y/n x football team???? 😳😳

By MegaNothing23

59 2 2

not yet More


59 2 2
By MegaNothing23

forced to be the helper for a football team
all of them flirted a bit, some more than others
even forcing you to wear a maids dress and clean
The pronouns used will be she/her just to make things easier.
possible tw: sexual assault
it do be smuty sometimes(a lot) doe

Here are the names
1. Jerry - sweet and protective
2. Mark - can't lie for shit and is usually pretty nice
3. Lennon - pervy and strong
4. Alex - big, strong, and protective
5. Danny - lil pervy and assertive
6. James - flirty
7. Jon - very flirty
8. Henry - pervy but respectful
10. Charles - flirty but protective
11. Ethan - very pervy

"I hate you guys." You say as you mop the floor
"aw common you love us~" James cooed at you.
"yeah~ you must love the attention~" Jon says and appears behind you and smacks you on the ass.
"Ah! Dude what the hell!" You yell and slap him.
"alright alright! I'm sorry!" He yells when he sees some of the guys start to slowly move forward, anger all through their faces.
you turn to see half of them about the kill the other guy.
"uh, chill out guys it's ok" You say and they turn back to you and soften their gaze slightly.
"oh it's ok is it?~" Jon says flirtatiously and gets closer.
"do you not see how they are very willing to jump your ass?~" You say flirtatiously back and the other boys laugh and ooouu at your response. You laugh a little then turn back around and grab the mop, bending over in the process(just a little, you wanted them to look). You turn around and see the surprised and blushing faces.Then you ask in a monotone voice cause you're tired.
"Am I done?" to which everyone is seen blushing a tad.
"yeah, you're good for the day." Henry answers looking the other way, blushing more than the rest.
"great. see you guys tomorrow. unless you're finally deciding to let me free so I don't have to wear these dumbass clothes and clean shit for free." You say sarcastically as you put the cleaning stuff away.
"I mean we could pay you," You turn your head in instrest. "...but we'd probably ask for a bit more... if you know what I mean." Danny smirks and you blush.
"I-I-Uh-Um... yeah no I'm good..." You say and turn back around and start walking out.
"You're ganna walk out like that?" Charles asks gesturing to the maid outfit you forgot you wearing.
"oh.. uuh..." This time you forgot to bring extra clothes sense you where in a rush and the clothes you had changed into had been taken by the coach on accident with all the football clothes. Wait... this makes sense... they did it on purpose! They put my clothes with theirs on purpose so I'd have to wear this.. "don't tell me.. you guys took my clothes and put them with yours so I wouldn't have anything else besides this to wear." You say and cross your arms, staring the down. When no one says something you hmm and walk over to Mark, the one that was the most honest. "is that what happened Mark? Don't lie to me, you're the honest one here." You say with slight worry in your eyes.
"I-Um... well the thing is... uuh... guys..?" Mark says and looks over for backup.
"ok so I'll take that as a yes." You say and turn to look at everyone. "honestly I'm too tired to care, just say if it's so."
"ok yeah we did, you caught us, what are you ganna do about it." James asks and smirks.
"Well I was just ganna ask if I could barrow someone's clothes.." You say shyly and look at everyone with puppy dog eyes. "please?"
"..." no one says anything.
"really. Guys, I have to walk home. Are you trying to get me molested? It's bad enough in here, what about out there when I don't have the sane ones protecting me." You slightly yell. while pointing towards a couple guys in the room you know wouldn't hurt you.
"Ok ok ok, If I give you my jersey will you be ok?" The nicest of them all, Jerry, says and walks towards you.
"fine. deal. Am I going to have to pay you back..?" You ask with a worry filled face. This is the nicest guy here but they all have dark sides. And he smirks. Of course he smirks.
"Ok how about I play it a little risky." He says getting a little closer. Shit what's happening, was this planned? Omg don't tell me they planned this far. "ok I'll make a deal with you, we get your clothes back for you, but you have to play 7 minutes in heaven with one of us." He and everyone else smirks.
You look around.
"What the fuck is wrong with you guys.." You laugh slightly. "fine, whatever will get me home the fastest. But. I want a ride home." Everyone's smirks get larger.
"Wow you think that one of us is going to go the extra mile in the seven minutes?~" Ethan says and the others laugh more as you blush red.
"N-N-No! J-Just Tired Ok!!" You stutter and yell and everyone laughs more. "Omg can I just get my clothes!!" You yell.
"Nope gatta play the game" James says and wraps his arms around you from behind. The sudden action scared you a little and you flinched not expecting such affection. None of the boys had really touched you besides the occasional slap on the ass, but that was a thing they all did.
"b-but—" You stutter as you look around and Jon walks over to the front of you and tilts up your chin.
"easy pretty eyes, we wouldn't hurt a hair on your pretty little head." He says and gets almost close enough to kiss you.
"N-no thank you." You say and put your hand up to cover his mouth, clearly uncomfortable.
"aww common baby, you've got the hottest guys all on you and wanna bail?" Danny appears to the side.
"C-can I just get my clothes and leave? I won't even ask for a ride." You say fast and look around. "do you have them somewhere? You guys must've planned this, right? So where are they?" Then some finally start realizing how uncomfortable you are with the guys trying to swoon you.
"Common, I know where your clothes are." Jerry says with an outstretched hand and pink cheeks. Thank you Jerry!
"thank you." You say and grab his hand and come with him.
"damn Jerry got chosen." Charles said.
"It's always the nice ones." Henry agreed.
"I actually kinda wanted to be it." Alex says, his hand outstretched as well, just a couple moments late to helping you.
"Yeah, I mean most of us did." Someone agrees and looks at the others.

