Dating and Sports don't mix (...

By Kovirasami_5

8.6K 263 123

Korra is a junior at Republic City High and is an all around athlete who's on her way to playing for a big un... More

I don't date
Roses, Bulges, and Dresses
I didn't do it
The Chase
We're dating

Dates and Drinks

1.2K 37 20
By Kovirasami_5

Korra walked into Tenzin's office and sat down. I literally can't believe what just happened. How could Asami trust him?! She said she was gonna break up with him...but I guess not. Tenzin had a stern look on his face, but he seemed a little disappointed.

"Korra can you tell me why you were fighting in the hallway?" Tenzin sternly asked.

Korra shifts in her seat. "Let me just start by saying it wasn't my fault." Tenzin stays quiet, so Korra continues to talk. "I um, I was with Asami over the weekend shopping for homecoming. Then we went to Narook's and saw Asami's boyfriend, Iroh, with another girl. He kissed her and of course I got mad because Asami is my best friend and I don't want to see her get hurt. So she told me she was gonna break up with him today. When I got to school, Iroh thanked me for asking Asami to homecoming. He told him that I saw him kissing another girl. He called Asami 'my little slut' and said that he'd make sure she'd have the time of her life with him. Then he winked at me. I'm sure you know what that implies. So I punched him and he shoved me. It progressed from there. Look, it wasn't my fault."

"Hmm. I'm sure we can review the cameras. But you heard all of those witnesses Korra.

"I know! I know! I think they were bribed by Iroh." Korra angrily slammed her fists onto Tenzin's desk.

"Korra, that is a big accusation. If he did bribe them, he could be suspended." Tenzin opened his folder to look at Iroh's permanent record.

"I know Tenzin. I was planning on talking to Shiro about it. I know he'll confess."

"As long as you don't do anything to hurt him. And don't say anything about this to administration yet. We'll keep this to ourselves for now."

"Okay. I won't." Korra looked down. Tenzin and Korra both reviewed the video of Iroh and Korra fighting.

"Well Korra, it looked like Iroh was talking about Asami, but you did throw the first punch."

Korra angrily looked away from Tenzin and crossed her arms. "I couldn't help it."

"I know you like Asami, and your alpha instincts probably kicked in but—" Tenzin was cut off by Korra.

"What?! I don't like Asami! We're just, well maybe were best friends." Korra blushed a little.

"You know you're like a daughter to me. I've known you ever since you've been born and have been training you. But...I have to follow the school policy. I have to suspend you for the rest of the week."

Korra jumped up at Tenzin's statement. "What?! No Tenzin! I'm sorry! I'll take full blame for it, just please don't suspend me. I'll even serve as many detentions as you want me to. I'll do anything, just please don't suspend me. You know how many colleges have given me offers?! If this goes on my record, then I'm done for!" What the hell is he thinking?!

"Korra. Relax. Think of this as a week to destress and find out whether Iroh bribed those students." Tenzin tried giving Korra a reassuring smile.

"Tenzin, you don't understand. I don't give a fuck about Iroh right now. I don't care about Asami right now. This is my future you're talking about messing up."

"How about this? I'll suspend you for the remainder of the week, but I won't put it on your record. But you have to promise me no more fighting Korra, I mean it."

"Okay I promise. No more fighting. Thanks Tenzin, this means a lot to me." Korra hugged Tenzin.

"If you find anything about Iroh, let me know and we'll discuss the situation. But for now, if you wish to leave school, you may. But I don't expect to see you back here, unti, next Monday." Tenzin said sitting back down.

"Yeah I'll let you know if I find anything. Bye Tenzin. Thanks again." Korra walked out of Tenzin's office and went straight to her locker.

It was eight minutes before class was about to end. This was first hour. Korra was still angry at what just happened. See this is why I don't get caught up with liking anyone. Not to say that I liked Asami, but just saying. You make one little slip up and you can mess up your future. I don't want to talk to Asami right now. I can't believe she would trust that fuckboy Iroh over her best friend. Korra slammed her locker shut. Mine hadn't even realized how long she was standing there, until she saw people passing by. Opal came up to her.

"Hey Korra. Are you alright? I heard about what happened." Opal asked concerned.

