A Blessing and a Curse [A Lum...

By ChillyMillie13

62.2K 1.6K 863

Disclaimer!: I do not own Owl House or its characters! I only own the plot and the OC's that appear-you'll se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Other Story 1: Pt. 1
Bonus Chapter
Other Story 1: Pt. 2

Chapter 9

2.3K 68 6
By ChillyMillie13

One Week Later
Edric was talking to Amity, as he got a break in his work and was able to visit her and Luz at the library. In the Boiling Isles, a witch was required to stay in school until they joined a coven. So Emira and Edric were able to find out even more about illusions than most of their classmates. Mostly by sneaking around and looking at classified stuff.

Edric couldn't stop himself from taking a couple pictures of the kids running up to Amity and hugging her when they saw her. She was still reading to them whenever she could, but now that she had to worry about her parents looking for her, Amity was a bit more careful and wary of her surroundings. Amity also knew that if she didn't figure an illusion spell out soon, the kids would start to wonder why her stomach was getting bigger.

They were waiting for Emira to show up after her trip with their parents and Emperor Belos. Edric received a message from Emira earlier that day, telling all of them that it wasn't pleasant at all.

While they waited, Luz took a quick bathroom break. Leaving the two siblings alone to chat.

Edric B.: So, how's it going? The planning anyway?

Amity B.: Well, I'd rather share details in private when Emira gets here, and when Luz is back. But it's going well.

Edric nodded in acknowledgement.

Edric B.: And, has Luz been good to you?

Amity B.: Edric!

Edric laughed and spoke with a teasing tone.

Edric B.: What? I just wanna make sure my baby sister is being treated right!

Amity B.: Well, she's been great. It's actually amazing living there. Eda is funny, especially when joking with Lilith. Hooty is a bit annoying sometimes, but it's okay. King is cute, and Luz is Luz. It's really nice being in that atmosphere all the time.

Edric smiled.

Edric B.: Well, that's really great to hear. You have the time and place agreed on, right?

Amity nodded. Luz came back, and was followed by a figure walking into the library.

Edric B.: Emira! We're over here!

Emira walked over, looking exhausted and a bit annoyed.

Amity B.: Are you okay?

Emira nodded.

Emira B.: Yeah, mom was just pestering me about joining the Emperor's Coven instead of the Illusion Coven the entire week. Ironically Belos was the most understanding and accommodating.

Amity B.: Well... what was the assignment about?

Emira shrugged.

Emira B.: Rampant night creature. Belos only seemed to say it should be a week so we had ample time to handle the problem just in case. As it turned out, we actually did need a whole week to catch it. It wasn't something we needed to kill or anything, but it was infected with a parasite that made it attack local towns. They needed my illusions to help confuse it and calm it down while mom and dad killed the parasite. It was interesting, but I didn't get much sleep.

Emira yawned, but spoke again with her speech slightly slurred.

Emira B.: I was let off early while Belos talked to mom and dad about something. They should be back home later today. They were already a bit moody from the lack of sleep. So when they find out that you ran away, Mittens. I'll bet it's not going to be pretty.

Amity looked down, Luz grabbed her hand.

Luz N.: Well, at least you can get some sleep now, right?

Emira laughed and nodded.

Emira B.: Yep, after this visit I'm going home and taking a nap. I don't know if this was a way for mom to try and coax me into joining the Emperor's Coven. But if it was, it didn't work. Anyway, what did you two plan on?

Luz N.: Uh, that we'd head over to the Grom tree at about ten?

The twins have a thumbs up.

Edric B.: That works.

Emira B.: Okay. Have you come up with any backup plans? In case mom and dad find out...?

Amity B.: Mainly to just stay hidden until we get married and they can't legally split us up. Why?

Edric and Emira looked at each other.

Emira B.: Well, you know how our parents are... we all know that they can and will stop at nothing to find you and bring you back. And if they find out that you and Luz got married...?

Edric looked down sadly.

Edric B.: I swear, Mittens. We will do everything we possibly can to protect you all from our parents. But you might need to think about what to do if they decide to look for you where you're staying.

Amity B.: I know... Luz and I talked about even going to earth, maybe just temporarily to avoid our parents. We don't want that to be a permanent solution. But it's for a worst case scenario.

Emira and Edric looked down.

Emira B.: Would we still be able to visit you if you did?

Luz and Amity nodded.

Luz N.: Of course! We could give you and the others directions on where to go to visit. And maybe we could even show you around, I know a couple of joke shops that aren't far from where my mom lives?

Ed and Em definitely seemed interested in that.

Edric B.: Yeah I don't mind checking those types of places out!

Emira B.: And don't worry, we will try whatever we can to make sure you both feel safe staying here. Maybe you could get a place in another remote area, or maybe somewhere hidden in a town. Our parents can't find you if they don't know where to look, right?

Luz and Amity nodded, liking the idea.

Luz N.: We'll both have to join a coven first, though. Before we can get our own home.

Edric B.: Which one were you both thinking of?

Amity B.: The Abomination Coven? It's likely what I'll end up picking since I don't have mom and dad trying to put me in the Emperor's Coven. I don't want to be in a place where I could easily encounter them. I'm already skilled enough in abominations anyway. I'd have to start all the way over with practice if I were to pick something different now.

Edric and Emira nodded, having used the same reasons as their little sister when they chose to join the Illusion Coven.

Luz N.: I'm not sure. I don't know if they are even able to cut off the rest of my magic because I'm a human. But, I'm leaning towards the Potions Coven.

The four talked a bit more, and then went their separate ways.

Something unsettled both Amity and Luz about going to Hexide while Amity's parents might have started looking for her. And when Emperor Belos seemed suspicious of something.

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