Kaylor: The Timeline

Von kaylorfanfiction

2.7M 41.3K 99.8K

My own interpretation of the realistic Kaylor timeline, written to be as realistic and descriptive as possibl... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 15
Chapter One :: The Return
Chapter Two :: Busy Schedules

Chapter 3

41.6K 746 771
Von kaylorfanfiction

March 2014

The moment Karlie's eyes open she is filled with dread. She has now woken up to her last day with Taylor, and she is sad to see such a fun three days come to an end. Between both of their busy schedules and living on opposite coasts, there is no telling when the next time the two will be able to be together again. Having met in early December, it practically took them three months to figure out the logistics of this little trip.

Taylor and Karlie were once more in the same bed, but for no other reason than that they wanted to be. They retired for the night to Taylor's bedroom, complete with a massive California king bed canopy set up, although, with the way they slept last night both girls could have fit together in a twin sized bed. Karlie's arm was protectively wrapped around Taylor, whose body was against the model's own.

Karlie lightly rested her cheek against the back of Taylor's head, breathing in the slight traces of Taylor's fruity perfume that lingered from last night. Karlie closed her eyes, tightening her hold on Taylor, enjoying the coziness of her setting.

Their night had been a great one, despite Taylor having her moment. Once they arrived back at Taylor's house, all was forgotten. They baked, danced, watched movies, and laughed the entire time while doing it all. Not once over the past three days has it felt like it was the first time the two friends have really spent time together, everything felt natural. They never ran out of topics to talk about and there was never a long period of time that passed without the two's laughter mingling together. Karlie thought about it and couldn't really think of a friend that she could spend three straight days with alone like this and enjoy every moment.

Karlie felt Taylor begin to awake beside her.

"Hey," Karlie says, moving her head from resting on Taylor's.

"I'm going to have to invest in a six foot long body pillow once you leave," Taylor says, softly laughing. She reaches for Karlie's hand on her abdomen, and links their fingers together. Taylor stretches her arm out in front of her and brings the model's with her, still linked by the hands. Both girls continue to lie on their sides in silence, staring at their outstretched linked hands resting on the bed. Fiddling with each other's fingers, Taylor breaks the silence and asks, "Is this weird?"

Karlie laughs at the question before answering, "Who cares?"

Taylor rolls over under Karlie's arm to face the model now, and rests her head on her hand. "Okay, this sucks," Taylor says, the tone of voice not matching the small smile on her face. Karlie's smile quickly vanishes.

"I know, I don't want to go," Karlie says, lifting her head onto her hand mimicking the singer.

"Do you have a lot of work this week?" Taylor asks.

"No, I'm actually off this week, so that makes things a little better I guess," Karlie replies.

"Wait! Karlie, just stay here!" Taylor exclaims. Her blue eyes fill with excitement and she squeezes Karlie's hand.

"Taylor.. I want to but I have a flight already booked.. I only packed for a couple of days," Karlie says slowly, wanting more than anything to remain in California, but thinking that may be overstaying her welcome.

"I will literally pay for your flight back, you can use my jet. And do you see my closet? I have more than enough clothes. I'm off this week and everything! Pleaseee!" Taylor begs. Karlie smiles at how quickly Taylor just came up with solutions, and is warmed by how badly the blonde wants her to stay as well. It is nice to know that she seems to want to spend as much time with Karlie as she does with the singer.

"I mean, I guess if you want me to, if you don't mind me staying," Karlie says slowly, before being engulfed in a massive hug that knocks her from her side onto her back.

Karlie is laughing when Taylor says, "Of course I don't mind! I want you here!"


Taylor is sitting at her kitchen counter, laptop opened, with a cup of coffee in hand. She had heard the water in the shower stop running a few minutes ago, and was expecting Karlie to come downstairs soon.

Taylor was scrolling through the Google news section of her own typed out name, "Taylor Swift" and was beginning to see the flood of articles about supposed eye witness reports of her run in with Harry. Luckily, nothing too outrageous has been written just yet, but she knew there was still time.

She turned around when she heard Karlie enter the kitchen, hair wrapped up in a towel, and wearing pajamas once more.

"Oh, shoot, you could have gone through my closet," Taylor says, when seeing her friend in her pajamas.

"I know, I will just get changed later," Karlie says, walking over to Taylor. Karlie leans down and rests her head on the blonde's shoulder to look at the computer screen.

"Taylor! Don't look at this stuff, what are you doing?" Karlie says, reaching to close the laptop.

"Stop! It's not a big deal, I would just rather know what is being said than being ignorant to it," Taylor says, holding the laptop open despite Karlie's efforts.

"That's not normal," Karlie sighs, motioning towards the laptop before walking away to pour herself a cup of coffee Taylor had just brewed.

"I don't have a normal life," Taylor replies softly, back to looking at her computer.

