by order of the fucking peaky...

By thatpeakybauthor

833K 12.6K 3.9K

What would happen if another Shelby sister was tossed into the mix? Meet Charlotte Shelby, baby sister to Art... More

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The Jesus Twins
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By thatpeakybauthor

Tommy walks into the family home, a cigarette lit, taking his hat off, specific orders from aunt poll who'd got annoyed at him for wearing the house. Upon entering he sees his aunt and youngest sister stood in the kitchen.

"Are you armed?" Polly asks, "No" he answers, "then I'll tell you, Ada and Freddie Thorne were married today. They defied your orders, they haven't left the city." Polly tells him and he inhaled. "Did you know?" He asks eyes shifting to his other sister, "about the wedding? yes. Why did you tell them to leave? Why didn't I know?" Charlie questions back.

"It's not your business Char. Thomas, I'll deal with it." Polly says, handing each of them a glass of whiskey. "Where are they?" Tommy asks looking between the two woman. "Freddie's comrades have safe houses. Why do you want to know?" Polly replies, "I want to send them flowers, why do you think?" Tommy says rolling his eyes making Charlie laugh. "What's wrong with them staying Thomas?" Polly asks. "I promised I'd run Freddie out of town" Tommy replies looking into his aunts eyes. "Promised who?" Charlie asks gaze set on him, but he just looks towards the doors, which she gets up to close. "Who did you promise Tom?" Charlie asks once more. "I told the coppers Freddie wouldn't come back. It was part of the deal" Tommy sighs running a hand over his eyebrows. "What bloody deal?" Polly says flicking his forehead, but he just looks down. "Look, I'll deal with Ada and Freddie. For fucks sakes Tommy." Polly says, "you get Freddie out of town, Pol. Or else I'll deal with him myself." Tommy says finishing the drink, slamming it on the table and leaving.


"Aunt Poll, I'm going out. Need to get a dress for the races." Charlotte says kissing her aunts cheek, placing her gun in her holster and heading out the door, towards the dress store in town.


"What colour dress would you like ma'am?" The shopkeeper asks when Charlotte walks through the doors, the bells ringing to make her presence known. "What colours do you have?" Charlotte asks looking around at the dresses on display, "any colour you can dream of ma'am" the shopkeeper replies, "a purple or blue, please." Charlotte says and the lady nods, heading to the back room, retuning a few minutes later, with about 3 dresses. "There's a dressing room though there if you'd like to try them on" the small lady offers and Charlotte nods. Taking the dresses, a midnight blue, a royal blue and a deep purple.

Trying each one on, she finds that she likes the midnight blue best.

"Please could I buy this one." Charlotte says holding the dress up, "on the house." The lady replies, "no, I insist, it's a lovely dress and you've been so nice." Charlotte responds with a smile, digging into her pocket and pulling out 3 pounds. "This too much" the lady calls but Charlotte is already out the door dress in hand.


After a few minutes of walking, Charlotte finds herself being pressed into a wall, a cold barrel at her temple. "Fucking Shelbys." An Irish voice speaks. "I'm a Shelby, and fucking what" Charlotte replies. "We just have some questions." A deeper voice says. "Do you know who shot the paddy from the black swan?" The first voice speaks, "What fucking Paddy? I don't know what the hell you're talking about" Charlotte replies. "Perhaps not. Is it you Peaky Blinders, who stole the guns from the BSA?" The deeper voice speaks and the cold metal gets pressed harder into the side of her head. "I don't know anything about any robbery. Or any guns. So to sum it up, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, okay? No clue." Charlotte replies, and the two look at her skeptically. "If you're lying... it won't be pretty." One threatens dropping the gun, "my life's never been pretty, mate." Charlotte smirks, picking her bag up, and walking off.