"Opal, not right now. I don't want to talk about it. And I'm sure the whole school has heard about it by now." Korra said angrily.

"I know that story isn't true. You aren't like that." Opal said.

"You're right. It isn't true. That's not how it happened at all. And now because of Iroh, my future could be messed up. If you really want, you can come by after school and I'll talk to you about it. But only you. Don't tell Asami anything. I'm not ready to talk to her yet."

"Yeah sure. I'll come by after school." Opal said putting a hand on Korra's shoulder.

"Good. I'm going home now. See you later." Korra started to walk off.

"Wait! You can't just leave school, you'll get in trouble." Opal told Korra.

"I can. I'll tell you about that later." Korra walked off.

On her way out the door, she saw Shiro nervously look at her. I know you're hiding something Shiro. Korra glared at him. Then, she saw Asami and Iroh. They were getting ready to walk past her. She thought of just turning around and going the other way, but she kept heading towards them. Asami and Korra locked eyes. Korra glared at both of them. Somehow, Asami had looked like she made a big mistake, like she was disappointed. Asami doesn't look happy. But, that's not my problem right now. She can make her own decisions. That's the reason why I'm in this mess. Asami left Iroh and ran after Korra.

"Korra wait! I need to talk to you." Asami caught up to Korra.

Korra didn't respond. She kept walking. Asami pulled on Korra's shoulder, halting her to a stop. "Korra look, I'm sorry. I had to do it.

Korra turned to look at Asami. "I don't want to hear your apology right now Asami. You trusted him over your supposedly best friend. How do you think that makes me feel?" Korra walked off.

"Korra Wait!" Korra kept walking.

Korra walked out of the building to her car. I may have just lost my best friend by such a stupid mistake, but I had to do it. I'm not finished with Iroh just yet. He has to pay for what he's done. Asami walked to class by herself, not bothering to look at Iroh.

Korra was in her jeep and blasted I Don't fuck with You!" She was not in the mood for anything. She stopped at Narook's and got her a carry out, then headed home. The worst part, would be telling her parents about what had happened at school. Even though, they were rarely home, they still cared about Korra's well being. They were pretty strict on grades. Korra pulled in her driveway and went inside of her house. The first thing she did was eat her noodles and watch tv. Well, I guess this is just an extra week off for me. Korra always played basketball to get her mind off of things, so that's what she did after she ate her noodles. She went to her indoor gym and started shooting. She turned on the music on the speaker. Korra practiced every single move she could think of. She shot over five hundred shots. Basketball was really her one true love.

She heard her phone ring. She picked it up. She hadn't realized that she had been playing for over six hours. Wow time flies when you're doing the one thing you love. It was 5:00pm. Asami was calling. I still don't want to speak with her right now. I should call Opal to see what time she was planing on coming by. Korra decided to cal, it quits for now.

Korra (5:05pm): Hey Ope, what time were you coming by?

Opal (5:07pm): I should be by around 5:45. Is that good with you?

Korra (5:08pm): yeah that's fine. See you then

Korra walked upstairs to her room. She was about to take a quick shower before Opal arrived. Her phone went off again.

Asami (5:15pm): okay Korra I know you're mad, but I really need to talk to you

I'm not talking to her right now. I'll wait for another day. Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday.

Korra quickly took her shower and took out some food for herself and Opal. Within 15 minutes, she heard a knock on the door. It was Opal. They sat in Korra's media room.

"So Korra, are you finally gonna tell me what happened?" Opal pleadingly asked.

"Yes Opal. Calm down. What don't you know?"

"Well, for starters, I knew that you and Asami went homecoming shopping and saw Iroh somewhere. But the rest of the story with you just doesn't add up." Opal furrowed her brows.

"Your damn right it doesn't add up. That's because it wasn't my fault. This is how it happened. We saw Iroh at Narook's and he was kissing Ashley. At school, he came up to me and thanked me for asking Asami to homecoming. I told him that he was wrong for cheating and he called Asami a slut and basically said that he was gonna take advantage of her. So I hit him. When I tried explaining everything to Asami, she believed Iroh and other people over me. Her best friend." Korra's anger grew again.

"Wait. What do you mean by other people?" Opal was slightly confused at this.

