ð“Ģ𝐎 ð“Ģ𝐇𝐄 𝓜𝐎𝐎𝐍 | 𝙜𝙚ð™Ī...

By alexquacks

320K 7.3K 12.4K

𝟎𝟎𝟏┊͙ ð“Ģ𝐎 ð“Ģ𝐇𝐄 𝓜𝐎𝐎𝐍 ꗃ⋆₊*𓂃݊ 〘 𝙜𝙚ð™Ī𝙧𝙜𝙚ð™Ģð™Īð™Đ𝙛ð™Ī𝙊ð™Ģ𝙙 ã€™ï―Ą āž… ˖⁹ ꒰ ☕ïļ ꒱ ⋆ ā­­ āž˜ [ UNDER EDITING,, b... More

i. first day jitters
ii. being adored
iii. simp material
iv. out for drinks
v. missing you
vi. social media exchange
vii. meeting your friends
viii. sweet names
ix. red roses
x. first date
xi. to the moon
xii. surprising you
xiii. girls night out
xiv. ice cream
xv. why me?
xvi. to london
xvii. without you
xviii. here comes the boy
xx. coffee & vanilla scones
xxi. our callisto
xxii. airport security
xxiii. early xmas miracle
xxiv. the check
xxv. game on
xxvi. christmas morning
xxvii. clout chaser
xxviii. we need space
xxix. the stream
xxx. forever and always
xxxi. new years kiss

xix. dessert in the dark

8.1K 161 171
By alexquacks

- george's pov -

"george! i cannot believe your mother is a business woman as well! we would have gotten together brilliantly!" angel's mom exclaimed to me with a bright smile.

"yeah. she takes pride in her entrepreneurship! i didn't know you were a ceo of your own company as well, mrs. bine!" i chimed from across the dining table. so far, dinner with the bine family has been going great. i tried to be on my best behavior and display true manners to swoon over angel's parents.

"yes, mum. you and mrs. davidson would have hit it off! i wish you got to meet her," angel remarked as she glanced over to me. after our eyes locked for a second, angel reached over to put her hand on top of mine while flashing me warm smile.

with us sitting beside each other at the dinner table, i shifted to my right side to plant a small kiss on angel's temple and squeezed her hand back before inquiring, "how about you, mr. bine? what do you do for work?"

the four of us have been dining and conversing for roughly an hour now. however, throughout our entire meal, my attempt at winning the approval of angel's dad was a bit harder compared to his wife. all night i had been trying to ease him into small talk, but it was imminent that we wasn't talkative nor interested in what i had to say.

"i work at bcs, the british computer society. i mostly do coding and information technology all day," mr. bine replied flatly without looking up from his dining plate.

"oh! you're into computers? me too! i have a degree in computer science," i added, trying to get a positive response from the man across the table.

"yeah, dad! george works behind a computer all day because of his influence online. i think it's cool that you both are into coding!" angel quipped. i could tell she was trying to talk highly about me to get her father's approval toward me as well, it was cute to see her brag about me.

"it's true, mr. bine," i began while looking over at angel. i displayed her a slight smile of gratitude for saving the conversation between her dad and i. "i work with coding all the time, especially with plugins. i've played around with some various programs as well; such as visual studio, phpstorm, and arduino ide," i concluded whilst trying to show off my coding knowledge.

"really?" angel's dad questioned with his eyebrow raised. "why do you prefer php?" he asked while holding his glass of water. at last, angel's dad was showing some interest into what i had to say.

however, i knew that mr. bine was asking a trick question. moreover, i could tell that the man across the dining table was just trying to get a reaction out of me, almost as if he was questioning my coding knowledge; but little did he know, he picked on the wrong person. i knew that i didn't go to university for nothing, so i tried to flex as much of my coding knowledge as i could to him.

"well because php is known for refactoring. so, i like that it's a duplicate code detector with a built in rest client. with its debugging features, it makes it easier for me to inspect variables and user-defined watches while debug a page in multiple sessions simultaneously," i rambled as bit the inside of my cheek while keeping my eyes fixated on mr. bine.

after i finished my small lecture to why i preferred a specific coding plugin, i watched as mr. bine's face change. his facial expression went from uninterested to nearly jaw dropped in nearly five seconds. it was adamant that he was shocked to hear how much comprehension i had about coding, so i smiled to myself out of satisfaction.

"you know your stuff, boy," mr. bine began as he furrowed his eyebrows. "i like the fact that you know a lot about code coverage in phpunit. i might have to keep you around," the man bellowed with a slight smile. i mentally sighed out out of relief and slouched slightly in my chair out of satisfaction.

