Thousand Cherry Blossoms

By ApoKun

311K 5.3K 3K

Izuku Yagi, a boy loved by his family and friends. His cheerful smile brought joy to people around him. That... More



14.1K 231 172
By ApoKun


~Vladmir Einzbern ~

"Mom!" Izuku yelled and tackled Rei into a hug. Rei chuckled and wrapped her arms around Izuku, returning the hug with an equal force. Hisashi stood back and watched as Izuku hugged Rei and vice versa.

"I hope you are doing well" Rei said to which Izuku nodded. Rei noticed hisashi and approached him. "Thank you for doing this for me Kuchiki-San. I am truly grateful" she bowed. Hisashi chuckled "You don't have to bow. I was simply doing what was best for my son" he looked at Izuku who had a bright smile on his face. A smile which was only retrieved by Rei and Shoto. "If anything, I should be thanking you!" He bowed which startled Rei "Thank You Rei, and please call me Hisashi" he smiled a bright smile which made Rei blush.

"Y-yes as you wish Hisashi-San" she stuttered. Izuku chuckled as he watches the scene unfold. "Where is Shoto Izuku?" She asked her non biological. "He should be here in an hour or so. You make your self comfortable. I need to go train" he said about to leave before being stopped by Rei "Train? At such a young age?" She asked worried. "Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle" he reassured before heading to the family dojo.

Hisashi noticed Rei's downcast expression "don't worry, he's in good hands. Vlad won't hurt him" he reassured "Vlad?" Rei asked "who's that?" Hisashi smiled "someone important to me" his face gained a nostalgic expression. "Enough of that, we have much to discuss. Follow me" he said, leading Rei to his office. Rei followed after while the maids tool Rei's stuff to the guest room

Izuku left the mansion and looked for Vlad. He had met the "lively" and the "youthful" Old man, who he had to admit, he had became fond of.

He arrived at the door to the dojo and noticed it was quiet. Normally, in his free time, Vlad would train in the Dojo as far as Izuku knew. While his appearance may be that of a stoic old man, Vlad was anything but. Behind his facade of a loyal and over the top old Butler layed a stoic, disciplined old man with a powerful raging fire in his heart.

"Where is Vlad?" Izuku questioned to himself. Sen formed besides him "why are you looking for the gentlemen?" Sen asked. "To train?" Sen raised a non existent eyebrow "who told you to train with him?" He questioned "Dad" the word "dad" still felt foreign to Izuku, but he had to admit, calling someone who cared about you "dad" brought a feeling of ecstasy, the same feeling he felt when he called Rei "Mom" for the first time.

"I know Vlad is strong but wouldn't it be better if dad or you trained me?" He asked Sen. "Izuku, you may not be able to sense other people's Reiatsu yet but I can. From the moment I saw Vlad, I knew he was strong. Far stronger than your father" he explained. "I can only teach you theoretical things- things that require your mind. Vlad will be able to teach you physical things and how to wield a blade" he concluded.

"How do you know Vlad uses a sword?" Izuku questioned with a tilt of his head. "It is quite simple. The answer lies in his posture. When he stands, his feet are grounded, his body is relaxed but ready to take action. His body looks sturdy and his eyes are sharp. Plus, he is like you and your father" Izuku looked at Sen wide eyed. "You mean their are more like us?" He questioned. "There could be more or there could be no one except you three. The important thing here is that, even if their are more, it is not a guarantee that their heart lies in the light"

Izuku looked at the ground, already accepting the possibility of Sen's words being true. "Anyway, where is Vlad? Sen, you can sense him right?" Sen knowing what Izuku was going to say started guiding Izuku in Vlad's direction.

After walking for a while Izuku and Sen stopped at what looked like a small, worn down workshop.


A noise resembling metal hitting metal alerted Izuku. He silently walked to the workshop's door and slightly pushed it open to peek inside, Sen right behind him. Peeking inside, Izuku saw Vlad hitting a long piece of metal with a hammer. Sweat ran down Class face. His usual attire consisting of a formal dress was no where to be seen, instead being replaced by a black tank top and cargo pants. His hair was tied in his usual pony. His icy blue eyes were locked at the target laying Infront of him. Every hit with the hammer was precise, sharp, made with a purpose.

The heat from the pool of hot lava made beads of sweat roll down Izuku's face. The heat was ignored by Izuku due to him being enthralled by the scene laying before him.

