No Such Thing

By AdmiralJane

218 1 0

Within a disturbing and mentally insane aura, Janet obtains a sick europhia she can obtain nowhere else. Cons... More

There Was Always Alana


35 0 0
By AdmiralJane

This chapter contains light sexual events between the same gender. I may have kept it in the tags as advised, but here's another warning in case you prefer not to read.


She had bathed several patients before her, so there was little reason for her to feel any sort of fear. Like any other hour of bath she'd prepare the water to an exact warm temperature, reassure herself that there was enough water to soak in, and set the bottles of cleanser beside her. With any luck the patient wasn't emotionally scarred or put up a fight during the process, and the entire procedure lasted at most 15 minutes. There was still a feeling of regret, however, that lingered with every passing minute. She hadn't the slightest idea as to why she was suddenly overcome with distress. Nudity had yet to become a problem to her. She assisted (and sometimes even preformed ) physicals on a daily basis on both men and women. A ripe age of 26 and Janet could honestly say she's seen it all.

She writes away at her clipboard, glancing continuously at the clock. Seven minutes left.


Her mind is no longer at ease again. Images of her milky, broken little body flooded her thoughts with such immense force she was pink in the cheeks. Janet's always thought of her before, but only so many times, and nothing compared to this.

She knows very well that she's interested in women. There's no point in denying more than just a childhood fascination she's wanted to regret. In her eyes, the fairer sex was open, unwinding and clearly much easier to understand. Emotionally, she thought, two women could complete each other in no other way one could with a man. Their views, their thoughts and responses, though at often times different, still resembled one another some way. The typical best girl friend was someone you could confide in and never lose faith in. One who you never wanted to forget and forever wished to be alongside. The same traits that mirrored a future husband. Irony struck her like a knife in middle school to that realization, and even then she did her best to hide her new attraction.

Physically, women were given the title “the fairer sex” for obvious reasons. With each female came a unique and beautiful pattern of her own. From lips to eyes and hair to skin.

Janet felt no less about men; they too, differed and could easily fulfill her wants and needs. She had fallen in love with a handful of them in her lifetime and remained content with them even after sunken ships. Knowing her reputation would surely rot, she thought it best not to experiment with women and simply admire them from afar.

She's wondering why's she taking so much thought into this. Her eyes roll back to look at the time again. 3 minutes.


The water is set, the bottles are placed. Everything is prepared, except for her. Janet doesn't know what to feel. Her watch ticks and ticks and ticks. Fifteen seconds.

Alana is punctual as always and cocks her head in curiosity. The silence between them is chilling but brief as she takes loud steps towards the tub. Dressed in nothing but the off white, knee high towel she is always given, she's exactly how Janet has pictured her. The visible skin below the cloth glows like pearls in the room's dark lighting. She turns back at her, face still carrying the blank, hollow expression it always holds.

“Mallory's out today, been a little under the weather lately.” Janet explains with a trembling voice, “I thought I could help you wash up today.”

The towel that's been tied around her falls to the floor, a puddle at her feet. Her eyes linger on her feet for a while, then travel up as she holds in a gasp.

Though she is facing against her, her backside is all she needs to be overwhelmed. The very tips of her shoulders were sprinkled with freckles, and downward she was clean and continued her pearl like glow. Ribs were slightly visible in her stance and her thighs patterned with cuts. Her tiny physique was bare, open and vulnerable. Even the goosebumps on her entire body were eye catching in this light. A part of Janet wanted to touch her in more ways than she could imagine, but her common sense had slapped back minutes before her realization that she had been staring at a nude patient.

Alana turns only her head, as if waiting for her. Instead she holds the rim of the tub with one hand and dips a leg into the water. Her shuddering response makes Janet mimic with twice the chill. She lets herself in completely, arms and knees tight against her chest, the water rushing from side to side vigorously. Janet's put a bit too much water in.

“I'm s-sorry, I should've put less water,” She laughs, a nervous crack within her words. Still somewhat shaking she makes her way towards the tub and takes the cleanser in one hand. Janet makes sure she's still facing the other way and kneels behind her. Alana continues to stay silent and stare at her, her eyes reading every dirty thought she had ever considered. She's sure she can read minds, and thus avoids all eye contact and begins to moisten the sponge she had carried with her. Perhaps conversation would coat her obvious embarrassment.

“I see you're eating better. That's good.”

Janet clutches the soap and dabs it in the sponge, then makes circular motions in the water. She's looking everywhere else but straight at Alana, and she can tell. She can feel her nodding in response and tries to smile in return.

“You really like yogurt, don't you? That's the only thing you finish.”

The sponge goes from tub side to backside, rubbing at the freckles she admired moments ago. Alana grins, but not in agreement, it's almost as if she's pitying her avoidance. The sponge stays in place for a moment as Janet brings the cup around to soak her. Her head falls back and a soft noise escapes her lips and Janet wants to shriek in agony, but knows this is no time to lose control. The sound bounces back and forth in her mind, repeating, louder, harder, until finally that's all she hears.

It's too late to fake anything now. She's chuckling with defeat and looks at her, eyes crinkled with delight. “You know...” She whispers. “Don't you?”

Her toothy smile and vigorous nod gives Janet her answer.

“Well, might as well finish up.” She replies, “Right?”

She starts with the sponge starts again, only this time she's facing directly at her, and she's working her way up. Rubbing between toes and holding in giggles when she feels her leg pull back from begin ticklish. Then she scrubs up to her thighs, making absolute sure she doesn't make her feel any discomfort. It's Alana though, and she's positive she's probably been touched before. Medically, this was correct. She dunks her free hand into the water and runs a finger over the scars above her knees. Her face holds an expression of concern, then she asks, “How recent are these?”

She shrugs her shoulders and looks away.

Janet makes note to check her bedroom later for any sort of sharp object that she may have snuck in or the nurses may have left on accident. The soap travels from her waistline to her ribs, and Janet knows the following procedure. She asks to put her arms and chin up so she can scrub away, like all her previous baths. Alana does what she is told, and a nurse's hand seems to move on it's own at his point.

She rubs back and forth at her ribs, then softens pace around her breasts. Full, round and average sized, delicate. Pert, pink nipples have long ago responded to warm waters and now towards her touch. She's stares for only a second, and Alana catches her in an instant. Her gaze falls from her chest then back up at her. Her arms go limp and fall around Janet's neck, pulling her in. Janet is unresponsive, but she's leaning toward her, possessed by her.


The kiss is sudden. The soap bottle falls from her grasp and hits the tub's rim, then falls to the floor with a loud clank. Breathless and yearning, Janet can do nothing but pray the door is locked. Pray she's not going through this, right here, right now. Pray her patient's tongue is not licking her bottom lip, begging for an entrance for which she is easily allowed. Everything is nothing to her at this mind blowing moment. Tongues clash and the noises they make are barley audible, yet that's what driving her off the edge. She pulls off in search of air, her chest rising and falling.

“My God.” She breathes, “My God.”

Alana traces a finger above her lips and smirks, her shoulders shaking in amusement. She's known all long.

“God damn it Alana,” Janet finds herself laughing along with her. “At least me finish first.”

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