While Jerry pulls you over to the locker room and into a unused locker you scrunch your nose at the smell.
"God it smells bad, I have to clean this too don't I..?" You ask looking disappointed.
"I'm not sure, but I don't think they're that mean... unless they make you clean it while we are changing in here..." He answers.
"Oh hell no that's just mental abuse!" You yell and he laughs sheepishly.
"Yeah yeah yeah, ok here are your clothes, and it's a pretty open area so I'll go stand by the entrance and keep people from coming in, is that ok? Or we can walk back out and you can use the bathroom?" He asks. He's so kind you're glad you have a guy like him within the rest of these crazies.
"Yeah I'll just change here, just please don't look, alright?" You say and he nods and turns back and walks towards the door.
"I promise, I won't." He says as he walks.
After you change you change back out in your normal clothes, maid outfit in my backpack. You can't believe they convinced you to wear that. All of this just because of a simple mistake. All you did was walk into the wrong room, idiot...

After a long day you walk in with a delivery of sports equipment into the boys locker room instead of the storage. Once there you weren't paying attention and just walked until you made contact with something you didn't remember being there. Then you hear a crash and the sound of breaking glass.. You look up to see the shelf of trophies smashed to pieces on the floor and all of the guys starting at you, half naked, in shock.
"I- Oh my god- I'm so sorry!! I wasn't looking- A-Ah You Guys Are Changing- SORRY!!!!" You yell and run out.
Some of them had classes with you so they knew who you were, after talking about it they agreed to forgive you and drop the cost of a new glass display shelf if you come in after school 3 times a week to clean the place. You never decided for how long and you've been doing it for about a month now. It was super awkward and shameful as first but after a couple times they started to jokingly flirt with you and it eased the tension so you let them. And after a week or two one of them came in with a maids outfit saying he bought t just for you and dared you to wear it. So you tried it on and from that day forward it was part of the deal for you to have to wear it. Though it made cleaning harder, more uncomfortable for you, and rather self deprecating, you had to admit it was quite funny how they all had fun with it, so you let them have their fun.
-end of flashback-

You walk out with my clothes back on.
"ok I'm done, thank you" You said to Jerry and patted his arm.
"N-No problem" He said, you presence making him flinch slightly. "let's go back?" He asked and you nodded and followed him back to the others.
"Ok 7 minutes in heaven time!!" They hyped and yelled and you went back into being a blushing mess. Everyone turns to you and walks over.
"W-Wait! I-Uh- I have t-to go home!" You yelled as you where picked up and placed in the closet. "Let me out!!! Guys!!!"
You hear chuckles from outside the room.
"This isn't nice!!!" You yell then give up and sit in the corner of the closet.
Still you heard chuckling but you where so tired that you just didn't care. You brought your knees to your chest and rested your head on them. Only one thought through your head. Please be a nice one..

