The battle of the north A TLR...

By AmigaTheDemonFox

10 5 0

A in depth detail of the whole battle from 2049-2074 for the combined fighting force of the United States, Ca... More

2053-2054 collapse
2055 "Bloody 55"


3 2 0
By AmigaTheDemonFox

Midway is bombed by wave after wave of attacks although no forces or people are on the island. The US threatens to use nukes against mainland Japan if they do not stop the attacks.

The International space station spontaneously explodes killing everyone on board.

JRIG is officially formed and Russia invades mainland United States. A Japanese fleet moves around Hawaii cutting off all troops. Any ships, or planes that are civilian or military are destroyed if they try to escape.

Bombers take off from France heading towards the German border. They are intercepted causing them to go down. One of them goes down with one of the three nukes crashing into a small city in Switzerland.

The USA plans to bring the outdated battleships back into service. Work of the four Iowa class battleships begins along with work on the USS Texas. Russian forces get bogged down in Alaska as Civilians and soldiers use house to house gorilla warfare.

The nations of South and Central America forum the NAC in hopes of surviving. JRIG invades Brazil, the slow jungle warfare is solved by constant bombing runs. A Kirov class battlecruiser makes its way into San Diego killing thousands of people and damaging many buildings.

The rest of the years is filled with US, NAC, and Canadian troops being pushed back towards the central part of the United States. This will carry on for another year and only stop when Washington, DC is erased from the map by five days of constant air and naval attack. This ends when at 9 p.m. The fifth night when a flash of light brighter than the sun is seen. Leading to the unconditional surrender of the USA or as JRIG had thought to be a surrender.

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