Classroom Of The Secrets [SLO...

By agile678

224K 3.9K 4.1K

On one day all 2nd year student of Advanced Nurturing High School wakes up and locked in a big classroom. As... More

Island Exam Monologue
Summer Preparation
Interlude I
How to be a Normie
Exposed Lie
Confrontation I
Confrontation II

Island Exam Aftermath

20.1K 334 306
By agile678

Ayanokouji POV

After that last video, Me, Horikita and Ayanokouji Group went to the private room to discuss what they have in mind about me. The private room has a long table with many chair on it so it can fit many people as possible.

Horikita aside, i shouldn't lie about what i think toward them since i also think that everyone in the group is my close friend which i wouldn't want to involve in my scheme. but horikita might say something to force them to convince me to help the class. I need to be careful here.

I sit down in the nearest chair

Me: "So, What do you want to ask?"

Horikita: "I'll just get right to point, Ayanokouji-kun i don't mind if you used me like your pawn as long as it benefits the class. In fact, you have done so many times before. But moving forward we need to work together to reach class A. Can't you trust me? the fact that you think me as tools mean that you don't trust me as a person."

Me: "First of all horikita, i'm not the one aiming for class A. While i don't mind cooperating with you, the way i cooperate with you is not for you to decide. Secondly, the matter of me trusting you to help the class is another thing altogether."

Horikita: "Why is that?"

Me: "Simple, you still haven't shown your capabilities in defeating the other class. I can't give my trust to someone who is incompetent in handling matters. While you're still growing up there's a chance that you could be defeated any moment. There's also the matters with your attitude towards me on our first year. My impression of you is really bad horikita."

Horikita: "Although i am unsatisfied with this, does that mean you'll put more trust and cooperate with me if i get better at this point? I hope that you'll do so cause you're necessary ayanokouji-kun"

Me: "Maybe so, however that depends on what happens later."

Horikita: "I see, then i've finished my business here"

Said Horikita with a bit of regret.

Seeing as horikita is done with what she has to say, she leaves the private room. Leaving me and ayanokouji group alone.

Keisei: "Wait, Kiyotaka. So the reason our class win almost every exam is because you've been doing things behind our back?"

Me: "Not everything, in fact Horikita is the one doing everything. What i've done is preventing our class from being defeated"

Keisei: "Then WHY didn't you told us about it? Do you not trust us? Do you also think of us as nothing but your "tools"? Kiyotaka, when you get that perfect score in the math exam i'm angry that you hide your abilities despite me teaching you. But now you even hide the fact that you're the mastermind behind our class? Answer Me!"

Haruka: "Wait Yukimuu, Can't you at least calm down? Just let Kiyopon said it himself!"

Keisei: "Aren't you angry at him haruka!? Despite being our close friend he choose to hide the most important matters to us!"

Haruka: "But-"

Me: "Its Fine haruka, let me explain"

Me: "Keisei, I think it's reasonable that you're angry about it since we're close friends banded together since we're loners. But the reason why i don't trust anyone is something that is part of my personality"

Keisei: "So what?"

Yukimura said so angrily

Me: "But at least let me tell you this, I don't think all of you as tools. You guys are someone who give me the meaning of friendship, I consider all of you as my friends which is why i don't want to involve you with these things."

Akito: "Is that true kiyotaka?"

Me: "Yes this is my genuine thoughts, You guys are my friend its rude and not respectable for me involving you guys in my scheme. I don't want to use you like a pawn that's why i choose to hide it."

Hearing my answer it seems that they're happy that i think of them as their genuine friends. Keisei still has complain to talks about but choose to not so since what i said is my real feelings about them.

Keisei: "While i still have complaints about you kiyotaka, i understand that you choose to hide it from us seeing as you think of us as your friends. But, at least tell us about it. I don't know how much we're of help but at least we can help you. Isn't that what friends does?"

