The Legendary Defenders Child...

By VoltronMoon

248 8 2

This will be a story over the paladins children having to step up as paladins to hopefully save the universe... More

Last Goodbye - McClain's..
Last Goodbye - Kogane..
Last Goodbye - Garret..
Last Goodbye - Holt..
A Similar Crash..

Last Goodbye - Shirogane..

13 1 0
By VoltronMoon




Starla POV.

"Daddy" I called out surprised and I noticed my dad standing further down the hall, I thought he would be stuck in meetings like normal. 

"Hey sweetie, no class" He smiled, giving his prince like smile that still made any soldier, cadet and just anyone fall for him. It got annoying sometimes but the smile did make it feel like everything would be okay no matter what happened. 

"My classes were all cancelled for some reason, no clue why since everyone else classes are still happening" I mumbled back with a slight frown and putting my hands on my hips as I looked to the floor.

"That might be my fault actually" He nervously smiled, giving me a guilt look making me nothing something really funny was going to happen or something I might not look happen instead. 

"Just tell me" I sighed, trying to get my mind and heart ready for the coming news as he just smiled to me.

"I'll be leaving for a mission, the atlas will give me and my team a bit of a lift before Matt flies us most of the rest of the way. I don't know when I'm returning or if" He answered me, a sadden smile. His eyes holding the same emotion I felt, I hate how he knew me so well sometimes.

"You'll return, you always return" I sniffled, stepping forward and burying my face in his chest while he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know but I won't lie to you either, it could be rather dangerous or really easy. I'm just gonna miss you so much, you'll be all grown up and a real soldier without me being able to watch" He mumbled back, just keeping me close in case it our last.

"You'll beat anything up, you'll save the day and then come back home like you always do. I'll be right here, standing proud and ready to show you my unifrom as I become a real soldier ... I might even be on the Atlas to welcome you back and help give you a lift home" I smile brightly, slight tears in my eyes as I step back.

"I bet you will, just try and not give your brother any trouble. He is the commander of the Atlas and out ranks you enough to throw you in a cell for a night" He replied with a slight smirk, ruffling my hair a little as I giggled.

"He out ranks me for now but one day, I'll hold the power to throw him in the cell for a night" I shot back smugly making him laugh. 

"Be good for your dada as well, he's gonna be a real angel while I'm gone and he doesn't have any work himself to keep busy with" He weakly smiled knowing dada becomes a right old pain when he wasn't around and even worse when he stuck worrying without anything to do. 

"Why do you think me and brother asked for dorms as soon as the garrison accepted us. We not dealing with dada while you're on a mission ever again" I smile sweetly, patting his arm in slight pity as he laughed. 

"Yeah, I love him but even I don't want to face that again" He answered, leaning down a little to whisper knowing if dada ever heard him admit that, all hell would break lose.

"It's our secret" I promised as he shook on it, turning as yells filled the halls around the corner. 

"Since you're so keen on growing up and gaining a rank once you pass your training. Want to take this one?" He asked, a small frown on his lips as he glanced to me while I shook my head. 

Both of us watching as Miles came running round the corner, slipping a little before running again. Clutching a strange box in his hands and holding it to his chest while he ran.

"Sure you don't want some pratice in stopping cadets. It's just miles" He offered beside me as we watched Miles run past without looking at us, clearly focusing on running for his life.

Both of us turning as another two of feet came squeaking round the corner, fear clearly filling miles eyes as he tried running faster then before. Milo filled with pure rage as his eyes locked on his brother while a panicked Adam was running behind hoping to stop a murder from happening.

"Nope, this one is all yours daddy" I soon answered knowing better then getting in the way of an angry Milo, he didn't get this level of angry often making it rather frightening to see. 

"Miles I swear to god you one dead song of quiznak" Milo growled, catching his brother earning them both slip and go crashing down on the floor with the box slipping out of miles hand.

"patience yields focus remember ... patience yields focus" Adam begged out in hopes to calm his friend as he tried pulling him off before Milo actually killed his Miles.

"You can shoved your patience right up your-" Milo started to yell having enough of his friend speaking pointless sayings while he just wanted to murder his younger brother. He didn't lose his cool often and when he did the other person normally deserved so why can't they just leave him to kill his brother.

"All right, that's enough .. break it up" Dad called out as he walked over, placing his hand on brother shoulder before pulling Milo up with care. 

"Not until I at least give him a black eye first" Milo grumbled back, still trying to jump at his younger brother but dad was holding him back while Adam pulled Miles back a little to keep some distance between them.

"Miles just say sorry, You've gone to far this time" Adam sighed as he looked to the youngest Holt who lowed his head in slight shame. 

"I didn't mean to break it, I was planning to fix it but then you caught me" Miles frowned, looking at his feet before quickly jogged over to the box he dropped and picked it up with care. 

"Why were you even touching it" Adam asked with a slight frown, he knew how important the box was to his friend, the whole Garrison knew it. 

"It gotten old, I was gonna make it look new but It broke when I tried looking it over" Miles explained, feeling rather guilty since he knew how important it was. 

It was a music box that popped up holograms filled with photos of fallen rebels that died in the war with added photos of those who lived, even the paladins got mixed in. Blade members popped up and it was just magical as it sang the old rebels song. It was something Matt and Pidge built when he was only a baby, it even got his baby finger print on the side when he tried grabbing it while the paint was drying. It was one of a kind and Milo loved it as his precious treasure. 

"See, it was an accident but an accident that shouldn't have happened. Miles, you know better then to touch your brother treasure. Milo why don't you walk away and clam down, think things over a little better" Dad spoke up, a disappointed look on his face while he tried keeping the air calm. Looking to Milo who wasn't trying to reach out for his brother anymore. 

"Fine" Milo grunted out, pushing himself from my dad before walking over to his brother, Adam giving a sorry look while also being ready to stand between the two brothers if a fight started up again.

"Don't touch it again" Milo snapped to his brother as he took the box back before walking away, Adam watching with worried eyes before nodding for Miles to walk away as well. 

"Still want to try and reach my rank" Dad asked with a weak smile as he looked over his shoulder to me.

"Nah, I'm good at sticking to being an cadet or basic soldier" I replied without needing to think making him laugh. 

"Thanks for the help daddy, I already pulled Milo away once but .. well you saw how well that went" Adam sighed as he rubbed his arm, glancing to the direction his friend left. 

"It's gonna be just fine, those brothers are something but they always forgive each other in the end. Plus they Matt problem now, so why don't we go to the old café and eat lunch together. Just us three, lets make a happy memory together before I leave later" Dad smiled before pulled me and my brother, wrapping an arm around us both while we laughed.

"Food sounds great, after facing death once today I need the energy refill" Adam smiled brightly, patting his toned stomach rather proud over himself surviving death.

"Death" I asked like an idiot as we started walking.

"Milo" Adam answered without a second thought making me and dad no in understanding. 

Maybe not all goodbyes had to be sappy or long, sometimes just a meal was needed without any tears getting in the way. 

One memory of us just being us, just being a family without any fear over what the future may bring us later. 

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