Love in an Unlikely Place

Von NaLu911

131K 5.6K 3.2K

Izuku Midoriya decided to take a job at a summer camp owned by his best friends family to escape his toxic an... Mehr

Summer Camp
First Day
It Comes in Waves
No Place
Bad News
Heading Home
Busy Week
The Apartment
Telling Mom
Never Tired of Waiting
Time Heals all Wounds
Pressing Charges
It's a Date
The Date
The First Step
Happy Birthday, Midoriya
Opening Night
The Hospital
Lawyers and Friends
The Videos
Summers End
Trial, Part One
Trail, Part Two
Sentences and Boyfriends
The Bakugo Family
Rest of our Lives
Moms and Drama
Visiting Home
Christmas with Friends
Central Park

Drunken Judges

3.6K 145 86
Von NaLu911

This is one of my longest chapters to date, hitting just a few words under 6,000. It's a fun chapter with not a whole lot of drama. Hope y'all enjoy😊

Bakugo was leaning against his fully stocked bar, waiting for the rest of his employee's to show up. He was wearing a deep red button up shirt with the top two buttons open and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His black ripped jeans and black shoes matched his outfit perfectly and Midoriya couldn't help but stare at the blonds muscles that were extremely prominent in that outfit. The green haired man sat at a table in the corner of the room by himself as Bakugo's employee's were gathered around him. He volunteered to just stay home, but the blond insisted that he join since he was going to be gone for most of the day and he would actually be a great help for some testing later. So he decided to bring some of his school work along to study.

"Looks like everyone is here." Bakugo said aloud as he ran down the checklist of names. All of his employees began to quiet down as they gave him their undivided attention. "Now, I know you guys weren't expecting to be back for a few more weeks so some of you got summer jobs. If you are not able to work now, that's fine. Your job will be waiting for you until you are done. However, I ask that you stay today to learn the new place and some new policies." Everybody in the room nodded in understanding before he continued.

"Okay, let's start with the obvious improvements." He started with a smirk as he patted the black bar he was currently leaning on. "This bar right here is more than double the size of the old one, which means it holds more alcohol."

"Are we doing extra stock on the most used ones so we don't have to run to the back room in the middle of the shift?" A girl with pink hair asked from the front of the group.

"Yes we are. I read through all of your suggestions and took each one into serious consideration when making the plans up." He informed before moving on to the next topic. "Your break room has been massively updated. If you break anything because of being stupid, I will not be replacing it. Understand?" He questioned as he looked towards a man with blond hair and a girl with light brow hair in the front of the group. Murmurs of agreement could be heard before Bakugo continued.

"My office is the door to the left of the bar and will remained locked at every second of every day. If I am not here and one of you need in there, it better be locked when you are done. There will be serious consequences if it is not.The stock room is also between the office and break room and can be accessed from either room. That will also remain locked unless needed." He stated before pointing to the back corner of the room. "There is a new stereo system in the back with a touch screen selection. There is also an app that will let you control it from your phones you don't have to walk over there whenever you want to change the song. When a customer clicks a song, it will just add it to the play list. Only you guys can change it immediately from your phones."

"Any rules on what we play?" A voice echo'd from the back of the group.

"Try to stay away from heavy racial slurs. Other than that, no." Bakugo responded with a simple shrug. "We now have an upstairs gaming area with a rooftop bar that will always remain open. There is a small bar up there that will be open during the weekends and holidays when we are the most busy. It will also have a limited drink menu since it does not hold nearly as much alcohol as the one down here." He explained before grabbing the drink menu and a rather large handmade book from the counter behind him.

"This is our menu." He said simply as he held up the laminated paper that had drinks filled on both sides. "It does have 100 items on it. The menu will change every month depending on popularity. We also have an online menu with over 1000 drinks on it." He stated, causing whispers to spread throughout the group. "They'll tell you the name and you can find it all in this book here." He explained as he held the big book in the air. "It is in alphabet order and no, you do not need to memorize it."

"Just to clarify, the drink menu every month will be our more popular items and the online menu has more drinks that we can make?" The girl with pink hair questioned.

"Yes. If it is not on the menu, we can't make it. Not because we don't want to, but because we don't have the supplies to do so. If a drink is highly requested a few times and is not on either menu, write it down and we can discuss putting it on our menu at a later date." He explained as he set both items back onto the countertop.

