Lovely (Ruby x Dyrroth)

By nonafie

61.6K 2.2K 1.8K

'And who are you?' Ruby asked warily. The man stepped into the beam of light spilling from between the leaves... More

Note To Readers :)
thirty [completed]
afterword (kinda)


1.1K 47 36
By nonafie

It wasn't till Dyrroth was seemingly about to leave that Ruby remembered what she was supposed to ask him. She made a mental note to tell her friends not to place their faith in her when it came to this kind of thing in the future. How could she nearly forget to do what she was supposed to do? Ruby really had to get her priorities straight. 

'Um, hey,' she said awkwardly. 'Do you still remember that favor I said I would ask you to do earlier? For me and my friends?'

'Oh, yeah.' Halfway to the door, he skidded to a halt and turned back around. 'I almost forgot about it.'

'Me too,' Ruby said. She cleared her throat, trying to recall what exactly she'd been planning to say a few hours ago. Wait. Had she even planned anything, or had she tried, failed, and given up?

'Um...' she began.

A look of immense boredom flitted over Dyrroth's face. 'For God's sake, Ruby, get on with it.'

Once the plan she and her friends had come up with was crystal clear in her mind, Ruby met his gaze, her jaw set. 'Okay, so first we need you to go to Lesley's house, where the Vance family lives.'

He blinked at her. 'Who's Lesley again?'

Ruby pursed her lips, wondering what would describe Lesley best. 'Harley's elder sister. She's got long auburn hair, and she wears an eyepatch. She's a well-known sniper, too.' 

Dyrroth frowned. 'I think I know who you're talking about,' he spoke thoughtfully. 'Alright, go on.'

Ruby cleared her throat unnecessarily yet again. 'We need you to go to her house, which is pretty close to my village, and pass her a message. And um, tell her to come to the Abyss in two weeks' time with as much help as she can get, and help us escape.'

Something akin to realisation dawned in the prince's face. 'Wait,' said Dyrroth, oddly sounding a little hurt. 'It's a plan for you to escape?'

Ruby hesitated suddenly. Come to think of it...had she ever mentioned to him before that the favor she and her friends wanted him to do was part of an escape plan? No? Anyways, since he knew now, she had to properly explain to him. 

'Yeah...' Ruby said, more quietly than before. 'It's an escape plan we're going to carry out in two weeks' time. But don't worry about having to say goodbye to me, 'cause as long as I'm stuck here all day, two weeks is gonna seem like ages.'

Dyrroth seemingly softened a little. 'It''s not that. Not exactly.'

Ruby couldn't help being disappointed. 'It's not? Oh.' She felt kind of stupid.

'Ruby, how did you know two weeks from now would be the best time?' Dyrroth asked, sounding slightly wary of her. 'Two weeks from now is when we're going to be invading Eruditio.'

'I-I asked Moskov. It was pretty easy to get an answer from him, actually.' That was when Ruby's eyes widened. 'Wait, Eruditio?' she repeated in disbelief, staring at him. 'But - but that's insane! Eruditio's practically the most technologically advanced city in the Land of Dawn! Why would you choose to invade that place of all-'

'It wasn't my decision,' Dyrroth said flatly. Then he blinked and corrected himself, 'I mean, technically, it was my decision, but I only decided it because Alice, Selena and the others thought the risk was worth it.'

Ruby groaned. She'd heard this from him a million times. 'From the way you talk about making decisions related to your people, it's almost as if you don't hold any power at all despite being the prince.'

'That's not true,' Dyrroth said bluntly. 'I do have their respect, and I'm not making those decisions entirely against my will. After all, I love the Abyss, and I'd do anything for my people. But...honestly, sometimes I let them make the choice because I'm scared I'll do something wrong and lose their respect. If I got dethroned, what would I do? As far as I know, I wouldn't serve any purpose in life.'