Arriving at the Garrison, she went straight to the bar, up to Grace. "You know where Tommy is?" She asks looking at the Irish woman. "He's your brother isn't he?" Grace replies, "I'm not in the mood for your fucking games, where is he?" Charlotte glares, "I don't know, he left over an hour ago." Grace shrugs, "found your other sister though" Grace adds pointing to the door where Ada was looking frantic, rushing over to them. "Have either of you seen Freddie? Freddie Thorne?" Ada asks. "No" Grace and Charlotte reply. "Tommy?" Ada asks, hissing holding her stomach. "Not been here in over an hour." "Haven't seen him since this morning."

"I have to find both of them. Or one of them." Ada says, "drink this first" Grace says handing her some water, "I have to find them. I think they're going to kill each other." Ada says drinking it, "Freddie and Tommy? Tommy and Freddie? Oh for fucks sake. I'll go find them, you stay here, try and relax, take care of this." Charlotte says handing her sister the bag and storming out of the pub. Heading towards the cut, if they were trying to kill each other, they'd find each other there, it was their special place before the war. When they were bestfriends, they used to jump in and see who could swim across the fastest.

Sprinting down towards the cut, she takes the backroads, the shortest route to get there. When she arrives, she sees Tommy lowering his gun, he said something, then walked off, in her direction.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Tommy asks harshly upon seeing her stood there, "I could ask you the same thing. Ada came frantically running into the Garrison, claiming you and Freddie were trying to kill eachother." Charlotte says. "She's not mistaken. I should shoot the bastard." Tommy tells her, his jaw clenched. "Did you shoot the paddy from the black swan?" Charlotte asks, "What Paddy?" Tommy replies, "don't you dare try to play fucking dumb with me Thomas." Charlotte seethes, "I know about the Paddy, but it weren't me. It weren't us. How do you know about the Paddy?" Tommy returns, "funny story actually, about half an hour ago i was cornered by some blokes from the IRA, asking if it were the peaky blinders who shot him... that's not all. They asked about guns. A robbery from the BSA. What fucking guns Thomas Shelby?" Charlotte exclaims, "and if you're going to open your mouth to say some dumb ass fucking lie or excuse, keep it shut. Ive had enough of your misogynistic crap." She adds seeing him open his mouth. "I know about the guns... it was a mix up. We stumbled across them, got some luck." Tommy shrugs, "luck! You're calling it luck!? When you've got the IRA, the communists, the coppers, Billy Kimber all breathing down our fucking necks." Charlotte says throwing her arms in the air. "Perhaps... but we have the advantage.. we have the guns. Noones gonna find them unless we want them too." Tommy tells her. "When were you going to tell me? I understand not telling the others, but why not me?" Charlotte questions, "the more you know, the more danger you're in." Tommy answers, "I'm in enough danger as it fucking is, I can live with that. But I need to know why the fuck I'm danger." Charlotte tells him, "do you trust me?" Tommy says and she nods, "with my life. So why can't you trust me?" she says looking hurt. "It ent about not trusting you Lotts. It's just business." Tommy says. "We used to tell each other everything... you remember that. I do... Why so many secrets now? I've never said a word to anyone before." Charlotte tells him. "Of course I remember it Lottie. It's just different now... this information, it can get you hurt.. and your safety isn't something I wish to jeopardise." Tommy replies, "it doesn't matter what the fuck I know Thomas, don't you get that? I'm female, they see me as the weakest, they're always going to come for me. Not telling me stuff won't change that. And I'd rather know what the fuck I'm being questioned about. Rather than being as clueless as everyone else" Charlotte scoffs, "Lottie.. I can't promise I'll tell you everything, but I'll tell you more. You got a big brain in there, might help me sometime" Tommy teases. "Okay." She nods. "So we good?" he asks and she replies by hugging him. "I think that's a yes" he smirks. "It's a yes. Idiot." she grumbles pulling away.


Charlotte was awoken by screaming in the early hours of the morning, only it wasn't hers. Taking her gun from her bedside table, she makes her way out of her room, following the screams until she arrived at Tommy's room. Slowly opening the door, she sees Tommy thrashing about on his bed, placing her gun down, she approaches him quietly, when she finally gets to his bedside, "Tommy. It's a nightmare. Tommy. Wake up" she coos softly stroking his hair, making his eyes flash open, searching for her. "Lottie" he says sitting up, "tom" she starts, "I'm fine, everything's okay" he tells her, "speak to me Thomas, you're not fine." Charlie says sitting next to him on the bed, resting her head onto his shoulders, his eyes glance towards her at the motion before fixating at his bedroom door.

