BLACKPINK Sickfic - Requests

By BPreadingarea

8K 125 68

All orders will be considered and I will try to write as soon as possible ... give me requests with good deta... More

Not feeling well at all
I said I'm fine
Now It's just us here
Cuddling feels good

I think is food poisoning

1.4K 23 14
By BPreadingarea

Request: The four went out to get dinner but Rosé starts to feel queasy from the food because she catches food poisoning,  she tries to hide it a little bit when they got home it was too much to handle for her and the girls take care of her while she throws and helps her take down her fever. I'll really thank you if you can do that :D


"Rosieee... wake up, come on... we have to go" Jisoo shakes the girl's body.

"Five more minutes.... please Jisoo Unnie"

"No... we have to go"


"Gosh... I don't know who's more difficult to wake up between all of you"

"Jennie Unnie"

"You're almost beating her"

"I'm just so tired... We woke up really early today"

"I know... we all are...the photo shooting this morning was brutal... Jennie and I had to go first so you and Lisa got lucky, but this meeting is important"

"I know" She takes a deep breath "I'm sorry"

"It's okay but hurry up... I'll see if the other two are ready"


The girls go to the company for the meeting that took almost three hours deciding advertisement and promotion for projects coming up. Lisa even fell asleep at some point because she was too exhausted.

"We should go grab dinner now," Jennie said.

"Or we can order it at home and eat it in bed?" Jisoo replied.

"No... let's go to a restaurant" Lisa says.

"You're only saying that because you slept the whole meeting"

"I didn't"

"Yes, you did..." Rosé said.

"You have to stop falling asleep everywhere Lisa," Jennie said.

"I want some warm and delicious food... please... we get take out every day... let's change it up".

"I'm in the mood for sushi"

"No... I want something warm... it's cold today" Lisa complains.

"Please," Rosé said pouting.

"Let's go to a Japanese restaurant... You can order sushi and you can order soba" Jennie ended the bickering between the younger girls.

"Yes... I want Udon" Jisoo said excitedly.

"And I want yakumi... everybody happy... let's go," Jennie said grabbing her stuff.

They got ready and went to the restaurant they usually go to but it was too crowded, they didn't want to get recognized so they went to a new restaurant. The food wasn't as good as the other one but it wasn't too bad, even though Jisoo didn't like it, Rosé ate a lot and Lisa too. After they were done they went home.

"Rosé... can you take pictures of me at home," Lisa asked while they were in the car.

"I'm tired, Lisa"

"Please... I have to post pictures using the items I receive by tomorrow"

"Fine... but don't be too picky"

"Thank you"


Rosé POV

Halfway through our way home, I started feeling this weird pressure in my stomach like everything I ate was spinning inside. At first, I thought it was just tiredness but then it only got worse, I didn't want to tell the girls because Jisoo Unnie would scold me again for eating too much... somehow this time it felt different it wasn't the same as other times I ate more than I could handle, it was the weird feeling pressuring my stomach that was making me want to lay down... I rest my head on the window hoping this queasiness would go away soon and Lisa asked me to take pictures of her when we get home unfortunately I said yes... every hit of malaise made me wish I said no... I knew she would be pissed if I didn't take those pictures for her now.

"We're home... finally," Jennie Unnie said getting out of the car.

"I'm going to bed... don't bother me if it isn't to feed me," Jisoo Unnie said also getting out.

"Rosie... I'm gonna pick up my bag, my cameras, some jackets and the lights for the pictures... you can wait for me here so you won't have to go up and down, I'll carry everything by myself"

"Lisa... Can we take the pictures tomorrow?" I said hoping she would say yes even though I knew she wouldn't.