She faltered after hearing that. So that was why his people's word held so much power to him? To be honest, it made sense. If his role of Prince of the Abyss were to be taken away, then he'd be nothing but an ordinary demon, and that probably wouldn't be pleasant. Plus, with what he'd said earlier about him thinking more and more differently from the rest of the demons, he probably wouldn't fit in. 

Still, Ruby felt as though she had to be sure. Her assumptions probably weren't all that reliable nor accurate. 'Um, just out of curiosity, what would happen to you if you got dethroned?' Ruby asked him.

 A dark look passed over Dyrroth's face, only briefly. 'I'm not really sure. But there's a possibility that I'll die, at the hands of either Alice and Thamuz, or the rest of the demons.'

Ruby was shocked. There was a possibility he would die? 'But why? I don't understand.'

The corners of Dyrroth's lips rose into a bitter, humorless smile. 'It's just their way of doing things, of course. I'm pretty sure you've heard that much about them. Monstrous, bloodthirsty, merciless...they all describe my people perfectly.'

'You said you had their respect,' Ruby argued indignantly. She didn't know why she was saying this. Perhaps it was because she cared for him, despite knowing the last thing a prince would need was her care. 'Why would they still-'

'I have their respect as a prince,' Dyrroth responded, his voice becoming quiet. 'But as nothing but an ordinary demon, things would definitely be different.'

Ruby quietened, too. He had a point, and in all truth, what he'd said about what his people would do to him wasn't so hard to believe. As someone with friends who'd encountered the Abyssal Demons before, Ruby had heard quite a lot about their brutal, inhumane ways of doing things. It wouldn't be surprising if they treated a former ruler the same way, too. 

'Oh well,' Ruby said simply at last, 'as long as you remain the prince, none of that ominous-sounding stuff is gonna happen. So you better not get dethroned.'

A fleeting smile that was almost a smirk crossed Dyrroth's face. 'Don't worry, I won't.'

Ruby folded her arms, mirroring the crooked smile he was giving her. 'I'm sure you won't,' she answered matter-of-factly. 'You're Dyrroth, after all. You never mess up.'

He broke into a grin. 'That's right, I never mess up.'

Ruby groaned inwardly, absolutely regretting the fact that she'd praised him without thinking.

'Wait.' Dyrroth's voice abruptly jolted her out of her regret-filled trance. Ruby glanced up at him to see that he was pointing at the heavy ring of keys she'd hung on her leather corset. 'Uh, Ruby, are those the keys to your cage?' 

'Huh?' Ruby said, a little startled. As much as she hated to admit it, she'd completely forgotten they were there. And that was saying a lot considering how uncomfortable it was to hang a ring of huge iron keys on her waist. 'Um, yeah. I stole them. From a random demon who was literally quaking when I spoke to him.'

'I wonder who that could be,' Dyrroth muttered under his breath. 

'And, I, uh, kinda stabbed him before taking them. With a wrench. A pretty sharp one.'

The prince blinked, not saying anything for a few seconds, and Ruby was almost convinced he was angry at her for causing harm to one of his demons when he ran a hand through his silky hair and let out a noise not unlike a snicker. 'Wow, Ruby. Wow.'

She didn't like the tone he'd used when he'd said that. 'What?' she said suspiciously, glaring at him.

'Nothing.' That annoying smirk she both despised and adored had appeared on his face again. Ruby was pretty certain it wasn't just nothing, but she decided there would be no point in prolonging such an aimless topic and didn't say anything in response. 

Dyrroth, however, seemed to be thinking the exact opposite thing. 'I never knew you were such a badass,' he said slyly, looking at her in more ways than one.

She rolled her eyes. 'You didn't know even after secretly watching me hunt for wolves? I've always been a badass.'

Now it was the prince's turn to roll his eyes to the skies. Thankfully though, he didn't fire back some witty retort that she would have to think up a comeback to. She'd never been all that good at this kind of thing, though she knew for a fact that Kagura and Harley both excelled at it. 

