Sweetest creature

By mrsstylesxxoo

74.3K 826 543

When your 5 year old daughter is obsessed with the band One Direction! And you have to take her to a concert... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19

Part 2

7.2K 93 85
By mrsstylesxxoo

Day of the concert:

I woke up around 8 am and wondered over to the bathroom taking one look at myself in the mirror and regretting it. I reached out and turned the shower on and grabbed my phone to put on some music, of course straight away One Direction plays. 'Kiss you' starts to play and I sing in the shower having a good time.

After about 10 minutes I hop out and get ready to have a fun day with my little girl. I put my robe on and go get her out of bed.

"em's time to wake up, we need to get ready" she instantly wakes up knowing what today is and we run into the bathroom, giving her a shower next.

"Mummy". "Yeah" I reply as I run my fingers through her hair getting all the soap out. "What if I fall asleep at the concert" she turned round and gave me a sad look. "Don't worry baby, I'm sure you won't, but if you do I'll wake you up straight away I promise" I smile at her and she nods and smiles back. We get her out and put her robe on and dry our hair. We put face masks on and I make up some drinks before setting my phone up to take a picture of us. I give her a magazine to hold and I have one too, the picture is taken and I post it on my Instagram.


Getting ready to see the 1D boys with my baby girl (she's so excited) :) #onedirection
Liked by Amandataylor,Jamielee177 and 45 others

Jamielee117: my princess looks gorgeous! Have fun tonight! xx

Amandataylor: my baby and her baby! Have fun tonight girls I look forward to seeing lots of pics!

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I look down at my phone and smile at a few of the comments. My eyes flick to the time and we have to leave in just over an hour if we want to get there to meet the boys before the show.

"Baby come on it's nearly time to get going let's get dressed" she giggled and runs to her room to get dressed. I don't worry about her getting her self dressed because she has a good fashion sense. I go to my own room and I grab out some black ripped jeans and a white shirt and white airforces. (Outfit below)

I do some light makeup as we're going to be in the dark pretty much all night anyway and curl my hair lightly. As I finish by putting on some lipgloss Emily comes running in. "Mummyyyyy" she twirls and she looks gorgeous. She's wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt with her blue dress over the top (outfit below)

I smile at her and she giggles. "Is it time to go yet mummy?" I reach for my phone and we have about 15 minutes before getting in the car.
"15 minutes babe, I'm going to get us some water and snacks for in the car" she nods and goes to get her teddy off my bed.

I put all the stuff we need into a bag and put Emily's pjs into a bag, hoping the boys wouldn't mind if after the show I got her in her pjs backstage. Sighing as I scroll through my Instagram looking at all of the models. They are all so gorgeous, I couldn't even imagine what life is like for them.

We put all the stuff we need in the car and then I strap Emily in. Since no one else really gets in my car, Emily's car seat is in the front with me, she gets lonely in the back, but if my mum or Jasmine comes in the car with us then, Emily sits in the back. Jasmine is Emily's aunt who is my best friend but we just say it's her aunt.

I strap Emily in and she wriggles a lot because she's excited. I chuckle at her. I run round and climb in making sure we have everything and we get going.

1 hour later:

"Emily wake up babe we're here" she rubs her eyes as I'm just parking up and her eyes widen as I park. "Mummy are we really here? Are we really seeing One Direction now?" She smiles a big smile at me and I nod at her. Taking my phone off charge and grabbing everything I need. Including the backstage passes but I grab them quick and put them in my back pocket before Emily could see, she's too busy playing with her Teddy bear anyway.

We get out of the car and start to walk into the 02 arena and wow it's big, I've never been here before and neither had Emily. I walk over to where it says One Direction on the screen and show the staff mine and Em's ticket and the backstage passes. I thank them and we go in standing along the side like they said.

"Mummy why are we standing here?" I look down at her and smile, "it's a surprise baby, and I'm sure your going to love it" she nods and just sits and waits. A staff member walks over to us and I smile.

"Are you Madelyn and Emily Taylor?" She smiles. "Yes that's us" I nod and we follow her behind a curtain. "Just wait here and they will be here with you in a moment" she smiles and walks away.

