Rosaio- ON HOLD


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Based around the game 'Assassin's Creed', Rosaio is the story of two assassins. Both from different places an... Еще

Acknowledgements and a Quick Note.
Prologue - What's Rosaio all about?

Chapter 1 - A First Kiss

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It was late afternoon; the sun was setting in a golden sky, The moon was beginning to rise and spread a white glitter over the streets and the stars were beginning to appear. Theo was making his way towards the door of a rather loud house, stumbling and wobbling as he walked, whistling the tune of 'bella notte'.

Tesoro was half hidden by the shadows of the large buildings lining the wet and increasingly darnkening streets, watching Theo curiously as he stumbled on his way. A young woman in a long, dark green dress, tightly laced up around the corset walked out of the door and passed Theo as he attempted to hold onto the walls of the buildings in order to walk. 

He winked as she passed by, flashing a bright, charming and drunken smile at her.

'You're drunk Theo... Go home!' She giggled as she strutted on along the road, unaware of the watchful eyes from the shadows.

'Only... A little bit drunk!' He called after her, still attempting to gain both some sympathy and some attention. Tesoro stood, watching from afar, giggling silently at Theo's drunken shouts, following slowly and silently closely behind.

Theo stolled along, continuing his drunken mission to ge to the next tavern, wobbling slightly with every other step. ' I need another drink...' he mumbled to himself, the every so dragging footsteps of Tesoro following him cautiously from behind. Theo ran towards the tavern, which was only a few meters ahead of him, but triped over his flailing legs. 

'Got you.' Tesoro lunged forward and catched Theo as he began to tumble towards the floor.

'Woah! Oh, it's... It's you. The new guy. Tesoro, right... ? I'm just going for a drink. Want to come with me?' Tesoro began to flush a light shade of red, looking at the floor rather than at Theo himself.

'Umm. I would. But you look like you've had enough already...' Tesoro looked up at Theo, finding him leaning on the doorframe of the tavern.

'I'm not that drunk! Just... A little bit...' Theo wobbled, losing his grip on the wall and falling towards Tesoro. Tesoro wrapped Theo arms around him to keep steady, his touch an odd yet nice sensation.

Tesoro broke his daze to look back at Theo, 'Maybe we should get you back to the order...' He tried to prop Theo up against the wall again but theo just lost his grip each time. He hesitated before saying, 

'err, sure. I ran out of money three taverns ago anyway.' He grabed hold of Tesoro who, propping theo up and leading the way, began to walk back to the Order. The darkness of night had arrived quickly and the stars were now bright in the sky. Tesoro began to steal glances at the Drunken assassin as the walked, propped up and wobbling against him. His ruffled hair was moving slightly in the light wind, his prominant features almost glowing in the moonlight, but alwayss looked away before Theo could turn his head to see him also.

Theo suddenly triped over his own feet, gripping tightly onto Tesoro's Jacket in an attempt to regain his balance, but instead only bringing Tesoro down with him. Tesoro fell onto his back, lying against the slightly damp street with theo having landed ontop of him.

Beginning to blush, Tesoro moved his head in a better position so as to see Theo. Theo groaned, rubbing his knee and cursing under his breath.  'I'll feel that in the morning...' He realised that he had fallen ontop of Tesoro and began to laugh. 

Theo's contagious laughing caused Tesoro to giggle slightly, only making him blaush more. 'Uhhh... i don't really know what to say...' Attempting to get up, Theo's drunken state maked his limbs fall back down, landing once again on Tesoro.

'Oh my God! Hahahaha! This is ridiculous! Hahahaha!' 

'Can't you get up?' Tesoro asked, still giggling and now bright pink, his hair flopping and sticking out from the fall and his shirt untucked and loose.

'No! You were right- I have had too much to drink!' Theo wiped away a tear from his eyes, his drunken laughter louder and almost more contagious. 'Haha! This is the most fun I've had all night! I can't stop laughing! Hahaha!' Rolling his eyes, Tesoro looked up at Theo, noticing his smartly cut, rough beard that traced his top lip and chin.

'That's because you're the one on top!' Finally, Theo stoped laughing long enough to look at Tesoro properly. 

'I'm always the one on top' He winked as he took in Tesoro's now lopsided, ruff quiff and his fair yet warm complexion. Theo snickered like a school boy and tried to get up again, still trying to keep down his laughter. Eventually, Tesoro laughed. The sight of a drunken Theo too much to hold in.

'Seriously..? You're not going to be able to get up are you' Trying to push Theo off of his chest, Tesoro caught Theo's now matted and even more ruffled hair in his fingers. Their eyes locked and finally Theo looks into Tesoro's eyes.

