Contrast (Old timeline)

By littlez78aka

15.1K 310 34

Their powers were so different yet their backgrounds were so similar. He was fire, filled with anger and hate... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

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341 8 0
By littlez78aka

(This is just a short chapter of a small kinda spin-off soooooooo)

John and Evian were both together walking down the roads of Paris one last time since they'd been there for a year and a half just enjoying their time there. Since then they've been there for a while the people of their housing road knew them well from how much they went out.

It was like any other day. After getting their morning coffee they were at the book store looking for another book to read simply for John to get more ideas while Evian got to read her own favorite genres.

The fire user was in the middle of walking down the small aisle when suddenly someone bumped into him nearly making him fall when suddenly the wood on the ground wrapped around his feet stopping him from falling.

"Sorry" The person muttered before quickly grabbing on to John and pulling him with her into the back part of the book store away from the open glass windows in the front of the store. John stumbled nearly falling all over again as the girl dragged him along.

"What the hell" He called out as he finally pulled away from the girl's grip while they stood behind one of the thick bookshelves for even more coverage. "Who are you and why are you pulling me with you?" He snapped showing his aggression since he didn't know who the person was.

Before the younger girl could say anything Evian was pulling John's wrist to get him to step away from the girl. "What's wrong?" The water user asked as she held a small stack of books with her other hand. John didn't answer as Evian scanned her eyes forward to see the girl. "Who's she?"

John opened his mouth to state a rude comment but the ring of the entrance doorbell ringing and a loud booming voice stopped him. "Bernetta Robin! We know you are in here!" The voice spoke in English confusing other customers in the bookstore even though it was a few.

The girl, who pulled and bumped into John, stiffened at the voice and the name that was called. Connecting the dots Evian stepped forward ready to ask questions on why they were looking for her but stopped when John's arm darted forward stopping his girlfriend in her tracks.

She was surprised. John never stopped her from doing anything. Yet she was curious as to why he was doing this so she stopped as he instructed silently. The fire mutant stared down at the girl with a stern but soft look. He knew when someone was running away from someone even more dangerous. He had run away for years. He could tell.

"Stick with us" Was all he said before turning to look at Evian silently asking her to help him on protecting the girl. Not questioning him she nodded stepping on the other side of the girl who stood there not processing what was happening.

Two strangers were helping her without even knowing her. "But" The girl started off but quickly shut up when the same voice yelled again. "Bernetta you know what happens when just keep hiding!" Evian couldn't stop herself as she scoffed at the man's threat. Was this guy really that threatening.

The young girl sunk as she stood staring at the ground as she thought over the last time she tried hiding in the public. Those men had killed every human in their path until they saw her come out of her hiding spot.

Noticing that she was about to give in John grabbed ahold of the girl's shoulders before shoving his books then Evian's books into her arms. "Hold on to these for us" He muttered silently glad that he had brought his lighter. "Can't get these burned or wet now can we?"

His words made Evian turn to look at him with a brow raised but she couldn't help but smile since this would be the first time in a while since they fought together, other than with each other. Bernetta stood there like an idiot for a good two seconds before she shook her head when she heard things start to fall and shriek from the customers.

Evian sighed shaking her head as she slowly leaned to the side peeking from behind the bookshelf to look at the people who were causing the ruckus. It was a group of four men and one more still at the entrance of the store with a smirk on his face. "There's five of them" Evian muttered as she kept her eyes trained on them. If they had any powers or not.

"Doesn't seem like they're mutants. They all have guns" She continued as four of them continued to pull the customers and even the owner of the store into one group. They hadn't moved at all towards the shelves where they stood. "You got a lighter?" Her questioned confused Bernetta since didn't know if she was talking to her or john.

Though her confusion was washed away when John brought out a lighter from his pocket "Got it" He answered back as the two got ready to fight for the first time in a while. "You get the left and I get right?" He asked just to make sure she was ready.

Raising her hand up she gave him a thumbs up "Got it" She then said before the couple turned to face Bernetta behind them. "Stay here" The both of them ordered the girl with their own stern glares.

Bernetta nodded without saying a word as she held on to the books more tightly. When they were sure she was going to stay the couple turned to face each other again. Nodding towards each other one last time they walked down the aisle of their own.

Moving quickly Evian jumped up tackling the closest guy to her just as John used his fire to force out the other two guys out the window while they screamed at being on fire. Snapping her head in the direction of a gun being Glocked Evian changed into her water form.

Shooting off the first guy she surrounded herself around the second guy who held the gun suffocating him with her water. When she was sure she was dead Evian changed back into her human form standing protectively in front of John when the leader of the guys smirked widely.

"I see you've made friends" He muttered as he looked in the direction of where John and Evian came from. "And your kind of people" He laughed moving his hand to grab his gun that rested on his thigh. "They shall make great additions to the lab!"