"You can still do normal things," Karlie replies, walking over and sitting down opposite Taylor at the counter, softly blowing on her steaming cup of coffee. "And that isn't one of them," Karlie nods towards the laptop.

"Actually, I can't do normal things. Those normal things turn abnormal very quickly," Taylor replies, closing the laptop however.

"Let's do something normal this week, then," Karlie says smiling.

"You won't want to do whatever that normal thing might be with me, trust me," Taylor says smiling, but a hint of defeat sounds in her voice.

"That's not true! Shut up!" Karlie says, genuinely shocked by Taylor's belief. "Come up with a normal thing we can do. How long am I staying for?"

"I don't know, why are you asking me?" Taylor asks.

"Well I have a week off but I'm not sure when you want me out of here," Karlie replies in a tone that sounds like it should be obvious.

"Karlie, I want you to stay as long as you want," Taylor replies smiling. Karlie smiles at Taylor, happy that they seem to be feeling the same way about spending time together.

"Okay, so, in that case, what do normal girls in their early 20s do?" Karlie asks, tapping her finger on her chin and furrowing her eyebrows, exaggerating her expression to show thinking.

"Probably a lot of stuff that I really can't be seen doing," Taylor laughs looking at Karlie.

"Hm.." Karlie hums, ignoring Taylor. Karlie is absentmindedly staring out the window, brainstorming ideas. Taylor admires the gracefulness of even Karlie's finger, so exact in movement. Karlie has an awareness and control of every part of her body that Taylor can't help but be envious of. Her green eyes look shocking, as the afternoon sunlight reflecting adds a depth Taylor has never noticed before.

"I know! Let's take a road trip! My high school friends did it just recently but I couldn't go because of work!" Karlie exclaims, slamming her hands down on the counter, excited about her own idea.

"A road trip?" Taylor asks skeptically.

"Yes! A road trip! Don't use that tone, missy," Karlie teases, reaching for a napkin to wipe up the bit of coffee that spilled from her outburst.

"Karlie, I don't think I can just go on a spontaneous road trip," Taylor replies, sounding sad.

"What? You can do whatever you want, what are you talking about?" Karlie asks, looking up at the older girl now.

"Where would we even go? And it wouldn't be much of a road trip, because either we will be in the back seat of a Lincoln or we will be driving in a Lincoln followed by another Lincoln, filled with security goons. Where would we stay? I can't just stay at any random hotel because of security. The second people tweet that they've seen me somewhere, a mass of people will be on the pursuit," Taylor says, sounding as though she has thought about this longer than the mere moments since a road trip has been brought up. "I can't do normal things, Karlie."

"I don't know where we'd go! That's what is fun about a road trip! And driving in a Lincoln isn't all that much of a negative Taylor.. I mean it is no Mercedes but I think I can survive a life with only minimal luxury. And you can stay at any random hotel you want because I can protect you from the Norman Bates of the world. Taylor Swift, I think you need to come down from your high horse, because you're really not all that special. You can go on a road trip, you just have to pack," Karlie says, smiling the entire time while teasing her friend. By the time Karlie finishes Taylor is shyly smiling too, looking down at her hands.

"Okay, way to make me feel obnoxious," Taylor laughs.

"Taylor. This is an order. Go start packing. This is happening. I'm too excited for it not to happen," Karlie says, reaching both hands to grab Taylor's hands and squeeze, bearing a smile that seems too big for her face.

"Let me go call security," Taylor says getting up from the counter, rolling her eyes but unable to keep a smile just as big from her own face.

"Yes!" Karlie shouts, thrusting a victorious fist in the air. Taylor laughs at the younger girl's unrestricted excitement as she walks out of the kitchen to make some calls.

When Taylor has left the kitchen to head upstairs, Karlie pulls out her own phone. She feels a slight twinge of guilt, because even though she told Taylor she was completely free, she did have a few days with Josh planned. She felt hypocritical to be the one canceling, after how she has been feeling, but spending time with Taylor just seemed like something she would rather be doing.

She closes her eyes and puts the phone against her ear, dreading to hear the sound of Josh's voice.

"Hello," Josh answers. It is a monotonous tone, the same tone of voice he answers for no matter who is calling. Karlie knows it is just how he is, but sometimes something as small as that can give her a quick pang of pain. Her friends sound more enthusiastic picking the phone up to talk to her than her own boyfriend.

"Hey Josh, baby, I know we have plans this week—" Karlie begins hesitantly before getting cut off.

"Oh, about that—" Josh interrupts, in the same monotonous tone of voice.

"No, listen," Karlie takes control of the conversation once more. She doesn't want him to cancel whatever plans they had made, she wouldn't let him be the one to do it. If she doesn't let him do it she can try convincing herself he wasn't going to cancel in the first place. She doesn't want to hear the words. "I am staying in LA this week, I'm sorry. I know we haven't spent time together recently, but I will make it up to you when I get back to the city," Karlie says quickly.

