(REWRITTING)-The Girl Of Your...

By Fashel33

2.9K 55 66

(Y/N) is a quirkless lazy guy who made lots of mistakes on his past but when he meets the girl of his dreams... More

1-The Start Of The End
3-The Party
4-Taking Steps
5- The Other One
6- Little Pleasures Of Life

2-Past Injuries

336 11 6
By Fashel33

The message said:

"I've heard you and Lois moved to Japan".

Y/N checked the contact and it was a conversation with a last message two years ago and it was from him. It was the person that he didn't wanted to message him, but she did.

From the uncertainty he left the message on seen and tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't, half a hour later he got out of his room. Lois was sleeping and Ms Joke was already up and was cleaning the storage room a bit. Gently he said good morning to her and went downstairs , the  squeak from the stairs will always bother him.

He went directly to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl, milk and a chocolate cereal with a Japanese pro hero as mascot and he served it on the bowl. Carefully he went to the living room and sat on the couch, luckily Ms Joke had a TV in there. He grabbed the controller and searched something of his interest on the channels  but it was just only local programing and, for someone occidental, they were really weird and they weren't playing any anime of his interest, most of the ones he liked where on prime time. Finally he left the news channel  and started eating.

"On the last days All Might has been seen doing his hero labor near the coast city of Musutafu." The news host was saying as images of a blonde tall and buffed man and with a huge smile on his face saving some people.

Y/N's mind was a mess on that moment, between the message and the dream he had that night his stress levels skyrocketed thanks to that. He thought and though but he couldn't get to a solution for both problems.

He barely finished his breakfast, they're were eleven on the morning when finally Lois woke up, that girl really sleeps a lot (well, she goes to sleep at 3 am). She went downstairs with her tired expression of all mornings.

"Hey." She greeted on a tired tone.

"Hey." Replied Y/N on a bad tone.

"And now? What happened to you?" She asked confused.

"Nothing, nothing." He lied.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I've known you for a long time and I can see something is up with you."

Y/N sighed, he knew she was right . They both know each other since middle school and she knew perfectly when he was upset or sad  so it was no use lying or making excuses because he know she would know about the thing with that person.

" You-know-who sent me a message." Y/N finally said after meditating it for some seconds.

" Who You-know-who? You have a lot of You-know-whos." His friend said.

"That You-know-who." He said a little annoyed for having to mention that particular person.

Loise's expression intermediately changed when she realized who Y/N was talking about , and she wasn't happy that she decided to contact him "Oh no, What does she want?" She said.

"I really don't know, i left the message on seen." Y/N replied.

"We have to know what she wants, remember that she did things to me too." Lois said.

"Yeah, I know." During the rest of the day Y/N tried to respond the message but he couldn't for the fear and nervousness. Lot of bad memories filled his head, until the night he grabbed some courage and could answer the message.

"Yeah, What do you want?"

Not much time passed for that person to reply:

"Nothing, I just wanted to know."

A little upset the guy answered:

"Well, now you know."

"I know, I see you still hate me."


"Well, i just wanted to tell you that I'm moving to japan too. My father got a job there and i will do high school there too, hope to find you there."

Frightened our protagonist left the conversation on seen and turned off his cellphone, he quietly went to the living room where Ms Joke was resting a little. He looked to the sides and saw Lois on the kitchen searching for something to eat. He calmly approached her and the girl noticed him.

"And well?" She asked.

"Well, you won't like what she told me." Y/N responded.

Lois expression changed from a tranquil one to a confused one "What did she told you?" She asked again.

Y/N hesitated for a moment but then he explained everything to his best friend, everything he talked with the person they didn't wanted to see. The girl after knowing they would bump into her wasn't happy at all.

"We're on a great problem." Y/N told her.

"Well, we can just ignore her," She started laughing falsely "I think we should thing about other things, tomorrow they give us our exam results haha."

Y/N knew he couldn't blame his friend for felling like that, he felt the same thing and didn't knew what to expect from the future, he said to her and Ms Joke good night and went to sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, finally the UA results where coming, he was wondering if the blue haired girl was able to pass the exam and get accepted in the school.


