(Hisoka x Reader x Illumi) D...

By keiraRm1

382 7 4

Y/n L/n was a mystery, in her early childhood, she didn't get any kind of comfort. It tortured her, not physi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

59 2 0
By keiraRm1

You grabbed his finger, and bent it down, you watched as Hisoka smiled while looking down at your hand wrapped around his finger, "remember I'm only doing this to get that diamond back.. its not a date," you let go, red marks and lines ran down his finger, he raised his hand and stared at it.

"~so aggressive..~" Hisoka whined, "I dont like getting touched Hisoka," you crossed your arms as you watched him pout like a child who got their lollipop taken away from them. "For a Phantom Troupe Member, you sure are childish.."
you moved your H/c hair out of your face.

Hisoka shrugged, not seeming to care at your obvious backlash, "when is the fight anyway?" You start walking down the hallway towards the exit, Hisoka's obnoxious and long strides easily caught up to your short and quick ones, you turned your gaze to Hisoka waiting for an answer.

As you both approached the door, you opened the door, letting Hisoka walk through first, you wanted to get on good terms, you closed the door and turned around, seeing Hisoka take out his phone, "~about..~" Hisoka looked like he was thinking a bit, to hard.

"~hmm..an hour and 30 minutes~" Hisoka showed you the time on his phone, you looked at his Lock Screen, seeing it was a picture of himself, Chrollo and another person, the other man was almost as tall as Hisoka, with long, black hair, Hisoka seemed happy and playful in the photo.

But the other man seemed glum, and emotionless, it looked like he was forced to be in the photograph, and you couldn't blame him, you hated photos as well, you could never see two people of the opposite attraction become friends, but you were curious, much to curious for your liking. You peered your eyes at the phone,

"Who's that?" You pointed to the other man in the photo, "~I know, he has terrible taste in clothing..~" Hisoka shook his head, resting his head in his palm, "~green and purple.. and its all about those needles!~" Hisoka started insulting the man's clothing choice as if he knew good fashion picks.

"yours isnt any better.." you looked at his phone, scrunching your nose at his style choice, "~hey.. my fashion sense is amazing..~" Hisoka pouted, shutting off his phone. "You. Fight. In. Heels...." you paraphrased each word, spacing it out evenly.

"~so.. I look good~" Hisoka crossed his arms, reassuring himself and making his ego even bigger then it already is, "whatever, lets just get to this arena place," you looked down at your feet as you were walking, the cement sidewalk was cracked, and rusted.

You raised your head, smelling a strong, sweet and familiar scent of bubblegum, you turned your head to Hisoka, seeing him blow a large pink bubble, he brought up his hand and popped the bubble with his sharp fingernail. Hisoka noticed you staring, and he looked at you.

"~hm..~" he tilted his head, putting his hands in his pockets, "is that Bungee Gum?" You pointed to the small packet in his pocket, "~oh, your familiar?~" Hisoka took out the packet of gum. "Yeah, that was my favorite kind of gum when I was like 10" you smiled looking at the gum package.

"I haven't had it in forever," you returned your gaze to the empty, and deserted street, "~would you like one?~" he took out a piece of gum, "oh, sure" you grabbed the piece of gum and unwrapped it, popping it in your mouth. With every chew you were reminded with the familiar and tangy taste of sweet bubblegum.

"It's never changed," you smiled, blowing a small bubble, Hisoka turned his gaze back to the sidewalk, "how old are you anyway?" You flip your hair out of your face, "~I'm 27, dear~" Hisoka tilted his head at you, "damn your 2 years older then me, I thought you'd be younger,"

You laugh a bit, "~I use moisturizer~" Hisoka ran his nail along his arm, smiling at your compliment, as you and Hisoka were walking, the conversations you were having were actually quite entertaining, stories of when you both were children, and just stories in general.

As you were listening to Hisoka tell a story, you noticed something about him, he was different, he was much more joyful, but this wasn't another version of him, he's getting to trust you, to know someone. As Hisoka was finishing a word.

A man, with ripped, and dirty jeans approached the both of you, he said nothing, he just stared, the man dug around in his jeans and pulled out a gun, pointing it at you. The man looked at you, his eyes were filled with tears, you could see the pain in his eyes.

