I Still Want You

By benandmirandalover

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It seemed as if Miranda moved on so Ben did too. More



941 27 15
By benandmirandalover

Ben laid in bed. He tried to go to sleep but he was restless. He laid on his side facing the closet door.

"Ben." He heard Miranda's sweet voice as it rung out from the front door.

"Benjamin Warren." She called out as she shut the door walking in. Her heard the patter of her feet as she got closer to the bedroom.

"Ben are you sleep?" Miranda asked noticing his back was turned.

When he didn't reply. She pouted. She wanted to talk to him and see his beautiful brown eyes. Miranda undressed and folded her clothes putting it in the corner. She didn't bother with putting a night gown on she just got in bed with her bra and panties. Miranda slid in bed and slide close to Ben. She put her hand on his back and kissed it. Ben jumped at her touch which shocked her. She then knew he was also awake.

"You are jumpy. What's wrong?" Miranda asked concerned.

"Nothing baby just tired from the plane." Ben responded quietly. "I don't really want to talk , I just want to sleep."
Miranda knew that it was a lie as soon as it came out of his mouth. She closed her mouth to prevent a scuff and a snide remark from coming out.

Miranda took her hands off of his back and she scooted away from him, turning on her side. She had a good mind to just get up and go home but she loved this man too much to just leave.

Miranda laid there until she felt sleep over take her. Ben blew out a breath. He knew that Miranda was going to think something was going on and he didn't know how to move pass or forget what happened. It was the craziest thing.

Ben turned over and scooted closer to Miranda pulling her into his arms. He instantly relaxed when he felt her soft body against him. He loved that her bare back was flush against his bare chest. He kissed the back off her head before putting his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry for being short with you. I love you." Ben mumbled.

Ben laid there for 30 minutes and he let his mind fade back to the events of the night before.

"Kimberly what the hell are you doing here?" Ben asked turning his back so he wouldn't be looking at her naked frame.

"Ben I said I still want you. I know you still want me." She replied touching his shoulder with her hand.

Ben snatched away from her saying "Kimberly for the last time. I said no! I do not want you? I will never ever want you. You mean absolutely nothing to me."

"That's not what you were just saying when we were having sex." She yelled back.

"What?! We did not have sex last night. I remember everything last night and you are no where in my memories. This is really low and sad for you Kim. I could be sober or drugged and I still wouldn't remember you. You are not worth remembering." Ben yelled loudly.

"Ben baby. I don't understand why you would say those things." Kimberly said sadly. She put his hand on her back one more time as Ben shook it away.

"Don't touch me. You know what no. Get out. Why am I even entertaining this foolishness. Leave." Ben said pointing to the door.

"No I will not leave." She said crossing her arms.

Ben couldn't ever remember a time where he was this angry. His hand was shaking and he was trying everything in his power to not snap. He didn't want to hurt this woman.

"Okay fine you won't leave on your own. I'll remove you myself." Ben said walking to the hotel room door and swinging it open.

He marched over to her and pulled her by her wrist. "Ouch you are hurting my wrist." She said as she tried to used her weight so Ben would struggle put her out. Ben pushed her out of his room and into the hallway. Before slamming the hotel room door. He heard persistent knocking.

"Ben please I need my clothes and my things. I'm naked out here. I can't leave." She whimpered and Ben looked at her things that were on the desk folded neatly.

He knew there was no way they had sex. Her clothes would have been discarded all over the room not neatly folded.

Ben blew out a breath and he scooped the handful of her things in his arm and opened the door chucking it at her on the floor.

He slammed the door closed and he locked it sitting on his bed. He knew there was no way in hell he would sleep here the rest of the night. He grabbed his things and he called for a taxi. As he checked out of the hotel. He got into the taxi and made his way to the airport. Ben sat in the chairs in the airport until the next morning. He wanted more than anything than to just be home and forget this whole ordeal happened.

The next morning he woke up and saw that Miranda was already gone. He blew out a breath and he got up to shower. After breakfast he drove to work and he got ready to get his day started. He saw Miranda by the nurses station and he smiled as she talked to Callie. Her face was lit up and she was laughing.

He walked over "Good morning ladies." Ben said smiling.

"Good morning Warren" Callie chimed.

"Warren." Miranda said rolling her eyes.

Ben looked down at her and he knew that she was upset about last night.

"Miranda can I speak with you for a moment." Ben said.

Callie looked between the two, not sure what was going on.

"No you can't Doctor Warren." Miranda said picking up her charts.

"Miranda." Ben said with an urgent tone.

"Bailey." Callie said telling her to do it.

"Fine come on." Miranda said walking to an on call room.

"Miranda I'm sorry about last night." Ben said as she closed the door.

"Me too. You need your space so I am just going to stay at my apartment for a couple of days. I have Tuck with me for the week. So I-

"Miranda no." Ben said blowing out a breath. "We just got back together and you already need a break. I'm not willing to just let you have a break.

"Ben I'm not saying breaking up. I'm saying that we just got back together so I shouldn't be sleeping at your apartment every night. It is not normal to do that and we don't sleep in the same bed when I have Tuck so this is normal." Miranda said looking at him intently.

Ben clicked his teeth, blowing out a breath. "Okay you got this week but Miranda I really want you to move in with me. We are not starting back at the beginning. I dated you for 9 months, we are picking up right back there. " Ben said confidently.

Miranda eyes widen at his words. "Last night you were.... Something wasn't right and I-

Ben cut her off by pulling her close to him using her white coat. He lifted her chin up and kissed her lips. Miranda sighed and gave into his mouth. She put her hands up to rest on the side of his face as they kissed.