"I hear the shovels, and the picks against the wall. I lie awake and listen. And I pray the sun will come up at the curtains before they break through" Tommy admits, pausing to look at the window, "no I don't pray, I hope, and sometimes it happens. The sun beats them. But mostly... the shovels beat the sun" Tommy says, leaning his head on top of hers.

"I thought about home everynight in France, dreamt that the war was all a dream. That I was actually in my bedroom, with you, Ada and Finn right down the hall. Then I'd wake up to an explosion and reality would sink in... but I remembered my promise, and that kept me strong. I didn't want to disappoint you" Tommy tells her, "you could never disappoint me, yes you fuck up, but somehow you always make it better. What promise?" Charlie questions shuffling slightly so Tommy's head was now in her lap and she was fiddling with his hair.

As much as Tommy loathed to admit it, he loved these moments with his sister. Everyone knew she was his favourite. Not that he'd say it out loud. If anyone else were doing this he'd throw a fit, but he secretly enjoyed her mothering, yes he had polly, but she wasn't the most endearing.

"You don't remember?" he says, and she shakes her head, "we were in the kitchen... it was the day after we'd told you we were enlisting, 2 days before we were being shipped off. I found you, curled up in the corner, your face was tear stained-" "you came and sat next to me" she says remembering slightly, "I did, you told me that you were upset about us abandoning you, claiming that we would never come home and you'd lose us all in a day." Tommy continues, "I made you pinky promise" she laughs slightly, "you did, you made me pinky promise that no matter what, I'd always come home, that we would always come home." "I also made you write it down and sign it." Charlotte laughs as he nods, "ive got it somewhere, i kept it with me." Tommy says reaching into his top drawer and digging out the piece of paper, a small sheet falling to the floor accidentally, which Charlotte picks up. "See, look, we both signed it" Tommy says, "What's that?" He asks snatching the picture. "You kept that? I thought you'd burned it." she says in shock. "I couldn't." Tommy says, a small smile drawing from the corner of his lips as he observed the picture his youngest sister had drawn of their family. She'd crossed their Dads head off, making him laugh when he saw the crosses for eyes. "You look so much like Mum." Tommy sighs, "and fortunately, you don't look at all like dad." She jokes. "We've done alright haven't we?" he says, "you've done good Tommo, this family wouldn't be half as well of without you." Charlotte tells him.

"It did well whilst all of us were away" Tommy replies, "Yes but since you've been back business has multiplied by 3." Charlotte says bopping his nose, making him roll his eyes.

"What's the time?" he asks, "about 5am" she replies looking up at the clock. "Shit. I'm sorry for waking you up. You have school today." Tommy groans. "Hey, if you didn't wake me up, I would've woken up anyways." Charlotte tells him, "Why- oh." Tommy says, "it's alright, i can deal with it." Charlie assures. "Besides, what better way to feel better than to go to the races. It's Cheltenham on Saturday." Charlie smiles, "Have you gotten a dress yet?" Tommy asks, "I got it today, well yesterday" Charlotte answers. "Am I allowed to see it?" he asks, "On Saturday." She replies cheekily. "What colour is it?" Tommy questions, "Midnight blue" she tells him, "The length?" He asks, "Seriously?" Charlotte retorts, "yes, seriously" he mocks in a high pitched voice. "Knees, just below my knees." Charlotte replies as he scans her face trying to detect a lie.

"I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep" Charlotte declares and he nods in agreement, "what time does your school start?" He asks, "8, just under 3 hours." She tells him, massaging his head slightly, "what haven't we done in a while?" Tommy asks, "pancakes. Can we make pancakes?" Charlotte says excitedly, "shhhh, don't wake the whole house up." He laughs quietly, "but yeah, let's make pancakes." He says sitting up from her lap, standing. "Is that your gun on the chair?" Tommy asks pointing at it, "I thought someone was in trouble." Charlotte says shyly, "that should mean running away, not barging straight into danger." Tommy says handing it to her with a scolding look, "its a shame im so much like you then." she teases taking the gun, "I guess you are." he says opening his door, as they head down to the kitchen.


