The Immortals - Book 3

De Nepenthe0000

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After suffering a loss and with Vampires officially coming out the coffin, how will everyone fare when a Cult... Mais

Overall Context
Chapter 1: I Fought The Law
Chapter 2: Going Up The Country
Chapter 3: Through The Valley
Chapter 5: That's Life
Chapter 6: Silver
Chapter 7: Only The Good Die Young
Chapter 8: Almost Home
Song For Each Chapter

Chapter 4: When You Were Young

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De Nepenthe0000

It was a little bit after Nate had received the phone call from the BVC and the vampires were on their way to the location they had been told. Once they arrived, all they could see were what looked like abandoned buildings. There were no lights on anywhere and if you were any other person you might assume this was a trap. Nate pointed to one of the buildings and said that was the one they were meant to go into. So everyone headed inside. It was just as old and disgusting inside as it was outside. There were rats everywhere and other parts of the building were falling apart. Everyone started to look around to see if there was something they had to push or pull to hopefully reveal something. However, no one could find anything. They were just about to give up when suddenly they all heard someone speak in a high pithed voice that made them sound excited. What they said was also very surprising and out of no where for some of them.

"Nate? Is it really you?" The voice said. Everyone turned around, confused. In front of them was a girl who looked about 19, she had short wavy hair that was dyed neon pink but was now a bit faded. She had very slightly tanned skin and big blue eyes. Her outfit was mostly leather and she had a few chains here and there. The girl also had a massive smile on her face.

"Cecilia?" Shouted Nate, a smile appearing on his face once he saw who it was. Nate then ran over and gave the girl a hug. "How long has it been?"

"Only about a decade but that's far too long if you ask me" said Cecilia. She then looked past Nate and over to everyone else who were all still watching. "Hey everyone, I'm Cecilia. I'm one of Nate's Progenies."

"Hey" shouted everyone in their own separate way.

"So, if you're both his Progenies, why does he hate you and like her?" Asked Christian, leaning over to Marge.

"Burn in hell" answered Marge, a scowl appearing on her face the more she watched Nate and Cecilia.

"Touchy touchy" smiled Christian with a smile on his face.

"Well, anyway, enough talking" said Cecilia, starting to lead the way. "The Council are waiting for you downstairs."

"Downstairs?" Whispered India, sounding confused.

"Oh, Sun is here as well" Cecilia told Nate as they continued to walk.

"Holy shit" said Nate, sounding excited. "I've missed that crazy bitch."

Everyone followed Cecilia to a small door down one of the corridors of the building. She then opened it and stepped inside, everyone following her in. It was a tight fit but everyone got in just fine. Cecilia then pushed a button and the small room started to go down. They were stood in a lift. It went down for about a minute and then stopped. The wall, opposite to where the door had been, split in two and disappeared. Everyone walked out and then they were now stood in a reception area. It looked like any other reception area to a fancy office building except there was no one around. A phone started to ring behind the desk and Cecilia then ran over to it.

"BVC, how can I help you today?" She said. "Sure thing, I will transfer you now."

"You're the receptionist here?" Asked Nate with a smile as Cecilia clicked a button and then put the phone down.

"I sure am" answered Cecilia, a smile appearing on her face as well. "Well, for this location anyway. Every other BVC location has their own receptionist."

"That's amazing. I'm so proud of you" said Nate, giving Cecilia another hug. "Working anywhere to do with the BVC is a big deal."

"Thank you" replied Cecilia. She then pointed towards a door to her left. "You probably shouldn't keep them waiting."

"There in there?" Wondered Nate, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards the same door.

"They sure are" responded Cecilia.

"Alright, well, it was nice to catch up with you then" said Nate, smiling at Cecilia. "Till next time."

"Till next time" replied Cecilia, smiling once again.