You almost fell asleep when you heard the door handle thrash around and someone was pushed inside, almost falling on you.
"Hey darling~" Lennon said flirtatious once he got back his composure. You blushed.
"U-Uh... um.. hi.." You stuttered and refused to look up at him so he crouched down in front of you.
"Aw common, can't even look at me?" He cooed.
"What are you ganna make me do..?" You ask shyly and look up at him and a bit of fear on your face. He blushes and his eyes widen for a second before going back to smirking.
"Well you don't have to do anything, all you have to do is stand still and I'll do all the work~" He smirked and got closer.
"I-B-But—" you stuttered a protest, but he didn't listen.
He placed his lips onto yours, relatively soft and gentle. You hadn't realized it but you had melted fully into that kiss. He realized this and snaked his arms around your waste to pull you closer and deepen the kiss. You where hesitant but how he was so gentle with you made you give in. He licked the bottom of your lip but you didn't open your mouth, so he gently grabbed your butt and made you gasp, then kissed you again and inserted his tongue.
"mphm!" You tried to protest but he wouldn't let you. You felt his arms tighten against you and you knew you wouldn't be able to fight back so you once again gave in. He loosened his grip in satisfaction. "mmm~" you let out a soft moan in the kiss. He stopped and smirked at you. You blushed harder realizing the noise you just made and covered your mouth.
"uh ah~" He sighed and shook his head while moving your hands away from your mouth. "I like those sounds~"
"I-Umm..." You didn't know what to say so you just looked at the wall shyly.
He got closer again and gently started kissing you again. You felt as his hand went from your shoulder, to you back, to your tail bone, then reaching your butt, he squeezed.
"ngh~ D-Don't do that!" You moaned at the actions and slapped him in the side of the arm as he chuckled.
"I said I liked those noises, did I not?" He said.
"W-Well yeah y-you did—"
"So why wouldn't I want to hear more?~" He said and out his face right in front of yours.
"I-I-I-I—" He caught off your stutters with a quick kiss then smirked. I have a bad idea about this... you thought as his eyes wondered from your eyes to your neck..
He leaned forward are started licking your neck. You gasped.
"W-W-What are you—"
"Shh, just enjoy it darling~" He interrupted and went back to licking your neck.
Ok I can deal with this, easy nothing back, it's fine- WAIT WHAT?!?? You internally screamed when you felt him start to suck and bite your nape.
"Ah~ s-stop—mm~" You stuttered and moaned slightly. Is this ok...? What's happening..? Ok people do this all the time... so it's fine... right?
You felt him smirking, then continuing to leave hickeys on your neck. "ah~ y-you sh-shouldn't do th-Ah~" He found your soft spot, and once he realized that he bit down hard. "Ah!~" You moan loudly then cover your mouth. "s-stop.." You say breathlessly behind your hands. But he doesn't. You feel as his hands creep up your shirt and as they are about to make contact with your bra you push him off. "I-I said s-stop!" You yell and slam open the door and storm off, covering your mouth and neck.
"Wait! What? Why are you leaving already?!" Alex yells from behind you.
"Leave me alone!" You yell and grab your backpack before running out of the locker room.
"shit..." Lennon says.
The other guys glare at him.
"what the fuck did you do?" Alex asks the other guy.
"Ahah..." He laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "well..."
"No need to answer we could hear everything." henry says.
"w-wait what?! I thought this shit was sound proof!" Lennon yells.
"Not in the slightest." Jon says.
"Yeah so, now because of you, I'm guessing that the trust she had with most of us, is completely broken." Charles says.
"Well... you guys should thank me!" Lennon yells.
"And why the hell would we do that?!" Alex says and gets closer to him.
"Well you all got to hear her moan didn't you?" He says and most of the guys blush slightly while everyone's face gets red with anger. "Heh, uh... Sorry!!" He yells and runs away, the boys run after him as he runs out of the locker room and around the school, until they hear someone crying.
"wait, do you guys hear that?" Jerry asks the other.
"sounds like crying." One answers.
"Well let's go check it out, maybe we can help" Mark says and they start walking towards the sound of the cries, letting the other guy get away.
When they turn the corner they see you in the corner crying a little and shaking.
"woah woah woah, hey what's wrong?" Jerry says and speeds over while the rest are frozen in shock.
"w-wha-..." You didn't expect to see them again today, you where just hoping to get to somewhere to let out all the emotions you felt from the closet. "g-go away..." You say and turn towards the corner.
"wait, please, I promise I won't hurt you.." Jerry insists and reached his arm out for you.
You look up at him and into his eyes, you detect no lust, no lies, just pure kindness and caring. You reached up and grab his hand gently and pull it slightly so he would come sit with you. He gets the hint and sits next to you.
"If you want I can hug you and you can cry into my chest, I think that might help..." He says shyly with a light blush.
"ok.." You sigh and turn towards him as he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around you protectively as you start crying again into his chest.
"What did he do?" He says, his voice getting deeper and more serious, it almost scared you.
"I- um.. I j-just told him to s-stop.. a-and he wouldn't..." you say breathlessly into his chest and you continue to cry. "...a-and when h-his hand s-started... um... g-going up m-my shirt... I g-got scared..." You continue and you feel his muscles tighten.
"that fucking bastard..." He whispers through grinding teeth.
"I-I'm sorry.." You say and he relaxes.
"It's not your fault, it's our fault, we forced you to do that then this happened. Blame it on us." He sighs.
"ok..." You say, not knowing what else to say and just hug him tighter. He softly smiles and hugs you tighter as well, and plants a tiny kiss in your forehead. "h-huh?" You stutter.
"s-sorry, you looked like you needed a forehead kiss." he says and keeps smiling with a faint blush. You blush slightly and berry your face into his chest. He looks over to see half of the guys missing. "Where'd the others go?" He asks.
"Alex, Jon, Henry and Charles went to beat his ass." Henry says with a scowl on his face. "they told me to stay and help." He says and looks at the now sleeping you. "...is she asleep..?"
Jermy looks down. "huh? oh. yeah seems like it- ..." He freezes. "damn come here." He says and the other guys come over to see.
"damn..." Some say when they see the hickeys and bite marks all over your neck to your collarbone to your shoulder.
"dammit... I wish the bottle landed on someone else..." James says.
"I wish we didnt do this in the first place!" Jerry yells then gets quieter as he feels you start to turn. "sorry.. go back to sleep doll" He whispers in your ear and you blush and go back to sleep. He looks back up to the others. "this is all our fault, if only we just didn't go so far... she was obviously uncomfortable.. all we do is flirt with her and make her wear that stupid costume... we haven't once thought of how humiliated and upset she feels! We only care about ourselves!" He starts whisper yelling at the small group left.
"what do we do...?" Mark asks.
"what if she tells people..?" James asks and everyone gets a bad feeling.
"she wouldn't... she's not like that.." Danny responds to try and get rid of the negativity in the air.
"What if she's forced to..? What happened when her parents and friends see these..?" Mark asks and points at the hickeys.
"we could cover them up?" Danny offers.
"with makeup." James joins the idea.
"Idiots we don't have makeup, but she probably does.." James says back.
"Guys, we will talk with her when she wakes up, first we have to figure out what weare going to do. It takes her like an hour to walk home, and she said her parents think she stays after to do some community cleaning at the school, technically she does, but that gives us about..." Jermy states and pears at his phone. ".. an hour and a half left of time before she needs to be at home. If she's not home by then then her parents will probably get worried and call, then what are we supposed to do?" He asks, not wanting a response. "So I say we let her sleep for a could half hour then talk to her, unless she wakes up before that. She did just go through a stressful visit with us and buy how tired she was when this all started no wonder she's sleeping so easily." He says and looks back down at you. "In the meantime let's get her back to the locker room, so no one finds us here with a hickey covered, sleeping girl. We can put her on one of the mats, she can use a couple jackets as a blanket." He says as he starts to get up, holding you bridal style as they walk and talk about the plan, heading back towards the locker room.
The other guys were frozen in their tracks for a few seconds before following.
"He's got this all mapped out in his head doesn't he?" Danny asks.
"Apparently." Mark answers.