"You said yes... I have to post it until 10 am and I don't want to wake up early on our day off "

"I'm so tired... I promise I'll take it tomorrow morning before 10"

"No...I can't risk it... every time you ask I take your pictures and when I need you always say no"

"I'm not saying no... I'm saying we should do it tomorrow... with sunlight and well-rested"

"We have ring lights Rosé're just being selfish like always"

"You're being selfish... I'm tired, Lisa... You're only thinking about yourself"

"Jisoo Unnie... she said yes and now..."

"Don't get me in your mess... this is between you two" Jisoo Unnie interrupted her.

"Guys... stop bickering this is exhausting," Jennie Unnie said when the elevator door opens up.

"I'll never take a picture of you again in my life," Lisa said bumping into me on purpose and getting out of the elevator.

"Goodnight guys," Jennie Unnie said before going to her room.

"Rosé... don't go to sleep fighting, go talk to her... I'm going to bed" Jisoo Unnie said and left me in the living room by myself.

I sat on the couch and took deep breaths, my stomach churning, my body felt week and all I wanted to do was go to bed but I also didn't want to disappoint Lisa, so I gathered my strength and went to her door... After a couple of knocks, she opens it and I saw her wiping tears on her face... I knew she was angry but I didn't imagine she was this upset.

"go away," She said closing the door on my face.

"I'm sorry Lisa... I'll take the pictures for you," I said holding the door.

"I'll find an away by myself," She said stubbornly.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you... I'm just tired but I'll do it" I said getting in her room and picking up Leo into my arms.

"I know you're tired... I am too... but I really have to take this... I have a contract" She let one more tear go down.

"Don't cry, please... I'm sorry, let's take the pictures now... Stop crying or your face will be swollen and red and we won't get a good photo"

"Okay... I'll grab my stuff quick"

"I'll help you"

We got everything and went down to a little garden in our apartment complex we always took pictures in... I was trying my best to hide that I wasn't feeling well but it got to a point I wasn't doing a good job and Lisa asked three times if I was okay... I tried to smile and kept taking pictures of her, luckily she was the one doing basically everything, setting up the light angles and all... I was just pressing the button and following her coordinates of what I was supposed to do. But as I already expected it was taking a long time and unfortunately I kept feeling worse... to the point I was shrunken in pain and couldn't hide it anymore.

"Rosé... are you sure everything is ok? You look pale... are you cold?" Lisa asked seeming concerned.

"Yeah" It was the only thing I could say.

"Here... my jacket" She took it off, putting it over me.

"Thank y-"

"What's wrong? You're weird"

"I don't feel well" I finally said because I couldn't hide it anymore.

"Sit here... Why? What are you feeling?"

"My stomach hurts"

"I'll get you some water... sit here" I sat on the bench and she left me there to get me water, it didn't take too long for her to show up with a bottle giving it to me.

"Thank you"

"You should've told me you weren't feeling well"

"I thought it would go away"

"When did you started feeling sick?"

"When we were in the car"

"Rosé... You should've told us... what were you thinking?"

"I didn't think it would get this bad"

"Let's go home... you need to go to bed"

"What about your pictures... I can still take it"

"No... you're sick... I'll use the ones we took"

"But you didn't like them"

"I did... it doesn't matter... let's go you look really sick"

"It's just a stupid stomach ache Lisa... these pictures are important for you"

"I have plenty of good pics... I'm just being paranoid you know that.. let's go"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... you need to go to bed come on" She grabbed practically everything and we got into the elevator to go home.

"Lisa let me help you carry this stuff"

"You're sick... I already feel bad enough for making you do this while you're sick"

"I didn't tell you... you don't have to feel bad"

"I should've noticed"

"No... it's not a big deal"

Truth is I was still trying to though it up in front of Lisa but in reality, I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry because of how bad I was feeling. She went with me to my room and I just laid in my bed.

"You should go choose your pictures and rest... I'll be fine"

"What can I do for you? Do you want more water or something?"

"No... I'll just sleep now and I'll wake up feeling much better hopefully"

"Are you sure? You won't take anything? I'll find a way to buy medicine for you if you want."