Haruka: "Yeah kiyopon, we might be not the best people to help. But if its for you we're here to help you anytime"

Akito: "If you need pyshical strengh, you've got me for that"

Airi: "M-me too, kiyotaka-kun"

I really have been blessed with good friends it seems

Seeing as they understand it, i said my thanks to them.

After finisihing our discussion we leave the room to continue watching the next video.

The atmosphere of class D is somewhat calmed down compared to before, it seems that yousuke and horikita decide to explain about me to them in attempt to calm the situation. I have to give them my thanks later.

Mashima-sensei: "Now that the situation has calmed down and ayanokouji have returned, we can watch the next video"

Mashima-sensei urged the student to sit and watch the next video.


After I returned to the ship, I went back to my room right away. Since I turned off my phone earlier now its fine to turn it back but when I turned my phone back on, the ringer started buzzing repeatedly. My call history is filled by call from horikita. Scary. For now, I just answered emails and relaxed in the lounge while I waited. She probably wouldn't be convinced unless I explained things. Soon, a quite angry Horikita met up with me, radiating a silent pressure.

"What do these test results mean? What in the world happened?"
"You look like you don't have any idea at all."
"I just can't imagine it. I don't understand it at all. I have a mountain of questions."
"I'll tell you everything. However, my one condition is that you don't tell this to anyone. I won't compromise on this."

I'd assumed it would come to this, considering Horikita hadn't retired of her own will.This story was for Horikita's ears only.

"What would you like to ask?"
"What were you doing during the test? Tell me," she said.

That was a much better question than I'd expected. She wanted to hear everything atonce.

Ike: "What the, horikita you don't know why we win in the first place? also why are you so angry? its as if the boyfriend did something bad to his girlfriend"

Sudo: "Watch your mouth kanji!, suzune doesn't have such person right now"

Said sudo while strangling ike with his arms.

Their antics earned them a death glare from horikita which makes them shut their mouth from speaking any further.

Satou: "The idiots aside, i'm also curious why are you angry horikita-san. Did ayanokouji-kun do something to you?"

Everyone is also curious about my actions that caused horikita to get angry.

Horikita: "He did something important in this exam without telling me, of course i'll get angry since it involves the result."

"When the special test was announced, I didn't focus on anything except for theadditional rules. I roughly understood how to manage the 300 points, but you couldn'tmanipulate them as an individual."
"But the additional rules were really difficult to understand. If you did things normally,you wouldn't have been able to identify the leaders. Right?"
"Yeah. First of all, I volunteered to join the search for the base camp. Able to movefreely, I planned to search out spot locations ahead of everyone else."
"You make it sound simple, but no one should have known the spot locations."

Haruka: "That's right kiyopon, how do you even know where the spot is?"

Me: "We were already given hints when we're on the ship"

Kanzaki: "You're very observant huh ayanokouji"

Me: "I just observe a lot since i was a loner"

"That's not true. You didn't understand because you were ill and holed up inside theship, but the school already gave us hints about the locations when we were sailingaround the island."

Katsuragi had also noticed this when the ship circled the island at an unusually fastspeed. Horikita fell silent. The ship had been traveling nearly three times faster than ausual cruise ship. Besides, if it were just for sightseeing, it wasn't normal to use astrange expression like "significant scenery."

Matsushita: "Three times faster than a usual cruise ship? Ayanokouji-kun, does that mean you've ride one before?"

Me: "No, it's just my estimation"

Hondo: "You're weird man, people would just enjoy the ride instead of what you're thinking you know?"

Everyone seems to agreed that i am somewhat weird

Koenji had noticed this hint, too. Well, it was probably a waste of time thinking about Koenji, anyway.

Koenji: "Well, well you're rather perceptive. Not only you deduced the bald guy but also myself to notice that hint. But isn't your comment to harsh?, it's not a waste of time thinking about my beautiful self Ayanokouji-boy"

Said koenji as he looks at himself on his mirror while smiling arrogantly

While some people feels irritated towards koenji attitude they choose to ignore it and continue watching the video

"Then, I reached the cave. I thought it was the most important base."