When they get there and open the door they see the guy who hurt you on the floor begging for mercy as a half of the football team is circled around him yelling at him.
"Shhhh!!" Henry says and they look over angrily until they see you sleeping.
"I'm ganna go put her in the other room so she has some privacy, you guys stay here." Jermy says and carries you away.
"How do we know you won't do something to her?" Jon questions him.
"I had all the ability to turn around and watch her get dressed yet I didn't, I stayed in the doorway making sure non of you would do so." Jerry states and turns back around to continue walking. "Someone can join me to make sure but I'm not doing anything to doll."
"doll..?" Charles questions.
"Oh common we all have nicknames for her." Jerry smirks and walks into the other room, placing you down on the mat and covering you with his jacket. "There, perfect." He states and looks at the sleeping you all comfortable in the mat. "so cute.." He whispers then walks out and sits by the door.
"is she alright?" Alex, that was beating the crap out of Lennon moments before, asks.
"Yeah, that guy just spooked her." Jerry answers. "No one is allowed in here without going through me first." Jerry states out loud, the rest of the team surprised at how defensive he was.
"alright." Henry says and everyone agrees silently and the group goes into talking about what to do.

About 20 minutes later you begin to wake up.
"hmm.?" You move around and don't recognize where you are. You look around as you move the jacket off of you and get off the mat. oh... this is the extra room.. I've cleaned in here before. You looked at the closed door and walked towards it. Well looks like they gave me some privacy.. You think as you try to open the door and pear out and see Jerry standing a foot away from you.
"oh you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asks with concern in his eyes. The other guys turning to see you.
"uh.. fine..." You say awkwardly. Jerry lifts his arms and invites you into a hug, which you accept while blushing. He gently pulls you into him and wraps his arms protectively around your back.
"I just want to say that I and everyone deeply apologizes, even him, and we really hope you can trust us again, we are so sorry." He whispers in your ear and hugs you tighter.
"I-It's ok.. I won't tell anyone.." You whisper back at him through his chest. He lets out a sigh of relief and loosened a his grip on you slightly.
"I'm really sorry.." Lennon said. "I didn't mean to go that far..." he looked to the ground. You could tell he wasn't really sorry, but you just wanted this to be over.
"I-It's fine... really.. I'm fine guys." You said and pushed a light smile as you looked at the other guys. They all let out a breath they didn't know they where holding and smiled a little.
"that's good" one sighed.
"so it's fine..?" The guy said and came over to you, then you slapped him.
"not for you." You stated then hugged Jermy tighter.
They laughed as the guy stood there speechless.
"I-... what..." He said and looked up at you.
"You're not allowed to. Pretty simple" You said and looked at the other guys, "sound fair?" You ask. They all nod.
"So you're saying we can play?" One smirks and you blush.
"I-um..." You press your face in Jermy's chest in embarrassment and the others blush.
"wait really..?" One asks softly and gets a little closer.
"I-I d-don't know..." Your mind started getting a little fuzzy.
"We'll be gentle~" One smirks.
"I-W-WHAT?!!?!" You squeak and they all laugh and you dig your burning red face into Jermy's chest further.
"My chest isn't a cave, doll" He whispers in your ear and you shiver. He smirks softly and starts playing with your hair and chuckling.
"why's everyone laughing..?" You whisper at him, only audible to him.
"Well, doll, you're very cute~" He whispers back and you shiver again and he laughs. You nudge him in the side.
"stop laughing at me!" You yell and he tries to suppress his laughter and hugs you tighter.
"sorry doll~" He says flirtatiously and it gives you butterflies.
"q-quite it.." You say embarrassed.
"oh? embarrassed are we?" He cooed and lifted your head by your chin to see your face. It was bright red. At first he just stared and blushed slightly then he smirked a little. Meanwhile the guys in the background still laughing and only starting to look over and see what's happening. Then Jermy leans closer and stops just an inch away from your mouth. "can I kiss you?" He asks softly.
Your breath hitched and your blushed a deep tone of red.
"I-..." You whispered and looked away.
He smiled softly and tilted your head back towards him.
"You can say no, no pressure, we can just hug if you like." He says with a soft smile, and his eyes showed no sign of lies or ruthlessness. So you gripped the back of his shirt tighter.
"I-um... I wouldn't m-mind..." You whisper and he tilts her chin more towards him more and gets a little closer.
"close your eyes~" He whispers. You slowly close your eyes then he leans in and softly kisses you. It was so nice and warm and sweet yoy almost let out a slight moan but held it in. You felt yourself melt right into him. This. This is the kiss you wanted.
"W-What are you doing Jermy?" One of the guys said while smirking.
Jermy opened his eyes and glared at him. A look that said don't you fucking dare ruin my moment.
"fine fine. You get like 10 more seconds tho we want some too." The guy says.
Jermy and you where pressed tightly together and he felt as you started to shake so he stopped and held you close.
"Not right now." Jermy said as he had protective arms across your back.
"why?" One guys asked, getting a little impatient then getting jabbed in the sides by the surrounding guys.
"cause as soon as you said that she started shaking." Jermy said, looking at the guys who said they want some too. Everyone else glared at him.
"Well- uh sorry.." He said knowing he couldn't defend himself.
"I think she's the most comfortable with me so I'm ganna take her home, it's pretty late." Jermy says.
"But we never had the cuddle sesh." One of them says with puppy dog eyes.
You look up and see this and start doing puppy dog eyes as well.
"Cuddle sesh..?" You say and look up at Jermy who blushed when he sees your face. He smiles.
"We wanna cuddle, and sense you're here, do you wanna join?" One asks blushing slightly while smiling.