"What the fuck had happened here then? Looks like a flour bomb." John chuckles walking into the kitchen seeing his 2 siblings covered in flour. "We tidied most of it up" Charlotte says, pointing to the clean kitchen. "Pancake?" Tommy offers, and John nods, taking one of the plate. "You should probably clean yourself before should go to school." John advises pointing at Charlotte. "I will, I've still got an hour and it takes 10 minutes to get there." Charlie replies finishing her pancakes.
"Wake Finn up, whilst you're up there." John calls as she walks back up the stairs, a large smile on her face about the events of this morning.

"Finn get up. We are leaving in 45" Charlotte says knocking on his door, before heading into the bathroom.


"Miss, you will stay awake in my class, or else I shall have a word with your parents." The supply teacher scolds banging a ruler against the desk. "Go ahead. Have a seance." Charlotte grumbles making Diego laugh from beside her. "If you find the other one, you've found him quicker than I have" she says and Isaiah laughs too. "That's it. I will not take back talk from a student. Detention. What's your name?" The teacher says. "Charlotte fucking Shelby." She replies smirking when the teachers eyes widen. "My mistake ma'am" the teacher apologises.

"Miss Shelby." The head teacher says standing at the door to the class. "What can I do for you today Mr Morris?" Charlotte asks innocently. "There's an inspector campbell here to see you." Mr Morris speaks, and she looks at him confused. "The police Miss Shelby." Mr Morris reiterates, "I know what an inspector is." Charlotte mumbles.

"Oi Char.. what do you reckon the inspector wants?" Diego asks as she moves to stand up. "I don't know, tell Finn not to wait. This copper isn't one of ours." She whispers back.

"Lead the way Lee" she says smiling at the head master. "It's Mr Morris" he replies, "I know, but it's fun to mess with you." she says and he rolls his eyes. "Miss Shelby, will everything be alright with this inspector or should I call home?" The headmaster says. "Don't call home, just tell Finn, he will tell them. It's last lesson he will be home in half an hour." Charlotte says. "Alright. He's in my office, you already know where that is." Mr Morris sighs, "dont pretend like I'm not your favourite student, or that you miss our daily meetings" Charlie smirks, "I don't have favourites Miss Shelby, however it is a great surprise that you managed to keep your grades up, with your behaviour these past years." Mr Morris replies, "I may not be a good student, but I am a smart student." She says cheekily, "that you are Miss Shelby." he says stopping in front of his office letting her go in.

"Ahh. Miss Shelby. Lovely to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. I'm sure you've heard about me." The Inspector says sat at Mr Morris' desk. "Never heard of you." Charlotte replies taking the seat opposite. "Inspector Campbell" he introduces. "What is the reason for you disrupting my precious learning time?" Charlie says, leaning back on the seat. "That's not very ladylike." he snorts at her position, "I'll take that as a compliment. Now are you going to tell me why my learning time was disrupted? It better be important I was enjoying my English lesson" Charlotte huffs. "You were in maths." The inspector corrects. "We were doing algebra, ergo it's English." Charlotte says.

"Strange logic. What can you tell me about a robbery?" he asks eyeing her suspiciously, "robbery?" Charlotte says faking ignorance, "from the BSA factory? What do you know about it?" The inspector says, "the BSA factory?" She repeats and he nods. "It stands for the Birmingham small arms-" she starts, "not the actual factory, the robbery" the inspector says rolling his eyes, "the robbery of what?" Charlotte says. "The guns. What can you tell me about guns?" The inspector asks her. "Guns are a form of weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells or other missiles are propelled by an explosive force. They make loud noises." She informs, "you know for a police inspector, I would've thought you'd know what a gun is" she adds cocking an eyebrow. "I know what a gun is.. I want to know  about the robbery of them from the BSA factory." The inspector says raising his voice, "the BSA factory?" she questions, "Birmingham Small Arms." he huffs, "ohhh, by the docks. I love the docks. Have you seen them?" Charlotte says and the inspector stands banging his hands onto the table. "There was a robbery from the bsa factory, a robbery of guns" he says. "Why didn't you say so?" Charlotte sighs, "what do you know about it?" He asks, "what do I know about what?" She asks, "you're confusing me" Charlotte adds.
"What do you know about the robbery of guns from the bsa factory?" He questions glaring at her, "nothing" she shrugs.