"Mummy why are we standing here?" She looks at my confused. I kneel down to her face. "Well baby, I know how much you love the One Direction boys... so your going to meet them, it wasn't me who got you this okay, so thank the boys when they get here for letting you see them" she nods and starts jumping up and down, I chuckle at her when I see a blonde headed boy walk through a curtain with the other boys behind him. Emily screams and runs straight to Niall, and me and the rest of the boys laugh.

"Hi I'm Liam" he comes over to give me a hug and i take it, next Zayn.

"Hi ya love, I'm Louis Tomlinson" he gives me a hug and reply "I'm Madelyn but please call me mads and this is my daughter Emily and she's a huge fan as you can see" I whisper the next part so only Louis can hear, "she also has a major crush or Harry but she won't admit it" he laughs really loud and it makes me chuckle.

A green eyed boy comes through the curtain and as soon as Emily sees him she screams and runs over to him leaving my side. "You traitor ems" I laugh with the boys. Harry's green eyes lock with my brown ones and he gives me a smile showing his dimples off. Once Emily let's go of him he comes to give me a hug and he's so warm, I never want to let go.

"Hi I'm Harry styles nice to meet you" he smiles and puts his hand out. "I'm Madelyn but call me mads please" he nods and smiles. "Who's this pretty princess down here?" He gets down on to his knees and hugs Emily but she's too star struck to answer.

"That's Emily my daughter" he looks at me confused. "Daughter? I thought she was your sister you look so young" he smiles. "Oh well I'm 21 I had her at 16 it was her 5th birthday recently and she got tickets to come see you guys for her birthday from me and her dad, but her dad isn't really around much anymore" I look to the floor and Liam pulls me in for a sideways hug and I just smile at him.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Mads, you seem like a good mum to her I mean look at this cutie" Harry picks her up and starts playing with her she giggles. "Yeah, she's obsessed with you guys, I'm honestly still confused on how she's so calm right now because I'm sort of freaking out just sitting here right now" I admit and they all smile at me. Niall and Louis give a look to each other and both start laughing. " what's so funny?" Liam asked and Niall whispered something in his ear and Liam just smiled and looked over towards Harry then bursts out laughing. I look at them all confused and look over to Harry who is stood there watching me out of the corner of his eye whilst Emily is talking to him about her one direction dolls. He's just smiling.

After a while the boys had to go get ready to perform so we said our goodbyes and me and Emily went to where we were supposed to be at standing which is right by the stage so the boys would definitely see us. After a while of waiting 'best song ever' started playing and the boys ran out, all now in different clothes. They ran towards the end of the stage by us and started singing. The rest of the boys ran back but Harry stayed looking in the crowd as though he was looking for someone. The boys all were running round singing whilst Harry just stood still but suddenly his green eyes lock with my brown ones for the second time tonight and he smiles at me and I wave up to him and he waved back.

After a little while of dancing with Ems and singing all the lyrics to their songs as loud as we could, it slows down a bit and Niall starts the chords of little things on his guitar as Harry comes to sit in front of us with Liam.

He looked down and me and smiled. He was talking to the fans whilst the other boys sing and blowing them kisses and telling them he loves them. Someone threw something at him and he gave it to Emily. I gave him a thumbs up before he started "your doing really good" he smiled.

This was definitely a night to remember and I know Emily loves these boys with her whole heart! I take loads of videos just so when she gets older she doesn't ever forget that she actually saw these boys and she's met them.

he smirked at me then he waved at Ems who was right next to me. He looked at me and told me to lift her up so he could take her on stage and I nodded. I picked her up and gave her to Harry and she just smiled and went really red. It was Harry's solo line and he asked Em's to sing it, "Maybe it's the way she walks" she sang, and Harry finished the lyric off whilst looking between me and Emily. "Straight into my heart and stole it" he danced with Emily on the stage and twirled her around like she was a little princess, she danced with the rest of the boys and they all gave her a big hug before Harry gave her back to me.

There's no way I'd ever forget this or let Emily forget!

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