Nate and everyone else then started to walk towards the door. Nate went first because he was the one they had called and everyone else followed close behind. Most of them had never met the Council so they all decided to walk close to one another. The room they were in was a big hall and at the end of it were a few stairs and then on the raised bit were 6 chairs. More like thrones. They all stood about 5 metres from from where the stairs led up to the thrones and waited. After about minute, they all heard footsteps of someone approaching from one of the corridors that led off from the hall. Everyone looked in the direction of the noise and out of the darkness appeared a woman. She looked to be about 28, was quite slim but tall, had jet black hair in the form of a bob and looked like she was from South Korea. The clothing she was wearing was obviously meant to be worn during in fights and it was a dark green colour. No one knew who she was except one person.

"Sun" Shouted Nate, running over with a smile appearing on his face again. He hugged Sun and she hugged him back. "Cecilia told me you were here but I still can't believe it."

"I am one of the Council's personal guards. How have you been?" Asked Sun in a rather monotone voice, a small smile appearing at the corner of here mouth.

"I've been good, could be better but what else is new" answered Nate, letting out a small laugh. "And yourself?"

"I've been doing just as well as I can be" said Sun. She then looked to everyone else, just as Cecilia had done, and introduced herself. "Hello everyone, I am Sun Jin. I am one of Nate's Progenies."

"Another one" said Max, smiling. Everyone then said hello again, some waving as well.

"Weird, he likes her as well" added Christian, leaning over to Marge again. "You better be careful. Some people might start to think it's something you're doing that makes him not like you."

"Didn't I tell you to go burn in hell?" Counted Marge, now grinding her teeth out of anger.

"You did but you seem yo forget you're there as well" whispered Christian, smiling again because he knows he's getting a rise out of Marge.

"Go stand with your associates" said Sun to Nate. "I have to introduce the Council."

"Alright" replied Nate, walking back over to everyone else.

"Welcome, Council member Ossiande" shouted Sun, raising her arm in the direction of one of the corridors. Out walked a man who looked to be about 30 something. He had peach coloured skin, short blonde hair and blue eyes. He walked over to one of the thrones and sat down. "Welcome, Council member Nira" shouted Sun, her arm still raised. A woman who looked to be about 30 something as well appeared. She had dark brown skin, black hair that reached just below he shoulders and dark brown eyes. She did the same as the first and took a seat on one of the thrones. "Welcome, Council member Palifico" shouted Sun. Another man who looked to be about 40 something walked out and sat down. He had black skin, no hair and his eyes from a distance looked completely black. "Welcome, Council member Phellavia" shouted Sun. Another woman who looked to be about 50 something sat in a throne. She had brown skin, brown but greying hair that was up a fancy arrangement on top of her head, and hazel coloured eyes. "Welcome, Council member Kasan" shouted Sun. A third man appeared, who looked to be about 28, and sat down. He had light brown skin and appeared to be from Egypt. His hair was short, black and spiky, and his eyes were golden. "Welcome, Council member Hosca" shouted Sun, now lowering her arm which probably meant this was the last one. A third woman walked out, who looked to be about 30 something, and sat down in the remaining throne. She had completely white skin, extremely long blonde hair and grey coloured eyes. All the Council members were wearing outfits that looked like they belonged to royal families. They were all different colours. One being purple, one being black and grey, another being red. Something they all had in common, however, was that they all had gold on them. The gold went down the outfits in lines until it reached the end of what looked like capes or cloaks.

Everyone just stared, amazed at what they were looking at. Nate had met the Council many years ago but back then they weren't as glamourous. Sure, Nate was in contact with them once a year but he never actually met up with them, they would always do the meeting over the phone. To be honest, Nate didn't mind that because it meant he was less likely to be killed on the spot. As everyone was looking, Max saw Sun out the corner of his eye motioning for them to kneel. Max instantly got down on one knee and lowered his head. Once Max had done that, everyone else clocked on and did the same. The Council looked down at everyone like they were assessing them After about a minute, everyone slowly started to look back up towards the Council who were all still staring down at them. Still no one had said a word. Slowly, Council member Ossiande stood up.

"You may rise" was all he said before sitting down again. So, everyone stood back up without taking their eyes off of the Council members.

"So" said Council member Phellavia, in a tone of voice that made it sound like she was fed up. "Where do we begin?"