"The cave was the most important base? Don't you think that the river and the wellwould have been more convenient, though?"

"The spot itself wasn't what was important. Its location was."

There were no spots close to the river or the well. However, there were two spots nearthe cave: the hut and the tower. It was the perfect place to exercise control. Horikita looked like she understood once I explained.

Hashimoto: "Wow ayanokouji, didn't know that you're the type to go scouting by yourself."

Ryuen: "kukuku are you serious hashimoto? didn't you even see in the last video how he act in that stormy weather? surely scouting places alone isn't a problem for him."

Hashimoto: "Hah, you sure talk big ryuen. are you already aware of ayanokouji back then?"

Ryuen: "Who knows."

Hashimoto: It looks like it's true ryuen has already in contact with ayanokouji before, though i don't know when it's as if he knows ayanokouji abilities is superior than the other. In that case it looks like i need to make favor with ayanokouji so i can secure my position.

"But what advantage is there in going into the cave if you don't have a keycard?"

"Well, I'd intended to explore various things, but in the end I discovered the leader'sidentity."

"Well, I suppose that Katsuragi-kun was careless."

No, that wasn't it.

"There was that guy, Yahiko, remember? The one following Katsuragi around? He wasthe leader. I saw Katsuragi and Yahiko at the cave, but I didn't see the moment theyoccupied it. After the two of them walked away, I checked if the cave was occupied or not."

I explained the situation. When I saw them, Katsuragi had been standing near theentrance with the card in his hand. Yahiko came out of the cave, and they left together.

"Wouldn't you have mistaken Katsuragi-kun as the leader?" she asked.
"Do you think that the leader would have shown off the card so carelessly in front of people?"

Horikita should have known how unbelievably stupid that was, precisely becauseshe'd been appointed as the leader.

"But why? Why bother deliberately holding onto the card, then?"
"Because he didn't have any other choice. As far as I can tell, Katsuragi is a calm and collected man, excessively cautious. There's no way he didn't understand the high riskof occupying a spot immediately after finding it. In other words, the person who occupied it was enticed by short-sighted greed."

Everyone seems astonished at my deduction skill, while some people in my class realized something.

Onodera: "Wait does that mean the one who knows the leader is not horikita-san but ayanokouji-kun?"

Hirata fangirl: "But hirata-kun said that it's horikita-san who figured out their leader"

The people in our class demands an explanation and yousuke decides to answer them.

Hirata: "Calm down everyone, i think i can explain. In the last day when we name the class leader ayanokouji-kun comes up to me and tell me the class leader name, he said that it was horikita-san who figure it out. Isn't that right kiyotaka-kun?"

Me: "Yeah, i just relay what i know to horikita and she also agreed about my opinion."

Horikita: "Is that so?, but i don't do such things though"

This Devil.

Hirata: "W-Well, just continue watching for now ok? i think we can ask him later."

Hirata fangirls: "If hirata said so"

(Classic hirata fangirls)

As expected of yousuke, answering them while trying to hide my identity as the mastermind.

Yousuke Banzai.

"That's... why there was another person."

 When Katsuragi found the cave, he didn't intend to occupy it. Nevertheless, he was holding the space down, probably because Yahiko had been careless. Even though he thought no one would be watching them, he'd probably wanted insurance. By holding onto the card and displaying it, even in the unlikely event that a witness was present, he could mislead them into thinking that he was the leader.

Katsuragi: "So we're already messed up ever since then huh, it looks like i underestimated you ayanokouji"

Me: "I told you, its just a coincidence that i found you there. i just shared what i know with horikita"

"So, aside from their base, Class A held down at least two spots, but we didn't confirm how many they were occupying by the end of the test. If I correctly guessed the identity of their leader, though, I could invalidate all of their points."

After I'd narrowed it down to Yahiko, putting effort into anything else would've been a waste of time.

Matsushita: Unbelieveable, to know that much just from this information alone. Class D really need him if we want to reach Class A, but how can i coaxed him into helping the class? looks like i need to speak with horikita-san or hirata-kun about this.