Vlad's focus was on his target. Every strike was perfect. Every strike was filled with passion. Every strike was filled with a purpose- a purpose to create a weapon, not to harm but to protect.

After molding the shape of the metal, Vlad carried on with the process. Izuku walked in and took a seat at one of the benches that sat in the workshop. Vlad noted the arrival of the young lord and also noted how his eyes sparkled as he forged a blade from rusty pieces of metal.

Hoo... could I have found an apprentice? The young master no less! Oh how exhilarating it would be if I am allowed to teach the young lord the art of blacksmithing as well as how to wield a blade!, He thought. If master hisashi agrees, I will be able to pass in my teachings- I will be able to have a successor!

After what seemed to be hours of Izuku staring at Vlad forging, the blade was completed. The blade sat at a table. It shone with a luster. It was a simple straight sword but it still captivated Izuku. The boy stood up from the bench and approached the sword to inspect it much closer.

Sen watched as his partner and master inspected the sword with awe.

This sword is perfect. How can someone create something from junk. And the process it self was amazing, he thought.

A strong head rested on Izuku's hair. Izuku looked up to see Vlad smiling gently.

"Ah! Sorry Vlad-san, I should have gotten permission before barging in" he bowed. Vlad chuckled "the young lord is always welcome here!" Izuku noticed a sword resting in a sheath strapped to Vlad's waist. "What are you gonna do with that sword?" Izuku asked. Vlad looked at the sword laying at the table.

"Could you hold that showed for me?"
Vlad asked. Confused, Izuku complied. "Yes, just a little further from your self. Hold it straight and firm" Izuku followed Vlad's instruction.

His arms were straight and he held the sword firmly. The blade of the newly born sword was pointed at senbonzakura's direction.

Izuku was confused when Vlad unsheathed the sword strapped to his waist. His confusion, however quickly turned to shock. Vlad, in one fluid motion, slashed the newly forged blade into two.

"Why did you do that?!" Izuku questioned. "It was such a beautiful sword" he muttered.

Vlad looked at the slashed sword in disappointment before sheathing the sword in his hand. He walked over to a rack where different weapons were lined. He placed his sword on the rack besides many others.

He walked towards Izuku and watched as he gathered the fragments of the blade.

He put his hand on Izuku's hair and ruffled it, startling Izuku.

"You wanna know why I cut the sword I made with my own hands?" Vlad's voice took on a different tone. A tone of seriousness and discipline.

Izuku gulped nervously and nodded. "My goal" Izuku tilted his head. "I cut that sword because of my goal. This swords sacrifice will further my progression towards my goal". "What is this goal you speak of?" Izuku asked.

"To create perfection- no, to create life! Divinity!" Vlad's voice bellowed. "My goal is to breath life in to my blade!" His eyes gleamed at the thought. Izuku took a step back and looked at Sen who had a calm expression on his masked face.

"W-What do you mean by creating life?" Vlad looked at Izuku and then Sen "as you know, Zanpakuto houses a soul- that soul being the primary source of our power. Zanpakuto are the artificial vessel in which the souls resides. Therefore, I believe it is entirely possible to birth life in to a blade by creating an artificial soul. But this goal of mine is hard to reach. For one, you need to have huge amounts of Spiritual energy to Pour into a blade while it is being forged to create a vessel able to house a spirit. And then you will have to pour additional spiritual energy in a large quantity in to the suitable vessel. But the amount of spiritual energy required is insanely large. No person alive has this much energy"

Izuku nodded in a trance before shaking our of it. "But Isn't this impossible then. Even if you can create an artificial soul, it won't have any unique properties. Other than that, it will be just a Zanpakuto with a hollow soul residing within it"

Vlad looked at Izuku astonished "quite a smart one aren't you? I have a way to by pass the hollow soul. If someone who has a quirk can unlock their spiritual energy, I believe the hollow soul can adapt to the person with a quirk. Gaining their quirks properties while also being stronger than their quirk. And even if it works or not..." Vlad gained a nostalgic but also sorrowful expression as he brought his hand to near his face and stared at the ring on his hand with a wishful gaze. "... I promised someone dear to me I will make a weapon suitable for them to use"

Izuku looked at the normally over the top man in a different light. He steeled his resolve and looked at Senbonzakura for confirmation. Sen nodded so Izuku turned to Vlad with a new found passion in his eyes.

