Kaylor: The Timeline

By kaylorfanfiction

2.7M 41.9K 103K

My own interpretation of the realistic Kaylor timeline, written to be as realistic and descriptive as possibl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 15
Chapter One :: The Return
Chapter Two :: Busy Schedules

Chapter 2

57.8K 863 1K
By kaylorfanfiction

February 2014 - Weinstein Pre Oscar Party

Some reference pictures and quotes for following chapter.


Taylor's blue eyes shot open the moment her arm lost contact with Karlie. The bedroom was dim, a sign of dawn approaching. Taylor was lying on her side looking at the now sitting model's back.

"You okay?" Taylor asks, placing a hand on Karlie's back.

"Mhm. Water," Karlie says before getting up and gingerly walking out of the bedroom. Taylor listened attentively as she heard rustling in the kitchen, sounds of Karlie getting a drink. A few moments later the lanky model walked back into the room, with a large glass of water in hand. She offers Taylor a small smile before placing the glass down on the nightstand and crawling back into the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asks, worried about her friend.

"Well..I'm glad it is 6 a.m. and I can go back to sleep," Karlie says, doing her best to smile at the singer to ease her worry.

Taylor displays a small smile to the model, before saying, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you drink that much. And I only slept in here because I was nervous about you getting sick."

Karlie rolls her eyes and flashes a genuine smile at the blonde and tries not to laugh when replying, "I don't care about that, relax, you weirdo." Karlie pulls Taylor in closer to her under the blankets. Taylor couldn't help but notice how much more of a cuddler Karlie was compared to her other friends. It wasn't something she had been able to pick up on by talking to the girl on the phone, but she found herself to be pleasantly surprised by it. This behavior was unlike anything Taylor was used to, but she enjoyed the physical comfort Karlie was able to provide. Taylor hadn't realized it was something she had been craving. Both girls fell asleep facing each other, wrapped in a tight warm hug.


When Taylor's alarm on her iPhone went off at 10 a.m. she shut it off as quickly as she could. She was glad Karlie slept right through it, she knew the model needed the sleep if they planned on having a fun night out tonight. Taylor knew she had to get out of bed and take a shower first, so Karlie could sleep in as late as possible, but the singer felt so cozy. She was warm under the blankets, tangled up with the leggy taller girl beside her. Karlie's breathing was calm and slow, a soothing rhythm that could put Taylor right back to sleep if she wasn't careful.

Taylor let out an internal sigh, as she slowly and carefully moved Karlie's limbs away from her, in order to get out of bed without waking the brunette up.

Taylor quietly padded out of the room, surprised that Meredith didn't follow her and remained in the bed with Karlie. Apparently Meredith approves. Taylor walked into her master bedroom, arms overhead stretching and releasing a yawn. She had no idea what time the two actually made it to bed, but judging by how exhausted she felt at this hour they must have retired for the night quite late.

Taylor pulled up her large window shade, allowing rays of sunlight into her bedroom, and Taylor smiled looking out at her yard. She had gotten so used to her home here she forgot how amazing it was until she experienced Karlie's enthusiasm yesterday. Taylor's blue eyes scanned the amazing greenery and the bright flowery colors mixed in, illuminated by the morning sun. It looked like a beautiful day out, birds were chirping and the sun even felt warm through the window. California was incredible, but she found herself thinking about what Karlie must see looking out her bedroom window in New York City. It must be a northeast winter wonderland, something Taylor has never experienced. A slight frown takes residence upon the singer's face, as she glances at her very familiar surroundings. She didn't even realize she hadn't been appreciating her home until this moment, and she was disappointed in herself once experiencing this revelation. She didn't want to live her life like that, maybe it was time for a change?

Taylor sighed and turned away from the window, grabbing her towels and a robe and heading into her bathroom.


Taylor clad in a puffy white robe, with her wet hair combed back from her face, walked into the guest bedroom feeling guilty before even waking Karlie up. A giggle escaped from her mouth when she caught sight of Karlie sleeping, complete with Meredith curled in a ball on the girl's chest, as dead to the world as the model was. Taylor took a quick picture on her phone, before sitting down on the bed and rubbing Karlie's back.

"Hey, Karlie.." Taylor says softly, applying more pressure to Karlie.

"Mmm," Karlie mumbles, slowly opening her green eyes before locking them with Taylor's own blue ones.