"What? Los Angeles?" Josh asks, his tone finally changing to one of confusion.

Karlie does her best not to sigh before answering, "Yeah Josh, remember, I told you I was going to Taylor's. The Weinstein party. I asked you to come as my date but you couldn't."

"Oh, right baby I knew that. You know I knew that," Josh replies, sounding apologetic. A sad smile takes it's place on Karlie's face.

"I know," Karlie says softly. Josh is so invested in his work, which he is great at, that to say he is scatter brained when it comes to anything besides that is an understatement. The girlfriend who lives a mere two minutes away from him was on the complete opposite side of the country for days, and he was completely oblivious.

"Okay, well I hope you're having a great time. It is too bad we can't see each other this week but when you come back we can schedule something," Josh replies, a tone of finality signaling the end of the conversation.

"Okay, yeah, that's good. I love you," Karlie offers, however it comes out sounding almost like a question.

"I love you, too. Have a great time." Josh replies, hanging up first.

Karlie stares at her now blank cell phone screen, and feels a flare of momentary anger for the way Josh speaks to her. There is no excitement there, she might as well be a client of his. Since when do couples "schedule something" as a date. Dates aren't appointments. He didn't ask how she was, if she was having fun, how the party was, how Taylor was, or even why she was staying for the week. They haven't spoken in days and all she gets is a two minute conversation?

Karlie lets out a defeated sigh. She can't blame Josh for being this way, it is always how he has been. She can't be mad at him for being who he is, especially if it something she used to find endearing. She has to remind herself that it isn't him being uncaring, but rather awkward and shy. At least, that's what she hopes.

There's no need to analyze his words, because she knows he isn't doing the same. Besides, she is about to have an incredible week with Taylor. At the thought, a genuine smile claims Karlie's face, as she decides to go upstairs and find Taylor and see how the plans are coming together.


"Okay, so definitely sweaters, long sleeves, jeans, boots," Taylor says, spinning around looking at the piles of clothes around her.

"I don't think I will be able to squeeze my feet in your boots," Karlie says, sitting on the bed holding a boot in each hand.

"I have a pair of winter boots somewhere that I got in a larger size so I could wear more socks with them," Taylor says. "We only need them for hiking anyway."

"Okay, so are we leaving tomorrow morning?" Karlie asks, getting up to go to the shoe section of Taylor's closet.

"Yeah. We can take our time driving up the coast, stopping at places like Santa Barbara and whatever interesting sites we see. Hopefully we get to Big Sur before it is dark and we can stay in a little lodge," Taylor says, looking at a map of their ride on her laptop screen.

"We don't need to make it to Big Sur in one day, are there any interesting stops that come before it with a place to stay the night?" Karlie asks, walking back into the room wearing a pair of boots.

"Um.." Taylor replies while typing away at her computer. "Avila Beach? There's a huge pier and.. oooh a pirate cove. There's some hotels too." Karlie takes a seat beside Taylor and rests her head on the older girl's shoulder, looking at the screen as well.

"That hotel is insane!" Karlie says, pointing at a picture on the screen. "Okay, I know I want like a simple, organic road trip but maybe one cheat night? I mean look at that place!" Karlie exclaims.

"Yeah.. I think we really have no choice but to stay there. I mean at that point we probably won't be able to physically drive any further, like, we will be so tired, it would be dangerous to go on," Taylor says dryly.

"You never sound like you're joking, you probably confuse a lot of people," Karlie says laughing, causing Taylor to smile.

"Okay, so our destination tomorrow is Avila Beach? And the next day Big Sur? With random pit stops in between?" Taylor asks.

"Sounds like a plan. We can spend a couple days at Big Sur, maybe. I mean, we can do whatever we want. If we see a place that we want to stop at, we just will. No pressure, we don't need an elaborate plan. Let's just wing it," Karlie says, sensing Taylor beginning to make this much more structured than it has to be.

"I don't really wing anything," Taylor says, laughing at herself.

"I know, so it will be good for you! It is an adventure!" Karlie says, shaking Taylor back and forth causing her to laugh.

"You're right. I'm glad you convinced me into this, I actually haven't been this excited about something in a while," Taylor says smiling at the model.

"Taylor, you live the most exciting life that I know of," Karlie says, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly! So you should quit making fun of me and realize how excited that must mean I am to go on a road trip with you! I mean, you're no Grammy but.." Taylor wanders off dryly.

"Okay, okay," Karlie says playfully, doing her best to keep up with Taylor's banter. However, she can't contain how ecstatic she feels after what Taylor has just said, and wraps her arms around Taylor to embrace her in a hug. "This is going to be the best road trip ever."


I know not a lot has happened in this update, but another one is coming tonight! I just have to set some things up! I am going to spend a couple chapters on the road trip alone, a lot of great things are coming :)

Please let me know what you think and if I should continue.


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