He bowed Infront of the man, startling him. "Please teach me!" Vlad regained his composure and then asked with a smirk "what do you want me to teach you?" "Everything!"

"Well then young master. I hope you will not give up half way through. I will not be easy on you. Your father still regrets asking me to train him"

His father being taught by Vlad gave him much more of a reason to be taught by Vlad. "I won't chicken out so please teach me. How to wield a sword and how to breath life into one!"

Vlad chuckled and a silver aura formed around him like steam. The floor around him cracked and his icy blue eyes gained a tint of divine silver.
Izuku fell to the floor but still gazed at Vlad defiantly and with determination but also terror. Vlad felt like a goal he could never reach. A strength he could never have but still, being taught by a man who was stronger than his father and possibly even the strongest in Japan- if not the world made him tremble in excitement... And fear.

Sen had to admit, this pressure was... Divine. Vlad was the definition of strength. He was, without a doubt stronger than his previous owner but barely weaker than his previous master's murderer.

Izuku gazed at the narrowed eyes of Vlad defiantly, but still in fear. "Teach me!" Vlad smirked. "As you wish" the pressure exerted from Vlad increased and clashed with the raw pressure exerted by Izuku. A graceful pink aura enveloped Izuku and clashed with Vlad's divine silver.

It was faint but Izuku could make out the shadow of figure a figure standing just behind Vlad.

The floor and the windows cracked. The weapons lined on the rack shattered into fragments from the sheer pressure exerted by both Zanpakuto users.

Sen dissipated and formed in Izuku's hands, knowing his master would fight Vlad in order to get him to take Izuku on as his student.

"What was that!" Shoto who was sipping on his tea asked no one in particular abruptly in shock and terror. Beads of sweat rolled down his cheek as he was hit by a wave of pure dominating pressure.

"Are you okay Shoto?!" Rei asked worried, Not sensing anything. Hisashi who was discussing his plans with Rei had invited Shoto who had just arrived a few minutes prior to tea. He already knew what would be going on with Izuku and Vlad. He knew Izuku would ask Vlad to teach him swordsmanship but did not know why Vlad was releasing this much spiritual pressure. Izuku's was also mixed in, evident by the fact that Vlad's was refined while Izuku's was raw pressure.

A man dressed in black and wearing a masquerade jumped down from the shadows, whispered something to hisashi and jumped in the shadows.

"Is everything okay?!" Rei asked, comforting the trembling Shoto. "Yes everything is okay! No need to worry!" He stood up and walked towards Shoto and placed a hand on Shoto in a comforting manner, at least that is what it looked like to Shoto and Rei.

A pulse of Reiatsu was sent through Shoto's body. His body blurred and a different figure wearing black robes appeared for a split second before going back to normal.

What raw talent! I will make sure to nurture it!, Internally, hisashi smirked. He had found two raw talents. Diamonds waiting to be polished.

He already knew Vlad agreed to train Izuku but not in the arts of forgery.
A suprise to be sure but not an unwelcomed one

"Let's let Shoto-kun here get some rest!" Hisashi suggested with Rei nodding in acceptance

Izuku gripped the hilt of Senbonzakura tightly incase he had to fight to earn Vlad's recognition. Vlad stared at Izuku for a few more seconds then the refined spiritual pressure exerted from Vlad all but disappeared. Izuku let out a sigh of relief and a breath he did not K ow he was holding.

"Very well" Vlad helped Izuku stand up. He put on his usual attire as a butler in a seperate room before coming back to Izuku. His exterior changed to that of a stoic man who had seen blood more than one should.

His eyes hardened to that of a veteran warrior. "Very well then. I shall make you into the best swordsman and blacksmith the world will ever see-" a sword materialised in his hand. The sword was slender, resembling a rapier but not quite. He held the rapier upright, his hand positioned at his chest with the tip of the sword higher than his head. He closed his eyes then flashed them open.

"- That I promise to you on the name of Vladmir Einzbern!"

Word Count: 2549

Phew! This chapter took a lot of time. This is my longest chapter yet. Sorry if there are some errors, didn't have the time nor energy to edit it.

I really enjoyed writing vladmir's character. The picture at the top is Vlad. I know it is really willheim van Astraea from Re:Zero but he is a badass soo...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This arc will go on much longer than I thought. We will reach U.A arc at chapter 20.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote

Peace Out!

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