"How you doing?" Taylor asks, unable to stop herself from smiling at the disheveled Karlie.

"Don't ask. I am so sorry, Taylor. I remember next to nothing from last night, I'm sure I was no fun to deal with," Karlie says, sounding guilty. Hearing that Karlie doesn't remember their night, Taylor can't help but feel crestfallen. Although she hated seeing Karlie upset, she felt closer to the brunette after their night,but it wouldn't be possible for Karlie to feel the same way. Taylor was wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize Karlie was waiting for a response from her. "Honestly, it won't happen again. I never get that bad, I can't believe I was so dumb," Karlie says, now grabbing Taylor's arm.

"No! Karlie! It is no big deal, it really was fine. We just sat outside the whole time. And I know that even though you look like a raging alcoholic, you actually aren't. Don't worry," Taylor says sarcastically. Karlie sticks out her tongue at the singer, while working herself into an upright position. Once sitting up, Karlie lets out a groan and covers her face with her hands.

"Oh my god, I hate myself," Karlie groans, clutching at her head.

"I'm sorry you don't feel good, but at least you didn't get sick. I thought there was no hope for you," Taylor says, sounding worried.

"Well, the morning is young. Don't discount me getting sick just yet," Karlie replies.

"Um..Karlie it is 11 o'clock. Hair and make-up are going to be here in like three hours," Taylor says slowly, trying not to smile at the disoriented model.

"What?! How is it this late?!" Karlie shrieks, flinching at her own voice in the process.

Taylor laughs watching Karlie react to her volume before warning her, "Take it slow, girl. When you take a shower I can cook us a big brunch, you'll feel better after a hot shower and hot food."

"Not too big of a brunch, I have a dress to fit into," Karlie replies, flopping back down on the bed, lying on her back.

"You're literally the last person who should be worrying about not fitting into a dress, Victoria's Secret model angel woman," Taylor says, feigning a lack of amusement.

Once more, Karlie sticks her tongue out at the singer, fighting a smile, before getting out of the bed to take on the day.


Karlie and Taylor were sitting in the living room, wearing matching white fluffy robes, watching television. Only one hair and make up team were to be used for the two girls, as well as Taylor's friend, Jaime King, who would be arriving soon. Karlie was nervous to be meeting an old friend of Taylor's, she was hoping she wouldn't feel like the odd one out.

"You're seriously not going to tell me what you're wearing?" Taylor's insistent begging was beginning to get the best of Karlie.

"No, stop! You will see soon!" Karlie says, smiling with widened eyes at Taylor, shocked at her persistence.

"I told you what I was wearing!" Taylor protests.

"You didn't have to!" Karlie argues back.

"Ugh, so difficult," Taylor mumbles under her breath. Karlie arches a single eyebrow at Taylor's comment.

"Okay, it is red," Karlie says, sighing realizing she had lost the battle of the wills.

"Really! That's my favorite color!" Taylor exclaimed, causing the model to laugh.

"Why are you so excited about that?" Karlie asks, smiling at the singer, who is genuinely giddy.

"I don't know.. Leave me alone! I don't need you picking on me for being excited about life, too!" Taylor exclaims, before chucking a pillow at the laughing brunette.

"Oh! Jaime is here, I'm excited for you to meet her!" Taylor interjects, staring at her phone as she gets up from the couch and heads towards the door. Karlie cautiously follows, unsure of what exactly to do with herself.

Jaime walks into the house, obviously familiar with the layout, as she embraces Taylor in a long hug.

"Karlie? Karlie Kloss?" Jaime asks, walking towards Karlie with her hand outstretched. "I'm so glad to finally meet you! I have heard we have very similar stories starting up in modeling!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I am a huge fan!" Karlie replies, shocked that Jaime knew her story.

"I was the same age as you when I was commuting back and forth from New York City to high school as well," Jaime explains.

"Oh, yeah! I'm glad that's over with for me now, I have been permanently living in New York for about three years," Karlie replies, as she notices Taylor smiling while watching her two friends.

"That's great! How are you liking it?" Jaime asks, as the hair and make up team arrive behind her.

"It's amazing, I'm so in love with the city. There's never a dull day," Karlie says smiling.

Their conversation is cut short when the four person crew begin milling about the trio, examining what work needs to be done.