Kei: Mmouu, Kiyotaka how can you think about that while we're in such a difficult exam. I know that he is strong and smart but to be able to come up something like this. Aaaaahhh, Mouu just how much you're gonna be more amazing than this.

Kei thought as she blushed

"I'm still not convinced. If he figured out the spot's location at such an early stage, and if he were acting alongside a lot of other people, shouldn't he have avoided trouble? Even if he just had someone standing watch by the cave, it should have been sufficient claim of ownership. Why would they occupy it?"
"That was probably Class A's disadvantage."

Their overall points on the test were high, and they didn't receive a negative assessment due to behavior in class like Class D. However, their class was divided internally. In other words, there was a reason why Katsuragi couldn't rely on other people.

"Their class appears perfect at first glance, but it actually has a huge schism in it."

Haruka: "What do you mean by that kiyopon?"

Keisei: "I think he meant that Class A is divided into another faction that opposses katsuragi, since a class that have different faction in it will have trouble working together"

Thanks for the explanation Keisei

Sakayanagi: "Fufu that's true Yukimura-kun, but now that katsuragi faction has lost. Class A won't have any more weakness like back then."

Ryuen: "Hah, trying to talk tough now? then let's see if you can defend against me next time."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu you say some interesting thing ryuen-kun. you don't mind if i destroy class C then?"

(I know that he is currently in class B now but refering to their 1st year class is easier)

Seeing this tense atmosphere we decided to continue watching the video.

That was why my methods had revealed Class A so easily. Well, that was simple luck.It was like getting a good score by exploiting a mistake. Class A wasn't vigilantly watching for a surprise attack from overhead, so there was nothing to be done.

"That's why I excluded Class A at that stage, and turned my attention toward Class C.Katsuragi was easy to understand, but with Ryuuen, there were many unknown variables. To tell you the truth, he was gathering more information than I was. He'd found out the identities of all of the leaders."

Everyone: "WHAT!!"

Random Class B Student: "How did he found out?"

Random Class B Student: "Don't tell me, Does that mean Kaneda-kun is the one who give our leader name to him?"

Kanzaki: "Oi Ryuen, you've got some explanation to do."

Ryuen: "What do you want kanzaki? there's no need for me to explain it to you isn't it?"

Kanzaki: "Are you freaking kidding me, you bastard !!!"

Just as kanzaki was about to get angry any longer, Ichinose tried to stop him.

Ichinose: "Stop it Kanzaki-kun, Calm down"

Kanzaki: "How can i calm down? This guy makes us lose points in that exam!"

Ichinose: "I know how you feel, but just calm down for now. Besides, back then his class have 0 point which mean that he failed to get points from us"

Kanzaki still feel angry about the matter, but after the explanation he tried to hold back his anger

Kanzaki: "Tch, I let you off for now"

Ryuen: "Kuku, i don't mind taking you on anytime though"

Ryuen: "Still, you did well for finding out such thing ayanokouji. Kukuku it makes me want to destroy you for once"

Me: "well, do what you want"

Ryuen: "Prepare yourself next time, Monster"

Horikita: Monster? why did ryuen-kun said that to him? Does he already know about ayonokouji-kun? i have to ask the idiot later.

As everyone was wondering why ryuen said such thing, i noticed horikita glaring at me. It looks like she wants to ask me about my relation with ryuen. I decided to ignore her glare to avoid problems.

"W-wait, he found out the identities of all of the leaders... So not only Class D, but also the leaders for Classes B and A? But that's strange. We were far from being penalized; we ended up getting first place by a wide margin. How do you intend to explain that?"

I took a single card out of my pocket and handed it over to Horikita.

"This is a keycard. Why do you...?!"

Horikita was astonished when she saw the letters engraved on the card.

"Wait, why does...?"

The name read "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Everyone in D Class: "WHAT???"

Sudo: "Oi oi oi, Seriously?"

