Danger Squad Of Dystopia

By Amria_Zander

3.1K 129 31

What happens to Henry, Charlotte and Jasper after they left swellview and moved to Dystopia?? Read to find... More

Author's Note
Leaked Secrets
The Familiar Stranger
Miserable Memories
When Oldy Comes Handy!
Locked In
Schwoz Is Back
Emotionless Days
Flowing Feelings
Back Together
Returning Back
Swooning Serum

First Mission

102 7 0
By Amria_Zander

"Would you like to join our squad and and fight crimes with us?" Jasper asked
"I don't even know what to say right now! I'm more than happy to!!" Amanda said
"Great, then!" Charlotte said

"Ey Adam, you wanna join us too?" Charlotte asked jokingly
"Nah, I ain't got no superpowers like you guys" He replied slightly laughing
"Even I don't have one" Amanda said
"When Schwoz treated you, he said that he gave a superpower to you! But he did not tell what it was, 'you vill find owt!' That's what he said" Charlotte said trying to imitate Schwoz's weird Russian accent
"Wow this is so exiting!!" Amanda exclaimed

*Charlotte went to a shelf nearby and took something out off it and hid it behind her*

"Here Amy, this is for you" Charlotte handed Amanda a small circular box
"What is this?" Amanda asked doubtfully
"It's your own personal gum" Jasper answered
"Blow it up to see your new superhero costume!" Charlotte said
"Ok!!" Amanda said excitedly

*Amanda opened the box and took a gum ball and threw it in her mouth and started chewing. After some time she blew it as hard as she can, making a big bubble. When the bubble popped, a red light flashed all over her body as if it was scanning her. As the light faded away, we could see Amanda in her new outfit*

(Btw, This is scarlet witch from marvel)

"Wow! Amy you look amazing!" Charlotte said
"That outfit looks so cool!" Jasper exclaimed
"Baby, you're looking extra nice with this on! I'm afraid if someone will steal you from me!" Adam winked at Amanda
"Wow! I love this! Thank you so much guys!" Amanda said looking at her reflection in a full sized mirror.

*A beeping noise came from the computers*

"Emergency! Emergency! Get ready for your first mission Amanda" Charlotte said
"Um... I'm a bit nervous though" Amanda said in a worried tone
"Don't worry! We won't let you do anything hard" Jasper said
"Anyways, what's the emergency?" Amanda asked
"It's in the City Hall, it seems" Charlotte answered
"Let me see" Amanda said

*Amanda went near to the screen and clicked a button which opened the live footages of what's happening on the venue, the City Hall. Everything was looking normal*

"How did you do that Amy?" Jasper asked in surprise
"I don't know, I just knew it!" Amanda answered
"Oh, all these time I spend here and I've never figured it out" Charlotte said

"See! There is nothing wrong here!" Amanda pointed at the footages being normal
"But Amy, it's an emergency call and we should attend it!" Charlotte replied
"What if someone fake called it?" Amanda asked
"Stop arguing Amanda! Why are so sure about it? What if the criminals are inside the building?" Charlotte asked
"Even the security guards are there as usual, how will the criminals go inside without them knowing. And they only let extreme close people inside" Amanda asked showing the footages of all the four gates where the securities were still guarding the building.
"Amy if you aren't ready for a mission, just tell that! Move we have to go" Charlotte said

*Both Charlotte and Jasper blew their gum and transformed to their superhero outfit and walked out through the glowing rectangle door*
*Amanda blew another gum and changed into her normal clothes*

"Are you afraid of it?" Adam asked in concern
"No! I know that something is different. Well I won't say nothing is wrong, but I know that right now is not the time to go there" Amanda said

*Adam turned around to make sure no one except them were there. He then went near the couch and stood by its side*

"Hey.." He called Amanda
"Mm?" Amanda answered
"I'm about to leave" Adam said
"Ok... bye" Amanda replied
"That's it?" Adam said
"What else do you want?" Amanda asked
"Amy, don't act like you don't know what I'm saying" Adam said
"I'm not! I seriously don't get what you're trying to say" Amanda replied
"See, I missed you for a long time and all I got was one kiss yesterday!" Adam said
"So..?" Amanda was chuckling
"Ok now, stop playing" Adam said
"Tell me clearly, what do you want?" Amanda asked
"I will accept anything you give" He smirked

*Amanda went near Adam and gave him a smack on his head*

"Now, is that better?" Amanda asked giggling
"This little girl will never stop playing" He said rolling his eyes

*Amanda turned to go but Adam held her wrist*

"Give me what I deserve and then I'll leave!" Adam said

*Amanda turned to Adam and Adam pulled her into a passionate kiss. A good 2 seconds later his legs slipped and both of them fell onto the couch. Amanda hit her head right on the small table nearby*

"Aw! What was that?" Amanda asked
"Ow! Is my baby hurt?" He pouted making fun of her

*She hit him hard on the chest*

"Aw! That hurts" Adam said, Amanda giggles

*Here they go again! Amanda missed him as much as how much he missed her. Their childish smiles were visible through the gaps of their lips. It was seven minutes in heaven for both of them. She slowly moved her hands up to his neck to pull him down as he was taller than her. He took her hands from her neck and picked her up and put her down on the couch without breaking an inch of the kiss*

*After a while, Adam's phone rung. They pulled of. Amanda released a huge sigh. Their kisses always had to end that way, someone coming to the room or someone's phone ringing or any such interruptions, because if they could kiss till they satisfy, they would never stop*

*Adam picked up the call. He nodded his head and said 'yes, I'm coming' to the phone*

"Amy?" Adam called
"Yeah?" Amanda answered
"How was that?" Adam smirked, Amanda blushed and smiled
"Are you leaving now?" Amanda asked
"I have to, Ella called me and told that Jaden told me to meet him at the ground of the Central Hall" Adam replied
"Centra Hall? Something strange is up! Are you sure you have to go there?" Amanda asked
"Yes! I have to meet him! And I'll check on the others!" Adam replied
"Ok then bye!" Amanda said
"Bye" he kissed her on the cheeks and winked at her and left from the 'SquadOut'

-10 minutes later-

*Amanda's phone rung, it was Adam*

"Hey! You saw him?" Amanda asked
"No, I reached here just now. And you seemed to be right there's nothing wrong in here!" Adam replied
"Where are they?" Amanda asked
"Let me check, maybe they're inside. I can't go inside because the securities won't let me in. Nothing seems to be happening. Everything is just fine as normal. How did you know?" He asked
"I don't know. I just knew it" Amanda replied
"I don't here any unusual noise or anything! It's all perfectly fine, even the people are moving as usual!" Adam said
That's good to know! Maybe Char and Jasper returned back" Amanda said
"Amy..!! Oh my-" Adam couldn't complete
"Adam, Adam!!!" She called out but he wasn't responding
"Adam why aren't you responding to me??!" Amanda was worried

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