Karlie has been doing her best to involve herself in Taylor and Jaime's conversation, but as the afternoon had gone on she felt more and more out of place. She felt Taylor trying to incorporate her into the conversation, but often became accidentally sidetracked once her and Jaime truly started talking. The brunette model tried to busy herself with her phone, despite the lack of texts and e-mails being received. She would be lying to herself if she were to say she wasn't intimidated by the 35 year old Jaime King, and a bit jealous of her and Taylor's much longer term friendship. They had much more to talk about in their years of friendship, and the conversation flowed easily between them.

Karlie was thankful when her phone actually did vibrate, seeing an incoming text message from her friend Gigi Hadid.

Karlie! When are you getting to the carpet?

Karlie spent far too much time on her short reply, doing her best to ignore the laughing blondes beside her.

I think we are supposed to be arriving around 7:30! How about you? Can't wait to see you tonight!

Karlie prayed for an instant reply, and Gigi didn't let her down.

Oh, wow! You're arriving late! I think I am getting there at 6 hopefully, going stag. You must be showing up with all the huge stars if you're going with Taylor. Need to make an entrance.

Karlie reads the text over twice before fully understanding what it meant. How did she not realize Taylor arrives as late as possible, being one of the biggest stars to walk the carpet. The brunette feels her hands begin to become clammy. If she felt out of place now, among just Taylor and Jaime, how would she feel arriving to the carpet so late?

Feeling guilty while typing her message, she sends a seemingly innocent reply.

Going stag? When are you leaving, maybe I can meet you? I can just meet up with Taylor at the party xx.

The model feels bad, but she doesn't think Taylor will miss her too much. Besides, they will both be at the party anyway, and Karlie was spending the next day at Taylor's as well. She knows Taylor didn't mean to make her feel left out, and the majority of it could just be chalked up to Karlie's own insecurities, but she couldn't help but feel the need to get out of here ASAP.

"Guys, I hate to do this, but I think I might head over to Gigi's. She's arriving alone, and since I got my makeup and everything done first I can make it to her house in time," Karlie announces, after waiting minutes looking for an appropriate time to interrupt.

"Wait, what?" Taylor asks immediately, leaning forwards in her chair to better look at Karlie to the side of her. Jaime stares on quizzically.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just feel bad! We will only be a couple hours apart!" Karlie says, feeling worse than she thought she would once seeing Taylor's face. Taylor has never been one to be able to hide her emotions, and it is a trait Karlie is still getting used to, as it is one that doesn't translate well through phone calls.

Taylor attempts to make a quick recovery, flashing the younger girl a smile while saying, "Okay, that's totally fine, you're right. If I was ready in time I would go with you guys!" Taylor was still completely natural, as Jaime and Taylor were so animatedly talking the entire glam team had spent the majority of their efforts on Karlie first. "I can have you driven over in the Lincoln."

"Thanks, Taylor. I didn't really want to Uber it in a designer dress, which, speaking of, I need to go slip on!" Karlie says, as she sits up from the impromptu makeup chair in Taylor's living room, heading towards the guest bedroom.

When Karlie arrives to the guest bedroom and slides the robe off she was wearing before unzipping the red strapless dress. Just as she lifts up the form fitting dress a soft knock sounds on the door which is opened a mere second later.

Taylor peaks her head in, sees Karlie in her bra and panties, and lets out a surprised "Oh!" before attempting to retreat from the doorway.

"No, it's okay, you can come in. I need someone to zip me up anyway," Karlie says, smiling at the clearly embarrassed Taylor.

"Alright, sorry. I should've waited," Taylor mumbles, walking into the guest bedroom, eyes looking anywhere but at Karlie.

"You can look at me you know, don't make it awkward," Karlie says laughing, while stepping into the dress.

Taylor brings her eyes up to Karlie's, her cheeks a faint pink color. She offers Karlie a small smile before asking, "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay, that brunch was exactly what I needed," Karlie replies, playing dumb.

"No, I mean with Jaime. I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel left out. To be honest, me and you talk way more than Jaime and I talk, I'm sorry we are, like, so consumed with each other. We just need to catch up," Taylor apologizes.

"No, not at all! Jaime is really sweet! It's not that, I promise! Can you..?" Karlie asks, turning away from Taylor, motioning for her to zip up her dress. Taylor walks forward and slowly zips up the dress. Karlie turns back around to face Taylor, "Seriously, I'm fine. You, me, Jaime, and Gigi can all hang out together in a couple of hours. And we have the rest of the night and tomorrow too," Karlie reasons, feeling more and more guilty as she continues with her ploy.

