Teen Wolf Imagines

By TheShadowKiller16

124K 983 209

Cover created by the amazingingly talented @stilesqvelo ~~REQUESTS ARE OPEN~~ I do Smut, Fluff, and Smut/Fluf... More

Scisaac (malexmale)
Derek Hale (SMUT)
Isaac Lahey
Isaac Lahey Pt 1
Isaac Lahey Pt. 2 (SMUT)
Stiles Stilinski (SMUT)
Aiden Steiner
Lydia Martin Pt. 1
Stiles Stilinski
Requests are open
Peter Hale
Thiam (malexmale)
Scott x Reader x Stiles (SMUT)
Theo Raeken
Allison Argent (SMUT)
Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski (SMUT)
Malia x Male!Reader (SMUT)

Lydia Martin Pt. 2

3K 30 7
By TheShadowKiller16

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and onto my face. I looked down and saw Lydia was still fast asleep, our legs were tangled together and she was facing away from me with her hands tucked underneath her face. Her hair was a mess everywhere I tucked a few pieces behind her ear and smiled at her sleeping figure. She started to stir and her eyes cracked open and she smiled at me, "good morning." I chuckled, "good morning Lydia." I got up from behind her and started walking to the kitchen, "where are you going?"

I turned and she was sat up with a frown on her face, "I'm making us breakfast not leaving." I walked back over and kissed her, "now how do you like your eggs?" she giggled and kissed me again, "surprise me." She laid back down and I felt her eyes on my back the entire way to the kitchen. I quickly made our food then came back to her. She was laid on her stomach and her breathing was evened out. I crouched down and whispered in her ear, "Lydia love our food is done." she yawned stretching then sat up with a sleepy smile on her face.

She leaned forward and laid her head on my shoulder, "I feel like I could sleep forever." I chuckled pushing her straight up and kissed her forehead, "well we need to eat and it'll help with that annoying little hangover you've got." I handed her the plate and she just pushed her food around at first before taking a bite and humming, "god this is amazing you are cooking for our date I won't accept anything else." I chuckled, "I think I can arrange something." I checked my phone, "after you eat you'll need to get ready I'm having Allison, Malia, and Kira take you out today."

She nodded while continuing to eat so I headed up to one of the spare bedrooms and collected some clothes that should fit Lydia. I asked Allison about her sizing before so I stocked up on some clothes that would be her size but then again I have extra clothes for everyone in the pack since this was supposed to be a safehouse so in case anything happened I would have clothes for everyone. I headed back downstairs, "I have some clothes that should fit you and you can also use my shower in the master bedroom. It has multiple different scents of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash just use whatever you like."

She sighed and got up wrapping her arms around me, "can you shower with me nothing has to happen." I cocked a brow at her but relented as I saw her puppy eyes looking at me, "alright fine but nothing happens." she picked up the clothes and kissed me before walking towards the master bedroom and I could hear the water turn on and I chuckled to myself, "what is this girl doing to me?" I gathered all the dirty dishes and put them in the sink to wash later before heading to the closet in the bedroom and picking out a change of clothes for myself. I also grabbed a couple of fluffy towels, setting them on the towel rack outside the shower.

I stripped and entered the shower just watching her for a moment she had her head tilted back allowing the water to slip through her strawberry blonde hair. She sighed contently before opening her eyes and smiling at me I grabbed the coconut shampoo and squirted some onto my palm before lathering it before putting it into her hair gently scraping my nails on her scalp while massaging the shampoo on her hair. She rinsed that out and I grabbed the matching coconut conditioner and quickly massaged that through her hair as well and she turned grabbing the strawberry shampoo for me and I dampened my hair before turning allowing her to apply the shampoo to my hair.

I rinsed that out then she applied the matching conditioner to my hair then I grabbed an exfoliating vanilla scented body wash and used washrag to gently scrub at her skin allowing her to take the rag and wash her intimate areas. She did the same to me. We finished showering and I handed her two fluffy towels before wrapping my hair into a towel then wrapping my body in a towel. There was a knock on the door downstairs and so I left her to get dressed while I went and let the others in.

Mailia lifted a brow when she saw me in the towel, "she's almost ready, give her a few moments." I heard Scott and Stiles in the distance, "bro she's in a towel." I rolled my eyes at Scott and I knew the wolf hearing would allow him to hear me clearly, "Scott Michael McCall exactly I'm in a towel so stop peeking." Kira covered her mouth to stop the giggles and I left the door open heading back upstairs to get dressed and I saw Lydia looking for something, "what are you looking for my love?" she threw her hands up, "one of my earrings fell out and I can't find it."

I walked over to her and noticed something shining underneath a desk chair a few feet from us and I crouched down picking up her diamond earring, "this one?" she sighed in relief kissing me, "yes thank you now I'm off to go shopping." she had a bright smile and I kissed down letting it last a few seconds longer than all the others, "have fun I'll text you when everything is set up." we walked back downstairs and the girls all left while I was left alone with Stiles and Scott, "alright why are you two here?"