"sure!" Your eyes light up and you smile big, some of them blush and smile while some just stare at the energy you're radiating.
"great. Well guy, guy, guy, and guy come with me to get all the mats ready." One says and some guys follow him to make a makeshift bed on the ground.
"So do you guys cuddle each other after practice?" You ask while smiling.
"well n-" One starts but you cut him off.
"That's so cute I wanna join in." You say.
"Yup we do it all the time." He says with a cocky smile.
Others agreed as well, seeing the opportunity.
"great" you smile softly and hug Jermy, getting tired again.
"I call big spoon for y/n!" One guys says.
"Dammit!" some guys cursed "I wanted that..."
"wait! what about taking turns!" Another guy says and the others agreed and smiled and looked back at you. You blushed.
"T-Turns?" you stutter.
"Yeah like- uh- us take turns cuddling you?" One guy says and you blush harder.
"w-why..?" You question and your body tenses.
"Because we all li—" one guys starts.
"Because we all want to welcome you to our after practice ritual of course!" One interrupts so their secret won't get out just yet. Your eyes widen and your eye brows raised.
"Oh! Ok!" You say with excitement.
Then the guys from the inside come out.
"Done, it's all comfy in there." One of them says.
You push gently out of Jermy's arms and pear into the room to see one of the guys laid down. He seemed to be trying to sleep. So you skipped over to him and layed down besides him.
"..huh..?" He said sleepily and this guy just looked so cute.
"aww" you say out loud on accident and his eyes widen. "oh whoops.." you laugh slightly sheepishly. But when he sees it's you he just closes his eyes again and reaches his arms out. They find your shoulders and he pulls your confused self down and holds you close to his chest rests his head in the nook of your neck.
You blushed and froze, he could feel how you tensed up and naturally started rubbing circles on your back.
"tell me to let go or just tap me and I'll do so, I just want to cuddle" He whispered into your ear and your blush darkened but you body started to melt into his touch.
"ok" You whispered and nuzzled your face into his chest like you did with Jermy.
By now the other boys have walked in and seen how their friend got your attention before any of them could. They all silently cursed in their heads and some started to walk over to try and coax you away to come with them.
"hey y/n, if you want to cuddle someone who is softer I have a super soft sweatshirt on" One guy whispered and you turned to him and made grabby hands towards him with a soft smile and tired eyes. The others awed at your tired cuteness. He then reached his arms out to grab you and you grabbed one of his arms and felt the fabric before pulling it to your face and rubbing your cheek against the soft sleeve.
"you're right.. soft.." you mumbled and when he say you start to drift off he grabbed you from the sleeping boy and took you into his arms to cuddle.
"there, much better right?" He whispered and you hummed in acknowledgment and drifted to sleepy town.
"damnit softy" One cursed under his breath.
"Common you gatta share." One whined at the guy holding you.
"You can hold her foot." He smiled and the other guy grumbled to himself.
"that's not fair there's __ of us and only one of her." One guy says.
"Well right now I have her, you can have her in 5 minutes." The guy holding you says and smirks at the others. "mine for now."
The other guys roll their eyes and lay down.
"Wait.. what time is it..?" One guy asks after a couple minutes.
"uh.. 6:25." One guy says as he checks his watch.
"Shit!!!" Jermy yells, waking up the guys that where asleep and you.
"w-what's all the noise about?" You ask tiredly.
"It's 6:25!" He yells.
You stare at him for a moment until what he says registers in your mind, your eyes grow wider and you jump up and run out of the room.
The other guys look at each other than run after you.
"wait!!! Where are you going?!" One guy yells.
"I'm ganna need a ride! Jermy?" You ask as you run over to the other room to find your bag and search it for your phone.
You see your phone, grab it, unlock it, and call your mom.
"please don't be mad please don't be mad please don't be mad.." you whisper to yourself as you listen to the ringing phone, until your mom picks up.
<"Hello, you are heading home soon right? You are late."> your mom's voice rang through the phone with a scary aura emerging through the phone.
"a-ah— y-yes mom, I'm just finishing extra work. I-I volunteered to do some cleaning at the school, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you!" You came up with lies quickly.
"quick lier.." One of the guys whispered.
"Well technically she's telling the truth.." Another answered.
<"ok. that's ok. just make sure you tell me next time. come home."> your mom said and you let out a breath of relief.
You weren't in trouble.
"Ok mom, I'll be home soon, love you." You smiled and said.
<"love you too, sweetie."> she said then you hung up.
You breathed out and composed yourself together again. Then turned swiftly around.
"Ok, Jermy can you give me a ride home?" You asked.
"Yup. Sure, let's go." Jermy answered and reached his hand out for you to grab.
You smiled then turned around and quickly grabbed your things before turning back around and grabbing his hand. You both walked away until one of the guys spoke up.
"Why didn't you ask any of us?" He asked you.
"Uh.. well.. um... he knows where live.. and I trust him.." You said awkwardly.
"Well some of us know—" One guy started but was stopped by the guy next to him elbowing him in the gut. "Ow!"
"you don't trust us?" another guy said and walked towards you.
"yeah what's with that?" Another answers and walks forward too.
Soon enough they're all walking towards you, staring at you, and you start to panic.
Jermy was holding your hand in a way so he could feel your heartbeat and when he felt it get higher and higher he looked over to your scared face and picked you up.
"Wrap your legs around my waist and arms ver my shoulders." He said and you did so. He turned to look at the others. "You guys, look up how to not scare a girl. Bye."
Then he left with you, as he ran you looked at the guys faces with a mix of sadness and guilt because you felt bad for them even though they scared you.
"What'd we do wrong?" One guys asks.
"Dunno.." Another answers.

