Kaylor: The Timeline

By kaylorfanfiction

2.7M 41.3K 99.8K

My own interpretation of the realistic Kaylor timeline, written to be as realistic and descriptive as possibl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 15
Chapter One :: The Return
Chapter Two :: Busy Schedules

Chapter 1

143K 1.3K 1.8K
By kaylorfanfiction

This will be a full fan fiction, tracking the full Kaylor timeline, as their friendship develops, and then turns into a relationship. 

 February 2014

Taylor's nerves were getting the best of her as she began making up the guest bedroom in her Beverly Hills home. High fashion model Karlie Kloss was going to arrive within the hour, and she was spending the next few days at Taylor's instead of a hotel. Both girls would be attending the Weinstein Pre-Oscar Party in West Hollywood together tomorrow night.

Since meeting two months previous at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, Taylor and Karlie have become closer and closer, however, only through technology. It began as texting, developed into phone calls, and now even the occasional Skype session. They haven't been able to spend time together since the fashion show, however, as Karlie didn't find herself modeling in Nashville or Beverly Hills too often and Taylor found herself in Manhattan even less than that.

Taylor's newly cut short locks were just beginning to dry from the shower she had taken recently, and running her hands through her hair she was still surprised to feel the strands of hair end so soon. She notices the nervous tick she had just performed, as she continues to worry about it possibly being awkward between the two girls, as they have never spent time alone together before. Were they close enough for this?


Taylor's arms were crossed in the loose sweater she was wearing, staring outside her front door, watching as a Black Lincoln she was expecting pulled up her driveway. She unfolded her arms to wave to Karlie as the long legged model opened the backdoor of the car excitedly smiling.

Taylor quickly walked out the door and made her way to Karlie.

"I'm sorry I had security pick you up, but believe me, LAX was probably much more enjoyable for you without me being there," Taylor says as she embraces the girl for a quick hug.

"Don't even worry about it! He is quite the gentleman, I didn't mind!" Karlie says laughing, while Taylor's bodyguard walked past them smiling with Karlie's luggage towards Taylor's house. "Taylor! This is beautiful! Of course you literally have a white picketed fence home in Beverly Hills," Karlie exclaims.

"Thank you! I know, when I saw it I fell in love because I was looking at, like, these huge chic mansions and it was just one after the other. They were actually intimidating to look at, and then I saw this one and it somehow manages to be cute and huge at the same time," Taylor explains. "I will show you around now if you feel up to it, inside or outside first?"

"Definitely outside, look at that green grass! I can't believe how warm it is!" Karlie says, spreading her arms pretending to soak up the sun laughing.

Taylor laughs watching the younger girl spin in a circle, clearly happy to be away from the New York City winter temperature. "Okay, c'mon then!"

Taylor leads her away from the pebbled driveway through the picket fence gate. Taylor's yard is a sprawling green lawn with plenty of trees, shrubbery, and flowers, and Karlie comments how much she has missed seeing such things in New York City as the girls walk along the stone pathway.

"If you like this, wait until we go around the corner!" Taylor says, appreciating how excitable Karlie is. She was glad at how unafraid Karlie was of being so bubbly and enthusiastic about such seemingly simple things. Her energy was infectious, and Taylor found herself to be excited about her own home once more.

Karlie let out a gasp when they rounded the corner, and she saw an ivy covered white canopy brick-laid patio.

"This. Is. Not. Real." Karlie says, pausing at the foot of the bricks, hands up looking at the ivy that stretched twenty feet down. "This is so beautiful! I can't believe it, how did you get the ivy to grow so thick? It must completely block the sunlight!"

"I know, it is really intense! When I saw this that was pretty much it, I knew I needed the house. And I really had nothing to do with the ivy, I would like to think I am a great gardener but it looked pretty much like this a couple years ago when I bought it. I love sitting out here in the summer when the heat is way too much because it really is the shadiest area." The two tall girls were walking down the brick canopy as Taylor spoke, and they were just about to round the next corner.

"Should I prepare myself for this corner too?" Karlie asks smiling, baring all of her teeth, not able to contain her excitement. Taylor can't help but let out a laugh seeing Karlie's face, and found herself wondering why she was nervous about spending time with Karlie in the first place.

"Ahh.. I don't know, maybe!" Taylor replies, as they turn the corner.