Acting like they weren't there both John and Evian turned to look at each other. They knew this was bad news. They could tell by the metal arm he had and the look of the gun in his hand. It looked normal but it was clear that the power it held was different. Especially with the dead bodies that surrounded the man from the use of the gun.

Knowing that it was best for them to leave now Evian nodded her head towards the bookshelf that John should run back since he wouldn't be hurt. Just as the male pointed his gun towards Evian John darted towards the Bookshelf.

Not wasting any second John ran to Bernetta and pulled her with him to the nearest exit while Evian dealt with the guy. The bullet of the gun went right through Evian blasting the desk behind her and even the wall from how strong the bullet was.

The male smirked at Evian when he saw the small slight of horror that was expressed on her face. "They ran away while you stayed here huh?" His voice brought her back to reality as she turned back to face him. "This is gonna be fun" He muttered clocking his gun one more time and yet before he could even shoot again Evian melted to the ground separating into different directions all at once.

"Damn" The giant guy uttered as he watched Evian disappear and run away knowing that she couldn't fight alone. He growled also knowing that he didn't catch his target like he was told to and the addition of four men dead. He was going to get it from his boss. 


John and Bernetta were in an alley breathing heavily from having run away so far from the store and trying to get past the large crowds and police that were blocking the street of where they just came from. Since it was a large attack on the small store yet killed so many people outside of it as well.

"Who the hell is that guy?" John snapped but his tone was soft since he knew the girl was still scared from how she was shaking. Yet she ignored his question standing up straight as she turned to face him. "Your friend!" She shouted loudly only to forced against the wall and hand over her mouth.

John glared down at her "Do you want us to get caught?" His voice sterner as he looked around the alley to make sure no one heard them. When Bernetta didn't say anything and whimpered John sighed pulling away from her after a soft apology to which she muttered her own for being loud.

"Besides Evian will be fine" John then said replying to her loud comment as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. "She'll catch up and until she does tell me who you are and why you're running away from that guy" He ordered as he stared at the girl who he has yet to know.

Bernetta straightens up at his command knowing full well that since he knew what they looked like they were now involved inside this as well. And the fact that they were willing to help her before even knowing her made her relieved that she could trust them.

"I'm a mutant like you" She started off as she stared up towards him "I don't know about you but because of that I was given away by my parents."

Young Bernetta turned to look at her parents who just stood there as the large men pulled her away. They were just letting them do as they pleased while the face of disgust washed over their faces. It was then she knew that they hated her for what she was.

A mutant.

She should have known. They've always hated Mutants but she thought they would have accepted her because she was their daughter. No. She was wrong. They called some organization that took in mutants and experimented on them and let them take her.

All for money and just to get rid of her. How could they?

"Since then I was locked up in a lab. When I didn't listen to them I was punished"

It was the first time she disobeyed them. She was beaten. To the point where she was barely conscious. The last thing she saw before she passed out was her owner muttering to her that she should have listened.

After that, she never disobeyed them or did anything to get them mad wanting to just be alive. Though the experimenting became worse. Until finally she broke.

She escaped. She thought she was free but no. When she took refuge in the first humans she saw she was tricked. Brought back to the lab all over again. Toured and punished more than the first time she didn't listen.

It was then she stopped trying all together because she didn't want to die even though she knew death would be better then what she was going through. But she had hope. Hope that she would be okay and everything would end soon.

Until it actually did. She got the chance to escape with the help of one of the doctors who was a mutant. Someone like her that wasn't actually being experimented on. Well from what she knew the mutant was human because of a cure.

The doctor had told her that she used to be a shapeshifter and only joined the organization just to help the mutants escape little by little without being caught once. Bernetta was thankful before running away all over again.

This time not looking back until she was miles away. Even countries away. Until one faithful day. She got home seeing her things destroyed and a note on the wall saying that they found her. She had moved quickly to find another safe place.

And just when she thought she was safe again she saw the one man she didn't want to see. Him. She ran away again going to the closet thing she saw. The Book store.

"And that happened" The girl finished off her small summarized story. John nodded taking every detail into his head before turning to look just as Evian formed into her human form behind Bernetta. He always had a feeling where Evian was.

"You heard everything?" John asked as he took off his jacket and forced it on to the younger girl who looked between the couple slightly annoyed that she was being ignored again. Evian nodded grabbing the girl's hat and tossing it to the side while John continued to change the style of his clothes.

Evian had already done it when she was in her water form grabbing a different patch of clothes from a store. "We should help her out" Her words made Bernetta stiff while John hummed agreeing. "Might as well"

"Huh?" The girl asked as she stared just as the two finished changing and started walking out of the ally while pulling her along. She was out of the loop and trying to take everything in. She was utterly and completely confused.