"Shiro butted in and told Asami I was lying. He made up a completely different story. Then all of these other kids butted in too and said the same thing. Opal, Asami looked like she was so hurt, like she was really torn. The other time I've seen her like that was when her mom died." Korra felt sorry for Asami. She wasn't completely mad at Asami per-say, but she was little disappointed and hurt.

"But why would all those students say you lied?"

"I think they were bribed by Iroh." Korra said.

"But where Iroh get the money from?"

Korra furrowed her brows. "Good question. I don't exactly know, but I'm gonna find out."

"Then I'm helping you." Opal looked angry.

"Opal, no. You don't have to and I don't want you getting caught up in my situation."

"I'm helping you Korra. I'm like your best friend, besides Asami. I'm sure you don't have a plan yet. And plus...I want you and Asami to be together again." Opal smirked.

"Fine you can help. Asami and I were never together Opal." Korra whined.

"Whatever you say Korra."

"I just can't believe she trusted him. She said she was gonna break up with him." Korra got up and paced around the room.

"Asami is smart. You know that. She must have a reason. I don't think she would be stupid enough to trust him."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Has she talked to you?" Opal asked.

"Yeah before I left today, she told me she was sorry, but I told her that I didn't really wanna talk with her at that moment. She texted me saying that she really needed to talk to me." Korra stopped pacing the room

"See, I bet she's trying to tell you why she agreed to go on a date with Iroh."

"That may be the case Opal, but I'm not in the mood to talk with her. I'm not completely mad at her, but I'm disappointed. We've known each other for so long, but yet she still agreed to go with Iroh. I got suspended, so I'll have the whole week to think about this. But I'll talk to her later in the week."

"You got suspended?!" Opal's eyes went wide.

"Yeah but Tenzin isn't gonna put it on my record."

"Oh that's a relief. So what's the plan for Shiro?"

"Hmm, I haven't gotten that far yet. Come over Thursday and I'll let you know. Oh and don't tell Asami anything just yet."

"I won't. See later Korra." Opal got up and walked to the door. Korra walked behind her. She watched Opal go to her car and drive off.

Well that went better than expected. I really hope Opal doesn't tell Asami anything. Maybe Opal is right about Asami. I should try to talk to her this week. I know I still care about her, but things are just really complicated. Now I just have to get past my parents. Korra groaned. She wasn't in the mood to be yelled at by her parents. She had been yelled at enough today. She walked in the kitchen and to her surprise, her parents were sitting down at the table. Fuck my life. Here it comes. Her father looked up from his laptop. He gave Korra a serious look.

"Korra hunny, why don't you have a seat." Korra's mom said also looking up from her computer. I'm so doomed. This is the end.

Korra's took a seat. "Mom, dad, I can explain." Korra was nervously shaking.

Her parents both chuckled. What? I am missing something? Why are they laughing. Aren't they supposed to be glaring daggers at me? "You don't have to explain anything." Korra's father said.

"Am I missing something?" Korra was so confused. She didn't understand why her parents weren't mad. Unless...they didn't know about her getting suspended.

"Tenzin called us and told us what happened at school today. No we're not really mad, more like shocked you fought Iroh. He said that he suspended you and it wouldn't go on your record. And he also said that he suspects you like Asami and that your alpha instincts kicked in." Korra's mom smiled at her.

Korra would be lying if she said that she wasn't taken back by her mom's statement. Why does everyone think I like Asami?! I mean sure she's cute and nice and smart— Korra snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. It belonged to her mom. "I don't like Asami." Korra stammered.

"Korra, it's okay to like someone. Especially Asami. You two are such a good fit for each other." Korra's mom said.

"Just don't bring any babies home." Her father laughed.

"DAD! That's not even funny! I thought you didn't want me dating anyone? And besides I don't date anyway. It's too much drama as you can see, and I'm not even dating her." Korra whined.

"Yet." Korra's mom winked

"We don't want you dating anyone. But this is Asami we're talking about. We trait her and if you date her we'll support you any time. But you shouldn't hold grudges, I'm sure she had a good reason for agreeing with Iroh. Just be patient." Korra's father said.

