SKY: University (Discontinued...

By mufiee

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"we fly together to an endless freedom" this university was made exclusively for every country, for boy's an... More



1.9K 49 76
By mufiee

[A/n: just a small reminder that this series might contain suicidal attempt⚠️]

Vietnam's POV

I was sitting peacefully as I was waiting for philip to arrive... I miss our daily chit chats...

"Yo viet, why so stressed out??" Brunei spoke as I looked at him in distress.

"Is it because of phil?" I nodded in response, "but he was just away a minute ago-" I hushed him as he looked at me with confusion.

"Wh- you know what? This isn't what a friend should be acting! You look like you're 'obsess'." Brunei added which I just sighed heavily, "look this isn't obsession! I just...feel like he should always hang out with me..."

"Yup that's obsession." Brunei scoffed as I think of what I just said..

"But isn't it concern-?" I tilted my head which made him groan in annoyance.

"Psst whatchu guys talking about-?" We were interrupted by someone as my heart started pounding real fast-

"Jesus christ! Phil you scared us!" Brunei replied acting like he had a heart attack..

"Oh sorry- anyways what's up viet?" Philip asked with that adorable smile again....

I smiled back before speaking "It's nothing.." he sat at his seat before turning to me, "can you help me study after lunch viet? You said there will be a long quiz after it" philip spoke giving me those puppy eye's, ah my heart- Aack-

"Ofcourse" I replied which he beamed before looking upfront, oh how I hope this never ends...seeing him happy is makes my heart flutter.....

"Viet pssst- yo yo yo-" brunei kept annoying me as I gave him a death glare.

"ồ cái gì vậy nhóc ?!" (oh what is it brat?!) I whisper yell as brunei snickered.

"Hi-" I swear to God, I'm about to loose my sanity to this guy.

[Lunch break]

I was waiting for phil in the library when suddenly someone bumped my shoulder causing my back to hit the wall.

"Watch i- oh? If it isn't the teacher seducer~" sigh, if it isn't north korea...

"I'm sorry but that matter has already died years ago. And where's your dogs? Feeling lonely?" I replied as he looked at me pissed, he was about to talk back when philip came to launch himself on north-

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT VIETNAM-" philip yelled as he was pushed back by north korea as north ran away not even throwing a fit- huh that's strange, he wouldn't just let this go that easily..

"Are you alright vietnam?! Did he hurt you?!" Philip bombard me with questions as his lips were slightly bleeding, I smacked his head before pulling him inside the library.

"Wh- what was that for.." philip whined as we both sat at a table near a window.

"Stop being so protective and reckless. Now look you're bleeding" I replied abit angry as I took my hankerchief, good thing I always have a small hand bag with me just in case.

I wiped off the blood on Philip's lips then putting alcohol in it which made philip whine in pain, "you shouldn't do that.." I spoke but this time with sincerity

"Aw, alright momma viet" I stopped applying the alcohol on my hankerchief as I looked at philip perplexed.

"What? You're always the momma in the group! And that's what I like about you" he smiled purely as I stared at him trying to process what he just said..

I stopped staring as I put the hankerchief again at the side of his lips.

"Aaaa ow ow ow ow-"

"Shh, be quiet phil."

"You're so rough sometimesss~" he whined which I just sighed.

Time passed by and we were done studying, we have a few minutes before class starts and philip was taking a small nap, speaking of which, this is the only time I could admire his sleeping form...he looks...peaceful.

There was not that much people in the library, just a few states and cities walking by and didn't even mind us, that's long as we stay out of trouble... also I've noticed something strange about north korea, he was usually cold and hot tempered, probably a time bomb when you piss him off. Also seeing him back up on a fight is not really like him...

I looked back to my phili- I MEAN PHIL, and slowly brushed off his hair that was covering those angelic face of his.. he slightly moved as I retrieve my hand slowly, I heared a small growl and before I know it he grabbed my hand intertwining his fingers between mine, then he slightly reached for my wrist rubbing it abit-, shit shit shit- dear mother of Buddha-

I was literally screaming inside like- I feel like exploding any minute now, am I in heaven? Is this real? Am I dreaming?

Questions has occupied my head before the bell rang signaling that the lunch break has ended, mean while philip was still sleeping peacefully and I didn't wanna ruin his beauty sleep but then again I have to wake him up even tho I won't be experiencing any physical contact with him after this..