- • -

"How about we start with the reason we're here" said Luvia, stepping forward slightly and speaking in a very dominant sounding tone. This made a few of the others look towards the Council to see how they would react. "Lucas, he is a problem."

"You are completely right" replied Hosca. "Lucas and his little regime are bad for business, so to speak."

"There are already rumours spreading that the human's government are looking into how we can be killed and other ways they can work against us" said Palifico.

"I too have heard such rumours" replied Kasan, sounding serious. "They involve talk of such things like specially made guns that shoot bullets with wood imbedded in them. The equivalent to a stake to the heart. Other things include clothes lined with small amounts of silver and prisons specifically designed to keep us detained."

"If these rumours are true, what do you suggest we do?" Asked Nira.

"Oh, you're asking me" said Nate, noticing where Nira and the rest of the Council were looking. "Oh, well erm, I'm not entirely sure."

"You can probably assume that wasn't the answer we were looking for" said Ossiande.

"Does anyone else have any ideas?" Asked Hosca, looking around at everyone else.

"We could try and reason with him" answered Christian, not really looking bothered by anything that was happening.

"You're Christian Ackles, correct?" Questioned Kasan.

"Correct" responded Christian.

"Lucas is your Progeny, yes or no?" Said Kasan.

"He is" replied Christian. "Well, he was."

"Does not matter whether you have released him or not" added Phellavia. "He was your responsibility and you didn't fulfill your duty of raising him to understand our society."

"Normally, you would be burnt at the stake" said Palifico.

"Seriously? That's a bit over the top isn't it?" India sort of shouted without meaning to.

"Normally" said Palifico. "However, these aren't normal circumstances and you are even older then some of us. Therefore you might be useful for what we have to suggest."

"So you have a plan?" Asked Max.

"We do indeed" answered Nira. "Lucas must be dealt with quickly before he causes anymore unwanted damage and attention."

"The humans already despise us because of what has been passed down throughout history about us" said Ossiande. "Now that we are officially out to the humans, we can not and will not have them almost destroy us all over again."

"We, the Vampire Council of Britain, task Nathan Maddocks and his associates to destroy Lucas Rasmussen and everything he has created" shouted Hosca.

"Does that include the baby vampires he has created who don't know any better?" Wondered Marge.

"We will do as you ask Council" shouted Luvia, smiling sinisterly and rolling a hand out towards the Council members. "Even the new ones will be slaughtered."

"Glad to hear it" said Ossiande, smiling.

"We will leave how you do it up to you" said Phellavia. "You may now leave and discuss your next course of action."

"Thank you" replied everyone in their own separate way whilst turning around and starting to walk away. No one had any idea why they had been tasked with dealing with Lucas and they had no idea how they were going to do it. Most of the expected they were going to die and they were slowly coming to terms with it. Max being one of them. He had pretty much only just met Mary, who he thought he as going to have a lifetime with, but now it looked as though he was going to have to say goodbye. As everyone was getting to the door they had entered the hall through, they heard one of the Council members speak again.

"Oh and by the way" shouted Kasan, smiling. "If you fail and Lucas is not destroyed, you will wish that you died fighting him because how we will deal with you will be a lot worse."

No one said anything, all they did was nod and then leave the hall. They walked back into the reception, said hello and goodbye to Cecilia again, and then got in the lift. Once it had arrived back on the correct floor, they all rushed out so they could finally be back outside again. It's not as if they needed it but they all felt like they needed some fresh air. They looked around at one another, all knowing everyone else had no idea what to do either.

"I can't believe we're going to die" said India.

"My life has pretty much just started" shouted Marge.

"There judgement did seem a bit harsh" said Max. "It's not like we caused Lucas and all of this."

"Actually, one of us did cause Lucas" replied Nate.

"Oh fuck off" replied Christian, rolling his eyes.

"Well I think what they said was pretty fair of you ask me" said Luvia, bluntly. This caused everyone to look at her with blank expressions.

"Well I guess it's a good thing no one did ask you then isn't it" replied Christian.

Everyone then started to head back to the car they had arrived in, not talking to each other but instead trying to figure out a way of getting rid of Lucas. It was difficult because everything they came up with, they either died trying or failed horrible which in turn would get them killed. They drove back to the motel they had been staying at, all trying to figure out what it will be like when they finally die.