"Thanks. But I'll pass on the whole dating thing. I'm going up to my room. Bye!" Korra ran upstairs to her room. I am really freaking out right now! Okay so four people so far have said that Asami and I should be dating. Well more than that, if you count the crew. I'll talk to Asami later. Korra took off her sweatpants and shirt, just leaving her with boxers and a bra to sleep in.

The music was loud and it was ringing in her ears. She saw Opal and Bolin dancing together. She couldn't help but smile to herself. Then she saw Mailee dancing seductively with Mako. Kuvira and Bataar were in their own little world dancing. Korra had a drink in her hand. She was slightly tipsy, but she was still very aware of what was going on. She didn't see Asami. Korra frowned. She is supposed to be my homecoming date. She maneuvered her way through the crowed. She could smell their scents flaring. From the corner of her eye, she saw Iroh grab Asami by the wrist, Asami slapped him and started walking off. Iroh got angry and ran after her. Before he could touch Asami, Korra tackled him and punched him square in the nose. Iroh was unconscious. Korra took Asami by the hand and led her outside to the balcony.

"Are you okay?" Korra asked letting go of Asami,

"I am now." Asami wrapped her arms around Korra's neck.

Korra thought Asami looked beautiful. Her red dress fit her natural curves so perfectly. She was like an angel.

"You look beautiful Asami."

"Why thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." Asami chuckled.

"Do you wanna head back inside to the dance floor?"

"No. Let's stay out here. It's peaceful."

Korra smirked. "Well may I have this dance?" She held out her hand.

"You may." Asami grinned and placed her hand on Korra's.

She wrapped her arms around Korra's neck and Korra put her arms around Asami's waist. They swayed back and forth together. Korra tried to control herself the best she could, but her little member started to appear.

"Looks like someone's getting excited. I guess I still have that effect on you." Asami smirked.

Korra blushed. "Sorry. We can stop." Korra was about to pull away, when Asami's gripped tightened around her neck.

"No. It's okay. Keep going." Korra nodded and obeyed.

Asami locked yes with Korra. Emerald Green meeting with ocean blue. They slowly leaned in and next thing you know, their lips were moving in sync. Korra's hands tightened around Asami's waist.

Korra jolted awake. Her clock read 8:00am. Ugh why am I even up? I'm not going to school anyway. She looked down at her boxes and it was showing. She hated when she had dreams about Asami because it was always hard for her to calm back down. She took a cold shower and went straight to her basketball court.

At school, Asami was looking for Korra, but she was no where to be found. She waited at her locker, but she never came. Where could Korra be? I really need to talk to her. Asami decided to find Opal. If Korra didn't want to talk to her, then she knew that she'd tell Opal what happened.

"Opal have you seen Korra or heard from her?" Asami asked walking up to Opal.

"Um yeah I went by her house afterwards." Opal closed her locker.

"Well, is-is she okay?" Asami began to grow a little nervous at the damage she could've caused their friendship.

"She's fine. Just a little angry and upset that's all. Asami can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure. Go ahead." Asami waited for Opal to ask her question.

"Why did you do it? Why did you give in to Iroh? I know you're smarter than that."

"I didn't give in. This is just the beginning. I have something planned for him. I know what I'm doing. When Korra and I left the restaurant, I saw Iroh give Shiro money. I heard him mention something about my name but I couldn't quite hear. Plus I saw Iroh pin Shiro against a wall. I was gonna help Shiro, but I wanted to see what Iroh is planning. Opal, he's up to something. It hurt me so much to pretend like I believed him. I'm breaking up with him at our 'date.' I need you and Korra's help. At our date, make sure nothing suspicious is going on. Please Opal, he's up to something and I want to know what." Asami was literally on her knees, begging for Opal to help her.

"I agree. Korra and I think he's up to something. But I think you should tell Korra first."

"I tried! But she won't answer me."

"Alright. After school, come with me. We're going to Korra's."

"Okay. Thank you Opal! Thank you!" Asami hugged Opal.

"Don't thank me yet."

School went by in a breeze. Asami left with Opal, as planned. Korra was in her gym as always. She only had on her bra and basketball shorts. She was in her gym all day. Her butler told her it was a knock on the door, but like always, Korra wanted to answer the door herself. She grabbed a towel, then quickly ran to the door. When she opened it, she was immediately hit by a familiar scent that she didn't want to smell at the moment. Asami found herself gawking at Korra. Korra narrowed her eyes.