Sotomura: "Ma-Masaka, Does that mean Ayanokouji-dono change the leader without anyone knowing?"

Ike: "Oi ayanokouji, explain this man."

Keisei: "Kiyotaka, how do you change the leader? i thought the leader cannot be changed after we choose the leader?"


Haruka said so as she shake me asking for answer

While everyone barraged me with question about what i did, i think its better for them to watch it since i answered this in the video.

Me: "Just watch the video, I Answered them to horikita back then. Also haruka, can you stop shaking me? i'm starting to get dizzy"

Haruka: "Ah-,Sorry Kiyopon."

"Just before the exam ended, i changed the class leader."

Horikita was suprised not knowing how i did it.

"Without a proper reason, the class leader cannot be changed. That means as long as the reason is proper we can change the leader. Since you, the class leader is sick and have to retire that means i can change the leader name to me."

Horikita was dumbfounded after i explain to her how i changed the leader

"As a result, Katsuragi and Ryuuen choose you as Class D leader and got the wrong answer"

"You... You planned all of this didn't you?"


After i said that, everyone in class D was dumbstruck and suprised that i planned everything in this exam to win. i noticed some of the girls are blushing especially kei which is blushing to the point of boiling hot. Before the video could continue, someone speak to break this silent atmosphere

Sotomura: "Oooohhhhh you're just like a secret powerful MC ayanokouji-dono.. no, AYANOKOUJI-SAMA"

Hondo: "Dude Ayanokouji, how come you just stay silent all this time man?. But thanks to you we managed to win that exam."


Matsushita: "Wow, you really did defeat everyone back then ayanokouji-kun. Thanks"

Shinohara: "But isn't his personality a problem? he even said that horikita is just his tools"

That one line cause everyone to once again have doubts about me, however kei decide to take a quick action.

Kei: grhh shinohara-san why you gotta say such things. Kiyotaka is the best among everyone and yet people still doubt him. This is so frustrating!!

Kei: "Shinohara-san, isn't it thanks to him that we also win that exam?, if we lose there i don't think we can catch up against the other class you know."

Satou: "I think so too. I'm sure ayanokouji-kun have a reason to do so."

Hirata: "I also wanna say thanks, kiyotaka-kun. Thanks for what you did back then"

Since its hirata the one who said it, his fangirls also agreed with him

Ichinose: So ayanokouji-kun already fights against the other class back then, since at that time we're still in cooperation i think it's safe to say ayanokouji-kun didn't choose the name of our leader. But now that is no longer the case are we finally become an enemy now?...... thinking about that somehow makes my heart hurts. I....I don't want to admit it.

Seeing the situation uncontrollable, chabashira-sensei decided to interfere.

Chabashira: "I know that all of you are excited, however don't forget what we're trying to do here. if you won't stop talking then the video will never end at this rate."

When she said that everyone go back to their seats and continue to watch the video while chatting amongst themself.

" I broke ibuke digital camera using water, since she was a spy. Because of that, she was forced to take the keycard herself."

"I was waiting for your condition to get worse, and then purposefully shown the keycard to ibuki, getting you dirty with mud, making you go to the waterfall, which then succesfully baited ibuki to steal your card"

"I also throw the whole camp to chaos by making an arson, so that ibuki can get away from the camp easily. And as they planned, ibuki goes to show the keycard to ryuuen"

Hirata: "Kiyotaka-kun while i am grateful for the result, isn't making an arson too much? we were thrown into panic back then even some of the girls are scared"

Everyone agrees with hirata

"By the way, I became aware of Class C's leader after half of the students retired. It wascertain that the leader would have remained on the island, right?"
"Even so, we weren't supposed to know who was left."
"No, I was almost one hundred percent sure that Ryuuen was still on the island."

I figured it out when I saw Ibuki hiding a wireless transceiver in the ground. Ibuki had used it to stay in contact with Ryuuen. Retired students shouldn't have been able to use a transceiver. In other words, someone was left on the island for her to communicate with. He'd casually set the transceiver on top of a table while enjoying his vacation. No one else was controlling it, just him. His mistake was that he didn't trust anyone.