Mary and Jake had been at the hospital whilst Max and everyone else had been off meeting the BVC. Daniel and Ciara were still in the room with Christie and Claudia, they were describing the twins to some police men who were going around the hospital collecting information like that. Apparently the twins weren't the only people that had gone missing during the bombing. Of course, it was still unclear who died during in the attack and who had now just disappeared. Mary and Jake had decided to try and help Paul out with people coming into the hospital. They helped direct people to the right floors or areas, they helped doctors or nurses get people into beds, and they even helped bandage some people up who weren't in critical condition. The hospital had been way over capacity for a while now so they were just trying to do their part. Jake had tried to call Lu multiple times to check if she was still alright and if they had heard about the bombing but of course she didn't answer him. Mary had also tried calling Max multiple times but she had never got through to him. She was starting to get worried that something had happened.

"I'm going to try one last time" said Mary, getting her phone out of her pocket. She clicked Max's name and waited. After about 2 minutes, she assumed it was going to go straight to voicemail again. However, Mary then heard Max's voice. "Oh my god Max, where have you been? It's chaos and I thought you were dead."

"Yeah I know, I'm so sorry" said Max, sounding just as panicked as Mary. "We've been busy trying to think of a way to fix what's going on. Hang on, what do you mean it's chaos?"

"I mean it's fucking chaos" replied Mary. "We're at a hospital in the city and there's so many people."

"Who's we?" Asked Max.

"Me and Jake" answered Mary.

"Why are you two in the city?" Shouted Max. "What if there was another attack?"

"Well then we'd just have to deal with that" shouted Mary back. "Anyway, this isn't what I've been calling you for. Christie is in the hospital because she got hurt in the attack."

"Is she going to be alright?" Asked Max.

"Yeah she'll be fine, she just got a bit banged up" answered Mary. "That's still not the main thing. The twins have gone missing."

"What do you mean they've gone missing?" Wondered Max.

"I mean they've vanished, during the bombing that is" responded Mary. "And they're not the only ones. Tons of people have just disappeared and no one knows what happened to them. Some of them probably died in the explosions but here'e the thing, some people are describing seeing a figure appeared and then quickly speed off right before someone disappears."

"Vampires" said Max, thinking about it and knowing exactly what Mary was getting at.

"You said it not me" replied Mary. "I'm betting it's that main vampire's doing but i could be wrong."

"No you're probably right" said Max. "How fast get you meet us?"

"Just give us the address and we'll leave now" replied Mary.

Max told Mary the address and correct room of the motel they were staying in and then ended the call. He then told everyone else that Mary and Jake were on their way with some news. Mary told Jake they were going to meet Max so they went and told Ciara and Daniel they had to leave. Everyone said goodbye to one another and then Mary and Jake left. The got back to Jake's car, climbed in and then started to drive to the address. It took them about 10 minutes, it would have normally been sorter but with the streets packed with people it was a bit difficult. Once they arrived, Jake parked the car and the walked over to the right door. Mary knocked a couple of times and let Max, who was on the other side of the door, know it was them. Max opened the door and then quickly shut it behind them, locking it as well. Max then gave Mary the room and she explained to everyone else what she had already told Max. Everyone looked at one another, unsure of what they should do. Most people were still looking at Mary and Jake, however, they were not returning their attention to some people. Jake hadn't looked at Christian once. One, because he was still a little angry at him for almost killing him. Two, he wanted to forgive him but didn't want to give in so quickly. Three, he felt awkward looking at him because he didn't know how to portray all the other feelings he was currently struggling with understanding when it came to Christian.

"So, what the fuck do we do?" Asked Marge.

"I say we stick to the original plan which was kill them all. If some humans get killed in the process it wouldn't be the worst thing" answered Luvia, then looking at Mary and Jake. "Oh, hey. I'm Luvia, Christian's cousin."

"Hey" said Mary and Jake. Jake accidentally glancing at Christian when he had been brought up.

