The year that changed it all

By sytherin30

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Part 2 of 'It all started on the Train' Its now the fifth year. Harry and Draco get a lot of obstacles thrown... More

Love bites and a New teacher
It's back!
Quidditch and Dobby
DA and the Nightmare
The day after
Just hold me?
Dumbledore and the Potions test
Lunch at the Burrow
The Dark Mark
I really can't get rid of it
Dumbledore's Death
What have I done
Just an update sorry but important
The Malfoy Manor and Dobby
Room of Requirements and The forest
The final Battle
Sleepy time
Breakfast, Diagon Alley, and the Burrow
Harry's Birthday
Last First Day
Early lunch
Leading up to the surprise
The big surprise
Last Names
Christmas eve with Teddy
Christmas at the Burrow
Teddy's friend
sleepy bois
Overhearing and chocolate?
New house
Married at last
Nightmares and Dreams from the war
Teddy's fifth birthday
Sick days

Yummy chocolates and a fun time

315 11 14
By sytherin30

Ok guys soooo, mentions or I guess the start of smut but like I don't rlly know how to write it and I'm not 100% comfortable writing it yet so yea its only like the start of it and its not very well written I don't think but you can see for yourself. Sorry to disappoint some of you thirsty bitches. 

Luv u all, enjoy this chapter it's kinda long... <3

Draco's POV


After we had finished eating breakfast, Teddy, Harry, and I headed to the courtyard. Once we got there, we met up with Luna. She was going to hang out with us because Ron and Hermione are on a date in Hogsmeade, my friends are all studying, Neville is studying too, and Ginny is at quidditch practice.

"Luna!" Teddy squealed, running over to her as we walked outside and she came into view.

"Hello, Teddy," She replied in her dreamy voice.

"Harry, Draco," She said, smiling at us.

Teddy really likes hanging out with Luna. When we go to the burrow, he spends a lot of time hanging out and playing around with Luna. She tells him all about funny creatures and spells. He loves it.

"Shall we start the chocolate hunt?" Harry said, clapping his hands together.

We agreed before I remembered something. I quickly took out my wand and moved it in a spiral movement. Out of nowhere, in my hand was a little basket for Teddy to put his chocolate in. I handed it to him and he beamed with happiness.

We started to set off on the hunt. About ten minutes in, Teddy had already found six. We decided to look down another corridor and as we did, Teddy and Luna waked ahead. Teddy was holding Luna's hand while they walked. Luna will be a really good mum one day if she decides to have kids. Meanwhile, I snaked my arm around Harry's waist and he rested his head on my shoulder as we walked. When we stopped walking because Teddy spotted another chocolate chick, I quickly pulled Harry in front of me and connected our lips. Not that we had to hide or anything, but I know Harry likes the quick cheeky kisses we share in the halls and common rooms. I could feel Harry smile into the kiss before we broke apart.

"Look, it's getting away!" Teddy shouted, chasing after his chocolate chick.

Luna quickly followed after him. Harry and I shared a glance for a second before bursting out laughing and chasing after our stray child.

Once we caught up to him, he was crouching down by the wall next to Luna. They were admiring how cute the chocolate chick was.

About an hour later, Teddy had found all of the chocolate chicks, and it was also time for lunch. We told him that he could only eat them after lunch because otherwise he will be too full of chocolate to eat any healthy food. He protested at first but after a bit of convincing, agreed.

The four of us walked into the Great Hall and went to sit at the Gryffindor table. We sat down, Teddy sitting next to Harry while I sat on the other side of the table facing them. Hermione and Ron then came in, Ron sitting next to me while Hermione sat on the other side of Teddy.

"Hey Ted, how are you?" Ron asked, already putting food on his plate.

"I'm good thanks," Teddy responded, giving Harry a look when confirming what food he wants on his plate.

"Sorry, could you pass the sandwiches, babe?" Harry asked me and I smiled, placing a few sandwiches on his and Teddy's plates.

"So, did the Easter Bunny leave you a lot of chocolates, Teddy?" Hermione asked after getting her food.

"Yeah! I got... twenty!" Teddy said happily, counting on his fingers before saying 'twenty'.

"Wow that's so cool, you're going to share some with me right?" Ron said, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking.

"Maybeeeee," Teddy said, giggling.

After that, we all went into a peaceful silence while we ate. We have this running joke about how when the food comes, we all go silent. Except for Teddy. He likes to talk to no one in particular about nothing in particular. Right now he is talking about the enchanted ceiling. He has been talking about it for the last ten minutes. When he wowed at the fact that flower petals started falling for Easter, Harry looked up at me and our eyes met while we smirked. It's so funny how amazed Teddy is at all these things around school. He's so adorable. Honestly, I landed myself with the two most amazing boys in the world. Harry, who I love more than anyone else, and Teddy, I couldn't ask for a better son. Especially since Harry and I are only 19 and still in school, well kind of, I am a student and Harry's a teacher and sometimes a student.

