Jason Voorhees X Equestrian!R...

By Levigamii

21 0 0

I really wanted an equestrain fanfic about Jason but I couldnt find any so I decided to write one myself lol... More

Winter Hobbiez

21 0 0
By Levigamii

"Jasonnn?" You called around the cabin. Where was he? You had looked everywhere, You even went over to the other empty cabins yet you could not find the large man. You sighed out loud and popped the kettle on. You were making a cup of tea when you suddenly heard the front door swing open, and the familiar sound of heavy boots creaked on the wooden floors. "J? where have you been? Good lord I've been looking everywhere for you!!" You said swinging your arms casually, walking toward the front door. Jason stood there, 6'5 Towering over you. He slowly looked down at you with his hockey mask, Seeing 1 dark brown eye peering out looking down at you. He reached out his hand and carefully grabbed onto your arm. "Hey? You okay?" You questioned him, This was queer behavior for Jason. Normally when he came home to the cabin, He'd be tired from "dealing" with all the teens coming to crystal lake. When he got home, He always wanted peace and quiet with you. He'd pick you up from the kitchen and force you to sit on his lap all night long while he played with your hair as you both listened to the fire crackling and the soft noise of the radio playing. Jason, still holding onto your arm, Brought you outside.  it was hard to see through the thick forestry of trees and dim skies. It must've been around 4:20pm at this point. He walked you round to the old worn down barn and took you into one of the stables. Standing there was a beautiful chestnut horse, He had a white flash down his face and 2 white socks at the back. He must have been around 16Hh and had a long matted mane and tail. He stood there drinking his water and licking his lips, Slowly looking up to you and Jason, then put his head back down to eat his hay. "Oh my god" You gasped. "Oh my god" You repeated. You grabbed onto Jasons arm and jumped up and down. "A horse??? You found a horse???" You yelled excited. You always wanted your own horse, Your own little soulmate and now you have him. He was stunning, Was he wild? Was he someone elses? You wondered in your brain. Suddenly coming back to reality you realised Jason was in the stable with your new horse. He ran his large hands along his chestnut mane. The horse didnt seem to bother, He looked like he enjoyed Jasons company. "Jason you don't understand, This means the world to me. I love you so much!" Your heart was racing, You couldnt wait to get a saddle and just gallop in the massive forest where camp crystal lake resided. Jason took you into his massive arms and gave you a gentle but meaningful hug. He knew he was strong and didnt want to hurt you, Though you were probably the one hurting him, You were squeezing onto him for dear life. "my own horse.." You whispered.  "I'll go in town tomorrow and buy some hay for him." Jason cringed at those words coming out of your mouth. Go out in town? He thought to himself. He hated when you left the camp, He liked to watch over you to protect you and make sure you're okay, always. He really didnt want to lose you. Jason shook his head slowly. "Please Jason, I'll only be in town for 10 minutes." "I just need to go to the barn shop for some hay and feeding for him." You begged holding onto his hand. Jason tilted his head to the side, watching you carefully and studying your facial expressions. "You can look after the camp while I'm gone" You leaned on your tippy toes and planted a small kiss on the cold hockey mask. You both walked back to the cabin, Hand in hand. You both curled up on the couch, listening to the fire crackling as usual. "J, Why are you so worried about me leaving the camp?" You asked, cuddling into his wide chest. He slowly and carefully got up, making sure you didnt fall off the couch and slowly walked over to his bedroom. He came back out the room and sat back down on the couch and slowly moved his hand out, showing you a necklace with a locket. You opened the locket and realised it was a picture of Jasons Mum. So it was true, He didnt want you to die like his mum died. He couldnt be there to protect her...Thats why he's so scared of you leaving to town. "Oh Jason...." You cooed. "You're such a big softie" You laughed, kissing his neck. "When I come back from town tomorrow, You can help me with the horse!" You smiled. "Where did you find him by the way?" You wondered. you had never seen horses or horse riders around camp crystal lake before. "Jason?" He never responded, He just sat in silence watching you. "Alright keep your secrets Sir." You joked before getting up off the couch. "I'm gonna get ready for bed, you coming?" You reached your hand out for Jasons. He held out his large hand as well holding onto your tiny hand. Once again hand in hand and heading towards the bedroom for a well deserved rest together.

"Oh MY GOD this is AMAZZZZING" Jason could hear you screaming and galloping through the field on this beautiful horse. Sunlight hitting off your bouncy hair...though he was so worried about you falling off and getting hurt, but you seemed to love it so much, He adored you and seeing you having fun made his heart feel warm again. "Jason!! Watch this!!" You yelled trying to get Jasons attention. Jason was standing there, In his usual attire & machete in hand. He stood motionless watching you and turning his whole body when you pasesed him in the field. "Watch!" You yelled one more time as you headed straight towards the massive hedge. "one, two... three!" And with that the horse jumped clean straight over this, atleast 5 foot hedge. "GOOD BOY!" You patted the horses sweaty neck. Catching your breathe, you had a steady collected canter back over toward Jason, Who was standing there, His 1 deep brown eye watching you desperately. "Hey don't look so worried J! Before I met you, I used to ride horses my whole life. Everything wil be okay" You hopped off the horse and held onto the reins with 1 hand and jumped into Jasons arms. He held onto you, You could feel the worriedness falling off of him, knowing you were safe back on the ground now. "One more ride then I'll come in the cabin and get dinner ready for us, Its bloody cold out here" You give him a peck on the cheek and hopped back on your horse. He watched you canter off and he stood there for a few more minutes until you were on the other side of the field. Everything was going so well, but then suddenly your horse reared up and you fell backwards. Jason could see all of this unfolding across the field. He quickly paced over to you, watching the chestnut horse bolt over to a patch of grass. "J...Jason?" You stumbled about. You had hit your head pretty hard. When Jason saw the blood running down your forehead, He'd had enough, He stormed over to the grazing horse, Machete above head, Ready to swing down on the creature. "JASON NO! NO!" You yelled stumbling over on the ground but getting back to your feet to hold Jasons machete wielding arm back. "It wasnt his fault!" You screamed. The horse spooked at your screaming and run down the field, towards your cabin. Jason slowly turned towards you. Seeing that same brown eye glaring down at you in confusion. "J, He spooked. There was a bird in the tree and he reared from fright. It wasnt his fault!" You started crying, You felt so bad for your horse and for Jason. "Please listen to me." grabbing onto his large arm. He lowered his machete and once again tilted his head at you. He couldnt understand why you didnt want to kill the thing that hurt you. "Please...Forgive him, He meant no harm." Jason nodded his head softly as you both went in 2 directions to try and herd your horse up. Finally you got hold of his reins and led him down to the barn. Later on that night Jason came into the barn with a bundle of hay to give your horse and gave him a pet on the shoulder. You were so happy to see Jason forgiving your horse. You sighed out loud, praying everything will work out with Jason & the horse in the future. "C'mon lets get back in the cabin, Its freezing out here." You shivered, rubbing your arms. "Thanks for helping me catch him~" You spoke softly to Jason. Knowing he'd still be upset about the whole thing. He just squeezed your hand, which was Jasons way of saying I love you...

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