"Can I go now?" Charlotte asks. "No. What do you know about the death of the paddy that drank at the black swan? And none of your antics, witnesses say they saw a young lady fleeing from the scene." He warns pointing his finger near his face. "He got shot, that's all I know. And I know that because I got cornered on my way home one day, gun to my head, by 2 Irish men." Charlotte replies, and his hand fans out moving to slap her but she catches it. "Didnt your mother teach you manners." Charlotte says with disgust. "This meeting is over." she announces standing up and dropping his hand, "that's not up to you." The inspector sneers, "yeah, it is. I know nothing about what you're asking me about. So it's no use for you for me to be here. And I have enough respect for myself to not keep myself in a room with a man who would happily slap an underaged female." Charlotte says standing at the office door. "This isn't over." He says, "yes it is" Charlotte tells him walking out.

"Charlie, what did that bellend want?" Finn asks jogging up to her, "I thought they told you to go home." She replies, "well they did.. but I couldn't just leave. Think if it were the other way, would you have left me?" Finn points out, "no, I wouldn't have" she admits. "So what did this inspector want?" Finn asks as they start their walk home, "a paddy from the black swan got shot, witnesses say they saw a young woman fleeing the scene." Charlotte tells him, "he thought it was you? It wasn't you, right?" Finn questions. "Of course it wasn't me." She retorts slapping the back of his head. "Tommy isn't going to be happy." Finn mumbles, "about what?" Charlotte asks, "the inspector coming to school" Finn answers, "does he know about the shooting?" Finn adds and she nods, "yeah, he does, says it wasn't blinders business though." Charlotte says. "Enough about that, how's your day been? Stay out of trouble?" Charlotte asks.

"It's been alright, I.. just about stayed out of trouble." Finn answers, "you just about stayed out of trouble... what happened?" Charlotte sighs, "they were talking about you, ada and poll, saying you were whores, i got 2 good punches in but got pulled away." Finn shrugs, "Finn, you can't go round punching people because they call us names." Charlotte says, "I think you mean I shouldn't.... I can, and will continue to do so" Finn tells her. "And if your brothers found out.." Charlotte says, "I'm pretty sure they'd encourage me.. so I wouldn't try pulling that card." Finn tuts smirking. "Idiot." She mumbles, "but I'm your favourite idiot" he smiles, "that you are." she says as he puts an arm round her shoulders. "You're growing up. I don't like it. You're taller than me." Charlotte pouts. "I'm 14 now, I may be taller than you but you'll always be my big sister." Finn tells her giving her shoulder a squeeze.


"Tom, can I speak to you?" Charlotte asks walking into the betting den, "yeah, come on." Tommy says holding the door open to his office. "The inspector came to school today." Charlotte says, "what?" Tommy says eyes flickering to her, looking for any signs of injuries, "he wanted to know about the guns and the paddy from the black swan." Charlotte tells him, "what did you tell him?" Tommy asks, "nothing... Tom I thought part of the deal was he'd leave us alone." Charlie sighs, "the business, he'd leave our business alone." Tommy tells her running a hand through his hair. "He knows we have the guns doesn't he. That's your leverage. He just doesn't know where they are." Charlotte states observing her brothers behaviour. "Sometimes it's annoying how smart you are." Tommy groans looking at her. "Look, I'll speak to him. Tell him you don't know anything about the guns, I'll make sure he leaves you alone." Tommy tells her.

"I've got a meeting to get to, and you have a pub to protect. Off you go." Tommy dismisses.

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