"Which one of you smells so good?" Asked Luvia, standing up and walking over to Mary and Jake. "It's making me hungry."

"Step the fuck back" said Max, standing in front of Mary.

"Oh, a guardian. Or at least part of one" said Luvia, then turning her attention to Max. "I could break you in half like a stick and then feast on her if I wanted to."

"Luvia stop, she is an ally" added Christian, causing Luvia to step back a little.

"So, what's the plan now because I vote we don't put the humans in harms way since it isn't their fault they were taken" said Jake.

"Yeah, I'd like to know what we're doing now as well because I'd rather not have the Council trying to kill me" added India.

"We go back to the Council and ask their advice. Whether we stick to the original plan or help rescue the stollen humans as well" decided Nate. "We'll go tomorrow morning. Is that agreed?"

"Agreed" shouted everyone in their own separate way. They all then started to relax again and talk about other things .

"So, where's Lu? Why isn't she here with you?" Asked Max, sitting on one of the beds in the room with Mary.

"Christian didn't tell?" Asked Mary, confused.

"Tell me what?" Wondered Max.

"Lu got shot and then Jade turned her into a vampire so she wouldn't die" responded Mary, causing Max to look shocked. "She's currently back in Little Hope learning how to control all her new abilities."

"Christian, how did you forget to tell us that Lu is a vampire now?" Shouted Max, turning his head to look at Christian who was across the room.

"I guess it slipped my mind" countered Christian, shrugging his shoulders at the same time like it wasn't important information.

"Jesus" sighed Max, lowering his head and rubbing his eyes.

It had been a little while since Nate had decided what they were going to do. He had called Cecilia, it was easier for him to get through because he was her Master, and he had asked if they could meet with the Council again. She was surprised because they had only just seen them a couple hours ago and what could have changed in that time. Cecilia had told Nate that they could meet with the Council again at 10am tomorrow, Nate had agreed. Whilst that had been happening, everyone else had been talking and catching up on all the news. Luvia had learnt about everything everyone got up to in the last couple of months, India learnt about Lu now being her vampire-niece, and Max had learnt about Steven coming to Mary's house and trying to kill them all. He had apologised that he wasn't there when it happened and that Lu was now paying the consequences. Mary had told him it was alright and that had he of known it was going to happen of course he would have been there. Marge had been ignoring everyone this entire time, attempting to actually get some piece before they inevitably got attacked for some reason again. Christian, despite knowing Jake was still angry at him, had tried to speak to Jake and see how he was doing. However, Jake didn't want to have a conversation with Christian and walked away as soon as Christian had sat down next to him. From across the room, Max had watched this happen and had decided enough was enough and that it was time Jake and Christian started getting along again.

"What's the matter with you?" Asked Max after walking over and sitting next to Jake.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jake.

"What I mean is why aren't you speaking to Christian?" Clarified Max.

"He almost killed me" answered Jake.

"True. However, he did apologise and if we're being specific he was technically under a spell" said Max.

"Alright, fair but that doesn't excuse for all the bad we know he's done and all the bad he's probably done when he hasn't been under a spell" replied Jake. "I just don't know if I want to be close with someone like that."

"Can I be honest with you?" Asked Max. "Maybe a little brutally honest."

"Sure" answered Jake, raising an eyebrow a little.

"Christian obviously isn't a completely good person. He's done things that most people would never even imagine doing. However, think of everything we've done or you've done these past few months. No one is completely good. What matters is if they're trying to be better and from the looks of it, Christian has been trying and you have helped him" said Max. "Now it's obvious that you and him have a bond, everyone can see it so don't even try and deny it. Whether that bond is friendship or something else doesn't matter, what matters is that you don't throw it away because of something that can be changed."

"Ok you might be right" replied Jake, thinking about what Max had said. "But what if he doesn't change? What if he stays the same and carries on doing bad or horrible things?"

"Listen, the fact that we're even talking about the possibility of him changing means there is a chance that he can change. Otherwise, what would be the point in discussing it?" Said Max. "Christian may have and definitely has done some terrible stuff, whether it be for himself or for other people. However, think of all the good he has done as well."