The drive

He carries you over to his truck and puts you down to get in. You do so and he gets in and starts the truck. Immediately a loud rock song starts playing at full volume that makes you both jump.
"Shit!- sorry!" He yelled over the music as he turned it down. Then he looked over at you and patted your shoulder. "what type of music do you listen to?"
"Um.. I listen to indie pop and whatever is popular really, but I love like calming songs." You reply as you thought to yourself.
"hmm ok." He answers before switching a couple stations and finding one of your favorite songs.
"This is my favorite song!" You say with excitement.
"noted" He smiles warmly and starts the truck.

You both sat in comfortable silence as you favorite songs keep playing back to back.

"this left right? It's been a while sense I've dropped you off." He chuckled a little.
"Yup, thank you by the way. For helping me back there, I really appreciate you being so nice." You said with a slight blush.
"No problem, I would do that for you that anytime. Just tell me if you need any help." He said calmly with a slight smile. "also.. your lips are pretty soft" He smirked.
"I-I-..." You got embarrassed and turned away. "yours are too.." you whispered.
He blushed and got a little surprised that you said something back
"Do you even know how adorable you are?" He laughed.
"ahh quit it!" You laughed. "do you even know how protective  and nice you are?" You say teasingly.
He just laughs and smiles, then you guys sit in a comfortable silence as the the music in the background plays.

Soon enough you got to your house.
"Ok this is it." You say with a hint of tiredness in your words. "thank you so much for the ride. I owe you one."
"Don't worry doll you don't owe me a thing." He says with a smirk and you blush and turn away.
As you're leaving the car you get an idea, you turn around to him and go right in front of his face.
"I had fun tonight, thank you." You say then kiss him.
He's surprised as first but then has his hand reach the back of your head to kiss you longer. After a minute you realize that you're right in front of your house and tap him on the shoulders repeatedly.
"I have to go, see you tomorrow." You say with an embarrassed smile and a blush across your cheeks.
He just sat there in awe for a moment then yelled.
"Ok!! See you then!!" and drives off.

You get inside and let out a breath of relief.

"who was that?" you mom asks from the dark.
"Well I was scared of walking home in the dark sense cleaning took so long and my cleaning buddy had a truck so i asked for a ride." You thought quickly and said, it wasn't too much of a lie.
"ok, just tell me next time you stay late to do cleaning, are you just cleaning the school?" She asks.
"Yeah.. I have to clean the locker room and it is quite disgusting." You say with a disgusted face.
She looks at your neck and you realize that you must have some hickeys there and freeze. But luckily it was dark and you hope she didn't see it.
"ok. It's late, you should get to bed now." She says sternly.
"Yes ma'am" you say and run upstairs.

Once up in your room you quickly get ready and lay in bed, but your brain just went over everything that happened and your face went dark red.
After about an hour of rethinking sleep crept on you and you passed out.

Once your eyes closed you were in the locker room again, and a figure was walking towards you slowly while smiling. You couldn't tell who it was then he swiftly pinned you against the wall.
"I want you..." he whispered into your ear, "let me have you..."
His words made you shiver as he started kissing down and up your neck.
Then a few more figures walk over, surrounding you, you get nervous and slowly slide down to the floor.
Then they stop and crouch down to you, the feeling of nervousness vanishes and is left with a light calm feeling.
Suddenly the setting changes and you're in a big bed with all of them cuddling together with you.
It was so relaxin, you fell to sleep and awoke to your alarm.
"I have to stay after to clean again dont I.." you say and check your phone to a couple messages from the guys asking you to stay after again. "shit"

Throughout the day you had a couple of classes with some of the boys and they would give you glances to see if you're ok or to send you smirks that made you blush.
Once the dismissal bell rang your heart skipped a beat. You began to get up and pack your things. Once you put your bag on you look around and realize that one of the guys is in your last class and he was just about to creep up on you to scare you. But you caught him before he could.
"aw man.." Henry said with a pretty cute pout.
"well I'm glad I turned around cause that would've scared me" You laugh lightly.
"yeah" He sheepishly laughs. When you start to walk away he grabs your hand. "hey.. um.. can we talk a bit?" he says awkwardly while looking at the ground.
"uh sure, as long as you don't make me late" you say and chuckle awkwardly. "what's up?"
"ok.." He breaths in and out, and looks into your eyes. "I'm sorry about what happened, we all went too far, we are all really sorry." He finishes and looks away. "really sorry"
You freeze for a second before realizing he's still holding your hand, you squeeze his hand end he looks up at you. You give him a soft smile.
"It's ok. I forgive you. The only person I haven't forgiven yet is Lennon." You say then look to the side in embarrassment.
He then lets go of your hand and hugs you tightly.
"Thank you, I promise I won't let anyone do what Lennon did ever again." He says while resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"should we get going?" You giggle into his chest.
"oh y-yeah" He chuckles awkwardly and lets go of you. "let's go." He grabs your hand and leads you both out of the classroom.