"So what exactly is what you do?" Evian asked as she looked at the girl who stood at the front door watching the couple pack the things they needed for a fight which wasn't much. "Huh?" Bernetta asked not knowing what she meant.

"Your power" The water user explained as John walked pasted them ignoring their conversation as he continued his way to the bathroom. Bernetta let out a soft Oh as she nodded slowly understanding what Evian meant.

Noticing a plant next to the window she moved her hand towards its direction before waving her fingers getting the flower to grow larger and longer towards her hand. Before finally, it grew another flower from his vine.

Quietly she pulled the flower off and then forced the flower to go back to its original form it was before she made it grow. The whole time Evian was smiling like an idiot as she watched the girl's power.

Once she was done Bernetta held out the flower to which Evian happily took. "It's a beautiful gift" She uttered softly as she brought the flower up to her face to smell her favorite flower. The younger girl smiled lovingly that her power was making someone else smile.

"Your gift is beautiful as well" She uttered back remembering the way Evian took care of the men even though it was in a slightly violent way. Evian snickered rolling her eyes lightly because she didn't believe it but stayed quiet as Bernetta stared up at her with big brown eyes.

By then John was finished and had walked into the room with both girls staring at each other. Sighing he walked between them snapping them from their grazes as they turned to watch him walk towards the exit.

"Hurry we gotta go before" and just as he was talking he opened the door to be met with a group of men. The fire user sighed leaning his head to the side as he dodged the first punch. Both girls moved quickly getting ready to attack but stopped when John simply used his fire to take them all out at once.

John turned to look at them with a deadpan expression "I won't repeat myself" with his words both girls walked towards him quickly leaving since they didn't want him to get mad.

Bernetta was more frightened since Evian knew John would do anything to hurt her but still, that didn't mean he wouldn't be mad. And a mad John was a scary John.


After basically having Bernetta tell them where the building organization was the three-headed towards them but of course rented a hotel. As much as the couple wanted to dive in head first they couldn't they needed a plan first.

Now they were in a small rented room making up a plan on what to do and who was doing what. John was going to be the distraction, Evian would get to the control room to take out all the power but also let other mutants escape. Lastly, Bernetta would be the one to take out the big bad boss.

"I'm sorry what?" was the first thing that left Bernetta's mouth when she heard John state that she was fighting the leader of the organization. "You're dealing with the big bad guy" John repeated with a straight face as Evian smiled trying not to laugh since this was serious.

Bernetta immediately started to shake her head "I can't" She started to ramble on explaining how she wasn't strong enough or even confident enough to take down the man that toured her for years. "That's why" John muttered causing her to stop rambling completely.

When she didn't say anything and simply cocked her head to the side showing her confusion John sighed getting rather annoyed with having to explain everything. "You're stronger than me that's for sure and Evian knows how to get a group large of people into a safe place. That leaves only you"

John glared down at the girl that believed that she was so weak when she was raiding with so much power that it made John admit that she was stronger. "He's your past. Someone that hurt you to the point of making you think you're weak" He continued being blunt and harsh on his words to get it through her head.

"why don't you stop being the weak girl he makes you out to be? Stop letting other people control you and innocent people die because of you. Now tomorrow you better take care of him or more people will die. Including Evian and I" His eyes darkened as he said those words. "So grow up already"

After his small speech or rather rude words, John left the room grabbing a towel and his bag of clothes to shower leaving both girls to themselves in the small room. Bernetta stood there with a hurtful expression.

The words hurt but he was right. Slowly she dropped on the bed staring down at the ground as she thought his words. Seeing this Evian took a different approach.

Sitting beside the girl Evian lightly nudged her shoulder with the younger girl's shoulder. "He means well" She ushered out in a soft tone making the mutant lift her head up to look at the water user with a small sad smile.

"He just knows what you're going through" Evian explained and Bernetta opened her mouth to ask about it but was stopped when Evian continued talking completely ignoring her expression to talk. "Maybe not all of it but his parents did call the police on him. He was to run and run."

Evian's usual happy form was sad as she told John's story. Well, a small part of it. "He's still on the run. With me. Things happened and he doesn't want someone else to just keep running." Evian turned to look at the girl who was younger than her.

"You're too young for the runaway life" She then said making Bernetta smile even though she was a bit curious about what exactly the two of them did to have to be on the run. "But if it gets too much for you tomorrow" Evian placed a hand over Bernetta's knee.

The water user kept complete and locked eye contact with the younger mutant. "I'll be by your side." Her words made Bernetta's body straighten up. It was a relief to hear them. She's never had someone to cover her back. Had someone that she could fully trust.

Bernetta's smile widens "Thank you" She whispered before pulling Evian into a tight hug. She didn't mean to be so touchy but she felt like she had to hug the girl and luckily the water user felt the need to as well. "Your welcome" Evian whispered back as the two hugged each other. A long-needed friend they needed.