"What about the limited menu upstairs?" The same girl asked once more, causing Midoriya to stare. That must be Hatsume. He said to himself as he looked over her steam punk aesthetic. Bakugo told him a little bit about his employee's, but he spoke very highly of her.

"There will be a whiteboard that you guys will fill out every night depending on your materials up there." He replied simply before going silent for a minute to see if any other questions would arise. When nobody said anything, he pushed himself from the bar and took a step forward. "You guys look around down here and then head upstairs." He ordered, causing everyone to disburse to explore their new home away from home. Bakugo made his way to the green haired man with a smile on his face. He knew he was going to have questions about it when some of his employees gave the green haired man a confused look.

"You look so hot when you're in charge." Midoriya mumbled in embarrassment as he felt the blond approach him. He kept his gaze on his work, hiding his red face. Bakugo couldn't help but laugh as he took the empty seat next to his crush.

"So what do you think about everything so far?" The blond questioned as he watched the green haired man bookmark his current page. "Since you came to the old bar a bit, how do you feel about the new one?" He asked nervously. He had put his blood, sweat and tears into this place and he didn't want it to be for nothing.

"I think your employee's are going to feel overwhelmed the first few days, but I think it is going to surpass your previous location." The green haired man said with a smile. "How many employee's do you have?" He questioned as he attempted to count the people around the room.

"Ten, not counting me. I think it is going to be eleven by the end of today though." He replied as he pulled his phone from his pocket to see where everyone was.

"Who else are you hiring?" Midoriya questioned in confusion. The blond had already asked him to work there and he declined, so who else was needing a job?

"Dunce Face." Bakugo responded as he slid his phone into his pocket. "He never had a steady job, but he needs one. I didn't have an opening for him at the old location, but I think I can find the hours here." He said with a soft smile as he noticed his employees began making their way upstairs.

"That's sweet of you." Midoriya praised as his green eyes locked onto the red ones that he loved so much.

"I'm going to head upstairs with them. Everyone should be here in about three minutes, think you can let them in?" Bakugo questioned as he stood from his chair. He really needed to talk to his employee's about Sero and his crush.

"Yeah, that's fine." Midoriya responded with a smile as he began cleaning his stuff up.

"Alright, I'll be back down in a few minutes then." Bakugo said with a small sigh as he pushed himself from the table. He turned for the stairs before quickly heading up there to meet his employees. When he landed upstairs, he noticed everyone was standing in a circle, whispering to each other.

"What do you guys think?" The blond asked as be looked over the sea of people who jumped upon hearing his voice. They all turned to him with a guilty expression before Hatsume stepped forward.

"I-it looks great and I think it will be more popular than before." She stated nervously as she avoided her gaze. They weren't talk about the bar when he walked up and he knew that.

"Any complaints about the bar?" He asked loudly as his eyes scanned the crowd. When he noticed everyone was shaking their heads back and forth, he took a deep breath. "You have two minutes to ask any questions."

"I don't think we ha-"

"Not about the bar." He interrupted curtly. Everyone looked to him in confusion before it dawned on them that he was giving them permission to ask about the green haired man that most of them had served before.

"Isn't he dating that weird elbow guy?" Hatsume questioned quietly, gathering everyones attention.

"Weird elbow guys name is Sero, Hanata Sero." He said with a sad expression. How could his employees know about the situation, but he didn't? "And his name downstairs is Izuku Midoriya." He stated as he locked eyes with Hatsume. "And no, they are no longer together."

"Did he get tired of the mental abuse?" The troublesome blond known as Monoma asked.

"It was more than mental." Bakugo replied with anger as he clenched his fists. He really hated talking about this, but he knew that were going to bombard his crush with questions if he didn't talk to them first.

"So he left.. but how did he end up here today?" Hatsume asked in confusion. She didn't know that he even knew the green haired man. So naturally, they were all a little confused.

"He took a summer job at the same camp that I did." He began explaining. "He opened up to some of us about his relationship and let me tell you, you're going to want to kill Sero if you knew all the details." He whispered so only his employees could hear. "Now, Sero doesn't know that we know him yet. So if anyone comes asking about him, you don't say anything. You haven't seen Midoriya since he was here last with his ex."

"Yes sir." The group mumbled in a small state of shock. This was the last thing they were expecting before they came into work today.

"Are you going to Ban Sero from the bar then?" Kendo questioned in confusion, drawing everyones attention to their boss.