Once you get there you walk in with him still holding your hand and the rest of the guys are already there. They look over at you and you can even see some of them glaring at your hand holding Henry's.
"uh.. hi.." You say awkwardly.
Jerry smiles and walks over to you and hugs you, you let go of Henry's hand and hug Jerry back.
"did you sleep well?" He asks and rubs your back.
"eh it was ok, how'd you sleep?" You ask back.
"Pretty good, we don't have practice today by the way." He answers.
"wait what? then why are we here?" You ask.
"To talk about yesterday." He answers and you feel his grip tighten on you. "So we want to talk about-"
"stop." You cut him off and surprise him and the rest. You look up to him. "I have a feeling I know what you're going to say but I could be wrong but I'll say this anyways, I'm not ganna tell anyone about what happened, and I forgive everyone. Well except for Lennon.. at least right now cause that all happened just yesterday. For the stuff that happened earlier I think it would be easier if we all just pretend it didn't happen and start a clean slate."
"ok, that was exactly what I wanted to ask actually so good we got that taken care of." He smiles then turns around with you still in his arms. "Lennon." He says seriously.
"yes?" Lennon answers with a nervous smile.
"she don't forgive you, so neither do I." Jerry says with a devilish smile that sent shivers down the rest of the guys' spines.
"o-ok.. sorry.." Lennon agrees.
"Now that that's over, what now?" You ask from Jerry's chest.
To which he picks you up.
"cuddles." He says and carries you into the extra room that still has mats on the floor.
"ok" You giggle.
You were already tired enough so cuddling seemed like a great idea.
You heard Charles ask Jerry if he could take you and Jerry's grip tightened.
"Jerry it's ok, I trust him. Oh and Jerry, can you give me a ride home again?" You ask.
"sure doll." He says and puts you down and pats your head.
You turn to Charles and he smiles as you before laying down on a mat and patting his chest.
He wants you to lay on top of him?
"but I'll crush you, I'm not that light." You say in protest.
"I promise you won't, if you're uncomfortable you can get off." He says and makes cute grabby hands. You smile softly and climb onto him, his arms gently rapping around you, and you snuggling yourself into his chest.
"But what do the rest of us cuddle with?" James asks.
"Look around boys, cuddle pile time." Alex says and smirks before laying down next to Charles and rapping his arms around both of you. Charles is a little surprised but it doesn't phase you one bit.

