100 Follower Q and A

By gingerandhopie

192 9 30

To thank you guys for 100 followers, we're doing a Q and A! Ummmmmm yeah, that basically sums it up. More

Details and Asking!!!


81 6 4
By gingerandhopie

So hi! We'll be updating this as we get more questions, but for now we'll answer the ones we got! If you asked a question we've probably already answered in the comment, but we'll put them here too bc why not!

Also, if you asked a question for one of us specifically it might take longer to get an answer, depending on who's active on the account. Hopie is answering the questions for Ellie and Tiergan and Ginger is answering for Willa and Kenric.

Questions for both of us:

Q: an underrated book you think everyone should read?

A: oooooooooooooo that's hard. there are a bunch. Hopie says the Land of Stories series, which is popular, but not as much as it should be and Ginger says the Skyward trilogy (which is currently only 2 books because the third hasn't come out) There are 3 billion more we could list, but we're holding back XD

Questions for Hopie:

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: This is actually Ginger right now, but I can easily answer this one for Hopie. Purple. Without a doubt. She practically worships purple.

Questions for Ginger:

Q: What is your favorite song right now?

A: ooooo I have a bunch, but probably Classic by MKTO (:

Questions for Ellie: 

Q: A must-see movie?

A: Well, elves don't really watch movies, but my mom shows us some human ones and I really like the live action Mulan.

Questions for Tiergan:

Q: Are you a morning or night person?

A: Definitely night. I'm a monster in the morning.

Questions for Willa:

Q: Whats your favorite holiday?

A: Us: *pull Willa out of her book and plop her here*

Willa: Probably either Christmas or the Celestial Festival

Questions for Kenric:

Also, if you guys want to ask a question, feel free to do it here or in the chapter before this one! (:

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