'You just can't keep your fingers out of my hair, can you?' Theo smoothly said, still staring, a small smirk on his face at the fact that Tesoro was doing exactly the same.

'Well you are kind of on top of me.' Tesoro gave a short but sweet smirk of an almost sexy sarcasm, making Theo smile smugly.

'I don't blame you - my hair is irresistable...' He readadjusted his arms, his hands resting on the ground close to Tesoro's shoulder, and tried once more to get up but collapsed again. 'Oh, for the love of...'

Tesoro looked straight up now, directly into Theo's eyes and smiled warmly. Theo smiled back, finding himself slowly moving closer to Tesoro, only to find Tesoro's hand once again tangled in his hair. Looking into his eyes, Theo finally fell silent, the world around almost stopping for them.

Tesoro reached up, his hand on Theo's cheek and chin, not daring to break the hold between their eyes. Then, almost as if everything else had disappeared, Theo leaned in closer also, so close that Tesoro could feel Theo's breath on his lips.

Slowly, cautiously, Tesoro pressed his lips up and kisses Theo, their eyes closed. Theo brushed his beard against Tesoro's Chin as they kissed, Tesoro's hand brushing also through Theo's hair. Theo's hand moved up to Tesoro's cheek, resting it there in the warmth and calm of the moment.

Slowly, Tesoro broke away from the kiss slightly and looked into Theo's eyes again, both needing air and to look in Theo's eyes once again. But the look in Theo's eyes are blank. A pointless stare.

Suddenly flushing red once more, Tesoro pushed a now much lighter feeling Theo off of him. 'I'm sorry...' he only just managed to say as he ran off down the street leaving Theo alone on the floor.

Theo proped himself up on one arm, a little bewildered, and could only wait until he sobered up a bit until he could get up agian.

Tesoro, running back to his house and collapsing behind the front door, cried of exhaustion, embarrassment and happiness. Something that he had never felt before. A new feeling filled his stomach, a mixture of feeling sick and just feeling warm.

***The next day...***

Tesoro walked into the order, scared and anxious to have to see Theo again. Searching the room as he entered, Tesoro spotted Theo lying on the couch with his head in Michaela's lap. 'It hurts, Michaela...' he moaned to himself, trying to gain her attention.

'Well here's an idea: perhaps you shouldn't go out on massive bar crawls every Saturday!' She sayaid, laughing slightly under her breath.

'Don't try to change me!' Theo shifted on Michaela's lap, one hand cradeling his head and the other rubbing his temple. Tesoro, deciding to attempt to sneak past them without them realising, silently began to walk around the back of the couch.

'Tesoro! Don't you agree that Theo should stop these silly little drinking sprees? It can't be good for him. One day he'll do something he'll regret...' Michaela chirped, her head in exactly the same position it had been when Tesoro had come in silently. 

'I guess he has to put up with us annoying lot some way...' Tesoro murmured, admitting defeat but not wanting to engage in a complete debate about Theo's drinking habits. Theo groaned slightly on Michaela's lap before turning to Tesoro.

'My head... Tesoro- you speak too loudly...' He turned his head back around on Michaela's lap, searching for quiet.

'Right then Theo- I have to go now. I've a job that needs doing. You can lie on this pillow, or.. Um...'   She looked around the room, and finally fell on Tesoro. '...Or Tesoro's lap.' she said in a rush, slipping away from under Theo's head.

Theo buried his head into a pillow and groaned, the impact of her move making his head explode.

'See you michaela... do you think he will be alright with the pillow?' Tesoro asks, trying to get out of having Theo lying on his lap.

'As long as he isn't sick on it; it's silk. You can be on lap duty if you want...' Michaela said, more telling than asking.

'Me?! Ummm..' Speechless, Tesoro looked over at Theo, his hands over the pillow over his head and realised that he would need to talk to him at some point.

Theo groaned once more, 'Please Tesoro. Be my replacement lap. This pillow smells like wet dog anyway...' He looked over at Tesoro, making his way over to the couch and beginning to blush slightly.

'Umm, okay...' he said, sitting down and placing Theo's head on his lap comfortably. Almost pleasantly. Theo threw the smelly pillow off of the couch and got his head cumfy on Tesoro's lap

'Much better...' Tesoro looked down with a mixture of guilt and happiness playing through his mind.

'Um, Theo. I wanted to ask you something about last night... I mean...'

'Last night... Sure, go ahead. Ask away...' Theo chuckled slighty, but stoped as it hurt his head too much.

'I just wondered whether you wanted to talk about it at all...' He looked both blankly and anxiously at theo, as if waiting for him to explode in a rage of anger.