I quickly but gently shaked philip causing for him to shot awake looking around as if he just forgot something improtant-

"I'm really sorry for waking you up phil, but class will be starting soo-" I was cut off when philip pulled my right arm as he pulled up my sleeve, I was abit confuse before I noticed his motive.

"Vietnam...why are you cutting your wrist?.." philip asked rather angrily as I didn't know how to explain myself, was he examining my wrist earlier..?I shaked the thought away as I pulled down my sleeves trying to change the topic and just get to class.

"Philip we have to g-" I was again cutoff when philip was gripping my hand, it doesn't hurt yet he looks like he's the one who looks hurt, my heart broke seeing philip tearing up, I know this was non of his business but still, I was his closest friend..

"Why...please tell me..." I felt my world crumble into pieces just by seeing philip this way... I gently cupped both of his hands as we sit again in the corner of the table.

"I guess there's no point of hiding it...." I sighed as philip looked at me with seriousness in every stare, "this was... actually a long time ago... but.." I couldn't tell it, I was so scared that he might leave me... I was scared every word I drop out of my mouth were as if needles were piercing through me.... I just couldn't bare the loneliness....being alone... all alone..

"Vietnam...?" I was snapped back to reality as my eye's were now shedding tears, I couldn't stop myself, I was so afraid of this cruel world that I wanted to leave it sooner because staying would only hurt me more...

"I-i'm sorry phil p-please don't leave me i..." I cried out as philip made his way on my side, he quickly hugged me in a tight embrace an embrace I've wanted for so long... the hug I always needed....

"Shhh vietnam please don't cry! I won't leave you and I never will! I'm sorry for asking you this... I didn't mean to bring up those memories of yours.. just please..and I beg you to never do it again..." philip whispered gently to my ear as he rubbed circles on my back, feeling as if I didn't wanna let go any minute from his embrace...

I hugged tighter on the small country before my sobs turned into sniffles, my mind finally cooling down from my past trauma... we stayed that way for a few seconds before I looked at philip with every energy I got and shot up a small weak smile.

"Will you...will you stay if I said the reason..?" I asked as if I was a child making a pinky promise to his parents..

"You don't have to force yourself viet.." philip mumbled gently gripping my hand easing me abit.


[Vietnam's past]
(A year ago)

"Ok class! Today we have a new teacher! Please respect him and treat him as if he was your very own teacher! He will be the one who will replace Mr. William since.. he was stated to have a severe sickness." Our female teacher exclaimed as we all replied with a yes. I was really excited who our new teacher would be since I've always hated mr. Williams class, but still I pity him..

A tall man soon entered our classroom, the female cities and countries soon squealed because they didn't expect a handsome teacher to be our adviser, I wasn't surprised since I do saw many good looking teachers here in this academy but I'm still more handsome tho- come on not being a downer here-

The teacher waved and we all greeted, the squealing soon died down as classes went on as usual, his name was Mr. Dimitri (if that's your name just change the name I guess), he wasn't fancy and all, but people do admire his good looks.

(A/N: I don't want to keep this flashback long so let's get to the point-)

It was morning break and I was left in the classroom wiping the blackboard, I didn't notice that Mr. Dimitri was looking, I was feeling uneasy so I quickly wiped the few chalk writings before I went to grab my lunch box.

Mr. Dimitri then grabbed my hand making me flinch and slightly pulled my hand away from him, he looked abit confuse but still a smile made it's way to his face.

"You must be vietnam, right? You seem bothered by me.." Mr. Dimitri said abit down. It took me a few seconds before I faced him with a weka smile.

"I'm sorry sir, I wasn't bothered. I was just hungry that's all." I replied, he immediately beamed, "how about we both go to the cafeteria together? Sounds good?" He replied back rather quickly, I was thinking abit before nodding.

This went on for months and I've noticed some students glaring me and sending threat messenges in my locker, I didn't mind it at first until it became more worse, they were sending me a paper with a bunch of needles and a dead rat laying inside my rubber shoes.

I was scared, thinking if I should tell this to mr. Dimitri..

I shaked the thought off and just cleaned my locker room as usual, I didn't dare say this to anyone, nor some of my friends in the higher ranks.. but there are a few people who knew, like laos and brunei.. but I told them not to meddle with it as it will only get worse.

Now I was in the boy's bathroom, washing my hands when I heared a slam oming from the restroom stalls.

"Oui? If it isn't the slut." I heared someone called out, I quickly looked and spotted Marseille, a french city?

