Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Hey Jude (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Because (Dean)
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)
Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 1
Purgatory pt. 2

I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2

379 9 0
By mylittlelove19

My first request! To continue on the first part. I hadn't written anything to continue that story, but my idea became:

What happens when Dean uses the magic of a case to force you to talk about your Djinn dream-land experience?

Warnings: magic, arguing, language.

Having my best friend back in this world changed everything for me. So, I offered to work with him again; which he accepted.

He seems a little different, but I can't put my finger on it. He told us that he remembers being in the cage, so maybe that's it. I mean he was stuck with an angry Michael, and Lucifer himself so it had to be unbearable.

We hit the road together, and worked a case. The only thing I wasn't crazy about was that he was still working with the Campbell's. I still am not sure if I trust them, even though they haven't shown me a reason not to. I just get a bad vibe from Samuel.

"Alright, you ready for this Sam?" I asked as we approached the house of the most likely next target of these weird baby-napping things.

He nodded and opened the door. We quickly realized we were too late to save the parents, they were gone. But Sam noticed foot prints in blood on the floor, so we followed them.

He was rushed, it was a guy in a jumpsuit. Then the guy was gone out the door in fear once Sam cut him with a silver knife and he reacted to it. But we found something else. The baby. He was unharmed so I scooped him up.

"What do we do?" I asked Sam, figuring we needed to get the hell out of here before the police showed up.

He sighed, "Take it with us .Whatever that was could come back for it."

I nodded, "Alright. Um, let's go grab the car seat from their car and then we can take him with us."

Once on the road I was worried. We just kidnapped a baby. "I'll call Dean. He will know what to do." Sam said pulling out his phone. "Sam, he is out. We shouldn't bother him..." But he dialed, ignoring me. I glanced back at the baby, he was now asleep.

"Hey ,Liv." Dean said after greeting his brother.

"Hey, Dean. Uh..."

"It's in the back. Take a look for yourself." Sam cut me off. Dean nodded and walked over to the car behind me and Sam. He leaned down and saw the baby in the back.

We decided to take it to a motel before doing anything else, so we could try to figure out what a monster would want with a baby. It definitely didn't make any sense yet.

But if anyone could figure out what the hell a monster would want with a baby it would be Team Winchester. So we piled into Sam's car and took off for a motel. I sat in the back with the baby. Dean then mentioned we needed to make a pit stop, because we needed supplies for the kid.

In the store a damn shifter came at us. Only she was a woman, and got her hands on the baby before we realized what she was.

We got the baby back, and Dean fought her off as Sam and I got to his car. I was buckling in the baby as Sam whipped up to the doors to pick up his brother as he ran out. "What the HELL!?" I yelled as Sam took off again.

But when Sam was off talking to the 'father' of one of the other babies, Dean and I realized that the baby wasn't a normal baby. It shifted. "Holy. Shit." I said as Dean picked up the now different looking baby. His phone rang. It was Sam.

After involving the Campbell's, and the shifter coming for the baby, Dean went back to Lisa. It yet again put an ache in my chest. It's always her. Why is it always her? What does she have that I don't? They were a one-weekend fling years ago, and suddenly she's his happily ever after? She's who he changes his life for?

But, against all odds, he ended up coming back. He started working with us. He said he was going to still be with Lisa but that they worked it out. He would go back and be with them when he could.

I don't know which was worse; when I had to miss him because he was gone with her, or when I had to watch him be in love with her. It was like he seriously didn't notice each time he called her, told her he loved her, said he'd be home again soon... it was slowly killing me.

I thought I had lost my friend forever when he was changed into a vampire. I mean, who knew that Samuel would come in handy by having another cure for something.

Dean was back to normal and I had broken down in tears. I hugged him as I cried. He hugged me back, smoothing my hair. "It's alright, breathe, Liv. I'm alright." I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. "I thought I had lost you! I couldn't stand the idea that you were a monster!"

"I'm not going anywhere, shorty. You should know that by now. I'm not being taken down by no ugly monster." He assured me and pulled back to look at me.

I wiped my face clear of tears and he nodded. "Sorry, Dean. I'm just... I don't know what I would've done without you. I can't lose one of you again."

"You won't lose me, I promise."