"My god... I don't even have the words," Horikita answered, facing the truth.

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, it looks like you messed up really bad back then, Ryuen-kun. Don't you think so Masumi-san?"

Kamuro: "Why are you asking me?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, No reason"

Kamuro : Ugh i hate this side of her

If I were to summarize this test, I'd say that Class A's first mistake carried through to the end. They didn't function well due to an internal rift. Class B went through the test with a thoroughly defense-oriented strategy, which did neither harm nor good. Their only mistake was that, because there were so many good-natured people in Class B, they'd permitted Kaneda to stay, and they'd believed him.

I don't know how Kaneda got the evidence, but he'd obtained something, and probably told Ryuuen. If you looked at the fact that Class A didn't get any points, you might think it was because they hadn't obtained any physical evidence. Then there was Class C. We were able to avoid damage because I'd been appointed as the leader. In addition to sending people off as spies to find out the identities of the other leaders, Class C had profited from some kind of negotiations with Class A. Ryuuen might be our number one enemy.

Kanzaki: "While i hate you for basically saying that our class can't do anything. I have to agree on that. Our class lack people like you who can do things on the background."

Chihiro: "You shouldn't say such things kanzaki-kun, There's nothing wrong with being good-natured."

Kanzaki: "And that cause us loss in the event selection exam, cause we're hang up on trying to be good kid. What i've been trying to say that we must do something when the situation calls for it. Just like what ayanokouji did in this exam."

Hearing kanzaki opinion, some of their classmate agree that their class should change for the better, and some just get angry cause they can't accept the truth.

Seeing this gloomy atmosphere, hoshinomiya-sensei as their homeroom teacher decide to settle things.

Hoshinomiya-sensei: "Hai hai, everyone you shouldn't fight over something like this. Also kanzaki-kun you shouldn't be harsh towards your own classmate you know? because they're such a good kid that's why you guys can help each other together."

Hoshinomiya-sensei: "But.."

Seeing this as an opportunity hoshinomiya-sensei latched herself into my arm

Hoshinomiya-sensei: "hehehe 😊, I think i want this kid to join my class. You're so unfair sae-chan, to have ayanokouji-kun in your class "

Said hoshinomiya-sensei with a cute pouting face.

Chabashira: "Chie, do you want me to shut you up? you're bothering people watching this."

As she said that hoshinomiya-sensei released my arm and go back to watch the video, i feel some gazes at me coming from ichinose and kei and airi and all the males were glaring me with envious expression.

Why does it have to come to this...


Ichinose: H-hoshinomiya sensei latched into ayanokouji-kun like its nothing to her. Does she also likes ayanokouji-kun? Does ayanokouji-kun prefer someone like hoshinomiya-sensei?? Aaa, my mind is so confused right now.

Kei: Why are you just sitting ther getting hugged by her kiyotaka!!!  I also want to hug you like that but i'm holding myself back here. grrrr kiyotaka you better do it to me later!

Airi: K-k-k-kiyotaka kun, awawawaa. Even i also want to be like that, but i can't even speak to him properly.


(Sorry if airi reaction kinda off here, i don't know how to write her character LOL)

"I don't like this. You completely used me, like a pawn."
"Yeah. I can't deny that. I wouldn't be surprised if you never want to speak to me everagain."

I was aware of what I'd done.

Sudo: "If you're aware then why're you not apologize to her? ayanokouji"

said sudo with a bit of anger

Some of my classmate seems to have the same opinion as sudo, they're angry because i used the leader who have guided them to work together just like a pawn. especially sudo since he was the one who worked hard the most to get horikita approval.

However the one that speak out against them wasn't me

Haruka: "Wha, Hey don't force kiyopon like that sudo-kun. Despite being like that thanks to him that we managed to win this exam right? Kiyopon might be cruel to some people but he is the one who cares about his friends the most!!"