The brick pathway turned into a widely spread brick sitting area, complete with a multitude of lawn furniture, lounge chairs, and a fully cushioned couch under an overhanging roof. The couch faced a light-colored stone fireplace, complete with a small television. There were unlit candles along the fireplace and on certain tables, with vases of bright colored flowers.

"Taylor! I am actually speechless! No wonder I can't convince you to visit me in New York, this place is more than amazing! I would never leave!" Karlie exclaims with unabashed delight. "I fully expect to sit out here tonight with a fire blazing," Karlie says smiling.

"If that's what you want!" Taylor laughs. "That's about it for the outside, there's a jacuzzi around the next corner but there's nothing to see really."

"What was that never-ending stone staircase that was at the driveway?" Karlie asks, genuinely curious.

"Oh! I always forget about that! This is so bad, but I have a tennis court and I honestly have never used it and I am so embarrassed and ashamed to say that!" Taylor says laughing.

"Girl, I am getting you on the court at some point over the next few days!" Karlie says, sounding shocked.

"We'll see.." Taylor mumbles dryly, causing Karlie to laugh and embracing her from the back, rocking Taylor side to side.

"I'm so excited to be here, really," the model says, still holding the singer from the back.

"I am too, it is going to be so much fun!" Taylor says, turning her head to look back at the green-eyed model.

"Okay, I need to see the inside now. The anticipation is too much," Karlie says, grabbing Taylor's hand and pulling her towards the door.

Taylor was surprised as she felt the light feeling of happiness and contentment settle over her, it was a feeling that was unfortunately rare to her in the past couple of months. She was thankful for the unexpected energy that Karlie brought with her, and couldn't wait for a well-needed fun weekend with the model.


Taylor was working over her stove, creating a stir fry medley of a variety of vegetables, while boiling rice and sautéing slices of chicken breast in separate pans. Just as she reached for a pot with teriyaki sauce to pour over the chicken and stir fry, Taylor heard padded feet walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Taylor looked away from the stove top just as Karlie entered the kitchen, looking refreshed from her nap. She was wearing a long-sleeved baggy flannel shirt, long enough to cover the shorts she was wearing. Taylor quickly recognized it probably belongs to the man in Karlie's life, and Taylor quickly looks away, as she was dealing with a heartbreak of her own.

"I'm convinced the smell of this food wafting down the hallway woke me up," Karlie says while yawning. Taylor giggled as she looked over at the model, admiring her perfectly messy brown hair and slightly smudged eye makeup.

"I'm sorry about that. How do you manage to make bed head look so good? What is it with models?" Taylor asks sarcastically, as Karlie sits up on a high-legged chair by the kitchen counter while munching on some grapes.

"Oh, be quiet, you're practically a model yourself!" Karlie laughs, however sounding pleased with the compliment. "I'm not sure if I have mentioned it, but I am obsessed with these cabinets. And the general layout of this kitchen. It makes me want to bake for hours," Karlie says, looking around the room.

"No, I'm not sure if you have mentioned it. Well actually you might have mentioned it, like, five times. But, thank you," Taylor says, facing the stove once more. "Do you mind grabbing some plates and glasses? I would have set the table but it is hard to get away from the stove with stir fry."

"No problem, which cabinet?" Karlie asks, getting up from her chair. "Also, I was serious when I said I wanted to eat dinner outside with the fire so I refuse to set the table," Karlie says, trying to sound authoritative.

"Okay, okay. Go outside and press the button above the fireplace, it's gas. You can set the temperature and everything too."

"What?! Taylor Swift has an unauthentic fireplace? Despite all these antiques?" Karlie asks teasingly, motioning around the room.

"I am a practical person who would prefer to never have my hair lit on fire, believe it or not," Taylor replies, smiling at Karlie's playfulness.

"Oh, that is something you'd rather avoid? Really?" Karlie asks, walking over to the singer with the two plates, doing her best not to smile. Taylor only rolled her eyes in response, smiling nonetheless. The taller girl set the plates down by the stove before going to the backyard to set up the patio for their night.

Taylor was feeling giddy because of the company she was hosting, and as she began filling two plates up with food, it was then she realized how lonely she has been feeling lately. She was delighted that Karlie would be here with her for a few days.


The singer and model sat side by side on the couch, with their empty plates on the table in front of them, a large fire blazing. The only light being produced as they sat outside, in the now chilly air, was from the fireplace and the many lit candles.