But then, we worked that damn case where people were given the truth when they asked for it. And Dean was stupid enough to demand the truth from Sam. He knows something is wrong with his brother just like I do. But, he thinks it's because it isn't really Sam, that it's some elaborate monster disguise. It's hard to watch what it's doing to them. To Dean's surprise he got the same answers from Sam that he'd been getting.

As we ate lunch he turned to me. "Liv, I have something to ask you."

I nodded, "Alright, go ahead." I'm honest with him about 97% of things anyway so I wasn't nervous.

He sighed and leaned on the table to get closer to me. "I want you to tell me about your dream-land. I feel like there's something I should know about it."

Without being able to even think about it I was blurting it out. "In my dream-land it was you. You and me. We were together. We lived together. We were happy, and in love. You loved ME, not her. And man it was perfect. It took me a day and a half after realizing it was all fake to convince myself to get out. I would've stayed there with fake you for the rest of my life if I could. It sure as hell would've beat watching you not give a damn about me."

His face went into a look of surprise. He really didn't have any idea that it was him for me?

I tilted my head at him, "Dean. Why would you do that to me?" The tears started.

He looked apologetic, like he really didn't think that's the answer he was going to get from his question. Or like he didn't know how to tell me it would never happen. I stood up and went over to our bathroom. "Liv, wait. Please." I ignored him and slammed the door before locking it.

I cannot believe he just used his curse from the case to get the truth out of me. He knew I didn't want to talk about it. Yet he forced me to do it when he knew I couldn't hide it. I can't believe he would do that to me. Friends wouldn't do that.

He knocked on the door, "Liv, sweetheart I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"I told you I didn't want to talk about it! I don't want to even look at you right now! Go away!" I wasn't fully in control of the things coming out of my mouth. But this time I didn't disagree with saying it to him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't know. I shouldn't have..."

"Go away, Dean! I don't want you near me right now! This is beyond not-okay, Dean. Leave me alone!"

Luckily he had to go meet up with Sam. So I used that time to pack my things and leave. I did not want to stick around with Dean after what he did. I felt bad doing it like this, but if he was in front of me asking me not to leave I don't think I'd be able to walk away. Besides, how am I supposed to face him now that he knows?

Later that day my phone rang. It was Dean. I sent him to voicemail. He called seven more times before they switched it up and Sam called.


"Alivia? Hey, uh... where did you go?" Sam asked sounding so cold, like it didn't bother him that I was gone but Dean asked him to call me because of my ignoring him.

"I left. I'm on my way to a different case."

"Why's that? And why aren't you answering Dean?"

I sighed, knowing Dean was probably standing therewith him listening to what we were saying. "I didn't want to be there anymore. So I packed up and left."

"Liv, sweetheart, I'm sorry about what I did." Dean's voice cut in.

"Sam, I'm sorry for leaving like that. I'll catch up with you again eventually." I stayed focused on Sam.

"Liv, come on..." Dean sounded again.

I hung up. He called again, but I knew at this point it wasn't Sam it was Dean. So I turned my phone off and turned my entire focus back to driving. I didn't even know where I was going yet. I just needed to clear my head first.

Three days later I found myself at Bobby's house. Unfortunately for me, the Winchester boys were there as well. So I took a breath and braced myself to deal with Dean. He was going to be pissed at me for leaving like that and then turning my phone off. But I don't really care. I'm not his responsibility. He has a family to be loyal to.

"Hey, Liv. How's is hanging, kid?" Bobby asked with a big smile.

I shrugged, "Oh you know, it's hanging. I'm just checking in. Seeing if you need any help with the phones or research." I offered.

He smiled more and hugged me. "Always busy here. Grab a beer. We uh...have a situation with Sam. I need to tell you about it."

As I sat at the kitchen table with Bobby, a set of footsteps came up the basement stairs.

"Sam's soul is missing, Liv. That's what so weird about him." Bobby didn't sugar-coat it, which I appreciated. I felt my entire body freeze for a second. His soul?

Dean appeared in the doorway, but I only glanced his way before turning back to Bobby.

"So... wait.. is he even Sam, then? How can we fix it?"

"Liv! What the hell!?" Dean yelled, coming over to the table aggressively.

