
By YuuYa_Haguire

2.2K 114 6

Vee Vivis became anxious over the fact that Mark might be cheating on him. They were apart for more than two... More

Even though you are far


1.1K 84 5
By YuuYa_Haguire


The loud tone of the alarm clock set at eleven in the evening woke up the exhausted Senior Engineer of Corinthian Constructions, Vee Vivis. He needed to get up and be awake at the exact time because it's the only time he could get his daily dose of happiness.

With his face still looking sleepy, he immediately took his phone and clicked on a video call icon to the person he misses everyday. The person on the other line instantly answered it.

"Hey, going home now? Drive safely."

"You look sleepy, why don't you sleep more?" the person on the other line said.

"Nah..I'm good. I want to see and talk to you. I can sleep later again."

It was already two years when Mark left Thailand because he was put in charge of the new branch of their company in London,UK. He needed to stay there for three years until everything was already in place.

"Did you buy some food again outside for dinner? I told you that you need to eat more healthy foods, not ready-made." Vee reminded his lover who's not really good when it comes to the kitchen to eat properly.

"This is not ready-made. I bought it from the usual restaurant I am eating. And..I'm learning to cook least some simple dishes."

Mark placed his phone in front of him while placing his food in a bowl so that they could talk like they were facing each other. This was their routine ever since Mark left. It's hard but they need to cope up and get used to it for now.

"What kind of dish? Roasted egg?"

"Phi!! I could already fry the egg without burning it." Mark pouted like a kid.

This was the thing Vee misses, their small talks and teasing.

"Hahaha. My bad. Yeah you can now. Just eat your food. You're losing weight again."

Vee misses his lover everyday. He's actually trying to hide it because he knew that Mark would be worried if he showed or said it.

They talked about what they did for the whole day until Mark noticed that Vee's eyes were starting to drop down but the latter was fighting it.

"Phi, go back to sleep now. You look so exhausted." Even though Mark wanted to talk more, he knew how busy Vee is in his work.

"No, I wanted to talk to you more."

"No. Sleep now. You need to wake up early right? Sleep. I'll just call again."

Vee nodded his head and pouted his lips. He wanted to talk some more but his body was a traitor.

"I love you Mark. I miss you."

Mark hummed and replied the same. The call ended and he felt a little empty again. It was hard maintaining this kind of relationship. During the first year when they were apart, both of them struggled. Vee would sulk like a kid and Mark became more irritable.

There were several issues as well of unfaithfulness from both sides but they mended it with the help of their friends. Although it was not easy to do so, they tried to keep their heads cool and trust each other because they know best that trust matters in a relationship.

When Vee was on his way to take his lunch, his phone rings and upon taking it out from his pocket, a blindingly bright smile shone from him.

Mark is calling.

"Good morning babe."

"Are you going to have your lunch now? You're outside?"

They are doing a video call, it is the only way they feel that they are still beside each other.

"Yes. I wanted some light meals, so I'm going to a nearby restaurant."

"I see. I just woke up."

"You look cute though."

Mark glared at Vee which made the latter laugh. It's hard being in a relationship and talking to each other behind a screen but they needed to stay strong.

While Vee was on his way back to his office after eating a meal together with Mark on screen, a woman wearing a high slitted skirt and a revealing blouse approached him in the lobby.

"Mr. Vivis, how nice to see you here. Did you come back from lunch?"

Vee smiled at the woman as courtesy. Mark was still on the line and with Vee's phone in his hand down, he could just see the revealing clothes of the woman talking to his man. His eyebrows scrunched up but he didn't speak and just listened. Vee's bluetooth earpiece was still connected so he would rehear if Mark would react.

"Yes, Ms. Anathan. I'm on my way to my office now. Do you need anything from me?"

"Aww, well, I just wanted to invite you for lunch but since you're done I think I'll just go alone. Come with me sometime then." The woman pouted her overly red lips and tried to seduce Vee by combing her hair behind her ear but Vee didn't feel anything. In fact he was actually annoyed because he's on the line with Mark and the woman was interrupting their sweet time.

"Why not?" Mark murmured from the other line.

Vee's eyes widened. He's sensing trouble.

"Maybe next time then. I'll go first. Enjoy your lunch Ms. Anathan." Vee walked away as soon as he bid his farewell to the woman colleague and spoke to Mark as soon as possible.

"That next time doesn't mean I'll be going Mark."

His sentence sounded desperate to explain his side because he knew that he needed to prove to Mark that he won't be swayed and he won't be able to look for anyone else but only him.

"Phi, why do you look and sound nervous? I know. I'll gouge your eyes if ever you would dare to look at anyone."

Vee couldn't help but gulp because of Mark's words.