"Dad, can I eat my chocolate now?" Teddy asked, swallowing his last bite of food.

I glanced at Harry to see if he was done eating, he was.

"Sure, Ron, Hermione, want to join us?" I asked, turning to the couple beside us.

"I don't see why not," Hermione replied, rolling her eyes at Ron who was trying to stuff the last bit of food in his mouth.

We all got up and went to the Library with Teddy's basket of chocolate chicks. Because it's daytime and the holidays, we don't have to be too quiet so it is a really nice place to hang out at. We made our way to the back of the library where there are sofas surrounded by bookshelves, windows, and in the center was a coffee table. Harry and I sat on one of the sofas while Hermione and Ron sat on the one opposite us. Teddy on the other hand sat on the floor at the coffee table, laying out all his chocolates and planning which one to eat first.

Harry and Hermione gave each other a sneaky look that Ron and I both noticed, we looked at each other puzzled. Suddenly, Ron went flying off the sofa and onto the carpeted floor. I was laughing for a few seconds before the same thing happened to me. Harry and Herminone had kicked us off the giant sofas and spread their bodies across them so there was barely any space for Ron and I. Teddy was laughing at us and Hermione and Harry weren't trying too hard to hide their laughs. We tried to get back on the sofas but Harry and Hermione just wouldn't budge so in the end, I sat in an armchair that was behind Teddy and in between the two sofas, Ron sat in the one opposite me at the other end of the coffee table.

We sat there talking for about an hour while Teddy stuffed his face with chocolate chicks. Harry was talking with Ron about quidditch and Hermione and I were listening. I broke my focus from the conversation for a second when Teddy turned around to face me. The whole area around his mouth was covered in melted chocolate. His hands weren't any better. I couldn't help but laugh. Teddy looked confused at first but figured something must be funny so he started to laugh too. This caught the attention of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They turned to look at Teddy and saw the chocolatey mess. They, too, started laughing.

After we finished laughing, I got up and held Teddy's chocolatey hand, leading him to the bathrooms. Just before I left Harry shot me a thankful look and went back to talking with his friends.

"What's so funny, Dad?" Teddy asked me.

"You'll see in a second." I chuckled.

We rounded the corner and entered one of the boy's bathrooms. I brought Teddy over to the sinks and lifted him up so he could reach it. He looked in the mirror and started laughing.

"I look yummy!" He laughed and I laughed too.

"Mmmm! But you need to wash it off quick before the chocolate monster comes to eat you!" I said playfully and Teddy's face turned into a shocked expression.

He quickly licked as far around his mouth as he could before turning on the tap and washing it all off. He gave me a smile in the mirror for confirmation that he's all clean before I put him back down on the floor. We walked back to the Library, holding hands while Teddy pointed at things about the castle with his empty hand, talking about them with great interest.

We made it back to the library and when Teddy saw Harry he squealed and ran up to him, jumping into his arms on the sofa. It was as if he hadn't seen Harry all year. I'm not complaining though, it was adorable to watch.

"Oh so he's allowed on but I'm not?" I asked Harry in a sarcastic way.

"Of course! Only cute people are allowed on this sofa!" Harry said back smugly.

"Clearly." I said, winking. I knew what I was doing and I got the reaction I wanted which was for Harry's face to go bright red.

After another hour or so of chatting, we decided to head off to our room to have some down time before dinner. All five of us got up and I pulled Harry into a kiss which he responded back to with an even deeper kiss. When we broke apart, I saw Ron making a fake gagging action but instead of fighting I just rolled my eyes. Hermione then gave Ron a kiss and now it was my turn to gag. We laughed and chatted while walking out of the library and to mine and Harry's room. Our room is in between the library and the Gryffindor common room and so we stopped there, saying bye to our friends before going up the stairs of Harry's classroom and into our room.

When we got in there, it was clear that Teddy had some sort of sugar rush from all the chocolate he ate. It was also clear that Harry had a lot of tests to mark over this break that he has been putting off so far to have family time with us.

"How about I take Teddy out onto the field and you can get your work done?" I suggested to Harry while we could hear Teddy dancing and singing from his room.

"That would be helpful," Harry said, contemplating his answer.

"Yeah, could you? If you don't mind." He asked.

"Of course, Love." I said, giving him a gentle kiss.

"Teddy! We are going out!" I shouted towards Teddy's room.

"Yayyyyy!" Teddy squealed from behind the half closed door.

"We will be back in an hour, is that enough time?" I asked Harry.

"Perfect," He said, pecking my lips before opening the front door to our room, letting Teddy and I out.