I rolled my eyes and Bobby sighed before shaking his head, "Well, we have an idea. But even if we can get his soul from the cage... Cass says it may be a bad idea. It's been in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for so long now."

Dean huffed, "Alivia."

I stayed focused on Bobby. "Shit. So... is there anything I can do to help?"

He shook his head, "It's uh... going to come down to Dean and a deal with Death himself. He can get Sam's soul out. So we're waiting. Seeing if there's something else that can be done. Or research on is this has happened before."

Dean was radiating anger the longer I ignored him. "Dammit, Alivia. Quit pretending I'm not here! Can't we talk about this like adults?!"

"Bobby... did Dean tell you why I left them in the middle of that truth gone wrong case?"

Bobby eyed Dean curiously, "No. Why?"

"He used it on me. On purpose. To force me to talk about when I was under the Djinn magic."

Dean tried to protest, but I wasn't letting him off the hook.

"Dean, seriously? You couldn't just let that go? The girl tells you most of everything, you can't let her have one damn secret?"

I shook my head, "Yeah. So I packed up and left."

"It wasn't like that.. I didn't..."

"Then how was it like, Dean? Because you used a damn curse to force me to talk about something you knew I didn't want to talk about!"

I was getting angry.

Castiel appeared in the doorway. "Cass, hey." I smiled. I adore Cass, I find him so interesting. Even with the stick shoved up his ass and lack of understanding just about anything.

"Alivia, hello." He and Dean shared a look then they went to go check on Sam, who apparently was now trying to protest getting his soul back.

Bobby looked at me, "He made you talk about it, huh?"

I nodded, blushing. Bobby knew what I saw. I had told him a while back because it was killing me not to talk about it to someone. "Yeah. I couldn't stay there after he found out."

With a sigh he took a drink of his beer before putting his hand on my shoulder. "Well, just to keep you in the loop kid... Lisa broke up with him. With everything that happened and her not being able to lie or sugar coat anything, it just sort of happened. So, not to make excuses for the boy because what he did was not acceptable in any way, but maybe just let him explain himself. He's going through a lot that he can't fix, so maybe let him try to fix this? He's been your friend for a long time."

I did feel bad for him. She couldn't control herself, and she was angry about what happened while he was a vampire. He messed up by even going there.

Awhile later, Dean asked me if we could talk. "I'm not sure I want to, Dean." I said flatly.

He sighed and hung his head. "I know what I did was wrong. I just want to talk about this with you."

"Alright, fine Dean. Let's talk. About how you tell me why the hell you'd ask me to tell you about my time in dream-land, knowing that I didn't want to talk about it! Or give me a reason I should ever trust you again."

He pouted his lips, and nodded his head. "I know. I shouldn't have done that to you. You didn't deserve for me to butt into your life like that. I honestly had no idea you felt that way. I would never have asked if I thought it was going to be so personal."

I walked off toward outside, and he followed behind me. "Of course it was something personal, Dean. You know that they create your ideal world. God, I trusted you. And you invaded my privacy! I told you a dozen times before that I didn't want to talk about it. Then you used the power of a damn goddess against me so that I couldn't lie. That's low."

He hung his head and kicked at the ground. His hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

When he looked up again those green eyes that I love so much were actually misty. "I know. It was wrong of me to do. But I never thought it was me in your head. I didn't think you felt that way about me. I mean.. after all this time?"

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "Of course I do, Dean. I always have. But God I am so mad right now I could punch you."

"And I deserve that. You had every right to keep that private, and I wouldn't let you."

I huffed and paced back and forth. "Why wouldn't you?! You invaded my privacy, Dean! That was my personal business."

"I know. I just really wanted to know."

"I mean, why do you always get what you want?! Getting the perfect non-hunter life, Lisa, saving the world, getting your brother back.. that wasn't enough? You had to..." I was starting to get loud.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I was shocked. What the hell was he doing?

But my body melted into the familiarity. He wanted her. He chose her. He betrayed my trust. God, I love him. I wish he had done this two years ago.

When he pulled back he put his forehead on mine. "Liv, I'm so sorry. I know it was wrong but I knew there was something I needed to know about that. I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry. I'm here now, and maybe we could make that dream-land a reality? You and me?"

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