"Alright, as long as you're okay. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can," Taylor says, with the sound of a hint of disappointment. Karlie can't take it any longer, and crushes Taylor in a hug.

"We have lots of time for that still! I want to be with you too!" Karlie says, glad to feel a squeeze as tight as her own. The outsider feeling she had begins to dissipate when realizing that Taylor truly wants to be with Karlie as much as possible.

"Okay, you're right. Alright, let me see you," Taylor says, her tone lightening as she releases Karlie and reaches for her hand. She lifts the model's arm up, prompting the girl to do a slow spin, showing off her dress. "You seriously look so incredible. The red is so perfect, super fierce. I love the strapless, I love the length. Your sleek and shiny hair. Your makeup, very natural, much glowing. Everything. Is. Perfect!"

"Thank youuu. I wish I could see you before I leave!" Karlie whines, wanting to make Taylor feel as confident as she had just done for her.

"That's alright, like you said, it is only a couple of hours!" Taylor says enthusiastically.


Karlie and Gigi walk towards the venue together, having just completed their posing on the red carpet.

Just as the two girls enter the doors, Karlie spots a mop of curly hair, about a head higher than most in the large room.

The second she sees Harry Styles, she knows Taylor has no idea he is supposed to be here tonight. Although there are no hard feelings between them, Taylor is still on the receiving end of bad backlash from their relationship and split. She would want a warning about him being here. Karlie reaches for her iPhone in her clutch and a types a message as quick as possible.

Hey babe just got to the party... Harry is here, didn't think you knew he would be. Just a heads up!

Gigi asks about the pair, and Karlie explains that they're friendly.

"I think he and Kendall just called it quits, whatever that was," Gigi explains.

"Are you serious? Did Kendall tell you?" Karlie asks, surprised.

"Yeah, I mean they weren't exclusive or anything. I think they were borderline friends, too. But yeah they're both about to be really busy so I don't think they'll be hanging out again like that. I'm not sure if the media has picked up on it yet, but they will soon. You might want to warn Taylor about that too, considering if they're both at the party tonight it could be some major click bait. Why is he even here? So random." Gigi comments.

"Yeah.." Karlie says, furiously typing away on her phone, not giving Gigi much of a response.

Also Gigi just said him and Kendall split, so I guess he's here as single. Might want to avoid rumors somehow (I'm not sure how any of this works).

Karlie puts her phone back in her clutch, as her and Gigi walk around and mingle with the guests that have arrived so far.

A few minutes later, Karlie feels her clutch vibrate.

Thank you Ms. Publicist Kloss. I should just hire you instead! We are on the way now.

Karlie hopes that Taylor has taken the information has lightly as she is trying to make it seem.


Karlie is leaning on the bar waiting for her drink, when she glances towards the door and spots Taylor immediately. She is in a long sleeve white lace dress, donning her classic red lip, with her newly shortened blonde locks perfectly waved. She looks stunning, she completely caught Karlie's eye, and the singer has yet to even spot Karlie at the bar.

Karlie watches as Taylor slowly scans the room, occasionally rising up on her tip toes craning her neck, with a small close-lipped smile on her face. Karlie feels a wave of joy rush over her when she realizes that Taylor is already looking around for her, forgetting who she has arrived with. Jaime has drifted away slightly, talking to an older woman nearby. Taylor finally locks eyes with Karlie, who gave the singer no direction at all in spotting her. An enormous smile lights up the blonde's face, as she ecstatically gives a huge dorky wave to her friend's direction, before practically skipping over to the model.

"Taylor, you look so beautiful! You look like a porcelain doll or something, I can't believe your skin is real! And your dress is beautiful, and a refreshing white compared to all the dark colors here. Very angelic," Karlie praises, as her friend envelopes her in a hug.

"Thanks for saying that! Okay, me and you all night. You aren't ready for my moves," Taylor jokes, as she begins boxing in her face with her hands.

"You are such a dork, oh my god!" Karlie bursts out laughing. Karlie puts an arm around Taylor's shoulder, and leans in towards the bar, grabbing the bartender's attention before requesting, "Could I have a White Russian as well, on the rocks?"

"Oh god, I don't know what that is but it sounds scary. I have to be careful, I don't really get seen drinking," Taylor says to Karlie.

