

You looked over at Betsy and wondered what was going through her head. It was as if she was haunted. Haunted by her past life. A life taken by one man.

The man inside this mansion.

And tonight, she laid her ghosts to rest.

You went to move towards the mansion but Betsy held out her arm.

Betsy: I need to do this myself. You two wait here.

Y/N: What? No way. We're going with you.

Jubilee: You need our help.

Betsy looked at both of you and shook her head.

Betsy: This is my battle. My war. You two don't need to be a part of it.

You stepped towards her.

Y/N: You can't go in there alone.

Betsy looked at you and sighed.

Betsy: Then, please forgive me.

She leaned forward and kissed you which caught you off guard. She then pulled away.

Betsy: Sleep.

You felt your mind go blank, and your eyes closed as you fell back. Betsy caught you and gently laid you down on the ground. She then looked up at Jubilee.

Jubilee: Uh....I'll just...stay here....and watch over him.

Betsy smiled and stood back up. She then took a deep breath and turned to the estate. For her, everything ends tonight.
Guard: <Do you copy?>

The guard listened for his radio to respond but there was no answer. Before he could ask again, he was hit in the neck from behind which knocked him to the floor. A purple blade in his neck that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Betsy moved silently and quickly to the next guard who she stabbed in the leg then knocked out on the floor. She looked up and surveyed the area for whoever was left.

She vanished into the shadows and emerged behind another guard. She locked her arms around him and pulled him into the darkness. She appeared once again and spotted the final guard.

Guard: <Matsu'o>

Radio: <Speaking>

Guard: <Someone is here>

He cocked his gun and looked around.

Matsu'o: <I understand>

Betsy placed a hand on the back of the guards neck and pushed forward with her powers. The man spat out blood and dropped to his knees. Before he fell forward, Betsy grabbed his radio and walked into the mansion.

Betsy: We had made our peace, Matsu'o. For everything you done for me, I forgave you. Now, you went too far.

Matsu'o: I expect nothing less, Elizabeth.

Betsy suddenly felt another mind in the room.

Matsu'o: You know where to find me.

Betsy dropped the radio and turned around. A thought too fast to catch. Too excited and too filled with thrill.

The person whose mind it was, then kicked her in the face and sent her to the ground. Betsy quickly leaped up and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Betsy: You.

???: <Get up, assassin. Let's have some....fun?>

The woman looked at Betsy confused.

???: Psylocke? Well, this is awkward. Had I known you were alive, I wouldn't have kicked you in the face. Are you here to help?

Betsy looked up at the woman and sighed.

Betsy: Yukio.

You groaned as you woke up. Jubilee looked over at you as you sat up with a hand to your head.

Y/N: Okay. That was messed up.

Jubilee: What did she do to you?

Y/N: She used her powers to put me too sleep. I'm guessing I was supposed be asleep a bit longer but I used my telepathy to fight it off.

You got to your feet and walked to the edge to look at the mansion. It was still standing.

Y/N: Come on. We need to...

You stopped when a knife landed in a bamboo tree next to you.

???: So close!

You and Jubilee raised your guard and you pulled out three cards.

???: Oh! I know that one!


You looked around the tree line before you saw a flash of a muzzle. Gunfire rained upon you and you grabbed Jubilee to phase through the bullets. Once the mysterious attack was out of ammo, you let go and released your eye beam to cut down the trees to see if you could find anyone.

No luck.

???: Gonna have to be quicker than that.

You turned around just as the figure leaped at you. You created a blade to block his own.

???: Neat trick. I'm guessing you're the main guy.

Y/N: What?

The figure leaped back and pointed his sword at himself.

???: Well, you have the coolest powers and you're out here instead of where the action is which is clearly a chance for character development. So, you must be the main character in this little shit show of a story.

Jubilee: Who is this guy?

???: Me? Well, I have many named. Big Dee Pee, Captain of Murder, the Merc with a Mouth. But you, you can call me....


You and Jubilee stood there confused as the red man stood there proudly.

Jubilee: Uh, what do we do?

Y/N: I think we fight him.

Deadpool: Hell yeah you do!

He charged at you again.
Yukio: It is you, isn't it? It's hard to tell with you X-Men sometimes.

Yukio. A friend of Logan's and an ally to the X-Men. More interested in escaping death than dealing it. She loves the thrill.

Betsy: What are you doing here, Yukio?

Yukio: No small talk?

Betsy: Are you working for Matsu'o Tsurayaba?

Yukio scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

Yukio: Hell no. I'm here as a favor. Thought you were here for the same reason. Now I'm starting to think otherwise.

Yukio put her blades away and leaned against the wall.

Yukio: But that does beg the question, why are you here? Look at you. Your claws are out. So full of rage.

Betsy: I've come to find Matsu'o Tsurayaba.

Yukio: To say hi? Chat a bit?

Betsy: No. I've come for his head.

Yukio immediately stood up and pulled out her blade again.

Yukio: Well, that changes things.

Betsy created a blade of her own and aimed it at Yukio.

Betsy: And why are you here?

Yukio: I'm here to stop you from killing Matsu'o Tsurayaba.

Betsy narrowed her eyes at the woman who was smirking.

Betsy: Enough games. If you don't tell me what I want to know...

Yukio: You'll pull it out of me? Feel free. My mind is an open book.