"Not yet. I can't go into details, but the law is involved and I don't want to mess with the case or anything. So for now, pretend you don't know anything. I can fill everyone in more once the case has been resolved." He explained as he heard a bunch of voices echo downstairs. "Any more questions?"

"Are you two together?" Hatsume questioned as she recalled their behavior downstairs. Midoriya's eyes were mainly focused on Bakugos and their boss kept sneaking glances at him through their entire conversation.

"He isn't ready to put a label on anything yet.. but he isn't available if that is what your asking." Bakugo replied with a smirk. They still weren't technically together, but there was no way Midoriya would leave Bakugo hanging like that. "Now, your judges are downstairs, so let's go." He said with a sinister smirk as he began his journey downstairs.

"Wait, what judges?" Hatsume asked as the group began following him.

"We are choosing six drinks to be Dynamight trademarked. Everyone will make a drink and they will decide the six drinks we serve for the remainder of the year." He replied as they landed on the ground floor.

"Wait, you're going to put our custom drinks on the menu?" Kendo asked with excitement. They had been begging him to do that for as long as they could all remember.

"Only six, but yes." He responded as they came face to face with Bakugo and Midoriya's lively friend group. "I will not be judging so you know there won't be no biased opinions, but I will be participating."

"Heck yes!" Hatsume yelled as she threw her fist into the air. They were finally getting the chance to prove themselves.

"There is also a promotion for the highest ranked person as well." He informed before he turned his attention to his friend.

"Go have a seat at the tables." He told his friend with a smile as he pointed to the tables behind them before turning back to his employees. "There are eleven pitchers behind the bar with numbers on them. Grab one and start making your drink. Do not write your name or the name of the drink on there, I want this to be 100% unbiased." He explained as he began heading to the bar himself. He grabbed the pitcher with the 7 before grabbing his supplies. He started right away, confusing his employees. They had to actually think about which one of their own made drinks they wanted to use, but he already knew.

"The only reason I know what drink I want to make is because I already knew I was going to be doing this. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, you do you." He stated as he grabbed the small notepad under the counter and began writing down the recipe. "Also, write down your recipe so we already have it for the new menu. I want to get those printed tonight or tomorrow." He informed as he went back to graciously mixing his drink.

"They're all really in the zone over there." Uraraka mumbled with a smile as he watched each worker make their own drink for everyone.

"Who knew that Bakugo would want to get us drunk at three in the afternoon." Kirishima said aloud, making the rest of the table laugh. They ended up merging two tables together so they could all sit together.

"It's been a while since we have had a good drink though and I'm super excited!" Ashido cheered with a wide smile. She came here quite a bit with Sero and Uraraka, so she could he considered a regular as well.

"Same honestly." Midoriya said with a smile as he set his head on the table. He had to stop staring at Bakugo anytime they were in the same room, he couldn't concentrate on anything else.

"So Midoriya, what else did Bakugo get you for your birthday?" Kirishima questioned, drawing the rest of the groups attention.

"He got your something else?" Ashido questioned in a knowing tone.

"That's why those two stayed behind after we ate, Bakugo had another present or two to give him." The red head teased as Midoriya's face began heating up. He was extremely thankful he had his head on the table at that second, he knew he looked as bright as a fire truck.

"Ooohh, so what did he get you?" The pinkette questioned from across the table with teasing tone. With the way the green haired man was acting, they knew it had to he something romantic.

"Remember when him and I watched the meteor shower last Friday?" He started nervously as he grabbed his bag, reaching for the certificate. He didn't know where to put it yet and he didn't want to just leave it lying around. Plus, he was able to look at it as much as he wanted to this way. "We saw our first one by the Draco Constellation." He mumbled as he gave the envelope to Uraraka. Todoroki already knew about it, so he was already smiling. He wasn't too sure about the fiery blond in the beginning, but he knew he really cared about his best friend.

"D-did he buy you a star?" Uraraka questioned in astonishment as she looked at the certificate and map. "Right above the Draco Constellation, that's where you guys saw the first shooting star?" She questioned with a toothy grin. Midoriya couldn't form actual words, so he just nodded his head in agreement. "And he named it after you along with Fridays date." She mumbled in shock and happiness. She never knew too much about Sero and Midoriya's relationship until it was too late, but she did know that her ex best friend would have never done anything like this. He actually would have never done most of the stuff that Bakugo had done for Midoriya.

"That's so sweet!" Ashido cheered as they began passing the certificate around.

