|||RimuruxOc||| The imaginati...


61.3K 1.4K 668

Aya, now named Freya, is past friend of Satoru Mikami, one year later she dies at a shooting while drinking a... Еще

How am i already a demon lord?
Where did she go?
Shizue?...Nvm...who are you?
Put your records on
Oh no, im just a mere demon lord
Milim and Qicy are in town
facts about Me! (Freya)
Hello dear cousin
💙[Demon Lord Awakening]💙
I love to toy with humanity!
What to do?
[Error Title not found]
Why do you worry me like this
Hey blackie, what are you doing here?
Veldora the (chrusher) hugger is (sadly) back
Here ya go, a short chapter
Bye bye, my territory needs me.
Milim i swear on Veldanava!
What are you doing here?
🔵Saint-Monster Confrontation🔵
Whats wrong with the people i know?
*falls* i'm okay!
I'm not jealous!
What unsatisfactory ending, right?

Where did Veldora go?

5K 114 125

As a demon lord I don't need only magical power but also physical power, my Manas already does that for me. But I have to keep my physical strength together by working out severely.

the least amount would be once a month while the longest would be once a two weeks, so I decided to make errands around the city my work out.

Bringing citizens to their location, entertaining children, stuff I don't need to do but can keep me in shape.

So While I was training to keep the muscles of this body by carrying 250 of my citizens around. I sensed a change in the forest of Jura. Veldora disappeared......don't monsters inside the *puts three citizen down at their home* forest of Jura rely on his aura to scare other monsters away.

Oh wel, Treyni can keep them save if she really feels like it...why hasn't she asked me about *puts down five citizens at a shop* the spirit queen yet.

Oh well,

Everyone pointed to the mall as I sighed speeding up going straight towards our mall.

-time skip-

I started walking to out the bakery, my citizens greeting me when I walked by to my own happiness.

When I entered the bakery it was decorated mostly pink to their own happiness.

All of their desserts were heavenly, due to their unique skill [flavour] they can change the flavour of any object as long as they have the description or have tasted it.

Which is how all of their stuff taste's so delicious even when their out of the incorrect resources. I also found out that in the past I always spread my magicules around to prosper the land more.

But it also made this crystal which tastes just like sugar, even so we call it magus. Because it's made with magicules. They normally use that but when we're out of it they use their skill.

I stretched and said at the same time "the regular ms. Jankü"

she nodded and started to prepare my Crepe. After two minutes she placed it down in front of me, causing me to lick my lips.

I placed down one golden coin and walked off before she could give it back to me. She either gave it for free to me or made me pay only 10% of the actual cost. I've always complained about it but she doesn't listen.

I ate my crepe peacefully as the name of that crusher *fake cough* hugger, well it happened to me twice by two different people. Veldora and his eldest brother Veldanava.

[Narrator's pov]

The only difference is she met him when He just met his wife, as she then stayed by his side like she was his child unknowingly by the both of them she slowly stole some of his magicules, When Veldanava had Milim he lost most of his powers, thus reproduction was deemed a taboo by the True Dragons.

Milim inherited the ability to control Stardust and obtained Magicule Breeder Reactor from her father, whereas Veldanava lost the ability to use these. Even if he could use Primitive Magic and had his origin skill and three ultimate skills, he did not have the capacity to use them properly anymore.

So, he was forced to give the skill Justice King Michael to his brother-in-law Rudra who was a Hero and a Saint in order to preserve the world's balance.

Freya learned how to pretty much make her magicules limitless. She also learned multiple of her common skills from Veldanava and his wife.

So you can pretty much imagine how she became a demon lord when he and his wife died and her reaction to it all.

[Freya's pov]

I finished my crepe as I walked around and found a building in construction. "What are you guys building?" I signed "Lord Freya!" All the constructors said "calm down, no need for the excitement." I rubbed my head while internally thanking my great Manas for all that training.