The two girls were just pulling a shared blanket over themselves, carefully balancing their glasses of wine while doing so.

"Soooo romantic," Karlie says jokingly, as she settles in underneath the blanket.

"A candle lit dinner, just for you," Taylor replies in the same tone. Karlie reaches for Taylor's almost empty wine glass to pour another.

"I'm getting the Taylor Swift drunk tonight," Karlie says laughing, as she refills her own glass as well.

"Ugh, I don't think so. Maybe tomorrow," Taylor says, setting her full glass on the table in front of her.

"Oh, please, Taylor, we never hang out!" Karlie begs.

"I'm a bit of an unstable mess at this point in my life when I start drinking," Taylor says, forcing a hollow laugh. Karlie's large smile quickly turns into a smaller one, as she puts an arm around the blonde's slender shoulders to squeeze her tight.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve to hear half the shit people say about you. You know I'm here for you," Karlie says, pulling Taylor against her. Taylor is grateful for the hug, and makes no move to be the first to break away from it. "You can be an unstable mess if you have to be. But, you don't have to drink if you don't want. Don't worry, your glass will not go to waste!" Karlie says laughing, trying to make the mood light once more, as she sits back from Taylor.

"Oh, jeez. I guess you can't learn everything about a person from phone calls," Taylor says smiling, watching Karlie take a sip from her glass.

"No, I really don't drink much actually! I'm just viewing this as a bit of a vacation," Karlie replies, raising her glass to Taylor.

"I know, I'm just teasing," Taylor says, shoving Karlie playfully.


Karlie drops the now empty bottle of wine on the bricks below, causing a clang to ring out in the late hours of the night.

"Proud of me," Karlie says, slightly slurring her words.

Taylor laughs, eyes wide, taking in the drunken Karlie.

"I feel like I really shouldn't have let you do that," Taylor says in disbelief. "I only had like one and a half glasses, you did that yourself. Should I be worried?"

"Nah, you will watch me," Karlie replies, wrapping an arm around Taylor's abdomen and cuddling in close.

"What?" Taylor laughs, wrapping her own arms around the younger girl. Taylor is surprised, just because her other friendships don't usually include such cuddling. However, she finds herself to be grateful for the contact and enjoys it. Taylor scoots back to sit up against the arm of the couch, and pulls Karlie in towards her, where the model snuggles in, lying in between the singer's outstretched legs with her head against Taylor's chest. Taylor puts her arms over Karlie's front as the model leans against her.

"Tell me if you don't feel good," Taylor warns, as Karlie begins playing with Taylor's fingers in a child like way. Karlie elicits an unidentifiable sound as a response, causing Taylor to shake her head with a small smile.

"You know how blue your eyes are right now? I mean Ican'tseethem right now, because, um, I'm sitting, I don't see you, you're behind me. But they're really blue right now." Karlie finishes, slurring and combining and stalling many words.

"Oh, yeah? I'm pretty sure they are the same color blue all the time actually," Taylor says, doing her best not to laugh, trying to have a very serious conversation with the inebriated Karlie.

"No, they just looked nice because of the fireplace," Karlie explains fairly well.

"Thanks for saying that," Taylor says, giving Karlie a quick tight squeeze. She couldn't believe how cute Karlie was when drunk.

"I was kind of nervous coming here in case it was awkward but..very nice," Karlie finishes her sentence, giving up on wording it correctly.

"I was too, to be honest. But you're right, it is very nice to spend time with you finally. It hasn't been awkward at all!" Taylor says, surprised that such a confident model felt the same way.

"And this was all so nice, you cooking me dinner and the candles and wine," Karlie continues, sounding faraway.

"A nice little date night!" Taylor replies, wondering where Karlie seemed to be drifting off to.

"I don't even have this with Josh," Karlie replies, sounding down.

Taylor doesn't know how to reply to that statement, and just rubs her hands up and down Karlie's arms slowly but firmly, in a comforting gesture. In the times they've talked about Josh, Karlie has always been very general and vague, and would brush off many of Taylor's questions. In the few times Karlie had complained, with very reasonable complaints at that, once she vented her feelings she never wished to discuss anything further, and would quickly make excuses for him.

"That's not fair, Karlie. Maybe he doesn't know you're missing romantic gestures?" Taylor asks, hoping the conversation remains light tonight.