"oh, trust me, dad. i think george is going to be staying around for awhile," angel asserted as she looked over to me with a warm smile. my heart began melting to the sight of her smile and her kind words, she always knew the right words to say in every situation.

"that's so sweet, angel. you two get along so well," mrs. bine beamed before she took another bite of her shepherd's pie.

"yeah, i think so too," i simply replied while smiling back at angel. i never broke eye contact with her, since i strongly knew that her eyes were notorious for getting lost in.

angel finally diverted her eyes away from mine after a few seconds to chime, "mum, dad. may we be excused from the table? i think george and i are full."

"sure, honey. just make sure to both put your dishes in the sink before you two leave," her dad pointed out.

"will do," i simply blurted as i stood up from the dining table with angel.

as we both exited the dining area into the kitchen, angel and i held our dishes with laughter. "i cannot believe you got along with them so well!" angel bubbled while flashing me another bright smile.

"you think so? i think i got all worked up around your dad though," i contested as i took angel's dishes away from her and placed them in the sink in front of us.

after putting the plates down, i placed both my arms around her waist and twisted her around so that her back was against my chest. as i continued holding her tightly with a loving embrace, i watched angel purse her lips outward. "don't worry about him. he's always like that. but i'm so glad you met my parents, cutie. i don't think you understand," she ecstatically declared while swaying back in forth in my arms.

i watched angel looked over her shoulder to see my response, "i'm glad i met them too. it's nice to finally consider us exclusive, you know? you are my girl after all," i softly vocalized before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

- angel's pov -

for the past hour, george and i had been sitting on my couch watching a few episodes of the great british bake off, which apparently was his secret favorite show. at the moment, george slouched at the corner of the couch with his back against the edge of the cushion. i, on the other hand, were laying on top of him and had my back against him with my head rested on his chest. i could hear his heartbeat into my ear whilst george's arms laid at my shoulders. as he had both of his arms wrapped around my entire being, i felt his chest rise and fall due to his breathing; having him so close to me made me feel safe and comfortable at the same time. as for my hands, my fingers were interlaced with his own where both our hands rested on my chest. while the baking show was playing in the background, our legs were additionally crossed together on top of one other; nearly every inch of our bodies were connected in contact through some type of way.

"are you hungry?" i asked george while picking my head off his chest to look up at him.

i watched george hum out of ponder before claiming, "not really. but i am craving something sweet."

"something sweet? do you want dessert?" i questioned with my eyebrows raised. my stomach nearly rejoiced to his words; something sweet, like a late night dessert, did sound good right now.

"i don't need dessert, really. i have the sweetest thing right here," george gushed before leaning downward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. then, he laid back down and gently squeezed my waist, since both of his arms were still wrapped all around me.

i giggled at his jest and his warm kiss before rebuttaling, "alright, well i'll give you something sweeter."

i began sitting up from laying in george's arms, which left my boy confused. as i began i hoisting myself properly, george did the same and sprung from his slouched position on the couch. after being propped up, i sat on george's lap before tugging at his shirt to break the distance between us. with his face now close to mine, i saw george smile and i felt his hot breath against my own. i gently leaned forward to place my forehead against his. with our foreheads touching, there was barely any space between us; his face was inches from me. although, instead on leaning in for a kiss like i planned, i froze and sat there adoring his features. while i stared into his deep brown eyes, i began counting the small amount of freckles that rested along the bridge of his nose. then, my eyes diverted downward onto his soft pink lips. i wanted to kiss him so badly, and my temptation to do so only made my heart pick up its pace.

"aww. now you're just being a tease, my love," george whispered with a smile never leaving his face.

"nu uh. it's not a tease if i actually pull through," i argued with a smirk before finally leaning in and connecting my lips with his.

i felt myself melt to his touch, like i always did. i didn't know if i was dreaming, but his lips against mine was a sensation that made time stop all around me. my heart began to flutter, and with george and i pressed up against each other, i felt george's heart pound against his chest as well. to his touch, my knees only got weaker as i sat on his lap. i focused on nothing, absolutely nothing, except for how soft his lips felt against mine; his kisses were like an addiction, and i only wanted more. george began to compulsively invade all my other senses since there was a raw emotion in the way he kissed me back. with his hands graciously propped against my waist, i let my fingertips skid through his hair; i could tell he was satisfied with the way my fingers curled up against his locks. i never wanted him to stop.