"Y-you.." he whispered, you turned your head a bit looking at Hisoka, his classic smile was now gone, he seemed confused, yet there was a hint of anger. "You k-killed my father!" He pressed the gun against your head, you could hear his finger, being placed onto the trigger.

"I promised him, I would avenge him!" He wiped his eyes, you couldn't quite get your head wrapped around those words, Avenge who? You tilted your head, examining the man's facial features, then it came to your head, you chuckled a bit before grabbing the gun barrel and pointing it towards the ground.

He seemed a bit shocked, he tried to pull the gun away, but you quickly smacked the gun out of his opposing hand, as soon as you heard the thud and rattle of the gun hitting the cement road, you turned your head to the man, and smiled giving off an innocent demeanor.

"You must be mistaken." You moved your hair out of your face, "I've never killed anyone before, I couldn't harm a fly.." you rest your hand on your hip. The man grabbed you by your shirt, you two were pretty much face-to-face, "Don't lie to me." His voice was calm, yet angry.

"The office described you perfectly!" He shook you violently, as if you were just a small, and feeble doll. "E/c eyes! H/c hair! A stare that can bring anyone down to their knees!" You could hear him breaking, you could feel as each individual tear was being formed.

"And I brought your father down? Huh?" You smiled, as if you didnt care, for his feelings, his emotions, his will. "I didnt even have to look at him.." you laughed a bit, feeling him loosen his grip gave you a slight chance, but a sudden sound caught your attention, a rustling sound.

Your eyes averted to his pockets, seeing as he was digging around in his front pocket for something, "I promised my father, I would bring you down, I would watch, as your life drained from your lungs!" He whispered, he was shaking, as if he was scared.

"I.. I promised.. him.." he started to shake around in his pocket even more, yet he was watching my every move like a hawk, you turned your head, hearing the slight laughter of Hisoka, "~my.. are you looking for this~?" Hisoka held up a small dagger,

Your eyes widened a bit, you smiled and turned your head back to the man, seeing the nervousness in his eyes made you laugh, "you tried.." you grabbed his wrist, "and you failed.." and pulled back, making him let go of your shirt V-line, "a spitting image of your father.." you watched as the emotions in his eyes flared, like a burning fire.

"If you truly thought you were able to kill me, you would have when you held that gun to my head," you let go of his wrist, "but you hesitated," you turned around and walked back to Hisoka. "And if you truly wanted me dead.." you turned back to the man, seeing he looked up at you.

You grabbed the blade Hisoka was holding, you flipped your finger, making it so your grip was stronger and more firm, You raised your arm and threw the blade directly at the man, imbedding it directly into the man's skull. "You wouldn't have hesitated!" You watched as his body fell sideways on the cement ground.

"~that was brilliant~" Hisoka patted your head, "~now, we should really hurry~" Hisoka slicked back his hair, "~we only have 2 hours~" Hisoka smiled, watching as blood started to pool around the man's head. "It took 30 minutes just for that?"

Hisoka nods his head, "~well? C'mon we don't want to be any later than we already are~" Hisoka flicked your head, and starts walking, "ow! Bitch.." you rubbed your forehead, and followed him, Hisoka laughed a bit, you huffed a bit and shook your head, "lets just hurry up.."

~brought to you by Leorio's briefcase~

As you and Hisoka stumbled through the double doors, eyes focused the both of you, Hisoka loved the extra attention, he admired being in the spotlight. But you? You hated it. You've never had the proper amount of attention when you were younger, so you never expected it back.

"~Welcome to Heaven's Arena~" you and Hisoka walked over to a elevator, and above each beam that was keeping the stability of the building, was a flatscreen, connected to the ceiling. As you and Hisoka waited for the elevator, you watched the television.

There was already a fight happening, between a little boy, and a tall and lengthily teenager. The child had white hair, and his eyes were like a fresh water stream, they looked so innocent, yet they were filled with the burning sensation of screams, and fury.

He looked young, maybe 12 or 14, as the announcer read off the names of the two competitors, you tried listening closely, hoping to try and get the name of the small white haired boy. You felt a strong pull, as you were yanked into the elevator, lastly before the doors close, you hear the name,




I am extremely sorry for this chapter being so late, I have been so caught up with school, and its been driving me crazy, so I truly am sorry and Ill make it up to you all with extra chapters, and ill try not to keep you all waiting <3 thank you for the reads so far.

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