"Yeah.." The green haired man mumbled in response. Bakugo himself is incredibly sweet. He's perfect and I want to build a life with him, so why is it so hard to actually ask him to be my boyfriend? Why is it so hard to say I'm ready for that? The freckled man asked himself as they handed the certificate back to him. He carefully placed it back into his bag before his crush walked up.

"Hey Dunce Face, how did your interview go?" Bakugo questioned as he held a large manila envelope in his hands.

"They offered me a part time job at minimum wage, but I need a bit more than that." Kaminari responded with a sigh. Since they were going to be done at the camp in a little over two weeks, he needed to get another job lined up for when he returned. "I don't mind the minimum wage, but I need at least 35 hours a week to be able to pay my bills." He said with a groan as he laid his head on the table.

"What about 30 hours a week, plus tips?" Bakugo questioned with a smirk, causing Kaminari to snap his head up in shock.

"What?" He questioned with wide eyes as Bakugo threw down the large envelope with an employee hand book sitting on top.

"It's minimum wage, plus tips. At least 30 hours a week, I'll give you more if I can though." He informed with a shrug.

"Y-you're offering me a job?" Kaminari stuttered in astonishment.

"That's the plan. I didn't have the hours before, but with a bigger and better location, it should bring in plenty for me to hire somebody else." Bakugo said with a click of his tongue. "We can fill everything out later, but you'll start the week we come back from camp."

"Thank you.." Kaminari mumbled as happy tears began forming in his eyes. He always thought his fiery best friend never hired him because he was a complete idiot and he didn't think he could do it.

"We're all done." Hatsume yelled from the bar, gathering everyones attention.

"This is going to feel like a frat party all over again." Uraraka mumbled with a sigh. She would never complain about drinking, but she usually liked to enjoy her drinks, not chug them down.

"Well, the cups are only 6oz." Bakugo informed as Mei walked over with enough plastic cups for everyone and a small notepad and pencil for everyone as well.

"Just write down the numbers and what you think about them. At the end, pick your favorite six and we'll go from there." She informed before heading back to the bar to grab the first pitcher. They decided she had the steadiest hands and best poker face, so she would be giving them the drinks the whole evening. "Number one." She said with a smile as she filled everyones cups before disappearing back to the bar.

"I'm going go back over there too, I don't want to ruin the strong poker face she has going on." Bakugo said with a small laugh before heading back to his workers.

"I feel so much pressure with them all staring at us like that." Kirishima muttered as he looked behind the bar. Every employee was staring like a hawk, they were quite intimidating.

"What does this taste like?" Ashido questioned as she took another drink from her cup.

"Coconut." Todoroki responded immediately after one sip. He set his drink down before writing down his short opinion on the paper. He really hated the taste if coconut.

"I want more!" Ashido cried as she finished her drink.

"Take mine." Todoroki responded as he began passing the cup down the table. She quickly finished his drink as well as everyone turned to their notebooks. When Hatsume noticed they were all done, she walked back over with the second pitcher and a new stack of cups.

"Number two." She said with a soft smile as she began pouring the cups. They continued that same pattern until they got to number six. When they tried the sixth one, all of them downed that drink with no hesitation.

"That taste exactly like starburst!" Uraraka cried in happiness when she finished her drink.

"That is hands down the best one we have tasted all day." Ashido agreed as everyone began writing their opinions down before waiting for the next round of drinks.

"You good there Deku?" Uraraka questioned with a small laugh when she noticed how much sloppier his hand writing had gotten.

"He's always been a light weight." Todoroki said with a smile, slightly slurring his words.

"I don't think he is the only one." Iida said with a laugh as he watched Kaminari struggle to stay in his seat. "Some of these have had quite a bit of alcohol though and I know most of us haven't eaten anything since breakfast, so I was expecting this honestly." He said with a laugh as Hatsume came with pitcher number 7. She poured the drinks into their brand new cups before returning to her coworkers once more.

"This one reminds me of Midoriya." Todoroki said with a smirk as he took a small sip and looked to his best friend.

"How so?" The green haired man mumbled in confusion as he took a drink as well. It tasted like a mixture of cinnamon and caramel with a hint of apple. It was actually really good and he couldn't decide if he liked this one more or the previous one.

"You literally smell like cinnamon and apples." Todoroki responded as everyone began writing down their opinions, already having an idea on who made that drink.