"He was never very romantic, I can't change him. I didn't care at first. I still don't, not really, it's just we live minutes away from each other and he still has trouble making time for us. And I'm busier than he is," Karlie says. The overflow of words sound long overdue, and Taylor is prepared to listen, even though she is scared she may see her friend hurt during the conversation.

"I get that some guys just aren't romantic and sensitive like that, but I think all relationships should consist of nice little gestures from both people in the relationship. But I don't know, I don't know what a long term relationship is like," Taylor replies.

"He just..he's kind of boring," Karlie giggles, causing Taylor to smile, she's glad her mood seems to be heading in the opposite direction.

"He does seem a little serious, from what you've told me," Taylor says cautiously, as she doesn't want to pass judgment on someone she only knows about from Karlie's descriptions.

"Yeah," Karlie replies with a sigh. She doesn't seem to be interested in adding anything else to the conversation, but Taylor can't help but think it might be good for Karlie to have this talk, since it seems to be one she tries avoiding sober.

"Does it hurt you that he doesn't seem as invested in the relationship?" Taylor asks softly, resting her head against the top of Karlie's. The taller girl only shrugs her shoulders in response, still tight-lipped despite the alcohol.

"It does," Taylor says for her, and when Karlie doesn't try to deny it Taylor plants a kiss on her forehead. "Karlie, you need to let him know that! If he loves you, and I'm sure he does, he will try to meet you halfway." After a pause, Taylor adds, "If that's what you want."

"I have let him know," Karlie replies quietly.

"Do you love him?" Taylor asks point blank. After a relationship that has lasted over a year, she believes it is an important question.

"I love him but..I'm not like in love with him. Not anymore," Karlie says slowly, the alcohol causing her to need more time articulating her thoughts. It seems when she registers what she has said out loud, and perhaps realizing what she has said to be true, Taylor feels teardrops splatter on the arms she has crossed underneath Karlie's head.

"Hey, no, Karlie, don't," Taylor says quietly, squeezing her tightly. She wishes Karlie wasn't facing away from her at this moment. The older girl even wraps her legs around the model's own, doing her best to comfort her crying friend.

"I'm sorry, you don't even know me, I never do this," Karlie gasps, wiping at her face, but it is of no use as more tears continue to fall.

"No, I do know you, don't say that. I know you don't, I know you're so strong, but sometimes this is a good thing to do," Taylor says softly, rocking the model back and forth tightly in her arms. The blonde girl hates feeling useless, feeling her friend's pain as her own.

"I just..I don't know what to do, because I would never want to see him hurt. And my parents love him, of course, he's smart, wealthy, successful, great family, good looking, polite, nice, and I mean, I do love him too. And I was so in love with him for the longest time. He's my first serious boyfriend, but, it's just, I don't know. I don't know if the chemistry is gone now, if we can get it back, or if it was never there to begin with. I don't know," Karlie says, sounding confused.

"I mean..I think in a serious relationship like yours, you need to try to get it back, but it sounds like you already have, if you've told him how you've been feeling. Just because a guy is, like, perfect it doesn't mean they're perfect for you," Taylor says, trying to give the best advice she can.

"It's just..I know he makes sense, you know?" Karlie reasons, still crying.

"What do you mean?" Taylor asks soothingly, still rubbing her hands up and down Karlie's arms.

"It's just..he's the type of guy anyone would want. He's the type of guy you marry, right? He's safe," Karlie says, sounding panicked.

"Hey," Taylor starts, now squeezing the younger girl's arms. "You're 21, you don't need to think that way if you don't want to. And I don't think someone being safe is enough to marry them, anyway. And that is, like, so far down the road. Seriously. Don't even talk about that."

"It's just..it's so perfect, right? Multi-millionaire entrepreneur dates super model," the green eyed girl says, sounding calmer now, finally.

"Both of you are way more than just those words and titles," Taylor reassures the model.

"Yeah," Karlie says, no longer crying. Taylor can tell she is beginning to shut herself off from the discussion once more, but Taylor wants to say one last thing while she can.