Theo smiled, 'Tesoro- even if I wanted to talk about it, I wouldn't be able to. I don't remember most of what happened last night! But it must have been pretty crazy. I have a bruise on my knee and I don't even know how it got there!' he says chuckling in a still half drunk fashion. 

Tesoro sighed in relief and surprise, 'Oh, well okay... I guess that I could ask you anything and you wouldn't know! I just wondered how much you had had because if you have as bad a headache that you want to lay on my lap then it must have been a long night was all...'

'I'm sure it was! I woke up in a cart of hay with a cat sleeping on my foot! The only thing I remember was whiskey, Claire- the miller's daughter, and kissing somebody. I'm not quite sure who though. Maybe it was more than one girl. Oh well, it doesn't matter now! All that matters is that I get rid of this bloody headache! Erm... Tez? You don't mind stroking my hair for a bit, do you? It's just that whenever Michaela does it, my hangovers go away a lot quicker...'

The thoughts came flooding back to Tesoro as he listened to Theo, unable to say no but frightened to say yes. Blushing he squeeked, 'Umm, no it's, it's fine...' and began to stroke theo's hair remembering the kiss.

Theo smiled contently, then frowned, the hair-stroking starting to bring back a few memories to Theo of something that he couldn't fully remember happening. '.... Tez? Where you also there last night...?'

'Was I where?!' flushing red again and ruffling a hand gently in theo's hair, Tesoro looked down at Theo's thoughtful face, knowing that he would remember.

Theo closed his eyes as Tesoro ruffled Theo's hair, losing himself for just a moment. '...At the party... I think I remember seeing you. Hey! It wasn't you who threw my in the hay cart was it!? I swear, if you did...'

'No Theo...' Tesoro sighed almost disappointedly, giving into the fact that he was unraveling it all. 'I didn't put you in the hay cart...'

'good... But I still think I remember seeing you there...' Theo turned his head to look up at Tesoro, allowing their eyes to meet for a split second. 'If you were there, do you mind telling me what happened? I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself...'

Tesoro sighed, 'If anyone made a fool of themselves Theo, then it was me...' He smiled slightly and continued to stroke theo's hair, knowing that it wouldsoon be over. 'You were drunk and I could see you tripping over yourself so I went to help you...' he sayid, looking impatiently at theo.

Theo met his gaze, almost sensing something was wrong. 'Yeah... I think I remember that. It's a bit hazy, but I do remember... And then what happened?' Theo, now looking impatiently at Tesoro, was putting together the peices himself. Tesoro could see in his slight smirk that he could remember at least a little.

'You do remember don't you... ' He said, looking suspiciously at Theo.

'Remember what!?' Theo said meeting Tesoro's gaze and holding it for a little longer. 'All I know is that you helped me and... oh right, we fell over. That's probably how I got my bruise... And then...' Theo slowly sat up from Tesoro's lap. 'Oh.... Right....'

Tesoro looked expectantly at theo and blushes, almost half waiting him to smile.

Theo blushed as well now. 'We really... Y'know... We really did that!?' Tesoro noded slowly but smiled slightly, not really knowing what to do. Theo smiled a little too, 'woah...' Tesoro, speechlessly smiled a little more once he saw Theo smiling too. However Theo, blushing at Tesoro's cute smile, glanced again and said, 'so... What do we do now...?'

Tesoro, giggled, not able to keep it in any longer. 'You're asking me?! Well michaela told me I had to look after you until she came back...'

'After all of this bloody shock, my head ache has gone!' Theo said, flinching slightly. Well... Not completely gone...'

'Well then I guess i don't know... ' Tesoro said, shifting on the chair. Theo looked at him, almost thinking aloud but not quite.

'We can't tell anyone about this. It was a drunken mistake. It never happened, okay?' Tesoro hid his slight disappointment and smiled as genuinely as possible.

'Of course. just a mistake...'

'right. Well I'm glad that's all sorted then...' Theo said, still staring at Tesoro who was staring at Theo too.


There was an awkwardness bewteewn them as they sat in slience, with not even the sound of their breathing breaking their stare.

'Aw shit! I can't help it. You're just too good-looking!' Theo half shouted, grabing Tesoro's collar and draging him forward, pulling him in for another kiss. Tesoro let Theo take him and instinctively placed hands in theo's hair. Theo placed his hands behind Tesoro's back and neck and pulled him even closer.

'So... Drunken mistake?' Tesoro teased, placing his hand on theo's chest*

Theo, still holding onto Tesoro's collar said lightly, 'shut up and kiss me, you cheeky bastard!' before pulling him forward again. Tesoro kissed theo and wrapped his arms around Theo's shoulders and neck, both of them holding on to each other.

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