For a moment, silence stretched thin between them, for it seemed to Ruby as though she had nothing else to say. Then, finally, Dyrroth decided to break the ice. 'Well, I have to go now,' Dyrroth said, the subtlest of smiles gracing his lips. 'See you, Ruby.' Then he leaned forwards swiftly, just enough to give her a quick kiss.  

Nearly losing her balance from alarm, Ruby merely blinked at him, hopelessly unable to process what he'd just done. 'S-See you,' she somehow, miraculously, managed to stutter. She was fully aware of the satisfied smile that flickered across the prince's face, one that said she'd given him the exact reaction he'd wanted from her. Ruby's cheeks flushed. 

She'd probably never get used to this. As far Ruby remembered, it was her first time sharing this kind of relationship with someone. After all, the only boy apart from Dyrroth she'd ever had a crush on was Alucard, and look how that had turned out.

As the demon prince proceeded to leave, remembering to shoot her a wink just before shutting the door soundlessly, Ruby heaved a sigh and turned back to her cage. 

Now it was time to be bored out of her wits again. 

Ruby unhooked the ring of keys from her corset and opened her cage door, which she'd just only remembered was unlocked, because she hadn't bothered wasting her time locking a cage with no one in it. Doing that wouldn't make sense anyway. 

After locking herself back in the cage more quickly than she'd expected, Ruby leaned on the grimy bars and let herself slide down into a sitting position. She groaned. 

Damn, that adventure really had ended sooner than she'd hoped. As fearsome and excruciating as that journey had been, Ruby couldn't help regretting the fact it had ended, just a little. Because at least it had let her experience the thrill she knew so well. 

And it was over now.

However...there was some good news, actually. She and Dyrroth were clearly back on good terms, like they'd been before. And, while hardly being aware of it, Ruby had completely forgiven him for what he'd done. 

She hadn't at all been intending to do that.

Ruby slowly let her eyes slide shut, blowing out a colossal sigh through her lips. That was when she suddenly remembered the ring of keys clutched in her right hand. For a minute or two, she merely stared at it in thought. What was she supposed to do with it now? It wasn't like she could hide it with her for the rest of her time in the Abyss and expect no one to find out. 

In the end, she simply decided to toss it across the room as forcefully as she could, so that it hit the bottom of the door with a loud clang. That way it would look like one of the demons who visited Ruby had dropped it there. She could say that to whoever noticed it, too. 

Ruby didn't know if it was convincing enough or not - it probably wasn't - but honestly, she couldn't be bothered to do a perfect job of anything anymore. After all, she knew to a certain extent that she and her friends would be leaving this place in two weeks. And after that none of them would have to worry about a single thing anymore. They'd be free once again. 

With a huge yawn, Ruby lay her head back against the bars of her cell, rearranging herself into a comfortable sitting position. 

Time to get some sleep. 


After all the commotion was over, Selena decided to visit her favourite quiet place in the Abyss once more, the spot where the land met the loud, stormy sea. There, it was all but impossible to hear anything aside from the loud, chaotic crashing of the unrelenting waves against the rocks that jutted out from the land, but she liked it for some reason. No matter which direction she faced, it was far from silent, but in a way, it made her feel more alone than she had ever been. And she personally thought a bit of loneliness once in a while was soothing. 

She made her way closer to the sea, carefully weaving through the sharp, slippery rocks that surrounded her, then sat down on a particularly smooth-looking one. More than once, Selena had wondered if she was the only one who'd ever been to this abandoned shore, perhaps even the only one who knew such a place existed so near the Crack of the Abyss. So far, every time she'd visited this place, she hadn't glimpsed a single other soul aside from herself.

Which was why, when she heard the faintest sound of footsteps against the damp, rocky ground, Selena was immediately caught off guard. Startled, she whirled around to see who it was, her face twisted into the scowl she wore so often.