"Whether it reminds us of Midoriya or not, that one was amazing too." Kirishima stated as he sloppily wrote his answer. They continued in the same fashion until they finished their final drink of the day. By this point, everyone was feeling slightly tipsy at least. Kaminari was practically out of it while Midoriya, Todoroki and Ashido were quite drunk at this point. Even with small drinks, that was still a lot of alcohol to consume on an empty stomach.

"Okay, let's get this done so we can get you guys home." Hatsume said with a small laugh as she watched the lively group talk and bicker back and forth.

"Raise your hand if you voted for number one." Bakugo stated as he watched everyone look over their papers.

"Psst, Kiri.. what does that say?" Kaminari slurred as he struggled to read his paper. Everyone laughed as the red head took the paper from the blonds hands.

"I think I am going to do Kaminari's as well." The red head stated with a laugh before looking at his paper. All in all, there were three hands up out of seven. Monoma was certainly surprised to see Todoroki's hand go up since he seemed like he hated it.

"I thought you didn't like that one half and half?" Bakugo questioned in confusion as he looked to the heterochromatic man.

"I hate coconut, but somebody who doesn't will definitely like that drink." He responded with a simple shrug as they moved on to the second drink.

"Number two." The blond stated as five hands also went into the air.

"Number three." This time, two hands went into the air.

"Number four." Again, two hands out of seven went into the air.

"Number five." He called off. Kendo's eyes widened in surprise when no hands went into the air. "I think that one may need some feedback." Bakugo stated as he looked across the drunken group.

"It was too strong." Ashido mumbled.

"I could barely taste the blueberry, it almost tasted like straight hand sanitizer." Uraraka added as Bakugo looked down to his sheet to see who had made that one. He frowned slightly as he turned to Kendo.

"Don't be upset." He started with a sad smile. "Use this experience to learn and work on perfecting that for the next menu change in the first of the year." He said gently towards his worker. She nodded sadly in response before moving on to the next number.

"Number six." He said aloud. They was definitely surprised to see all seven hands shoot into the air immediately. He looked down to the sheet to see whose it was and he was not surprised in the slightest when he saw it was Hatsumes.

"Number seven." He called out with a hint if nervousness because this was his drink. He smiled like an idiot when he once again saw all seven hands shoot into the air.

"Both of those were so good!" Uraraka cheered as she slurred her words slightly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Number eight." He said loudly, trying to bring their attention back to him. Two hands went into the air before he went to the next drink.

"Number nine." He yelled out before only one hand went into the air.

"Number ten." He yelled out as three hands went into the air.

"And finally, number eleven." He yelled out with a content sigh as he hit the last number. He really needed to get everyone home so they could rest up and get some food in them. Three hands went into the air.

"Okay, so the winners are number one, number four, number six, number seven, number ten and number eleven." Bakugo announced to his workers behind him.

"So who got the promotion since two people had every vote?" Monoma asked.

"Well, I can't promote myself anymore and I was number seven. So they leaves Hatsume since she was number six." He said with a smile, causing his number one pupil to flash a toothy grin. She has always been his best worker, so he was thrilled it was her.

"I need a picture of your drink, a name for your drink and the ingredients if you won. Please give them to me by the end of the night. If you need to stay to make the drink again, please feel free to do so. However, if you have everything at home to make it, please do it there." He yelled over his drunken friends in the back ground. "Next, Hatsume is being promoted to floor manager." He said as he looked towards the pinkette. "I do not want to be here seven days a week anymore. I love you guys and I love this place, but I want some time off every now and then too. Whether I be on the floor or just in the office, I am usually always here." He explained sadly as he looked over the sea of confused workers. "So when I am not here, Hatsume will be in charge on those days." He said as he looked back to the pinkette. "We will talk about your pay and everything at a later date and I will give you the master key to everything."

"Thank you!" She cheered happily with a wide smile. She extremely thankful to have this opportunity.

"Next, is anyone doing anything on Saturday?" He asked. Everybody shook their head no in response, causing the blond to smirk.

"Excellent, be here at 2 pm." He ordered before walking behind the bar to grab the large banner he had printed this morning. "We will be opening at 3 and I want all hands on deck." He explained as he walked towards Kendo and Monoma.

"Wait, we're opening this Saturday!?" Hatsume yelled in excitement and horror, causing the rest of the group to laugh.

"Yes we are." Their boss replied as he handed the banner to his troublesome duo. "Can you guys go hang this over the balcony please?" The two nodded their heads before grabbing the folded up banner before heading towards the stairs.