Mexico city, three years ago. Y/N was sitting on a bench next to him was a girl taller than him with brownish long hair as well as her eyes. They where on the school courtyard. The mumbling of the students could be hear everywhere.

"So, your parents aren't agreed on you making a hero career." The guy said.

"Yeah, its complex but you know my father wants me to continue with the family business." The girl said.

"Jezz, That sucks. I mean, I've never wanted to be a hero but maybe if you talk with him he can change of opinion."

She just shook her head, Y/N's expression saddened after seeing this.

"Well, you know that..." He tried to say but was interrupted.

"No, you know it isn't like that  Y/N, you know nothing about my family." She said.

"Liv, i don't know if I'm right but everything can change on this life, its just we just need to try to get the change."

"Why trying changing things if it just gonna bring problems?"

"It's just..."

"Nothing, You don't understand really." She said as she got up of the bench, she left and didn't said anything else leaving Y/N. The mumbling sound of the people was heard again and more intense, that was the start of the solitude of the poor guy, at least that was how he seemed it.


The next day, Y/N woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast as he was normally doing those past weeks, Ms Joke was getting ready for work too, Heroes on Japan where used to from 8 in the morning to 10 on the evening, according to her it was tiring but very gratifying.

Lois was still sleeping so both of them ate some fried eggs that the heroine cooked rapidly. The Japanese aren't used to have breakfast like that, but she wanted her guests to feel like if they never left their home. Calmly they both sat on the dining room and ate, Lois didn't seemed to like their new guardian but Y/N knew on the deep she was grateful of all she was doing for them.

Some time after they knocked the door, Y/N gently went to open it and it was the postman this time he delivered just one letter coming from the UA destinated to the two teens. Y/N left it on the table in the living room and waited till Lois woke up to open it. He wasn't felling as she because his goal wasn't to be a hero, but he did wanted to go to the same school as his best friend.

More less on 12 pm Lois woke up and went downstairs to eat something, Y/N was waiting for her on the living room and when she got there he impatiently and excitedly showed the letter to her, The girl after seeing the letter arrived gulped, they looked at each other then Y/N nodded, grabbed the letter, left out a little sigh and opened it.

Lois quickly sat on the couch next to him, of the letter fell a little metallic and circular device, suddenly a projection emerged from the device. On the screen there where showing a little office, with UA logos all over the place. A little man with animal appearance showed up, he was similar to a rat or a bear and he was wearing a really elegant suit.

(You can hear this epic soundtrack while you read the message).

"Hello Mr Gómez and Ms Flores! I will introduce myself, I'm the principal Nezu, principal of the hero academy UA." Said the man with a huge smile "I'm a bear? I'm a rat? I'm just the principal haha!" Both teens where amazed for the good pronunciation of Spanish the principal did of their surnames.

Some images of the school started appearing on screen, showing incredible facilities, from huge gyms to a great dining room.

"You too had applied our entrance exam, and I must say where more than happy with the results both of you obtained." The principal explained " But before giving you your results, I'd like to explain first about the rescue points. UA is an institution that trains and prepares future heroes, so during the test we do not test only the strength, ability, skills and speed but we test too the capacity of someone to react for saving those people that need it, that's why these points exist, How would a hero school reject those who save others?"

The results of the hero course entrance exam appeared on screen, for the big surprise of both guys Lois ended first place of all.

"So , with 140 points in total. I'm pleased to announce that Lois Flores is completely accepted on our hero program!" The principal said with joy  but then made a brief pause.

"Now, as to Mr Gómez, we were surprised when we knew that he decided not to do the hero course exam given that on the firsts test we made to you we saw he had the enough aptitudes to do it but I must say that he passed the general exam with 150 points out of 160, so he has been accepted into general courses, congratulations!"

Both teens looked at each other and with excitement and happiness hugged and laughed , Ms Joke had already left to work but if she had been there she would had hugged them with excitement too.