"No... I'm sure I just need some rest"

"Okay... I'll wait a bit just to make sure you're okay"

"Lisa.... go do your stuff I'll be fine"

"I'll get my laptop and choose my pics right here keeping an eye on you"

I didn't have any energy to stop her so she did what she said she would do, I decided to take deep breaths to try to relieve what I was feeling and Lisa noticed but didn't say anything. I think she knew if she said anything I would though it out, but it got to the point where the discomfort was making me cough badly and I held onto my stomach since it was aching so badly.

"Rosie... I'm worried... you're not getting better" Lisa said sitting beside me.

"It hurts Lisa" I just couldn't handle it anymore and started to cry.

"I'm sorry... I wish I could do something... I'll get Jisoo Unnie and Jennie Unnie to help okay? They'll know what to do" She was nervous and I didn't stop her... I really want help.


Lisa got out of Rosé's room and went first to Jisoo's room because it was the closest to Rosé's. She tried to bust in but it was locked so she had to knock. She took some time to open the door and when she did she was fuming, she hated being waked if it wasn't for work and Lisa knew that, but this time was an emergency.

"What are you doing Lisa?... I hope this is not about some stupid pictures" She barely had her eyes open because she was so sleepy.

"Rosé is sick, Unnie... I don't know what to do"

"What?... Sick of what? She was fine" Jisoo said confused.

"She doesn't feel good... her stomach isn't well"

"I'll get my robe," Jisoo said.

"I'll get Jennie Unnie" Lisa didn't even wait, she went to Jennie's room knocked on the door one time and went in, as expected it wasn't locked. "Jennie Unnie... Jennie... wake up"


"Rosé is sick... we need your help"

"I'm so tired"

"She's not well... really... she's crying"

"Okay... I'm getting up"

Lisa could see how she was forcing herself to get up even though she was dead tired. They both got out of the room straight to Rosé's room. When they got inside they find Jisoo hugging a crying Rosé in her arms.

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked confused.

"She has a temperature... and stomach pain... I think is food poisoning" Jisoo had her hands on Rosé's neck feeling her temperature.

"Have you thrown up Rosie?" Jennie asked.


"Do you feel nauseous?"Jennie asks and the blonde replied nodding.

"What should we do?" Lisa asked nervously.

"I'll look for some medicine," Jisoo said caressing the girl's back getting up.

"Lay down and warm up," Jennie said putting the blankets on her.

Lisa and Jennie sat on her bed while Jisoo left the room to look for medicine.

"Do you want water?" Lisa asked again rubbing Rosé's arm.


"You feel so warm," Jennie said after putting her hand on Rosé's forehead.

"I'm cold"

"I'll get the thermometer" Jennie gets up and leave the room, she quickly gets a thermometer from her room and measures her temperature.

"Unnie" Rosé said whining when Jennie pulled the blankets.

"Jisoo is taking too long," Lisa said.

"102, you definitely need some medicine"

"I almost didn't find it," Jisoo said coming into the room.

"I'm glad you found it"

"Here Rosie... take this one and this one"

"Unnie my stomach hurts"

"You'll feel better with this one" Jisoo said patting her back.

"She's having a fever...maybe a shower would make it better faster" Jennie suggested.

"What do you think?" Jisoo asked her.

"No... I'm so cold"

"It's hard but you'll probably feel better after"

"I think a cooling pack on her head will do," Jisoo said.

"Yeah... that will work"

"I'll go get it" Jisoo left the room again.

Rosé sat down on the bed, her stomach gurgled and cramped uncomfortably under her hand, making her groan. She was fighting off the urge to throw up right there at the bed. The two girls looked at her with concern.

"Rosie... it's okay... you'll feel better soon because of the medicine" Lisa hugged her.

"I I might pass out," She admitted quietly.

"Lay down again... try to get more comfortable," Jennie said caressing her leg.