"Everyone is free to go except Hatsume, I will write down your hours for today and they will be added to your paycheck. I will see you all on Saturday at 2 pm." He yelled back as he motioned for Hatsume to stay behind. Everyone mumbled thanks and see you later before taking their leave.

"Thank you so much." The pinkette said with a happy smile as she landed herself in front of her boss and good friend.

"I was totally going to kick your ass if you didn't win." He said with a smile before turning to his drunken friends behind them. "Guys, pack up your stuff!" He yelled out to them before turning his attention back to his floor manager.

"I would have kicked my own ass too." She responded with a nervous laugh.

"I will be teaching you inventory and stock on Saturday as well as a few other things about the deposit and paperwork." He informed as began gathering this things as well. "When I go back to the camp for two weeks, you will be in charge. Also, we are going to be a bit busy on Saturday."

"I can handle it." She responded with a smile as Monoma and Kendo came back down the stairs.

"You two can head on out, thank you."

"Thanks!" The duo responded before grabbing their stuff and disappearing.

"Next, I have a favor to ask as your friend, not your boss." He mumbled as he reached for his wallet in his back pocket.

"What's up?" She questioned with a worried tone. Is wasn't very often he asked anyone for help.

"Can you take Uraraka, Iida and Ashido home? I think they're all going to Uraraka's apartment." He questioned as he pulled a fifty from his wallet. "She lives in the apartments on fifth street a few blocks past the Medical and Law schools."

"Yeah, of course." She responded with a soft smile.

"Take this." He ordered as he handed her the cash. "Please get them something to eat on the way as well."

"No problem." She responded as she took the money from his hand. "I can give the change back to you on Saturday."

"Keep it." He shrugged before turning his expression more serious. "Another thing, if you know who Sero is, then you probably know who Uraraka is." He said as he nervously glanced towards the brunette.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask about that."

"She no longer talks to him, but they do live in the same building." He explained nervously in a hushed voice. "If you see him outside, drive away and call me." He ordered quietly. "If you don't, please make sure you stay until they get inside. They already know not to leave until they're sober, but please look after them." He pleaded. He considered them his friends, but they weren't all that close. But he knew the green haired man really cared about them, so he would do whatever he could to protect them.

"Of course. I'll shoot you a text when they're inside." She responded with a smile before they both made their way to his friends.

"Pink cheeks, glasses and pinky, Hatsume will be giving you all a ride home." He informed to the group.

"Woohoo!" Ashido yelled in excitement as she stood from her seat a little too quickly. Uraraka slowly stood from her seat as she watched one of her best friends make the mistake of almost falling over. Iida couldn't help but laugh as he helped his girlfriend up.

"The rest of you will be riding with me." The blond informed with a smirk as he gently set his hand on the green haired mans back.

"Wait, who had drink six and seven?" Ashido slurred as they were making their way to the door. She had to know before she left.

"Hatsume had six and I had seven." The blond informed with a small laugh.

"I told you he had seven." Todoroki said with a smirk towards his best friend as everyone sluggishly stood from their chairs.

"How did you know I had seven?" Bakugo questioned in confusion as he looked to the heterochromatic man.

"Because it reminded me of Midoriya." He responded as his smirk grew wider.

"How so?" The blond questioned in shock. Sure he was thinking of Midoriya when he made it, but he wasn't expecting them to figure it out that quickly.

"It tasted like Midoriya smells." Todoroki responded with a simple shrug.

"You smell me?" The freckled man questioned with a laugh as he grabbed onto the table to keep himself from falling over.

"Not on purpose, but you always smell like cinnamon and apples." His best friend argued back while laughing.

"What did you name the drink?" The green haired man questioned as he turned towards his crush. Bakugo couldn't help but admire Midoriya. His green curls were slightly damp and sticking to his forehead while his face was a bright shade of red from being intoxicated. His eyes were only half open, but the fiery blond couldn't help but admire him. He always looked amazing, no matter what. The red eyed man smirked as he leaned towards his crush's ear before whispering his reply.

"Freckles." He whispered in a husky and deep voice. Midoriya felt shivers go up his spine when the breath from his crush hit his ear. His heart skipped a beat as he began blushing profusely. He was getting addicted to the way the blond man made him feel. "Let's go home Freckles." Bakugo said with a laugh as he watched the green haired man become a fumbling mess.

"Let's go home." He slurred in return as he put his weight into the fiery blond. Bakugo couldn't help but smile when Midoriya was around in any way, shape or form. He always felt more complete with him by his side.


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