'What're you-' she began to say, lips pulled back into a snarl, but she abruptly fell silent when she saw who it was.

A familiar-looking demon with violet hair which fell over his facial features and sharp, piercing yellow eyes stood on the rocks not far from Selena. 'So this is where you've constantly been disappearing to recently?' he asked, his tone remarkably casual, but Selena could still detect a hint of amusement in his words.

Her scowl deepened, but she knew it didn't look as threatening as before. 'Shut up,' she said.

Much to her surprise, a tiny, fleeting grin flashed across Moskov's perpetually unsmiling face. Selena watched him warily as he looked around them at all the jagged rocks and the ruthless, deep blue sea. 'Um, what do you even do here?' he asked, not facing her. 

Once again, Selena found it inexplicably difficult to know whether he'd asked that because he was judging her or genuinely wanted an answer. She hoped it was the latter, but it was probably both. 

The demon girl shrugged. 'I don't really know either. Just admire nature, I guess.'

Moskov stared at her. Now he definitely was judging her. Without a doubt. 'You seem like the last person who'd ever do that.' 

'I know, right?' Selena let out a sigh, an audible hint of annoyance inside it. 'I don't know what's gotten into me recently. I've grown to like being alone.'

Moskov gave her an inquisitive look. 'Only a month ago, you were telling me how much you hated being alone.' 

She rolled her eyes. 'People change, I guess?'

'True,' he muttered in response, coming to sit on the rock to her left despite that she hadn't invited him to. Though, in all honesty, Selena didn't really mind him being there. It was nice that he was keeping her company, after all. 

She turned away from him wordlessly, feeling shrouded in thought once again. Selena still hadn't gotten over the events of that night. She'd thought she was over Dyrroth, but seeing him defend a human girl with such determination had left her feeling all but...hollow. She wasn't outright jealous anymore, but in a way, it still had hurt her. 

'What're you thinking?' Moskov asked her, sounding sincerely curious. 'You look kind of sad.'

From the corner of her eye, Selena could see him looking at her thoughtfully. She sighed again. 'I don't know if I am,' she answered softly, gazing at the faraway horizon. 'It's just that...I thought what I'd told the human girl would be enough to keep her and Dyrroth apart, but from what I just saw tonight, it wasn't. I know I probably shouldn't be wanting the prince to be alone just because he doesn't like me, but...still. When I tried to make Ruby hate him, I genuinely thought it would work. And it didn't. I guess I am a tiny bit relieved that he has someone now, but...I don't know. Maybe I just thought that if he and I were both lonely, it'd make me feel at least a tiny bit better.'

She didn't realise how much she'd said until it was too late. Filled with a subtle dread, she turned to Moskov, wanting to see what kind of look was on his face. Maybe he was going to laugh at her for telling him all those things about herself that she shouldn't have. 

But instead, in his yellow eyes, she only saw a deep sadness, one that mirrored what she felt. 

'Selena,' he said, a small, bittersweet smile gracing his lips, 'I'm lonely too, you know.'

Selena met his wistful gaze, lost for words, and wondered what he saw in hers. Puzzlement, maybe. Or perhaps wonder. She thought it was probably a mixture of both. 'M-Moskov...' she spoke, trailing off. What was she supposed to say?

For a moment, she didn't break his gaze, only continued to stare at him, feeling hyperaware of herself and her surroundings. Especially when he leaned towards her, ever so slightly tilting his eyes, coming close enough to kiss. 

Selena remained frozen on the spot, holding her breath, even closing her eyes out of instinct. 

But nothing happened.

Surprised, she reopened her eyes, too see that Moskov had stilled, not moving despite that only inches separated their lips. Then, slowly, he pulled away, averting his gaze from Selena's.

Selena stared at him with wide eyes, feeling shock well up inside of her. And perhaps a tiny bit of hurt. Why hadn't he kissed her? 