"Opal. What did I tell you."

"Korra just listen. Asami has been trying to call you, but you haven't been answering. Just hear her out."

"Fine." Korra gestured for Asami and Opal to come in.

"Korra, I'm going to your media room. I think you and Asami need to talk about your problems. Opal left Korra and Asami alone.

Korra sat down in her chair and Asami did the same. Korra just sat there, staring at her hands. She hadn't plan on talking to Asami. Asami decided to break the awkwarde silence between them.

"I'm sorry. Korra—" Asami said, but Korra interrupted her.

"I'm sure you are Asami. Let me guess, you found out I wasn't lying, so you felt bad." Korra angrily said.

"Hey! It's not all my fault! I have a plan! And you're the one who punched Iroh!" Asami tried to yell back.

"Me?! Asami I was trying to protect you! Iroh called you a slut and basically said he was gonna take advantage of you."

"What—how?" Asami was shocked.

"You would've known if you would've listened to me, instead of jumping to conclusions."

"Korra listen. At Narrook's, I heard Iroh planning something. He gave Shiro money and told him not to tell. As a way to find out more information, I had to play like I didn't believe you. There's not one second where I didn't believe you. It hurt me so much. I'm breaking up with at our 'date.' But I need you and Opal's help to make sure there's nothing suspicious going on when we go out. I have a feeling something big is gonna go down."

"I knew it! He did bribe Shiro. Shiro lied about the fight and he never lies. But why would Iroh want me out of the picture?" Korra's angry scent flared.

"I don't know. That's what I need to find out." Asami grabbed Korra's face and put their foreheads together. It was a common attempt to calm alphas down. Korra immediately calmed down.

"Okay. I'm in." She sighed. "And...I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. I was just angry and disappointed."

"I don't blame you. I guess I could've done it a different way, but everything happened so fast." Asami looked down. "So...friends again?"

"No." Korra said. Asami looked hurt. She started to walk away from Korra, but Korra grabbed her hand. "Best friends. Remember?" Korra smirked.

Asami hugged Korra. "Right. Best friends."

Korra coughed. She felt a little flustered after she hugged Asami. "We should go get Opal now."

They went and got Opal. They told her the plan for Asami's date with Iroh.

Iroh picked Asami up from her house. Opal and Korra followed them to the restaurant in Korra's car. Opal and Korra sat at a table in the farthest corner of the restaurant, but they made sure Asami was still visible and in sight. This was a fancy restaurant so Korra and Opal had to dress up. Korra wore black slacks, a tie, and a polo dress shirt. Opal wore a casual dress and heals. Out of the corner of Korra's eye, she saw Ashley. She was putting a powder in a drink. The waiter took the drinks and sat it down on Asami and Iroh's table.

"Opal stay here. I'll be right back. I just saw Ashley put something in Asami's drink."

Korra walked quickly to Asami and Iroh's table.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Korra said.

"You know what we're doing here." Iroh's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing here?"

"What? I can't take my friend Opal out on a nice dinner date?" Korra smirked.

"Asami. You look beautiful." Asami blushed a bit. Korra 'accidentally' knocked over Asami's drink and it wasted on her.

"Oh shit, Asami, I'm sorry. Here let me help you clean that up." Korra whispered in Asami's ear that the drink had something in it.

"No Korra. I think you've done enough. Leave now." Iroh glared at Korra.

"No ones here for me to knock your brains out is it Iroh. Or maybe I should tell Asami our little secret." Korra smirked and she and Iroh were face to face. Korra knew Asami already knew that Iroh was cheating on her. But Iroh didn't know that Asami knew. So as far as Iroh is concerneced, he thought Asami was clueless.

"Korra leave now." Iroh got even closer to Korra.

"No. Asami Iroh is—" before Korra could finish, Iroh had tackled Korra.

Korra quickly reversed the positions.

"Iroh it's over. We're done. Stay away from me." Asami said.

This made Iroh angry. He pushed Korea off of him and ran out the door.

"Asami to with Opal to my house. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Korra ran after Iroh.

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