"Like what?" Asked Jake, looking over at Christian who was watching what was going on out the window.

"Well, let's see. First off, he came to help with the Coven when he didn't have to" answered Max. "Then there was when he gave you your own crossbow so you could protect yourself and the time he let Lu go when you asked him to. True there was the time he got loose and attacked you but he then used his own blood to save you. Let's not forget that if Christian wasn't here then neither would Jade, which would have meant that Lu would have died. Plus, when Lu finally woke up and started to attack you, Christian ran all the way to Mary's to help you because he could sense your fear."

"Jesus, so apparently he has been there for me quite a lot of the time" said Jake. "Was there anything else?"

"Well there was that time only a little while ago that he saved your dad during the bombings" replied Max.

"Wait, that was him and not you?" Asked Jake, looking at Max with a shocked face.

"It was indeed" answered Max, smiling. "So do you see my point? Don't give up on him so easily because for all you know, you could be the only thing that's holding him back. Who knows what could happen if he isn't there the next time something goes wrong."

"Alright fine, I'll talk to him" said Jake, smiling. "Are you happy now?"

"I am" smiled Max.

"I won't forgive him completely but I will talk to him" said Jake. The two of them hugged and Jake thanked Max as he was walking back over to Mary. Jake then stood up himself and walked over to Christian. Christian instantly turned his attention away from the window and over to Jake. He smiled as Jake sat down next to him. "I don't want to hate you."

"Well that's good" said Christian, his smile turning into a smirk. "What do you want then?"

"Don't be an asshole" replied Jake, smiling because he couldn't help himself.

"And we're back" said Christian, letting out a small laugh. "I've missed you and that weird little thing we have going on between us."

"What exactly do we have going on between us?" Wondered Jake, still smiling.

"I don't know yet" responded Christian. "But I can't wait to find out."

"Alright, now slap yourself. And again. Amazing."

"I think you're finally getting the hang of it."

"You think so?" Asked Lu, excited.

"I do. You've picked it up faster then I've ever seen anyone do it" answered Jade. "Alright, now let him go."

"Ok" said Lu, still looking into the random man's eyes. "Turn around and walk away and then forget any of this interaction ever happened."

"Ok" said the man softly. He then did exactly as Lu had told him and disappeared out of view.

"What should we do now then?" Wondered Lu.

"Nothing, you've pretty much learnt everything" responded Jade. "There's nothing left for you to do except work on those skills."

"Are you serious?" Said Lu. "If I knew I was going to get through it so quickly I wouldn't have been so good at it."

"Being good at everything is a blessing and a curse" replied Jade.

"It sure is" said Lu, walking over to Jade and sitting next to her on the bench she was on. "Is it weird that we haven't heard anything from anyone in a while? Like, I know they're in the city on important business but surely someone would have called by now."

"You should be glad. Now that you're a vampire, you're going to gave to do a lot more because you can withstand a lot more" replied Jade. "Honestly it's tiring as fuck and I'm happy to not be involved with any of the bullshit this time."

"What about that?" Asked Lu, pointing to something happening at a small dock further along the beach.

"Obviously spoke too soon" answered Jade, looking to where Lu was pointing. At the end of the dock was a small fishing boat. One of the ones that collects lobsters and crabs and all that sort of thing. One of the ones that had a lot of small cages for all the animals. Walking onto and off the boat were a few people, all of them carrying either barrels or boxes. Stood on the dock, talking to some of the people carrying things, was Katarina. She looked like she was making sure all of the cargo was handled carefully and that all of it was taken aboard the boat. "What is she doing here?"

"Who is that?" Asked Lu.

"She's the right hand to that vampire that has caused all of this drama" answered Jade, still watching as the last box was carried on. Katarina then walked away, getting into a car and disappearing down a road into town. The boat then started to move and head out to sea. "What are they up to?"

"Let's find out" said Lu, standing up and speeding off in the direction of the dock.

"Jesus" replied Jade in a surprised voice. She then sped after Lu and soon arrived on the dock where Lu was looking around.