"Welcome you both to UA! From now on this school is your hero academy. Classes start on two weeks so we wait for you that day  and remember, go beyond Plus Ultra!" Finally said the principal and the recording ended. The two guys hugged with happiness again , Lois was crying with emotion and it was unusual because she never used to cry but she was able to enter the hero course and that excited her. Y/N was really happy too because he was going to the same school as his best friend , even thought they were on different groups. Also it felt like a huge accomplishment for both of them.

When Ms Joke arrived they gave her the good news and she congratulated them with joy and she checked the letter too, there they had the instructions for the inscription and to get the students visas of UA. It was a lot of paperwork but they had two weeks to do it.

The two weeks passed flying, between all the bureaucracy. They asked Lois to design a hero costume, that she didn't let Y/N to see. Some days after that their uniforms where sent, two to each of them, One was a grey coat, a white shirt, a red tie for Y/N they sent some black pants and black shoes ,for Lois a green skirt and some girl black shoes too. The other uniform was the same for both of them a grey T-shirt , a blue sweater with white stripes and some blue pants with white stripes too.

"Haha, with how much you like wearing ties." Lois mocked slightly.

"And with how much you like wearing skirts." Y/N responded.


After that they gave to them their visas and the school IDs, now everything was set up for the start of classes, it was just left the day to arrive, and so it did, the day arrived. The start of classes on UA came, the night before Y/N settled his alarm at 5:30 am for being able to arrive to the classroom on time because the classes started at 7.

(This is the song Y/N uses as alarm).

The guy turned his alarm off and got dressed quickly, putting in his new uniform and then went downstairs to eat his breakfast. Some cereal and a bit of fruit was enough. Lois woke up too at the same time and went downstairs but as sleepy as always so she didn't wanted to eat breakfast. When both of them where ready they said goodbye to Ms Joke and made their way to their new school. For both of them it felt weird that they had to wear an uniform now on high school, because on the west it wasn't used to do that but well they were on another country  and on another culture so they would had to accept it.

The UA wasn't that far from Ms Joke's house so they could get there by walking , no more than 15 minutes and they were in front of the imposing facilities of the hero school.

Both of them looked at their IDs and there it said their groups, Y/N had the group "1C" marked on his whereas Lois got the group "1B". That was something to expect because both where on different courses, They said goodbye to each other and the two went to search for their classrooms.

What they said about the school in fact was true, it was ginormous, it was so big it had 11 buildings full of classrooms. As usual Y/N ended being lost between the infinite number of classrooms , luckily he found someone, a tall guy with pointy blonde hair and a big smile on his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Do you know where classroom "1C" is?" He asked him.

The guy turned to see him and with a smile answered "I'm not too sure but i believe it's there at the bottom of the hallway." He pointed to the front.

Y/N thanked him and rushed there, it was an enormous metal door with the letters "1C" painted with black, he quietly knocked the door and a dog-like looking teacher with what seemed to be a muzzle on his mouth opened it.

The teacher looked at him with anger,"Grrr, you're late mister." He said.

"I'm sorry, it's just that it's a really big school." Y/N excused himself.

The teacher left him in and at first sight he was amazed with the order and cleanness the classroom had, really different for what it would be a Latinamerican school. There were at least 29 students all them sitting on their respective seats except one that was his.

"Sit in front of Mr Nogami please." The teacher indicated, Y/N with shame walked there and he tried to do it discretely, he quietly sat down and behind him there was a guy a bit taller than him with a Long messy black hair and wearing the school uniform all badly arranged.

"Okay as I was saying, I'm Hound Dog and I will be your tutor teacher on this course. As you're the general course you must follow the school's rules more than anyone." The teacher started explaining.

As Y/N was taking out a notebook for writing down some notes he felt someone picking his shoulder, he turned and saw it was the guy of the messy hair.

"Hey, guy that arrives late," He asked "Do you play drums?"

"No and I think we shouldn't be talking on class." Answered Y/N a bit annoyed.

"Look, I have a band and the drummer left us so we're searching for someone that can play."