"I can't"



"Okay... just stay how you like then"

"Do you want to stand up a little to see if it helps? Take a few deep breaths"

She didn't reply but she stands up a little after Jennie suggested. Standing up made her stomach hurt more. The queasiness had reached an all-time high and her breathing was becoming increasingly shallow. She felt a violent stir in her stomach and immediately knew that she was going to throw up. She ran to the bathroom even though her body felt too weak to run. Jennie and Lisa ran after her and found her throwing up on the toilet.

"JISOO UNNIE..." Lisa screamed.

"Calm down... it's okay... let it out and you gonna feel better" Jennie said while holding her hair.

"What happened?" Jisoo came running.

"She's throwing up"

"Shit... she's throwing up all her medicine," Jisoo said getting closer.

The three stay with her in the bathroom. She would whine in pain and throw up then stop for a bit, when they thought she was done another wave would hit and she was back in the same position.

"I'm sorry" Rosé sobs.

"Don't cry Rosé... It's not your fault" Jisoo said.

"Calm down Rosie... It's okay" Jennie said.

"Guys I'm so worried... I want her to be okay" Lisa said starting to cry.

"Don't cry Lisa... she'll be alright" Jisoo said.

"Lisa... don't" Jennie looked at her and she wiped her tears.

"I can't breath," Rosé said crying, she was pale and crying sitting on the bathroom floor with the three girls around her.

"Calm down... you're just nervous, let's take deep breaths with me," Jisoo said calming the girl.

"I think she should take a shower... she threw up her fever medicine," Jennie said.

"But she's cold" Lisa replied.

"She'll feel better after Lisa"

"Let's take a quick shower Rosie... I'll help you okay?" Jisoo tried to comfort the sick girl.

"But my tummy hurts"

"We'll take care of that too... I'm just worried about your fever now"

"I'll make you some tea for your tummy," Jennie said.

"Lisa will help us here... it's gonna be quick I promise" Jisoo said.

Jennie went to the kitchen to make tea, she looked at the clock it was close to midnight already she made the tea and went back to Rosé's room, the girls were helping Rosé get to bed, her shower was really quick because of how she was feeling. They help her get to bed, Lisa started drying her hair, Jisoo put the blankets on her and Jennie gave her the tea.

"Thank y-you Jennie Unnie"

"You're welcome... drink everything okay?"

The girls were looking at her while she was drinking but they noticed she was slowing down after every sip.

"You don't have to drink if you don't want to okay," Jisoo said and Rosé gave her the mug.

"I can't drink it anymore"

"It's okay... you drank a good amount"

"Do you feel better Rosie?" Jisoo asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Rosé squeaked and coughed roughly. "No..." she whimpered, resting her cheek on the pillow.

"I'm sorry, princess," Jisoo cooed and gave her a gentle hug from behind.

"Keep taking some deep breaths," Jennie encouraged with her hands gently caressed her upset tummy.

"Mm..." Rosé moaned. "It hurts... really hurts."

"Guys we have to give her more medicine," Lisa said nervously she was still panicking.

"I'll give her more" Jisoo grab the painkiller and gave it to her.

"Do you want the hot water bottle? That might help ease the pain a little." Jennie asked.

Rosé nodded sadly. "Please?"

"Of course. I'll be right back." Jennie said.

"I'll rub your tummy while she brings it," Lisa said putting her hand on Rosé's stomach.

"Be gentle Lisa... she just threw up" Jisoo advised.


Jennie found the water bottle in her linen closet where she always kept it for her awful cramps every month. She brought it to the bathroom and filled it with hot water before handing it to Rosé who held it against her stomach.

"Get some rest. Hopefully, you'll feel better soon."

The four girls got cozy in the bed cuddling Rosé.

"We're never eating in that place again," Jennie said before they all end up falling asleep.


That's it... thank you for the request, sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes
And I hope you like it


Don't forget to make your requests!

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