"There's nothing here that could tell us what they were doing or where they're going" said Lu, looking in the direction the boat had gone.

"Well they're obviously up to some shady shit so let's not get involved and end up dying" replied Jade.

"Are you not just the little bit curious?" Questioned Lu.

"Nope" responded Jade, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "It's not like we can follow them."

"Sure we can" said Lu, smiling and pointing to something in the water. "We can use that."

"You can't be serious" replied Jade, looking at what Lu was pointing at. Moving in the water towards the dock was a small sail motorboat with an old man at the wheel. The boat eventually reached the dock and the old man jumped out, smiling at the two of them as he did so.

"Glamour him then" whispered Lu to Jade.

"You do it" Jade whispered back. "You're the one that wants the boat."

"Fine" said Lu, frowning. She then walked over to the old man and tapped his shoulder so that he would turn around. As soon as he did, Lu caught his eyes with her own and started to speak slowly and clearly. "You're going to lend us your boat for a little bit, ok."

"Here, have my boat for a little bit" said the old man, handing Lu the rope that he was going to use to tie his boat to the dock.

"Thank you" replied Lu. "Now go home and your boat will be attached to this dock tomorrow."

"I think I'm going to go home now" said the old man. He then walked away from Lu, past Jade and carried on walking till he was gone from their view.

"Not bad" smiled Jade, walking past Lu and climbing into the boat.

"Thank you" said Lu, smiling as well whilst she also climbed into the boat.

They then started the engine and set off. Lu sort of knew how to control a boat because her dad had done it a couple times. It was a bumpy ride because the waves were getting bigger the further they went out. At certain points they would lose sight of the boat they were meant to be following but then it would reappear out of nowhere. After about 10 minutes of stopping and starting because they didn't want to get too close, they saw something else appear in front of them. It looked like an old oil rig. Lu knew of abandoned ones just off the mainland because when she was younger, kids would go out to them to see if they could see any ghosts. Lu never went because she didn't want to get a disease from cutting herself on the rusty metal.

Lu and Jade watched as the boat in front of them reached the oil rig and stopped at the bottom of one of the legs. There was a spiral staircase winding up the leg until it reached the lowest platform. There were more figures coming down the stairs and waiting. One by one, the people on the boat past the barrels and boxes over to the people on the oil rig who then started to carry them up the stairs and vanish further into the old and dark shell of the building. Once all the boxes and barrels were unloaded, the people on the boat also went up the stairs and vanished. As soon as the coast was clear, Lu pulled the boat up next to the other boat and they climbed out. The two of them carefully went up the stairs, making sure to make as little noise as possible on the creaking metal, and found the closest door at the top. They walked down about three wet and dark corridors until they heard people talking. The noises led them to a door that opened up into a large room which probably would have been used for storage when the oil rig was operational. Where they had come out there was a walkway they could stand on and look down at the people that were talking. Lu almost gasped out loud when she saw what the people were doing, luckily Jade covered her mouth before anything came out.

Lu and Jade watched as the people dropped the barrels and boxes onto the floor and opened them up. They then tipped them over and out fell another person, a more battered and bruised human. It was the same with all the containers. Drop, open, tip and then person. There were more people then containers which meant that some of the people had obviously been there before hand. Lu and Jade just had to watch as the people that they had followed, kicked and abused the people they were holding hostage. Without fully realising, the two of them had just put themselves right in the thick of Lucas' plan.

Currently sat in a thrown of his own, except it was a lot more glamourous then the ones the Council members had, was Lucas. He was sat in the main hall of his church. Well, everyone called it a church but it's not like anyone actually did any praying or worshipping. It was more like a place his cult could all hangout between speeches and appearances. Lucas had his eyes closed because he was thinking about everything that had already happened and everything he still wanted to do. If everything stayed on track, nothing would be able to stand in his way. Suddenly, the main doors to the church burst open and in walked Katarina. She had just arrived from back from taking the hostages to the Isle and she had some news for Lucas. Lucas opened his eyes and could tell she had news just by looking at Katarina's face.

"What is it, Kat?" Asked Lucas with a smile.