but before i knew it, george pulled away from our kiss after a few seconds, "all of a sudden... i'm not craving dessert anymore," he disclosed with a smirk.

i giggled back at him before snickering, "i think i need another taste to make sure."

george began laughing with me and i buried my face into the crook of his neck to place gentle kisses all around his collarbone. "i didn't know that there would be a second dessert course," my boy queried.

i chortled at his witty remark before laying my head against his shoulder and whispering into his ear, "i do want dessert though. can we drive around until we find something?"

i pulled away from george's shoulder to see his face, and i cupped my hands along his cheeks before he exclaimed, "sure! let me get my coat!"

i giggled to his sudden excitement to the idea of a late night drive. "alright, you do that. i'm going to leave a note for my parents and get the car keys," i replied with a smile as i hopped off of george's lap.

i watched george grab the television remote on his side to turn off the screen as i began walking out of the lounge. whilst george began to grab his coat from the coatrack near the front door, i turned the corner to headed into the kitchen. after taking a sharp right turn, i reached over to my purse which laid on the kitchen counter. while grabbing my car keys, i picked up a pen that laid against the outline interior fabric of my bag. once getting a hold of the pen, i quickly dashed to grab a post-it note from the junk drawer and walked back to the kitchen counter. as i began to write, "mum, dad. george and i went off to g-" i felt an arm snake around my waist. i smiled to myself as i knew the familiar feeling and recognized the strong grip. i swiftly turned around and gave george a quick peck on his cheek before finishing my note.

"all done?" george asked me with a smile and his arm still wrapped around me.

it was imminent that george's love language was constant physical touch, so i wrapped my own arm around him to show physical affection back. "all done," i babbled after putting the pen and finished note down. i stuck the post-it on the fridge as we walked out of the kitchen, and we were on our way.

once george and i walked out of the house, i broke from his touch to begin locking the door. after hearing the door click out of security, i put my hand out. george got the memo and smiled before placing his hand in mine. with our fingers interlaced, he traced circles around my knuckles with his thumb; this man truly knew how to keep butterflies constantly fluttering in my stomach. as we began walking down the driveway, i unlocked my car and began walking to the right side of the vehicle into the driver's seat.

"love? you wanna drive?" george quizzed with his eyebrows furrowed. it was apparent that me behind the wheel was a shock, since george usually did the driving on our dates.

"yes, i want to drive. i want to pick our dessert, but the location of our dessert place is disclosed," i crowed with a smile.

george jogged up to me to open the car door in front of me like always, he was a gentleman after all. "disclosed? why is dessert a secret?" my boy questioned, then he let out a playful gasp, "is this where you kidnap me?" he exaggerated.

i nearly cackled as i entered my vehicle, "you cannot steal my jokes from our first date. at least my reasoning for being kidnapped makes sense. i mean think about it, cutie! you dragged me out to the woods on my second day of knowing you. that's definitely the beginning of a missing person's report!" i cajoled.

my boyfriend continued laughing with me as i stuck my key into the ignition, "say whatever you want, but i know you enjoyed our first date and that's all that matters," he cooed.

"that is true," i began whilst nodding my head in agreement. i quickly recalled the night of our perfect first date. "but either way, i'd have the cutest kidnapper, so i'm not complaning," i jeered.

"stop with the kidnap jokes! you will have me arrested and i will have no alibi!" george chimed, he couldn't contain his laughter.

i continued driving into the late night as the clock on my car read, 23:34 [11:34pm]. george and i had been driving around for about 15 minutes now. as our conversation ranged from topics such as fictional kidnap stories all the way to which type of bread is the best, we listened to music along the way. all of a sudden, the song i used to dread, joji's "slow dancing in the dark" erupted from my speakers as we were conversing.

"this song used to make me cry," i blurted out impulsively. i had no idea why that statement slipped out. when george and i talked, i said whatever came into my head since i could be myself around him, but i never expected stupid remarks to come out of my mouth.

george was humming to the tune happily before he heard my comment. in my peripheral vision, i watched him turn toward me, "make you cry? i thought you loved this song," he uttered softly.

"i did- no, i- i do. but when you l- left... i mean, when you were g- gone, this song was th-" i stuttered before choking on my words. i didn't want to look into his eyes, george would've seen my eyes begin to water. the thought of george leaving me on my front porch step made a wave of sadness hit me. but he was right beside me as i spoke, i forgave him and we are happy together, why was i crying right now?

"wh- hey, no. don't cry. angel, pull over," george lamented softly. his tone of voice remained low and calm, but it wasn't as chirping as it was earlier.