They then started to explain about this bigger town hall they were making. I nodded to this explanation and asked if I could help, having no idea of what was going to happen to the forest of Jura and these two months.

-time skip-

"I'm going to dwargon, but in disguise." I said to my subordinates, they tried to stop me but I transformed myself into a small little deamon.

It was a cute little black girl with a bamboo mussel in her mouth which had sharp purple nails.I smiled with the mussel in my hand and teleported to the back of the line in Dwargon to get in.

Just then a goblin and a slime appeared. My outfit covered the soulmate mark I had on my neck but it glowed underneath it, just then I put my mussel on not wanting to talk to anyone there.

It wasn't noticed by me or anyone else for that matter but I did turn around and wave at them. Two humans appeared behind them as well and started to tell them to leave.

I untied my mussel from the back of my head and smiled cutely like a child "Ooh humans. I haven't seen them in such a long time." The humans had overlooked me due to my human like looks, but when I took my mussel off they understood I must be a vampire or daemon.

In short Beautiful beings who stay and look young for most of their long lives. "Selling you would be useful." One of the humans said.

I chuckled with my still child like voice, i started to glare at them as an heavy aura surrounded me.

"This is why no human have ever joined the ranks of the demon lords. All of them waste their power on fighting monsters and bullying the weak."

The human laughed in my face as my smile turned into a grin which then turned cynical.

I raised my hand the same words that appeared when My manas fought Milim appeared before me, those words turned into a magic circle that floated above them and started to push them to the ground as well as the three other people that appeared out of nowhere.

-time skip-

So me, the slime and the goblin were thrown into jail. "That's pretty much it, self defence that went to far. The Slime and Goblin were just kinda there and targeted first."

The guard agreed after also listening to the witnesses their side of the story, also like 25 people fell unconscious due to the sight of a part of my dense aura.

The slime and goblins were weirdly enough not affected. Some people also pissed them self, but oh well.

The guard was about to free us but just then another guard appeared and spoke about these three people being stuck in a mine where a monster appeared and are heavily harmed.

Just then the slime started to try and gain there attention. I looked inside the wooden object he was in. They were 100% healing potions in.

My eyes sparkled as I stared at the wooden container, the dwarf took the container taking the risk of it just being pretty poison. I stared marvelled at the slime as I started to ask it questions about the potions.

In this form I could turn into a very small but adorable little girl.

As I started to ramble to the slime, not noticing the evident blush on their face.

After a while we were let out of the cell him having already tied up the goblin and left it behind. I didn't care about it and went straight to one of my favourite black smith's in Dwargon.

I walked in and turned back to my demon lord form as I floated for the rest "Hey Kaijin." I signed, Kaijin was turned to me as he said back "Wait a second Freya" fun fact, I've been friends with him for a long time.

We became friends even before he knew who I was, after all not most humans, elfs or dwarfs know what I look like, only high ranked monsters know what I look like but everyone know's my gender and what I can do.

His reaction was super hilarious, he thought I was joking until I destroyed the high ranked majin that was bothering me by touching him and putting a "small" amount of my magic into him.

He then believed me and was very much shocked when I still acted the same way I did before as I kept marvelling about his sword crafting.

"What's up with that sword? It's actually shining!" a familiar voice said from outside. "Kaijin to ignore me for this long is plain rude." My manas said for me.

He chuckled as he kept working on the dumb sword he was making.

I sighed and altered my form to give me feet and boots. All the crystals on my body disappeared as the two of them walked in.

"Hello Mr healing storage and Kaijin's brother." In that moment he recognised my looks and asked "are you Freya's little sister?" I shook my head as I pointed towards my foot as I raised one up.

"I can shape shift so I gave myself feet and boots, but my real body will always be the most comfortable and the most relaxing."

"The more my body looks like the original the longer i can stay in the form." The Slime seemed amazed as Kaijin and Kaijin's brother's friends walked in.