"Don't worry, I know you'll like it. It has a bit of a coffee flavoring, just try it. I got a classic cosmopolitan," Karlie says, as the bartender walks over serving up both drinks. "I honestly just can't look at wine for a while," Karlie laughs, "But don't worry, I will be fine tonight."

"I know, I know," Taylor says, quieting the brunette. "You promise I will like this? Because I'm pretty sure I won't," Taylor questions, as she holds the drink up to her eye level examining it closely.

"Yes! I ordered it just for you, believe me. If not I can just order you something else," Karlie says. With that Taylor takes a tentative sip of the creamy colored liquid, and smiles once lowering the glass.

"Okay, this is good. Which is probably bad," Taylor says laughing.

"Cheers to a fun night, together," Karlie says smiling, raising her glass up to Taylor's. 


Taylor and Karlie had been inseparable all night. They maintained a nice buzz together, going back and forth from a couch to the dance floor. Jaime and Gigi were circulating throughout the room, but they all had amazing fun together when they all met up once more. After hours of dancing, laughing, talking, and drinking the gigantic venue was beginning to empty out. 

Taylor couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed as this part of their night was coming to an end, she had never had so much fun at a celebrity party before. Karlie brought out a much more care free side of her, her energy was infectious. And another plus, Taylor hadn't even come close to running into Harry. Although they occasionally texted and were on perfectly fine terms, Taylor didn't want to deal with any potential rumors that would come of them talking to each other.

Jaime and Gigi were making their way over to the couch Karlie and Taylor were sitting on.

"Time to head out?" Jaime asks, with Gigi in tow.

"Unfortunately, I think so," Taylor replies standing up, smiling down at the dramatically pouting Karlie.

The four girls link arms and begin moving throughout the crowd, with the help of Taylor's bodyguards. Once leaving the main room and entering the main hallway and lobby, navigating through the masses was much easier, and the girls gave themselves more space. Jaime was confidently leading the way, pulling Taylor's hand behind her. Karlie smiles at the sight, knowing Taylor probably did like White Russians a little too much. Karlie took up the rear of the four girls proceeding towards the exit, and being the tallest of the group, she is the first to notice that their paths may directly cross with Harry Styles.

Karlie isn't sure how to act, Jaime must see him, their paths are about to cross diagonally. As Karlie had foreseen, Harry and Jaime almost collide into each other's sides. The brunette isn't sure who seems more surprised by the other's presence, Harry or Taylor. Jaime releases Taylor's hand and continues walking forward, although more slowly, as Gigi passes by the pair as well. Taylor's security team spread out more, creating an appropriate space for the group. Karlie passes by the two singers, trying to read Taylor's face, but unable to without being obvious. She walks the few feet needed to meet up with Jaime and Gigi.

"Should we get her out of there?" Karlie asks Jaime, who seems to be the one who was in control of the group.

"No, they're friendly. I knew she would want to just say hi, but she would be too nervous to approach him. It worked out well. It will be good for her," Jaime replies, watching the two.

Karlie isn't sure if she can agree with the oldest friend, as it seems like much more of an ambush than anything.

"Hm.. only thing is I'm not sure how long they will be," Jaime comments, still watching.

"My ride is out waiting, I need to go now! Please tell Taylor bye for me! We need to hang out again, for real! Tonight was so much fun! Jaime, I think I live closer to you than Taylor does, do you want a ride from my team? You came with Taylor right?" Gigi asks.

"Oh, that would be great actually! Thank you! Okay, Karlie, pass on our goodbyes to Taylor. We really do need to do this again!" Jaime says, turning to Karlie. Both Gigi and Jaime embrace Karlie in quick hugs, before hurriedly leaving the venue.

Karlie is left to watch the two exes continue to catch up. Although she doesn't know Harry much at all, she can tell he seems much more at ease than Taylor, who continues to nervously glance around her. After a few more moments the two part ways, and Taylor makes her way over to Karlie, as the security team once more begins ushering them to the exit.

When the blonde arrives next to Karlie, the model links her arm with Taylor and doesn't ask about the encounter until they finally make it out of the venue and into the spacious Lincoln.

When the partition is raised, Karlie turns to Taylor to ask about what was said. Karlie is surprised, however, when she sees Taylor dabbing at her eyes, trying not to let tears fall.

"Aw, sweetie, what happened? What's the matter?" Karlie quickly asks, becoming worried. She slips an arm around Taylor's shoulders and pulls her in to lean on the model.