"I'm kidding. I know that you're behaving well. I'll go now. Focus on your work. Bye.

"Aww. Okay, I'll call tonight. Bye." Vee didn't want to let go yet he knew that he needed to work hard just like Mark.

A week has passed but Vee couldn't get in touch with Mark. He was thinking ridiculous things of all sorts because he's too anxious not hearing something from his lover.

"Is he okay?"

"Did something happen?"

"Was he too busy?"

"Am I getting tossed away?"

"Does he not love me anymore?"

"Was he...cheating on me?"

Vee left too many messages and voicemail to Mark but none of it was seen nor heard from the other line.

"Where is the handsome Vee? You looked like a zombie." Yiwa who was also working in the same company but under a different department saw his friend looking lost in a cafe they would often spend time during their break time.

"What's the use of handsomeness when he'll be snatched away from me?"

Yiwa raised her eyebrow. "Huii, nong Mark isn't like that. Sure, he was charming and handsome enough to catch attention while he was there but he won't do what you're thinking of."

"Then, where is he? Why won't he even send me a simple message? I'm dying Yiwaaaaa. I want to cry."

He thought that the long crying days when he was still chasing Mark was already gone but he never knew that distance between them would make him miserable.

"Oi. Have some faith in him." Yiwa was trying her best to cheer up Vee because he's been living like a zombie for several days now.

"I have faith in my love and in him but I don't trust those people who might actually steal him from me. Just because I'm not there.

Yiwaaaaa. Should I visit him in London? I'm really worried."

"Well, I heard that there would be a conference to be held in London about Innovative Ideas in Construction. You could use that chance to go there and visit Mark."

"Why was I not informed about it?"

"You probably missed the email about it because of your thoughts."

"Arrrggg. I'll go first now. I'll check on the details and requirements to join the conference."

Vee immediately ran back to his office and prepared everything so that he could join the conference in London.

After putting all of his effort out of desperation, luckily, after two days, his name was included among those who were chosen to go to London.

With his determination, his mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of going to London and meeting Mark. Although he hasn't received any response from his lover, he wanted to surprise him.

Since it would be a conference, there are some things he needed to prepare as instructed by his superiors and the company too. Not really minding it, he was doing his best to fulfill it with the hope of meeting his beloved soon.

"Are you ready to go to London tomorrow?" Yiwa asked when they went out for lunch that day.

"Yes. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Once the conference ended, I already informed the team that I'll be staying there for three more days and filed my vacation leave."

"Wow. Talk about being prepared. Do forward to Nong Mark my greetings."

"Okay. No problem."

The next day, Vee and the team who would attend the conference set off and went to London as scheduled.

The hotel where they would stay was really nice. He knew Mark's address in London and he wanted to pay him a visit immediately but their team needed to prepare other things first.

On the day of the conference, the place where it was held was enormous and astonishing. Different people from all over the world attended it.

Vee was focused during the conference yet he was unconsciously waiting for the time when the conference would end so that he could visit Mark already.

After the conference, some of his colleagues introduced him to several engineers in the same field. He noticed that one man was looking at him intently from the start.

"Uhmm, excuse me, is there something wrong?" He asked awkwardly in english.

The British man with a tall and muscle fit figure embarrassedly responded. "I'm sorry to stare. I know it's rude but you seem familiar. You came from Thailand, right?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid this is the first time I meet you." Vee answered with doubt which he tried to hide.

"Hmm.. perhaps I saw you from somewhere, like from a photograph. I know someone who also came from Thailand. Mark is his name."

Vee's eyes widened. "Pardon? Are you perhaps referring to Engr. Mark Masa of BKT Industrials?"

"Oh yeah. I'm from BKT Industrials, London branch. I'm Darrell Horschen. Mark is my close colleague. Do you know him?"

Vee was glad to hear that Mark's company was also participating in this conference. Perhaps, he could see Mark earlier than he expected. But, he was on guard when he heard the other man introducing himself as someone close with Mark. Vee was obviously handsome but Darrell was also handsome in his own way. Somehow he doesn't like the idea that a handsome man was claiming closeness to his lover.

"Yes. I know him very well. Are you perhaps with Mark attending the conference?"

The foreigner answered, "Oh no. He's not here. I'm the only representative of BKTI."

Vee was about to ask another question but he was called back by his colleagues so he needed to bid his farewell to Darrell.

At the hotel where he was staying, Vee was contemplating whether he would go and visit Mark tonight or he would postpone it tomorrow morning. In the end, he decided he would go tomorrow morning to also prepare for his surprise.

The next day, with a bouquet of flowers, he went to where Mark was staying. It was an apartment style building. He stopped by the room number of his lover and pushed on the doorbell.