They were the trio of brother's I waved at them, they also recognising me as I leaned on the wall. "Oh yeah mr. Slime." He looked up at me "if you're village in the Jura Forest is still around in five months, let's make an alliance."

He seemed amazed at this as I told him about the kingdom I owned. "So Kaijin, do you have it?" He knew exactly what I was talking about so he stood up and took it off the wall.

They're were multiple codes inscripted on the sword, I took the sword in my hand and started to pour some of my magicules into it.

The matrix code appeared on my dagger

as the color of the number turned white and the dagger turned light purple. "Thanks Kaijin." I said and walked out. I turned back into my small demon form as I went into an alley way.

'I had no more business with Kaijin so I left, that slime could make that many 100% healing potions, he can fore sure make more swords for Kaijin.'

I came out of the alleyway as an creepy man followed me. "Why are you following me good sir?" I asked in my childish high pitched voice.

He chuckled weirdly as I turned around the childish charm of this body shining as he followed me through the city. I then loudly said "to follow me through an alleyway try and grab me and then follow me out is very weird sir."

Multiple, humans, elfs and kind monsters turned in our direction. He covered it up with believable lies as he said he was trying to bring me to my parents "I may look young but i'm an adult sir and I came here alone, what parents are you leading me to?"

Just then I summoned Cer, Be and Rus fused together in there monster like form. I acted like an innocent child who had accidentally summoned them.

"Cer, be and Rus please calm down, this man must have mistaken me for a different child." They growled in sync towards the creepy man as he ran off. Cer, be and Rus then retreated back into my shadow as I kept apologising to everyone there.

I sprinted off faking sadness not wanting anyone to follow me.

"P-please leave me alone."

I heard someone mutter, it was weird they're is absolutely military pow- oh a corrupt military person.

They kicked the weak elf slave

(A/n: he just looks angry right now but this man weak so~)

and it's poor comrades as I watched from around the corner, after a small chant I could telepathically talk with the elf.

"Do you wish for my aid elf?" I asked with my deity booming demon lord voice. They stuttered while asking me who I was

"I am Freya, the strongest demon lord, I shall grant you and you're friends my help if you swear absolute loyalty to me."

The elf begged for the help of mine and swore it's loyalty. I released a part of my aura and turned into my demon lord form as I grabbed the palm of the militaire personnel when they saw my aura they immediately knew who I was and tried to run but their soul was already in my hand.

I turned to the elf and it's poor friends seeing that one of them was half elf half daemon

while the other one was

a whole elf.

The slave wore rags while the poor people who're torn clothes. I turned to the elf who swore it's loyalty to me and stretched out my hand towards them.

They're eyes widened as they immediately grabbed my hand. I turned to the other two and said with the same deity booming demon lord voice "You're friend has sworn it's loyalty to me and is now under my protection, would you like to serve me as well."

The two eagerly nodded their family members being either in jail for stealing food or dead in the ground due to starvation.

I let go of the first elf and grabbed the other two their hands as they swore their loyalty to me. I gave the first the name "Shuku no kami"

(T/n: Shuku is half of the word of Shukufuku which means blessing in English, no means of while Kami means god in Japanese. Which means they're name is
[ half a blessing of god] )

I smiled towards him as he evolved into a high elf. I turned to the other two as my manas explained why I had only named him.

The other two elves didn't mind in the slightest but instead were delighted that they could serve someone like me.

"[spatial travel]" My manas said as all of us were teleported to the country, I introduced them to all my other subordinates as they were greeted.

They're training immediately started as I turned back into my real form and then looked up at the sky having no idea a magic ball was now showing what I was doing I —conveniently enough for them— looked straight into the angle of the ball, my pink Zircon gem eyes sparkling due to the moon light.

I turned around as my outfit from the back showed off my soulmate mark as I floated away from the magic ball angle the connection ending.

I stretched tired and teleported to my room as I added my paperwork to my new subordinates their paperwork.

To be continued...

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