'Moskov,' she said tentatively, trying her hardest to steady her voice. Much to her own surprise, there was a hint of audible concern in her tone. Selena could hardly even remember the last time she'd so blatantly cared about someone. 'What's wrong?'

He didn't look at her, let alone even raise his head. 'It's nothing,' Moskov answered in a low, quiet voice. 'I should probably be getting back now.'

And just like that, he turned and proceeded to leave.

Selena couldn't help but stare after him helplessly, her gaze glued to the back of his head. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so lost, so confused. What happened? Had she done something wrong without realising it?

At this rate, with her feeling more and more confuzzled by different things with every passing day, she didn't even know if she'd ever find out. 


The next day, Ruby was just dozing off in her cage, drifting in and out of sleep when someone barged into her room very loudly, from the sound of it. Ruby reflexively sprang upright, her eyes shooting wide open. 

Right on the doorstep stood Selena, one hand placed haughtily on her hip, the other holding a metal tray where a jug of water and a loaf of bread had been placed. And right at her feet lay the ring of keys Ruby had thrown on the ground only the night before.

Ruby went a little rigid, her breath hitching in her throat. Trying to at least act unperturbed, she ruffled her disheveled blonde hair with one hand, staring at Selena with a look she hoped was that of indifference. 'Um, what're you doing just standing th-'

The demon girl abruptly silenced Ruby with a vicious scowl. 'Girl,' she snapped, carelessly kicking at the ring of keys with one foot, 'what the hell is this doing here?'

Suddenly, for a second or two, Ruby felt as though it wouldn't be that necessary to pretend some demon had just left it there. Firstly because Selena probably wasn't that dumb, and also because...Ruby didn't really have to keep so many secrets from her anymore, did she? After all, Selena had caught her outside yesterday, and yet hadn't exposed her. Perhaps she truly was a better person than Ruby thought. Perhaps she could even be trusted.

It was a risk, but Ruby couldn't help herself. 'I don't think I need the keys anymore,' she told Selena, attempting to force some calmness into her voice. 'Can I trust you to pretend they were never in my hands?'

Selena gave her a glacial, wary look. There seemed to be a subtle warning somewhere in her piercing, pink-eyed gaze too. 'You have no idea how tempted I am to expose everything you've been doing to Alice and the others,' she said, so coldly, that it nearly sent chills down Ruby's spine. 'However...if I do that, the prince will never look at me the same way again.' Ruby saw the demon girl's jaw tighten. 'So I won't.'

Ruby merely scrutinized her wordlessly for a moment or two, trying to read her. Not that she trusted her people-reading skills all that much. When she was certain enough that Selena meant what she'd said, she nodded. 'Thanks,' Ruby said humourlessly, not trying to crack the slightest hint of a smile because she knew she wouldn't be able to. Not for Selena.

Selena let out a noise that sounded somewhat like a scoff and squatted in front of Ruby's cage, setting down the tray in front of her with a loud clang. 'You and those human friends of yours are planning to escape soon, right?' she asked Ruby, more than a little acidly. 'Because I definitely don't like this job I've been given of keeping you prisoners comfortable.'

Ruby managed a wry smile at that. 'Don't worry,' she said. 'It's all gonna be over soon.' Both Selena's torment and her own.

The demon girl glared at her, but not nearly as hatefully as before. 'Like I'd believe a thing that comes out of your mouth,' she muttered, turning to leave. .

Ruby didn't say anything to that. She didn't want to start another argument with Selena, because although it could be her just getting her hopes up for nothing, the girl really didn't seem all that bad anymore. Maybe one day they could even be friends.

Right at the last second, Ruby remembered something. 'Don't forget the keys,' she called to Selena, not looking at her. 

She could practically sense the scowl on the girl's face, and almost couldn't suppress a snigger. 'I'm not an idiot, you piece of shit!' Selena yelled at her, and then slammed the door shut.

Ruby found herself smirking in satisfaction.

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