"Have fun!" He shouted as Teddy skipped and I walked out of his classroom.

Once we got onto the field, the Hufflepuff quidditch team were up in the air but were just practicing passing the quaffle in a circle so it wasn't dangerous to be here with a three almost four year old.

"Dad, can I ride your broom now?" Teddy asked.

"Sure." I responded, Harry wasn't here so it wouldn't worry him and I would never do anything dangerous if Teddy was on my broom with me anyways.

I summoned it and climbed on, then I lifted Teddy onto it, placing him in front of me. I wrapped my arms around the sides of him to make sure he couldn't fall, and then slowly lifted us into the air. We were barely going as fast as a bludger but Teddy was squealing and having the time of his life.

About an hour later of flying, I brought us back down to the grass, lifted Teddy off the broom, and put my broom back. The whole walk back to the castle, Teddy talked about how amazing it feels to fly and that when he's older, he wants to be as good as Harry and I at quidditch. It is definitely going to be hard to complete that since Harry is on that list but challenge accepted I guess.

We made it back to the room just as Harry was marking the last test. Teddy ran off into his room to play with his dolls so I climbed onto our bed next to Harry. He finished the last marking and set the test down by the bed. He smiled and turned to face me.

"How was it?" Harry asked.

"Good, how was marking tests?" I asked with a smirk.

"Oh it was amazing. Y'know it really is my favourite thing to do in the world." Harry replied back sarcastically.

"And you're my favourite thing to do in the world" I said, smirking.

Harry didn't respond, he just turned pink and playfully punched my shoulder.

"You know, I can make you go pink and purple in other areas than your face," I winked.

This time it took him a second to understand before as if instinctively putting a hand up to his neck and collarbone. Then he crossed his arms, face still bright pink.

"Might want to cross your legs too," I said cheekily.

"Alright thats it." Was all Harry said before he smashed his lips onto mine.

He passionately kissed me and I slipped my tongue in his mouth. I was snogging him for a bit before he pushed my tongue out of his mouth and put his in mine. This surprised me because it has almost always been me who has control. He explored my mouth as much as he could with his tongue. Rough, strong, and needy. He then parted from my lips panting.

"Is that what you wanted?" He asked, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Something like that, maybe you can give me the rest tonight." I winked before getting off the bed and going into Teddy's room to get him ready for dinner.

All through dinner, I could see Harry next to me looking impatient but trying to hide it. I slid my hand under the table and placed it on his thigh, he seemed to visibly relax a bit more. Or at least gain some more patience. Teddy fell asleep at the dinner table, probably because his sugar rush died down and so he has no energy left for today. Harry carried him back to our room while I finished off my dinner.

I walked back to our room, not long after Harry had left with Teddy. When I got into our room, Harry was laying on our bed reading.

"He's asleep, I put him in his pyjamas and helped him brush his teeth." Harry said without looking up from his book.

*If you don't know what smut is or are not comfortable reading it, got to the next chapter now*

I locked all the doors to our room, including the one between our and Teddy's room, cast a silencing charm, and walked over to the end of the bed. Harry still didn't look up from the book. He does this every time. He pretends he's not interested even though he doesn't want anything else but sex.

I crawled over to him so I was straddling him on the bed and then snatched the book out of his hands, throwing it to the other side of the room.

"Hey! I was reading that!" He said sarcastically.

"Not anymore you aren't." I said before quickly connecting his lips to mine.

I basically snogged the living daylights out of him before we broke apart for air.

"Clothes... off. Now." Harry panted before I started unbuttoning his shirt.

He unbuttoned my shirt too. Once we were bare chested, I pushed him down onto the bed further so we could get a better position. I once again connected our lips, my tongue tasting all areas of his amazing mouth. I moved my lips to his jawline, then down his neck to his sweet spot. I left a purple mark in the spot I had left them many times before. I then scattered purple marks all over his collar bones. I trailed kisses and marks down his chest, all the way to his hips. Even though we had done this many times before, I alway make sure he's ok with it.

"This ok?" I asked, hooking my fingers around top of his jeans.

He responded with a needy nod and then looked back up to the ceiling, still panting and trying to control the thing going on in his pants. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them off to reveal the growing problem in his pants which I can help with.

After that, all I can say is I'm glad the silencing charms were strong. Satisfied, we fell asleep, Harry in my arms, the ruffled sheets covering our naked bodies, and the peaceful sound of the night from outside our room. 


K I hope u likes this chapter. Like I said in the start, I have never written smut and idk if I am ready to yet but I just felt like maybe I could try it out a bit so I started but I felt like it was rlly trash so I left it like that. I hope it wasn't to trashy and pls leave comments on how I could improve, they really help :)

Have a nice day or night <3

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