Soon enough everyone was cuddled all up together, and after a while they all fell asleep.
After about a half an hour you were the second to wake up. You look around and see Jon starring at you.
"Morning beautiful." He says with a smirk and reaches out and boops your nose.
You wrinkle it in reaction and he chuckles as your cuteness. When you look around you notice how you are stuck.
Charles' arms wrapped around you, then Alex's arms wrapped around both of you, Jerry is holding your right hand, and Henry is holding your left.
"I appear to be stuck." You chuckle at your predicament.
"Seems so." Jon replies.
"It's getting hot and I need to pee." you whine and you slowly try to escape. First by letting go do that people holding your hands then the tough part of removing the arms wrapped around you. First Alex's arm, which you lay on top of him. Then Charles's arms, which you lay on his sides. "Ok I'm fre-" You start but then get cut off when a sleepy James pulls you to him. "damn." You say and Jon laughs at you.
"Ok ok ok I'll help out." He says after a couple minutes of poking fun at you. He then helps remove James's arms and gives him a backpack instead, which James appears to not be able to realize it isn't you.
"Thank you." You say to Jon and start walking out and notice he starts following you. "why are you following me?" You ask.
"Well.. I don't want you to get lost.." He says sheepishly.
"I've been going to this high school for 3 years." You a stop walking and cross your arms.
"Ok ok ok, I just wanted some alone time with you and I wanted to make sure you'd be safe and nothing would happen to you.." He says and looks to the side embarrassed. You smile and hug him.
"well then thank you, besides I have some questions to ask anyways."
"I'll happily answer" he smiles and smiles you both keep walking.
Once you both get to the bathroom you walk inside and turn around to make sure he didn't follow and see that he just sat outside the entrance. Good, he's not a perv.
After you finish washing your hands you walk back out and sit next to him.
"So why did all of this happen?" You ask. "Why did you guys start fooling around with me?"
He pauses for a second to think.
"well.. when you walked in that day and broke the shelf.." He looked over and saw how you started looking guilty and sad, "Which has been replaced and your debt has been payed! We aren't mad at you for that. But after that day and coming up with that stupid contract for you to clean, which we all thought was more of a joke and we're surprised when you were taking it so seriously.."
"IT WAS A JOKE?!!!??" You yell at him. "I Was Scared The School Would Bill My Parents And I'd Be Expelled Or Grounded!!!!"
"I'm Sorry!!!!" He yelled "We started taking it seriously when you did though!! Then after a bit we figured out little by little that it was really fun to mess with you.. and your reactions made us feel all soft... so even though your debt has been payed we still made you come so we could fool around with you."
You slap yourself in the face and groan loudly.
"Are you fucking kidding me.." You curse under your breath. "go on."
"um.. and after a bit we all kinda realized that we had crushes on you and were trying to figure out how to tell you. When we did that 7 minutes in heaven game we were really exited because each of us wanted to confess and that way at least one of us could. Maybe little by little we would all be able to confess.." He finishes and you looked up to see his face bright red.
"how.." you mumble.
"what?" he asks.
"how could you all like me? You all like me?" your eyes stare into his.
"yes." he answers
"That doesn't make sense though.." You continue looking down. "I don't understand how that many people like me, I mean I get if like one or two but that's a whole 11 people that like me.. what am I supposed to do with that? Do I chose one? Is this some kinda harem situation? What do I do to make you all happy?" You ask and look back to him.
"We all like you because we got to know you through joyful memories, and weather you believe it or not, you are very easily likable. All you have to do is be yourself and we would be happy. Plus if you want to go the extra mile, I'm pretty sure none of us would mind some action.." He smirks in the end.
"well thanks for the nice stuff you said, and shut it flirty" You say and ruffle his hair. You turn and look back down with a light pink dusting your cheeks, "but to be honest I wouldn't mind having some fun, as long as I get to ok it before it happens." You look up to see he got closer.
"Then.. y/n.. can I kiss you..?" Jon asks with flirty undertones but full of caution.
You look into his eyes and smile softly and nod, that was all he needed to gently caress your cheek and kiss you. His lips were not as soft as Jerry's but you have to admit Jon is a really good kisser. As you feel him try to add tongue you realize you were laying flat on the ground with him on top of you. Dang that was fast. You wanted to let him but you also thought about the others sleeping in the room.
"wait.." You say and push him off, he immediately stops and waits for what you have to say. "the others, what if hey wake up and see us gone and think you did something bad?"
His eyes grow wide then soften at the fact you cared about him. "you're right, I hadn't thought about that, let's get going." He says and pulls you up. "want a lift?" He says and squats in front of you to let you jump on.
"I'm heavy..." You say feeling insecure.
"and I am strong, hop on." At his words you smile and jump on and he carries you with ease. "aw common you're as light as a feather."
Then he runs with you back to the room as he giggles and cheers with joy at the fun experience.
Once you get there you laughed together through the door, with some of the other guys now awake.
"aye what's all the excitement about?" Danny asks.
"what's happening?" James asks while rubbing his eyes, waking up.
"Whoops didn't mean to wake y'all up." Jon said with a chuckle. "just taking little cutie for a ride" He smirks and you blush and giggle while we shakes and jumps around.
The rest of the guys wake up.
"cutie hmm?" Mark asks Jon.
"What? If Jerry gets to call her a name then I do too" He says and sticks his tongue out.
"So how was your ride then y/n?" Ethan asks with a smirk.
"W-What?!" You yell with a red face and fall off of Jon, the guys laugh at you. Jon in the mean time was frozen with a dark red face.
"yeah, how was the ride?" Charles ask while laughing.
"D-Dude?!" Jon yells embarrassed then turns to pick you back up.
"What y/n? cant take some flirting?" Ethan jokes.
"hmm?" You hum as you look over to him with a deathly smile and a glare.
"Oh nothing, it just seems like you can't take any flirting." Ethan says and you stomp over to him.
"Yeah I can!" You say with an angry pout in his face.
"are you sure about that?" he smirks.
"definitely." You smirk back which surprises the guys but Ethan continues.
"ok, let's test that theory" He says flirtatiously and leans closer, holding your chin.
"fine then." you say and Ethan kisses you passionately and you kiss him back just as much. He pushes you down to the floor, not once letting go of you lips, and climbing on top of you. But you didn't give in, you just let him and kiss back.
"uh- wait- what!?" Lennon yelled.
"y-y/n are you sure about this?" Mark asks shyly.
"should we do something?" Alex whispers to Jerry.
"I- I don't know.." Jerry answers dumbfounded.
"mm~" You moan under your breath as Ethan adds tongue.
"did she just moan.." Charles mumbles
"maybe we should stop them?" Danny asks.
"yeah I'll grab him, you grab her." Alex says looking at Jerry, and walking towards Ethan.
"ok." Jerry says and follows.
"w-wha-let go Alex!" Ethan yells and flails around.
"Aw Jerryyyyyyy" You whine as Jerry picks you up bridal style.
"If you wanted to make out with someone you coulda grabbed me and we could find a more private room doll" He smirks at you and steals a kiss.
"fine with me" You mumble and he hears you and starts carrying you out of the room.
"w-wa-really?!" You stutter surprised.
"of course, anytime, I'd love to" He answers.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Danny yells.
"yeah come back!!" Charles yells as well.
"Ethan got his fun, now it's my turn." Jerry says.
"But You Stopped Mine!!!" Ethan screams from inside.
"Shut it Ethan!!" Jerry yelled back.
"You Shut It I Was Making Out With Y/N!!!" Ethan screamed back.
"ok let's just go back inside." You say and jump out of Jerry's arms, him whining in protest then following you to go back inside.
You feel someone grab you and look to see Lennon and by reaction slap him in the face.
"oh-uh.. sorry.." You whisper as the guys laugh and Lennon freezes.
"uh.. sorry.. about the other day.. really, I am.." Lennon says slowly, it sounded heartfelt.
You stare at him for a bit before tapping him on the shoulder to get him to let you go.
"I've thought about what happened and I'm ready to forgive you." You say with an unsure smile.
"Really? So I can play too?" He asks.
"Yes.. don't make me regret that.." You say as he wraps his arms back around you.
"ok, can I kiss you?" He asks calmly.
"yes.." you say cautiously and he leans his neck down and kisses you. A gentle kiss, hesitant at first, then got a little more heated once he realized it was ok. He picked you up and pinned you to the wall with your legs around his hips.
"he's been forgiven already?" Henry asked
"damnit Alex that could be me! I blame you!" Ethan yelled at Alex.
"Lennon!!!" Alex yells and snatched you away from him. "Ok let's stop making out now!!"
"Aww!!" You and the rest of the guys whine. You all look around and burst into laughter.
"But why not?" Jerry asks flirtatiously.
"JERRY!!!" Alex screams and everyone stops.
"ok ok sorry.." Jerry mumbles and turns away.
"I'm sorry Alex.." you pouted at his face while he held you with outstretched arms.
He stared at you then just hugged you and ran out of the room.
"WHA— ALEX?!?!?" You yelled and you were carried out of the room on Alex's shoulder. While the other guys are chasing after you two.
"What are you doing!?" You ask loudly.
"Taking everyone for a run to burn out those horny hormones!!!" Alex yelled back.
You start giggling and stop resisting his hold, laughing on and on as Alex runs with you and the rest around the school several times.


common it's nice being loved but other people let yo self feel loved 😠❤️

I'm trying something with this one lol
hope you liked it

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