"Karlie, being 21 isn't a time to be bored. There's going to be a lot of wrong guys before you find the right one, and maybe Josh is the right one, but I think you're the one trying you're best to deny that he isn't. I know it's scary, and I know you're used to him being there and feeling secure in that way, but you can't settle for less than you want. It isn't a decision that needs to be made overnight, and quite frankly I don't even know how much of this you'll remember of this tomorrow, but maybe you should start really thinking about your relationship. Is it really making you happy at this point? If memories are happier than the present, something needs to change. You need to figure out what exactly that needs to be," Taylor says. Karlie doesn't respond, but Taylor feels how alert she is in her arms, so she knows she was listening intently. After Taylor gave a long enough pause, she realizes Karlie isn't going to reply. "Whatever it is you decide, or need to work out, I will be there to support you through it, however you need me to. And you don't need to be drunk to talk to me about these things," Taylor says softly.

Karlie grabs Taylor's hand in her own and gives it a thankful squeeze.

The two girls lie like that in comfortable silence for some time, Taylor rubbing her thumb back and forth on the younger girl's hand. It was cozy, to be cuddled under the blanket warmed by a fire on a chilly night. Although the singer knew that Karlie needed her presence at this point, she didn't think the model realized how much Taylor needed her as well, to fill the lonely silence that has been her Beverly Hills home.

"I think we need to go to bed before you fall asleep on me out here," Taylor says softly, pushing at Karlie. Karlie let out a groan of protest, and became dead weight in the blonde's arms. "Oh, please, I know, just get up. I made your bed this morning, they're nice fresh sheets and everything, c'mon you can do it, Karlie," Taylor says, pushing at Karlie until she is sitting up.

Taylor stands and looks down at the still sitting brown haired girl.

"I can't see," Karlie says, very matter of factly.

Taylor bites back laughter at Karlie's tone, before reaching under Karlie's arms to lift her up to her feet.

"Okay, put your arm around me, let's go. You see the door? There is one step to get into the house, but we have to go up the staircase when we get inside," Taylor says, slowly walking Karlie towards the back door, taking on as much of Karlie's weight as she can. "Okay, step up," Taylor says, once reaching and opening the door.

"IloveyouTaylor," Karlie slurs, making the words sound almost unrecognizable.

Taylor laughs, as she practically lifts Karlie up the step herself. "I love you too, but I would love you a lot more if you help me out a little bit here."


When the two girls walk through the doorway of the guest bedroom, Taylor is in disbelief that they made it all the way there. She had no idea how drunk Karlie actually was until now, and she feels horrible that she's allowed her friend to get this way. Karlie flops down on the bed, harder than Taylor would have liked, but she didn't have the strength to lower the 6'1" girl anymore softly.

"Okay, see, we did it. Can you roll on your side for me?" Taylor asks, trying to lift up Karlie's pillow to position her head in a safer position.

"Mmm," Karlie whines, when Taylor tries pulling Karlie over.

"Please, Karlie. Just lie on your side, you can go to sleep then," Taylor begs. Finally, the model rolls onto her side, and Taylor places her arm hanging off the bed. "Okay, good night. You can sleep in tomorrow," Taylor says, placing a hand on Karlie's head.

Taylor leaves to head towards her own bedroom, to change into pajamas and brush her teeth. Right before she is about to get into her own bed, where Meredith lies waiting for her, she realizes it would probably be best to check on Karlie one last time.

When Taylor walks back down the hall, and peers into the darkened bedroom, she doesn't see Karlie's body prominently, and realizes she must not be lying on her side once more. When she walks closer, she sees that Karlie is in the middle of the bed on her back, completely asleep.

Taylor puts one knee on the bed in order to position herself to pull Karlie back towards the edge of the queen sized bed. It was no easy task, and it was even more difficult to position Karlie in a position on her side. At this point, Taylor realizes Meredith has followed her and jumped into the guest bed, staring at the singer impatiently.

"We better stay in here for the night, Mere," Taylor whispers. She walks around to the other side of the bed and crawls into it, rolling closer to Karlie, in order to better keep an eye on her. Taylor lightly drapes an arm over the model's waist, insuring that she will wake up if the younger girl needs her.

Taylor's last thought before falling asleep was one of gratitude towards the friend she has grown so much closer with in a single night.


I know it seems a bit slow, but it has to start out that way. I am going to have an update tomorrow for the Weinstein party, and after that the Kaylor road trip! That's when things will really get good! I will update this full fan fiction daily hopefully, with some random one shots scattered in between. 

However, let me know if you like this so far by liking/reblogging/messaging me because if no one is interested in the full fiction I will focus on one shots.

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