Run Away Fiance (COMPLETED)


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When she finds out his real job. She leaves but he never stops looking for her Еще

Chapter 1 - introduction
Chapter 2 - Flash backs
Chapter 3 - What's that
Chapter 4 - Night out
Chapter 5 - Kidnapped
Chapter 6 - Meeting new people
Chapter 7 - Bryce or Jordan
Chapter 8 - Surprise
Chapter 10 - bryce and jordan meets
Chapter 11 - Wanna come to sway
Chapter 12 - I will
Chapter 13 - Why'd you lie to me
Chapter 14 - Leaving
Chapter 15 - In time
Chapter 16 - Working it out
Chapter 17 - Father son day
Chapter 18 - A Night To Remember
Chapter 19 - Secrets 🤫
Chapter 20 - I knew
Chapter 21 - Surprise Guest
Chapter 22 - You got me fucked up
Chapter 23 - I want a say
Chapter 24 - Pain
Chapter 25 - Clingy
Chapter 26 - Food run
Chapter 27 - Gifts
Chapter 28 - Girls day/Daddy's friends
Chapter 29 - Flirty Waitress
Chapter 30 - Dead man
Chapter 31 - bryson meets addison parents
Chapter 32 - Date Night
Chapter 33 - Smut
Chapter 34 - Telling dad
Chapter 35 - Family funday
Chapter 36 - What did I do
Chapter 37 - Hurt🤕
Chapter 38 - Dead man
Chapter 39 - Birthday boy
Chapter 40 - Feud ended
Chapter 41 - I wanna buy a house
Chapter 42 - recap
Chapter 43 - Do you what another kid
Chapter 44 - Pregnant Bestie
Chapter 45 - Telling the guys
Chapter 46 - Family day
Chapter 47 - Proposing💍
Chapter 48 - Moving day
Chapter 49 - Double birth
Chapter 50 - Married/Last Chapter

Chapter 9 - 💋 kiss

2.6K 48 17

I went back home said hey to ame den went and changed and put my hair in a ponytail and den went to see Bryson

Addison - bryson?
Bryson - mommy!!!*hugs her* I missed you so much
Addison - I miss you more baby. Weed you good
Bryson - I'm always good*smiles*
Addison - what did you an auntie do today
Bryson - we played with my toys eat and den we watched a movie
Addison - okay

After dat me and bryson went to his playroom and played for couple hours til dinner

Amelie - dinners ready guys *scream*
Addison - let's go for food Bry *garbs his hand and head downstairs*
Amelie - so how was the photoshoot
Addison - umm I don't really want talk about it
Amelie - why not?
Addison - just not infront of bryson
Amelie - okay fine but your telling me after
Addison - fin

They finished dinner and addison took bryson to bed and read him a story and kissed him goodnight

I need to get my life together.. ughh. Anyway I'm gone take a shower and put on some shorts and hoodie.

Amelie - *knock* addison
Addison - come in
Amelie - it's time
Addison - really
Amelie - yesss *jumps on her bed*
Addison - chill*phone rings*
Amelie - who's dat
Addison - bryce. How'd he get my number
Amelie - I don't know

I kinda gave it to him. I'm team Braddison

Amelie - what he say
Addison - he wants to see me
Amelie - are you going to see him
Addison - yea it might be about Bryson*gets out of bed*
Amelie - *whisper to herself* probably not
Addison - what you say?
Amelie - nothing be careful
Addison - I will * grabs her keys*

So it's been about a hour since dinner I'm hungry so I'mma order me some pizza

Addison drove to the place bryce told her to

Addison - Bryce!?
Bryce - over here
Addison - where are you
Bryce - in my house
Addison - okay...why did you want me to me you?
Bryce - wheres my son
Addison - home sleeping it's almost 12 am
Bryce - so
Addison - he's not going to sleep 12 am
Bryce - your no fun
Addison - says the one who hasn't even been in his life
Bryce - says the one who took the child and ran away from there fiance
Addison - I don't want to fight with you right now *walks off*
Bryce - wait don't go... I'm sorry
Addison - I'm sorry to *sigh* I've just been so stressed about everything
Bryce - you know when we are together we cud if communication great
Addison - it's nothing for you to know
Bryce - heard you had a photoshoot today
Addison - who told you dat?
Bryce - I have eyes everywhere babe
Addison - okay so what about my photoshoot
Bryce - I saw some pictures
Addison - okay??
Bryce - and I just had one question * gets close to her*
Addison - whick is?
Bryce - do you like him
Addison - like who?
Bryce - you know *gets closer*
Addison - oh you mean jordan
Bryce - no shid
Addison - I mean he's cute
Bryce - cute?? *Puts his hand on her cheek*
Addison - Bryce what are you doing
Bryce - shh * kisses her*

I know this is wrong but I just can't deny my feelings for bryce. I stop love him but I can't have bryce job or wateva in bryson life

Addison - bryce I can't
Bryce - I know you still have feelings for me
Addison - I do but I can't
Bryce - your really being like this
Addison - bryce please not now
Bryce - you do know I'll do anything to protect you and my son right
Addison - I really gatta get home
Bryce - just one thing
Addison - *kisses him* is that it
Bryce - no but thank you
Addison - *giggle*
Bryce - can I see you tmr
Addison - I'll text you *leaves*

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