"Apparently there is a group of humans driving towards us as we speak" answered Katarina. "They have close combat weapons but the guards didn't see any guns."

"Thank god, I was getting kind of bored. This is going to be fun" said Lucas whilst standing up and walking over to Katarina. "How did everything go?"

"Everything went fine. The hostages got taken to the Isle with nothing interfering" replied Katarina, following Lucas towards the door.

"Good" said Lucas, still smiling. The two of the walked through the main doors out onto some wooden decking that was at the front of the church. There were about 4 guards with guns that had been sent by the Council standing in an open area of land just in front of the decking. Lucas called for their attention and they all turned around. "I want you to all go to the back of the church and make sure there aren't any other humans trying to sneak in through the back."

"What about the protection at the front?" Wondered one of the guards.

"It will be fine" responded Lucas. "Now please do as I say."

"Yes sir" shouted all of the guards and one by one, they all ran around the outside of the main building.

"Why did you do that?" Asked Katarina.

"If there are humans coming then I don't want to waste them" answered Lucas. "That also means I can't have Council guards standing around watching what we're doing. Otherwise they'll report what they've seen to the Council and they will shut us down."

"So what are you going to do about protection?" Said Katarina.

"I have you don't I?" Replied Lucas, turning back to look and Katarina and smiling.

After another 2 minutes of standing and waiting, a small black van drove down the main road leading up towards the church. It skidded to a stop in the open area, leaving some space between themselves and Lucas, and the door on the closest side got pulled open. Out stepped 4 men holding baseball bats and pitchforks, and then from the front seats of the van out stepped 2 more men holding weapons. One of the men stepped forward, obviously the leader of the little gang, and then pointed up at Lucas.

"We've come here to send you back to where you belong" shouted the man.

"And where would that?" Asked Lucas, the smile on his face not disappearing.

"Hell" shouted the man, lowering his arm and getting a tighter grip on the knife he was holding. "Now."

Once he had shouted that, him and the rest of the men started to charge towards Lucas and Katarina. Neither of them moved, unfazed by what was happening. The men got about halfway towards their goal before all they heard was Lucas let out a quick high-pithed whistle. They all watched as Katarina smiled, sped off and vanished. The next thing they were aware of was one of the men at the back of the group gagging. They all turned around and saw that the man's neck had been slit and he was falling to the floor with his blood spilling everywhere. Then, another man had his neck broken and he dropped like a stone in water. The rest of the men started to panic and form a circle with their backs to one another. However, that didn't stop Katarina in the slightest. She took out 2 more men by removing a couple blades from the belt on her outfit and skillfully launching them towards their heads. The remaining 2 men watched as the blades pieced the other men's skulls right between their eyes. The leader was one of the last men left and he couldn't do anything to stop himself when Katarina appeared behind him, grabbed ahold of his arm and thrust it towards his friend. The leader watched as he repeatedly against his will stabbed his friend in the heart. The 5th man slowly fell to his knees and then fell forward. Katarina then twisted the leader's wrist so that he would drop the knife and then forced him to his knees, looking towards Lucas who had watched that entire thing happen. Katarina held him in place and Lucas walked over to him and crouched right in front of him, a smile still plastered on his face.

"Stop" shouted the man, partly sounding like he was begging. "You can't do this."

"Why not?" Said Lucas.

"Because you're going to kill everyone" shouted the man. "And it's wrong."

"Whoever said I was trying to do what was right" said Lucas, his smile not faltering for a second. "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will be in the days of the son of man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all."

Lucas gave the man a few seconds to understand what had just been said and then in one swift movement, bit into his neck and ripped it out. Katarina held the man's body upright so the two of them could watch the light disappear in his eyes as the blood poured down his front. Once he was dead, Katarina dropped his body to the ground where it lay with the rest of the dead men. Lucas stood up, his mouth and chin covered in blood and blood still dripping from his mouth. He took a finger and caught some of the blood on it and then put the finger in his mouth, sucking it clean.

"Drain the rest of them for later" said Lucas with his smile reappearing, motioning towards the other 5 men and then pointing to the leader. "We'll save him for dinner."

• - •

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