Keisei: "I also agree with her, unlike some of you who isn't even helpful in the exam kiyotaka did the most work of all of us."

Airi: "Th-that's right, kiyotaka-kun might lie but he never broke his promise. also he always help people in trouble."

Ryuen: "kukukuhahahaha, are you all serious about that?  He is a heartless monster who would torture his own pawn you know?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu, that's right. ayanokouji-kun is far more cruel than what he actually is."

Sudo: "Outsiders should just shut up. do you even know about him or something? "

Sakayanagi: "Maybe we can see that later if you want the answer, sudo-kun. or do you prefer to be humiliated just like your friend yamauchi-kun?"

Remembering that incident sudo shut his mouth while looking frustrated, it's true that he might be even in danger if he tried to pick a fight with class A especially of what happened to yamauchi.

"Well, I'll be heading back to my room now. I'm really tired," I said.
"Wait. We're not done talking."
"What? I just want to relax in my room, if possible."
"After you explain everything. There are still some things we need to talk about, right?"
"Well... like what?"
"The reason why you participated in this special test. Was it to fight alone? I don't carethat you used me this time. I want to know why you put in the effort when you disliketrouble."
"I wonder."

Perhaps the explanation I had given so far had been less important to Horikita.

"I don't have any room for doubt. I understand your talents now. If you help me, aiming for Class A seems a realistic enough goal. But what are your principles? Why did you do this?"

Of course, I didn't want to talk to Horikita about my personal problems. I'd only participated because of a commitment I made to Chabashira-sensei.

Horikita: "So this is the reason why you choose to help that time, What kind of promise did you make with her?"

Horikita: Since chabashira sensei managed to force him to help our class, i might want to ask her some question how she did it.

Me: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Because I was touched that you tried to fight all alone when you were ill."
"You wouldn't normally say that kind of thing. It's easy to spot the lie."
"Well, what I mean is I don't feel like explaining it."

I stood up and stretched out my hand.

"I don't mind helping you get up to Class A. However, I have one condition. Do not investigate me. If you promise not to touch on this subject ever again, I will help you."Horikita took my hand without hesitation.

"If you don't want to talk, there's nothing I can really do about that. If you'll help, I have no reason to refuse you. I'm not interested in digging things up that are better left buried. After all, you dislike trouble."

Horikita's handshake was firm. I work for me. You do things for yourself. The battle to raise our class up from the very bottom was about to begin.


After the video ended everyone was confused and filled with question about the video. The first one to speak up is Ike.

Ike: "WAIT WAIT WAIT, Does that mean the mastermind of our class all this time isn't horikita but you?"

said ike while pointing his finger at me

This is quite a problem, i prefer not to answer this since it's the same as giving free information to enemy. But since ryuen, sakayanagi, ichinose already know about it. i think i should answer this while mixed in some lies.

Just as i was about to answer, horikita answer ike question.

Horikta: "There's no such person ike-kun, are you being delusional? didn't you see that last scene? Ayanokouji-kun and i was working together to help the class, since his abilities and my leadership managed to win many exams so far."

Sudo: "But suzune, he was using you like a pawn. Aren't you angry about that?"

Horikita: "There's nothing wrong about what the other person is thinking, i am not interested in such things. If he help the class then there's no problem for me."

Seeing horikita stance on this matter everyone decides to continue watching the next video


Sorry for the late update, i was being lazy while writing this.

TBH, writing this is somewhat tiring since it hard to get some reaction in-between dialogues. as you're reading this some reaction might be forced if you look at it. but i will try to improve next time.

Initially i want to also add the convo between chabs and kiyo in this exam but decides to split it for the next part or not write it at all. Also i wanna ask you guys, should i do the zodiac exam on KiyoKei Part? that part is really important to the story but there's already so many fics that already write that chapter. Especially kei bullied revelation is something that is hard to write. What do you guys think?

Lastly, i wanna ask which part of the volume 5 you guys want me to write? anything other than arisu and kiyo dialogue. do write in the comments

Thanks for reading :)

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