I was amused since a city shouldn't be calling a countrymaster that way.

I shot up a smile and spoke " hello ms. Marseille, what seems to be a problem?" I asked politely not pissing the small french city infront of me.

"Don't you fucking call my name, slutty vietnamese.. and even if you're a country leader, I don't care. Stay away from mr. Dimitri." She scowled as I sighed at her stubbornness.

"Ofcourse, ofcourse.. I'm deeply sorry, I won't come near him again.." I replied, one of them scoffed and immediately faced me with a smug look, "you think we'd let that petty of an excuse?"

I slowly backed up when some of them immediately grabed both of my arms and made me sit on the floor, I couldn't bare to hurt a woman, I've been taught better. But this is getting out of hand!


California, a state city crouched down infront of me slowly unbuttoning her shirt showing abit of her cleavage, I wasn't intrigued and closed my eye's in disgust.

"Fuck! Don't tell me you don't like these?! You men always liked boobs! What are you gay?!" She growled before slapping me with her bare hands, I flinched and kept my head low, I will never hurt a woman...

They immediately stood up and kicked me, It doesn't hurt that much since it'll take time to hurt a countryleader, but still I let them be...

A few minutes had past and they left me with a few bruises, I can't believe I got bullied by a bunch of cities... tsk...

I quickly got up and dusted myself, I didn't want to worry anyone so I just got to the clinic myself, the nurses were panicking but I told them I was fine and I only slipped through the bathroom stall, but that's completely a stupid reason to begin with..

Another few months had passed and it's getting worst.. my things were thrown in the lake, got thrown by a water bucket while entering the room... I even got to the point breaking my own ankles... I was helpless, I couldn't tell it to sir Dimitri since it'll only worry him...

Then the day finally came, where the rumors about me had been spreading all around the campus, me being the slut I was.. when i never will be..

"Please, stop this, I'm begging you all!" I cried out as I no longer can take the pressure, the cities only mocked me and repeated the thing I said as I still kept my head low, we were at the back of the school as I wanted to end this sooner or later.

"Whatever I did.. please...I'm sorry.." I apologized tears swelling up in my eye's, feeling miserable..

"You want us to stop~?" One of them replied as I slightly nodded my head, soon they all laughed at my sympathetic state and soon Marseille crouched down near my ear and whispered.

"Then die." She giggled out, as if she said it jokingly, I flinched at her reply as I kept my head low.

"Why...why are you doing this.." I asked, the atmosphere changed and I soon stood up flaring, I couldn't take it, I was nearly at my edge and I'm about to make a war happen.

The cities flinched at my sudden change of attitude as California confronted me slightly shaking.

"W-well! D-don't think were scared just because your a countryleader!" She growled as I slapped her 180° making her fall on the hard ground, I was taught to never hurt a woman and never hurt those who are weak.. but I'm about to do so and they've already pushed me in the edge..

"Cali! Omg!" One of them called as my glares sent shivers through them. I was about to bitch slap this woman when laos and brunei came in time and stopped me, I was dizzy that time and my anger was keeping me from staying still as my vision soon blacked out...

Brunei's POV

I was so stupid! Why? Why did I let my best friend get bullied like this!?

I looked at vietnam who was pale and unconscious in his hospital bed.. laos was sleeping at the table beside Vietnam's bed..

It's been three months and those cities who bullied vietnam got expelled.. to mr. Dimitri, He just left like he never cared about my friend... I was angry, I was so angry that I wanted to choke those people who had hurted my best friend..

I've also noticed that he always carries a cutter with him.. and now I know and I indeed was displeased and horrified on what he was doing to his self... he even counted the days where he'd....he...

I was sobbing, again, I felt useless. All i did on the past months was just stare at him as I watch him get bullied everyday, I feel horrible.. I can't take this... I didn't deserve him... I don't even know where thailand is...she stayed hidden and didn't bother to know what was happening to her childhood friend...

All I could do now is watch over vietnam...this is all I could do... I'm sorry...



"Your wings looks really normal but when you measure the weight and the height of it, it seems legit cool" he responded as he stopped touching the feathers.

"I'm vietnam by the way" I didn't knew about it but he was right my wings aren't that small and I never really knew why.

"I'm philippines."



A/N: ok this chapter sucks and it lack so much emotions- but hey! It's better than not publishing right? Lol- anyways yeah! I still enjoyed writing this even tho it doesn't look good for y'all-


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