lila's revenge

By lucylovesmiraculous

18.2K 471 137

A miraculous fanfic story. I do not own any of the characters in the miraculous universe. Marinette is not sa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
/not an update/

Chapter 7

631 17 12
By lucylovesmiraculous

marinettes pov:

I walked into class the next morning to hear the announcement that Lila wouldn't be joining us today. Usually i'd be mentally celebrating but this fills me with fear. I glance at Adrien and he matches an expression similar to mine.

School drags out for so long, and i had so much on my mind that I couldn't even enjoy my lessons. Firstly whatever Lila was up to was clearly taking less time than i expected. If she wasn't planning to end my existence I would probably be rather impressed with her evil ability. Saying that, I must say I'm still slightly impressed.

Secondly, Chat Noirs' comments from last night. I'd never seen him like that. I mean he seemed... jealous? No he can't be, he loves Ladybug which ironically is also me. So he is getting jealous of me despite already confessing his love to my alter ego.

It just doesn't make sense, I haven't spend anywhere near enough time with Chat for him to develop feelings towards me as Marinette. As if reading my mind, a certain blonde boy walks over to me, smiling.

"Hey Marinette!" he says his voice radiating warmth and kindness. "How'd it go with Chat last night?"

"I um... it was good yeah! We er ... just talked about stuff, nothing unusual." I babbled, literally word vomiting in embarrassment.


adriens pov:

How bizarre - she isn't telling me about the advice Chat , I mean I, gave her. Maybe she doesn't think it was good enough. Or maybe she doesn't consider Chat a good enough friend to be open about their conversations. Something about that makes me sad but I can't explain it, it's not like I spend much time with her as Chat, why would she think they were good friends. Oops I think my disappointment was really clear because she's stopped talking at 100 miles a second and is looking at me in confusion.

I smiled at her, trying to mask how I actually felt, and patted her shoulder. "I'm glad you feel as if you have someone to rely on." I said, my voice managing to stay even.

Why am I even upset aghh. Marinette is literally just a friend, I don't understand these feelings i've been getting since last night. It's like i want to hug her all the time, but I guess thats because of how Lila is treating her. Yeah that must be it, I'm sympathetic of how Lila treats her.

"Well I guess I'll see you later" I say, realising my mistake a second too late.

"L-later?" she stutters, her eyes showing how confused she is.

"I mean tomorrow. Sorry for the confusion." I mutter as an afterthought, turning away to my car and not once checking back at the bluenette until i'm behind the safety of my blacked out windows.

She still looks puzzled, but less so. Almost like she's piecing it together in her head. She looks so cute when she's deep in thought.

Speaking of thoughts, Plagg knocks me out of mine by sarcastically saying "later huh?"

I glare at him, his big green eyes staring at me from my jacket pocket. He looks entertained so at least that means he isn't nagging for cheese. I consider that a success and focus on the road ahead, twisting back to the Agreste Mansion, better known as my prison cell.

Rather a luxurious cell I must admit, but even so. I just feel trapped here. Mentally and physically. I'd trade anything to live like Marinette, with a kind family and a welcoming and warm house. But then again, I'd struggle to be Chat Noir. Having a father who pays you no attention means its rather easy to leave in the evenings. I'm sure my friends would all struggle. But Ladybug does it. Maybe she has a family sort of like mine? I shake myself out of my thought bubble, knowing Ladybug would literally KILL me if I worked out her identity. 

As I focus back in on my surroundings, I see the gates opening and closing around the limo, and Nathalie standing at the door.

"Adrien." she regards me, and opens the doors to let me in once i'm out of the car. I go inside, the echoes of my footsteps making my cringe as I know father will yell at me if i snap him out of a designing session. Looking up, I see my father on the stairs.

Yikes. On one hand this means he wasn't designing and I therefore didn't disturb him with my presence. But on the other hand, he only speaks to me like this when I've done something wrong. Nothing good ever comes out of these conversations. 

I mentally pray he hasn't found anything relating me to the miraculous and the guardian.

"Adrien, I have overhead discussion that a classmate of yours is hosting a party. Now usually you know I would decline all invitations. However, this party will be an exception. You will go and you will represent the Agreste family name. Do not make me regret this decision." he states plainly, before striding down the stairs and into his office, leaving me standing in shock.

I didn't even get the chance to ask who was having the party. I'm sure i'll find out soon though - it's not like anyone can really keep a secret in our class except me.

After I'm safely in my soundproof room, I settle down to watch the news feed. Surprisingly there haven't been many akumas recently. Maybe old Hawky is giving me and Ladybug a break. I kinda doubt it though. Something about, 'evil old man who can create villains' doesn't scream ' giving some teenage superheroes a holiday.'

I wander into the bathroom, turning on the bath and preparing myself to relax for a few hours with a good book. After I've turned the taps on, I head over to my bookshelf, perusing few some options I haven't read in a while. On my way back, I glance at my Ladybug alarm clock ( the best purchase ever!) and almost drop my book in shock.

How long was i looking at the news for?!

It's already 6:30 and school finished 3 hours ago? I really need to go and check on Marinette, I don't want to leave it too long - especially as Lila had all day to plan because she wasn't in school.

I'm about to transform when Nathalie walks into my room holding my dinner on a tray. 

"Your father is very busy and requires a large amount of space to design tonight. Therefore he requested I bring you your dinner up here." she says, and I can hear a small amount of pity in her voice. She's experienced how me and my father behave around each other and I know she has her own opinions, despite never voicing them to either of us. Well, as far as I know.

"Ok thanks Nathalie. I'll leave the tray outside as I'll probably be in the bath when you come up." I say smiling, relieved that the taps are loudly running in the background.

She nods curtly before exiting the room and shutting the door behind her.

Running to the bathroom I turn off the taps, shut the bathroom door in case she does happen to come inside later, and quickly eat the food before placing the empty tray and plate outside on the floor.

Plagg, who had been lazily watching me this whole time from my basketball hoop, floats down towards me.

"Just do it, I'm bored." he moans and I stumble backwards in shock.

He HATES transformations. I nod and mentally remind myself to give him lots of cheese tonight before saying "Plagg, Claws Out." and jumping into the night.

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