"You have a band?" Asked Y/N surprised.

"Of course, it's called Demon Days."

On that moment both guys noticed the professor looking at them with anger and he was growling fiercely.

"Misters, last time I see you talking on my class!" He scold them.

The two kept silent and waited until the class ended, fortunately after that class that was three hours long they had recess so all the group went directly to the dinning room. It was estrange because they had recess with the hero course too but on other side it was cool because he could see Lois (and the blue haired girl if she passed the exam), Y/N was leaving the classroom when the messy hair guy approached him.

"Hey, Do you wanna have lunch with us?" He offered.

"No, thank you. I promised a friend i would eat with her." Y/N responded.

"It's okay, by the way," The guy offered his hand."I'm Maguro."

"I'm Y/N Gómez."Y/ N said shaking his hand.

"Nice! You're a foreigner!" Maguro smiled and left quickly. Y/N did the same and went directly to the dining room that was called "Lunch Rush" and it had a lot of tables and chairs for the students to sit there and a little fast food restaurant that sold mostly Japanese food.

Y/N searched between all the tables until on one a little far away he saw certain blonde girl  sitting there, he walked there and saw that his friend was really upset for some reason.  He sat next to her and they said hi to each other as usual.

"Hey, how it is going?" Y/N asked her.

"Classes are going good but there's something that upsets me." She responded.

"What is it?"

The girl pointed at one of the tables at the far and there was that brown haired girl that they haven't talked to for two years, she was sitting there talking with a group of guys that seemed to be from the hero course too, Y/N turned to see Lois in confusion.

"Damn it, How did that happened?!" He asked Lois.

"I don't  know but I don't care, if she doesn't bother I guess we're good. The good thing it's that she isn't on my group." She responded.

"At least."

Both of them stayed pensive for a moment, then Y/N remembered that he hadn't bought anything to eat during the recess yet, he asked Lois if she wanted something to eat but seemed too upset for thinking on anything to eat.  Quickly the guy went to the fast food restaurant and on the menu fortunately there was something occidental that was a combo with a Hot Dog and french fries. He ordered it and luckily they gave it to him rapidly.

On his way back to the table, he saw that on one of the tables were sitting the guy that he bumped into on the morning, a guy with pointy ears and the blue haired girl that he met on the entrance exam, he was glad she could pass it but was so distracted on his thoughts that when he realized he almost dropped his lunch on someone that was sitting, he apologized and walked back with Lois.

(Imagine they're sitting on a table, it's just that i couldn't find an image like that lmao).

"Well, at least give me some of your fries."Said Lois when she saw him back, he sat and both started eating, Y/N his hot dog and Lois was stealing the fries from the plate.

"Hey, Do you know a pointy blonde haired guy that is always smiled?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, that's Mirio, he's on my group. Why? Are you finally coming out of the closet?" Lois answered.

Y/N just rolled his eyes. "Haha, how funny. It's just that I saw him with...a girl." He said.

"The blue haired girl from class 1A?" Lois said while chewing some fries.

Y/N was really surprised to hear that, How did she knew her? and most importantly How did she knew exactly who was he talking about? Lois kept waiting some minutes for an answer.

"By your face I can tell it's her." She said.

"Yeah but, how do you know her?" Responded Y/N confused.

"We had test training with the other class, she's cute but not my type."

"I see."

The two of them continued eating normally until Lois realized something.

"Wait, Do you like her?" She asked.

Y/N blushed and started mumbling.

"Well it's just that...I saw her on the exam and she was pretty to me...and well...it's not like...it's just."

Lois a little annoyed interrupted Y/N's mumbling "Ay dios santo, you're a dumbass." She told him.

"What? Why?" He said not understanding his friend's anger.

"Remember last time you fell in love with someone, not that i can prevent it from happening but neither i want you to get hurt again like that." Lois responded seriously.

"Yeah, i understand that but..."

Y/N was interrupted again by   them, Both of them turned and saw it was the person they less expected.

"So, you two were here ." A feminine voice said on a mocking tone.

To be continued...

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