"what?" i quickly stammered as the street lights became foggy blurs of color from the gathering of my tears.

"angel... pull over. please, please. pull over," george articulated. his continuous calm tone allowed me to come to my senses.

i began gradually letting the weight of my foot press against the brakes of my car as i turned my wheel to enter a random, empty parking lot nearby. with the car at a halt, i began sniveling, "i- i'm so sorry. i d- don't know wh-"

as i began apologizing and continued choking on my own words, i watched george swiftly unbuckle his seatbelt. in an instant, he reached over to me and wrapped him arms around me in a tight embrace. "hey, hey. i'm right here, okay. i'm always here. i'm not leaving you. i'm not going anywhere," george reassured me as i cried into his shoulder.

"i don't know why i'm crying. i'm sorry," i finally sniffled.

"what? why are you apologizing? i know, i know it was tough for the both of us. we have to have our ups and downs, you know? but i want you to take in your surroundings. you're here... in the car... with me. i'm not going anywhere," he calmly professed as he rubbed my back.

"i- i don't know. i guess the idea of losing you again made me break," i mumbled as i buried my face into his shoulder.

"huh? don't think that way, my love. i won't ever leave you... never have, never will," george elaborated. he pulled away from our embrace and looked into my watery eyes. then, george took the sleeve of his coat and gently brushed it amongst my under eyes to wipe away my tears. "you're so beautiful, my love... even when you cry. but i cannot fathom leaving you, angel. i hope you know that. i won't ever leave you because i love you," my boy gushed softly.

i was taken aback by his words. i have heard them slip out of his mouth once before, but hearing them all over again made me feel warm all over. i felt a sudden rush of heat from the amount of pleasure and excitement his last sentence brought me. "i- i love you too," i quickly bleated back.

"i love you to the moon," george soothed as a watched his lips curl upward into a smile. hearing him say those three words once again made me melt even more, and i felt the butterflies in my stomach arise.

"i love you to the moon and more," i whispered with a bright smile.

in the shadows of the night, i saw the outline of his face so close to mine. as i began observing his features, i used my index finger to trace along the side of his jaw; caressing it out of love. next thing i knew, george did not only confess his love to me verbally, but also physically. with his hands still cupped along my cheeks, he shifted his body weight forward and began to lean in toward me. lo and behold, the familiar sparks between us began to explode. as i felt our lips connect at first, i dragged my hand off his jaw and placed it on the back of his neck; pulling him closer to me to break any remaining distance between us. i never got sick of the feeling of his lips amongst to my own; if anything, the sensation only made me want to crave more. as we both kissed in the dark, heat rose from my stomach all the way to my chest. feeling george's hot breath against mine only left my heart to skip a beat. whenever i inhaled to catch a breath during our kiss, the scent of his cologne would fill my nose, which was hypnotic beyond reason. while our lips continued to intertwine, i realized that the anticipation before our kiss felt like a blossoming flower, but the sensation his of soft lips against mine indicated that the incarnation was completed.

as our kiss continued to further and remain passionate, i opened my ears to listen to the audio playing behind us. i identified joji's voice, where i heard his "slow dancing in the dark" continue to reverberate from my car speakers. i smiled to myself whilst kissing george. at this moment, i knew the song would no longer apply to sad memories and long train rides to london anymore. instead, this song would remind me of right here, right now, where this moment solely applies to nothing but happiness and george's lips against mine.

i don't wanna slow dance (i don't want to slow dance)
in the dark
in the dark

as the song came to an end, i pulled away from george with a shortness of breath. "okay, we need to go. our secret dessert location closes soon," i avowed with a smile while pressing my forehead against his own.

"you lead the way, my love," george replied as he sat upright in my passenger seat.

"aw, the song ended. do you mind grabbing my phone and replaying it?" i gushed as i began to drive out of the empty, parking lot.

"you want me to replay it?" my boy quizzed with his eyebrows furrowed. it was apparent that he was confused over my sudden emotions toward the tune.

"of course i do. it's our song," i gushed as i glanced over to him.

"yeah, it's ours," george rejoiced with a smile before pressing the replay button to play our song.

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! i tried to build a more sentimental dynamic between our favorite pair, so going in depth with their affection seemed like a must:))) also, we just hit 10k reads; how surreal!! there's so many "to the moon" milestones to where i cannot keep up. you guys just keep supporting my work:') thank you all for reading, voting, and leaving comments! i have so many ideas as i continue the storyline, get excited!!

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