"Dam it I love you." Miranda said against his lips.

"I love you more." Ben replied.

Four days passed and Miranda picked Tuck up from daycare. "Hey little man you ready." Miranda asked and helped him put on his jacket. She held his hand as they walked to her car.

Miranda unbuckled Tucker and held his hand as they took the elevator to her apartment. Miranda looked down as her phone rung.

"Hey baby." Miranda smiled answering for Ben.

"Hey, how was your day. How is Tuck." Ben asked.

"We are good. My day way good. How about yours?" Miranda asked as she got to her apartment door.
She unlocked the door and her eyes widen at the state of her apartment.

"Oh my fucking God." Miranda said dropping her phone on the ground. She grabbed Tuck and pull him up to put on her hip. Knowing he was too big for that.

Miranda looked around at the glass and broken things that were ever where. The couch was split down the middle. Cotton and feathers from her pillows were everywhere.

"Miranda. What's going on. " Ben asked from the phone on the floor.

Miranda ignored him and she sat Tuck on the counter. Swiping some of the glass and stuff out of the way. "I'll be right back. Sit here." Miranda said walking back to the hallway to her bedroom and like she thought it was ruined.

Miranda looked at the red spray paint on her bed room walls. "He's mine. I still want him. Back off." Miranda read out loud. The tears formed in her eyes from anger. She looked at her bed and the sheets were ruined. Miranda saw the picture that stabbed her in the heart. She picked it up and look at the photo.

Kim was in the hotel room she had on Ben's shirt and she was laid next to Ben, who looked to be sleep. Miranda looked up walking to her bathroom and she saw. More picture. She was naked beside him and curled into his side. Miranda snatched all the picture up. Her body was filled with so much anger.

Miranda marched out into the living room and she saw her phone by the front door. Ben was still talking into the phone. Miranda picked it up and angrily hit end. She grabbed her phone and called 911. Telling them of the situation. When the detectives arrived Ben had just ran through the door.

"Miranda." Ben yelled.

Then stopped to look around. "What the hell." Ben said astonished.

Miranda left Tuck's side and she marched over to Ben shoving the pictures in his chest pushing him hard.

"Miranda I- I can explain." Ben said worried.

"Ma'am is this your boyfriend." The detectives asked.

"I thought he was but this man is just a liar and a cheater. " Miranda said crossing her arms as tears fell.

" And His crazy ass girlfriend did all this." Miranda yelled telling the detectives.

"She's not my girlfriend." Ben said seriously.

"If you weren't fucking her. A week ago and then had your arms around me the next night. She wouldn't have did all this shit." Miranda yelled.

The detectives looked back and forth between the two.
"Miranda calm down and listen. I did not sleep with that woman. Never have never will." Ben yelled losing his temper. Miranda was silenced and she looked at him angrily giving in.
She turned an walked away, going back to Tuck.

"So sir you were with the woman last week." The detectives asked.

"She told the woman at the front desk that she was my wife and she got the key to my hotel room. I don't even know how she would have known I was there. I haven't spoken to this woman at all. You can check my phone's records and text messages." Ben said.

"I woke up because someone was touching my ears and in my sleep I sincerely thought it was Miranda my true girlfriend. When I woke up. She was naked and telling me that she wanted me. I told her to leave. She didn't move so I pulled her out of the hotel room and slammed the door before going back and throwing all of her stuff out . I packed my things and checked out of the hotel room earlier and I went to the airport and I stayed there until the next morning for my flight. " Ben finished.

"So it looks like you both have a stalker on you all's hand." The detective said.

"Ma'am we are going to have forensic come out and dust for prints. I need you both to come down and give a statement along with completing the report. I'm going to have my guys over in computers look this woman up and we can get down to the bottom of who she is. We will then transfer it over to California police department. They will probably pick her up from work and then have her transferred here."

"While we do this. Do you have a place you can stay at?"

"Yes, I can stay with my best friend or my ex husband." Miranda said.

"Absolutely not." Ben scuffed.

"I am not staying with you Ben. I don't even want to talk to you right now." Miranda said.

"Miranda." Ben said with a pleading tone.

"Come on let's go to the station. Miranda said lifting Tuck up.

When they got to the station. Miranda sat down in the chair with Tuck sitting beside her. She pulled him into her lap. So he could go back to sleep.

Ben came and sat beside her and she closed her eyes. She was angry with him and as angry as she was his scent calmed her.

"Miranda." Ben said.

"Ben please. I can't right now. " Miranda whined.
"Come home with me Miranda." Ben said

"Ben I can't go home with you. How? She knows where you live and now where I live. I can't get a hotel or anything." Miranda said frustrated.

"I gotta call Tucker and see if he can take Tuck early and then I'm going to stay with Callie or Richard. It's better if we are apart through this." Miranda said looking him in the eyes.

"I don't want to be apart from you."

Miranda didn't reply because the decision was already made and she was pissed.

"Come this way." The same two detectives from before told them to follow them.
They asked questioned about Kimberly and Miranda and Ben both responded.

"Who's this lady in this picture. Because Kimberly Williams is a Caucasian female doctor in prenatal surgeon and obgyn that lives in Vegas." The woman at the computer screen said turning the screen so they both could view who the woman was.

"What the- "Ben started

"Hell." Miranda finished his sentence looking at the woman who appeared to be in her sixties.

"Who the hell is she then" Miranda asked loudly.

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