Betsy looked into her mind. She could feel Yukio's defenses go down. She could get into her head. And she saw....

Logan? He was...he was killing Matsu'o. Why? What was he doing? Where was he right now?!

Betsy: Yukio, what is...

Yukio: Sucker!

She threw three smoke pallets at Betsy and charged forward.
Logan stood over a grave in front of the ancestral home of the Yashida clan. He placed a bouquet of flowers on the grave and said a silent prayer.

He stood back up, and headed towards his destination.
Deadpool: Come on! It doesn't even feel like you're trying to kick my ass!

You growled as you leaped forward with your claws but your foe just blocked it.

Deadpool: Stop calling me by other names, author! Call me Deadpool. No, better yet, call me DEADPOOL!!!!!! Adds the extra effect.

Y/N: God, is this how people feel when I talk too much?

You broke the hold and tried to kick him but DEADPOOL!!!!!!! blocked you and threw you off to the side like a sack of flour.

Deadpool: And he's gone! Now, for the little Chinese.

He turned to Jubilee who was already charging at him. DEADPOOL!!!!!!! just stepped aside and tripped her with no effort.

Deadpool: Why did Yukio leave me with the weak ones? I wanted to have some fun........ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

You blasted him away with your eye beams and stood back up. You then flipped his flying body the bird.

Y/N: Eat that, you overgrown dildo!

You rushed over to Jubilee and helped her to her feet.

Y/N: You alright?

Jubilee: Yeah. I think so. Who was that guy?

Y/N: I...I don't know. I kinda don't want to know. Like, ever.

Deadpool: Well, too bad. I'm Deadpool. Captain Deadpool if you feel so inclined.

You and Jubilee turned around to find that DEADPOOL!!!!!! was standing there completely unfazed by your attack.

Y/N: How....

Deadpool: Plot armor.

He pulled out his swords and went back to attacking you. You pushed Jubilee out of the way and allowed the blade to phase through you. You then grabbed DEADPOOL!!!!!!! by the arm and tried to throw him, only for his entire arm to come off.

Y/N: Ahhhhh!

Deadpool: Ahhhhhhhahahaha! Got you.

He grabbed his arm and used it as a weapon to smack you. He then put it back on himself and turned back to you.

Deadpool: Now, back to the fight.

He jumped up and kicked you in the face.
Betsy leaped over Yukio's knives before she landed and threw telepathic blades that all missed as Yukio avoided them.

This was all a game to her. Yukio plays for the trill, but she also plays for keeps.

Betsy charged forward under the smoke and kicked Yukio in the gut which sent her sliding back before she returned a hit of her own. Betsy blocked it and caught her wrist. She then turned her body and slammed the ninja to the ground.

Yukio then shot up and slammed a palm into Betsy's chin.

If she wasn't trying to hurt her, she was doing a damn good job at hiding it. She wasn't giving Betsy a second to think. Cause if she did, the fight was over.

Betsy tried to slice her with a telepathic blade but Yukio blocked her arm.

Yukio: Powers are cheating.

Betsy: Fine. Let's play rough.

Betsy grabbed both sides of Yukio's head and slammed her head into her nose. Yukio stumbled back as Betsy created two blades.

Betsy: I asked you why you were here, Yukio. But in all honesty, I don't care. You chose the wrong bloody day to screw with me. Any friendships you may have with Logan or Storm...today...I just don't care! Now get up!

Yukio pushed herself up and wiped the blood from her nose.

Yukio: Braddock, this isn't you! You don't want to kill! You've been out of your mind since Y/N....

Betsy charged forward and swung her blade which Yukio ducked under. The blade cut into the wall behind her instead. Yukio got back up but was met with a foot to the neck by Betsy.
You stabbed into DEADPOOL!!!!'s shoulder and immediately switched to your wings. You grabbed him and flew up into the sky where your wings vanished and you used your strength to send him flying.

You landed and turned to Jubilee.

Y/N: Come on! Before he gets back!

Jubilee nodded and followed you toward the mansion.
Betsy kicked Yukio once more which sent her crashing through the wall defeated.

Betsy: You don't know me. You don't have a clue who I am.

Betsy left the room into the main room where she looked around.

Betsy: Matsu'o!

She walked around slowly as she looked around. Listened for anyone.

Betsy: I once chided a student of mine for showing mercy. I did not tell them that I had showed mercy, once. With you. You took me, mind, body and soul, all at once. Despite everything you did, I let you live. I realize my mistake. Now I'm here to fix it.

She heard footsteps and turned to see who was entering. It wasn't Matsu'o.

Fahd: You know him.

Betsy readied her blade.

Fahd: Where is Matsu'o Tsurayaba?

Betsy pointed her blade at him.

Betsy: Out of my way.

Fahd: No.

His eyes flickered.
You and Jubilee races towards the mansion but your eyes widen at the smell of fire. Without warning, the entire thing went up in flames. The force of the explosion knocked you off your feet.

You pushed yourself up and looked at the mansion.

Y/N: No.

You stood up and watched the flames dance.

Y/N: Betsy!

Deadpool: Oh! That's a sucky cliffhanger. Is Betsy dead? Will Matsu'o Tsurayaba die? What is Y/N's secret power? Find out all this and more on the next chapter of: X-Men!

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