"It's nothing. It's not him I'm not upset over him anymore, it's just.. I don't know. I just need to relax," Taylor says, sounding frazzled, still dabbing at her eyes battling tears.

"No, c'mon talk to me. That's not cool, I cried to you last night," Karlie says, rubbing her hand up and down the singer's side.

Taylor lifts her head from Karlie's chest, locking her eyes with the model's startlingly green ones, asking, "I thought you didn't remember?"

"No, I do. I was just embarrassed. But you don't be embarrassed, tell me what you're feeling. Let me be there for you too," Karlie says softly. Taylor leans her head against the younger girl once more.

"I just.. whenever I see him I feel so many different things. I am just reminded how unfair that was, for both of us, but especially me. Like, there is so much unfinished business there, and I really am not heartbroken over him, but I feel like we never even got a chance. The media totally turned on me, I've seen things like 'Taywhore' trend on Twitter. I've done nothing wrong. My life has turned into a circus, I can't bring anyone into it, it is too much to ask anyone to handle. It's so hard, because even now, a year later, I'm dealing with all these shit news stories from that one relationship. But he is in the clear. I'm bullied by the entire world, and I feel like I can't even complain about it because I have so many other blessings in my life. And now after tonight there is no way of avoiding some false stories being written over the next week about us. Everything is going to start all over again," Taylor rants, her voice growing tighter and tighter as she went on. Karlie has never realized the level of scrutiny her friend deals with, and how self aware of it the singer was.

"Taylor.. I don't know what to say. I shouldn't have to tell you don't deserve this shit. None of it is fair, and don't think for a second that just because you have to take the good with the bad you aren't allowed to passionately hate the bad. You know who you are, and your friends and family know who you are, don't let people who don't know or care about you change you. I'm sorry, I saw how we were going to run into him and I didn't do anything," Karlie finishes softly.

"It's not your fault. It doesn't matter what I do, if I didn't interact with him there would be stories about how I was still heartbroken and bitter and avoiding him or whatever. Now that I did interact with him I either am going to be a home wrecker to him and Kendall, a crazy stalker ex, or some desperate and lonely girl needing his attention," Taylor says, tears of frustration finally overpowering Taylor's determination.

Karlie wipes under her eyes, trying to save Taylor's mascara and liner. "Shhh, sweetie, Taylor, please don't get worked up about these things. I know it is easier said than done, but you can't control what people say, so it is only unhealthy to worry about it," Karlie says softly, doing her best to soothe her friend. "You know you fit into zero of those categories."

"My personal life has become America's favorite joke, and no one has any idea what that is like. Between that, and the paparazzi and media harassment, I am completely undateable. I've given up, Karlie," Taylor cries into Karlie's chest.

"Taylor, you are absolutely not undateable. Anyone would be lucky to date you, even with all those negatives you have no part or say in!" Karlie says, upset that the singer feels this way.

"Well if they were smart the guys would just run the other way," Taylor says softly.

"I am smart and I would totally date you!" Karlie says, trying to crack a smile out of Taylor. She wants for a response and doesn't get any from the blonde, so she continues, "Seriously. You're incredibly hard working, successful, talented, intelligent, business-savvy, kind, cute, beautiful, funny, charming, and you cook for me! You're a total catch! Get out of here with your negativity! Guys are just dumb, and intimidated by your greatness," Karlie says, still trying hard to get a smile from Taylor.

"No," is the only reply Karlie receives.

"Oh, you're right, I forgot you're a cat person," Karlie says teasingly. Finally Taylor smiles, albeit a small one. "Ah, there it is!" Karlie exclaims softly, looking down at Taylor, still holding her tightly.

"No.. I don't want you to think that I'm, like, crying over not having a guy. It's not that. It's just the media and the paparazzi and the false rumors and ridicule. They take away my freedom of having a personal life. That's what I want, I just want privacy and peace sometimes, even just an ounce of it. Or at least more respect," Taylor says softly, no longer crying.

"Taylor, you deserve nothing less. It will all blow over, and it will happen sooner rather than later. For now, I think you just need to shake it off," Karlie says.

"You're right," Taylor mumbles.

"Of course I am. Don't let this ruin our night, we still have a fun night ahead, I want you to be happy!" Karlie says, playfully rocking Taylor back and forth.

"Thank you, Karlie."

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