(Okay I don't do action scenes good but imagine they entered the building did everything and now Bernetta was doing the final blows on the boss)

Bernetta stood in front of the man who had done nothing but torture her and made her go through hell and back over and over again. She was finally getting her revenge and yet she stopped as she stood above him with her hair flying in every direction as she held him down with the plants that forced themselves inside the room through the window.

He simply stared up towards her with a wide smirk spread over his face like he wasn't going to die. He was still confident. He still thought that he was strong as he was wrapped with her vines.

"You can never kill me" He muttered as blood dripped from his lips and down his chin as the vines started to tighten. Crushing his organs little but little. "You're not strong enough." He continued as the mutant glared down at him.

In some way he was right. She was strong enough to kill him and yet she hadn't done so yet. "You're still scared" The male let out after a groan "You'll always be scared" He corrected himself laughing drily when he saw Bernetta's form.

Not being able to take it anymore she let out one last victory cry ready to wrap the vines around his neck when something already wrapped around him. Water. Surprised at the last second the man choked as water forced its way into his lungs.

Bernetta on the other hand turned to look to see Evian standing there with her hand pointing in their direction. "I had that" The younger mutant uttered softly making Evian simply shrugged. "I know" She stared down at the man "but you shouldn't get his dirty blood on your hands."

After saying those words Evian waved for Bernetta to come "hurry the other kids and John are waiting" and without asking she ran towards the older mutant to get to where the others were which wasn't so far.


"Why can't you come with us?" Bernetta asked staring at Evian and John as the other younger mutants they saved stood behind them. After months of staying with the couple, it was time for them to leave. Evian is the one telling them that where they were going was gonna be safe for them.

John sighed annoyed that the girl would not let it go while the other mutants seemed rather excited from the many things the couple said about where they were going to. The only person who really wanted to stay with them was Bernetta herself.

"Because" The fire user uttered forcing the bag to go into Bernetta's arms "It's safe for you. Now stop complaining and get ready to go" He ordered before turning around and walking towards where the other mutants were.

Even it was rough it was his way of saying to be safe and a goodbye. Now he was doing it to the other mutants that grew fond of the fire user even if he was a bit harsh.

Evian chuckled shaking her head at her boyfriend's action before she turned to Bernetta knowing that she was gonna be the good guy again. "What he means Bernie," A nickname that Evian as well as the other mutants made for the girl. "is that our vacation/redemption mission isn't over. Until it is we'll head right to you guys"

She explained in a soft tone finally causing Bernetta's tense shoulders to drop knowing that Evian wouldn't go back on her words. "Promise?" She asked just as soft scared that she wouldn't be able to see the people that saved her again.

Evian smiled placing a hand to lightly pat Bernetta's head lightly "I promise. Until then I'll send you letters" She stated before suddenly being pulled into a tight hug. There were no other words exchanged between the girls until of course, the other mutants joined in on the hug.

When finally all the mutants boarded the plane the couple stood outside the airport watching as it flew off. "I wonder how's Bobby gonna react" John suddenly commented smirking slightly at the thought of it. Evian couldn't help but laugh herself as she started to think about it. It was gonna be fun. Too bad that they weren't gonna be there to see it.


Bernetta and all the mutants now stood in front of all the teachers of the school as well as a younger girl and boy. The room was quiet as everyone stood straight while the adults talked as the newcomers waited. Until finally they were asking Bernetta who sent them here.

The young mutant smiled widely as she stepped forward being one of the oldest of the mutants and the one who knew more about Evian and John the most all of them. "Evian Thomspon and John Allerdyce." She answered with a wide smile

"They saved us" She then said as she looked between the surprised and in shock adults "After letting us stay with them for a while they told us to head here. Somewhere we can be protected and accepted right?" She asked tilting her head slightly as she watched the adult's reactions.

It was once again quiet until someone stepped up. One of the younger adults/teenagers would be a few youngers than Evian but still older than Bernetta herself. "You're right" She smiled just as wide as Bernetta. "I can show you to your rooms...?" She waited for Bernetta to say her name.

Nodding Bernetta smiled as she held her hand forward before opening it slowly to show a small flower growing from it. "Bernetta Robin but I like to be called Bernie" "Welcome to the school for the gifted Bernie, I'm Kitty" The girl introduced herself back as the other mutants were split up by the other teachers so it would be easier to show everyone's room.

Every mutant smiled happily to be safe and at home. Their new home. Bernetta couldn't help but smile widely knowing that Evian and John were right about this place. Now to make everything better was the returning of the couple to the school.

Though she knew she had to wait. And so she as well as the others would wait. Wait for their savors and happily greet them back when they do.

Janel Parrish as Bernetta Robin


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