Scott looked at Stiles and Stiles sighed, "because I need your help on telling me what Derek likes because I want to surprise him on a date." I sighed, "well what do you want to know?" he shuffled on his feet thinking for a moment, "what kind of food he likes, if he likes flowers, or if there's a favorite spot in the preserve." I nodded, "well I know his favorite food is steak make sure it's medium rare and mix that with some homemade potatoes and fresh green beans he'll love that I can almost guarantee it, he isn't too keen on flowers due to our heightened senses, and yes he does have a favorite spot in the preserve I'll show you later because it also happens to be my favorite spot and I plan to take Lydia to it later."

I pointed at Scott, "I will not be showing you because this spot means a lot to Derek and I so we don't want a lot of people knowing about it." I pointed at Stiles, "and I expect you not to tell anyone because I can and will hunt you." he held his hands up in surrender and I nodded, "okay well I need to head to the store for some stuff first so you guys head home or wherever you two plan to go because I do not trust you two alone in my safeplace." I pushed them towards the door while I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet.

I locked the door behind me and headed to my truck, "do you guys need a lift?" Scott nodded while Stiles shook his head, "nah I think I'm going to go back to Derek's just call me when you're ready to show me the spot." I gave him a thumbs up and watched as he disappeared into the woods, "okay Scotty boy where are you heading to?" he shrugged, "to my house I guess can I borrow your phone to call Isaac?" I eyed him suspiciously, "where is your phone?" he rubbed his neck and chuckled nervously, "I broke it after Isaac sent me some messages." his cheeks turned pink and I chuckled at him, "here."

He thanked me and quickly called Isaac and I tried to tune him out since it was none of my business what they were talking about and I just focused on the road heading to Scott's house. I pulled up to his driveway and I waved to Isaac who was standing at the side of my house, "be safe Scott and I'm not just talking about actual danger." I gave him the mom look and his cheeks turned pink again, "thanks for the ride Y/n." I nodded and pulled out of the driveway after I watched them safely get into the house.


I called Stiles after I set everything up, "hello?" I leaned against the table, "is Derek in hearing vicinity?" he shuffled for a moment, "no he just left to the store why?" I facepalmed, "did you forget I was supposed to show you the spot in the woods?" he obviously did as I heard him hurriedly shuffling around, "I did sorry I'll meet you at your cabin in five." I chuckled, "take your time Stiles." I hung up and quickly walked back to my cabin and saw Stiles standing at the door awkwardly, 'c'mon Stiles it's this way."

He jogged over to me and kept close as I showed him the beaten down path that Derek and I created until we came to the spot that looked over a cliff and always had the best view of a sunset and an amazing place to stargaze. His jaw dropped when I turned to look at him and I snapped making him close his mouth and nod, "I'm never telling a soul about this place, this place is amazing." I leaned against the table, "it really is." I cleared my throat, "I'm going to tell you something Stiles and do not tell a single soul."

He nodded, "I'm not actually a Hale, I was adopted by Derek a few years ago." my eyes dropped to my feet, "Cora had found me in the preserve a couple years after I had ran from my abusive home and practically begged Derek to take me in I was very wary of Derek in the beginning but slowly he gained my trust." Stiles looked confused, "you weren't born a wolf then?" I shook my head, "no something happened and if Derek didn't attempt to turn me I would have died regardless." I blinked the tears away.

"Like I said Derek and I are very close so please keep him happy and don't hurt him because I've seen him at his lows and it killed me knowing there was nothing I could do." he nodded, "I promise." I smiled, "thanks Stiles and I'd hurry back Derek will be back soon." his eyes widened, "it's okay I can give you are ride." we hurried to my truck and I dropped him off right as Derek pulled in I winked at him as I drove off.

                     *ANOTHER TIME SKIP*

I held my hands over Lydia's eyes as I directed her to the spot and I grinned as the candles and fairy lights came into view, "alright just a dew more steps." I murmured then stopped removing my hands from her eyes and she gasped, covering her mouth, "oh my god." the sunset was perfectly in the background, "it's beautiful." I motioned towards the chair and she sat down and I pushed her seat in before walking over to mine, "Bon appétit."

I took off the cover of her food and placed it onto the ground beside the table, "this is amazing I couldn't have asked for a better first date." I nodded, "well there's something I wanted to tell you." her face dropped as she heard my serious tone, "what?" I sighed, "it's about me and it's not something a lot of people know." I swallowed thickly, "I wasn't born a Hale, I was adopted by Derek a couple of years ago."

Her brows furrowed in confusion, "Cora found me on the verge of death a couple of years after I had ran from my abusive family and Cora practically begged Derek to take me in." a look of realization took on her face, "you weren't born a werewolf." I shook my head, "no remember when I was in the hospital during the kanima Jackson thing?" she nodded and I pulled up my shirt revealing five circle marks on my chest above where my heart sat.

"Jackson tried to kill me that night that Derek and Peter turned him." she covered her mouth, "so you saw?' I nodded, "you loved him Lydia I can't blame you he was your first love he'll alway have a special place in your heart." I pulled my shirt down, "well after a month they were threatening to pull the plug so Derek attempted to turn me and obviously it was successful it took so long to keep the anger at bay and you wanna know what my anchor is?"

She nodded, "you, you are what keeps me from losing it all so please Lydia don't be reckless because if you die will literally go out of my freaking mind." she grabbed my hand, "I promise." I squeezed her hand, "I love you so much Y/n L/n." I smiled, "I love you to Lydia Martin." We quickly ate and left to the cabin deciding to clean up in the morning.

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