After a few tries, a person from the other side room opened its door and saw Vee standing there.

"Excuse me, are you looking for Mr. Mark?" The neighbor lady asked.

"Yes. Did he already go to work?"

The lady nodded his head. "He left two days ago with a lot of baggage. A man I frequently see visiting him fetch him with a car. Then, he said that would be his last day here."

Vee's heart sunk so deep. His heart slowly shattered. Is this another unfaithful situation between them that they need to overcome? He was trying to hold his tears. He was too weak if it's about them, if it's about Mark.

"Th--thank you." Those are just the words he could say to the lady.

He went back to the hotel and threw himself in the bed with his heart crushed. Vee wanted to act out yet he was already aware that this should be handled calmly. He took his phone and was about to tap on Mark's contact number when the said person's name already appeared on his phone screen. Vee's finger was trembling trying to click on the pick up call button.


"Phi!! Where are you?!"

It's been awhile since he heard Mark's voice and truthfully it hurts yet he also felt extremely happy.


"Who else? Are you expecting someone to call other than me? I'll repeat P'Vee, Where. Are. You?"

He could fear the frustration and irritation on Mark's voice from the other line but he was confused why. "Could we turn on the camera? I want to see you."

Mark obliged to it and showed his face in front of the camera, so as Vee.

The older guy's heart melted in an instant. Seeing Mark's face and hearing his voice after those weeks when he didn't receive any reply from his lover was just like a dream now.

"Why do you look like that?" Mark asked upon seeing the about to cry face of his lover.

"I'm..I'm sorry, I just really missed you right now."

"If you really missed me, where the hell are you Phi?"

"Wel..I'm.." Vee was hesitating whether he would say that he was in London after he just found out that Mark was no longer there where he was staying."

Mark raised his eyebrow. "Why does it look like you were in a hotel?" His voice sounded scary for Vee.

"Well..I'm really at a hotel right now."

"Why? Who are you with? Am I not allowed to know?"

"No. I'm not with some...I mean, yeah, I'm with my colleagues in a hotel."

Mark narrowed his eyes. "Then, where exactly are you?"

Vee sighed then answered. "I'm in Hexagon Hotel in London."

He could see Mark's bewilderment when he responded.

"Why are you in London?!!"

"I attended a conference here because I haven't heard anything from you and I was going crazy already thinking bad things over and over again, what happened to you. So when I heard that there would be a conference to be held here, I tried my best to join the team so that I could also surprise you but..."

"But what?"

Vee sighed again and continued, "...but it seems like you have already forgotten about me and..."

"Whoa..wait Phi. What? Forgotten you? If I did, I won't be calling you now."

"So why didn't you contact me after a week or so?"

This time, Mark sighed from the other line. " was...a dare."

"Wha--? What do you mean?"

"I...I'm sorry, I accepted a dare from my boss. He said, I could go back to Thailand if I finished the proposal for the project I was assigned to for less than a month. I accepted it but I didn't know that it would be too much to handle that I haven't had sleep for days and almost forgot our daily routine call. I even have no spare time to even reply to you and I was guilty as hell. But...I used that reason instead to push through and look forward, going home after such a long time without even finishing the three years original plan on staying in London. I'm sorry Phi."

"Was that the only reason? Do you know how much I worried when I didn't hear anything from you? I was about to go crazy and all. Just a simple reply was enough. I knew very well how busy you are...but...didn't we promise? That this distance and time difference would never tear us both apart? Didn't we?"

"I'm...sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm too desperate to go home, yet, you are not here."

Vee was about to burst out again out of frustration until the words of Mark rings a bell inside his head. "Wait...what did you...say?"

"Huh?" Mark was confused.

"Mark...where are"

"I'm at our house."

"House? You mean ours?

Mark narrowed his eyes. "Yes. Do you have any other house aside from your family and ours?"

"Are you in Bangkok now? Seriously?"

"P'Vee, weren't you listening earlier? I finished my proposal and that landed me a ticket to go back home here in Thailand, not a vacation but for good now. are not here." The last words sounded almost like a whisper.

Vee abruptly jumped out from his bed. "Wait, let me book a ticket back now to Bangkok, I'll inform my team. Just..wait for me there baby, okay? I love you."

The call was dropped as soon as Vee ran off to somewhere and he left Mark wondering what happened.

Vee cancelled all his plans in London and decided to go back with his team as soon as possible. On their flight back to Thailand, he was so anxious and overly excited, not thinking anything else aside from the fact that he would soon see his beloved.

As soon as they arrived in the airport, Vee immediately bid farewell to his colleagues and called Mark. The person on the other line was not picking it up.

"Was he in the kitchen or taking a shower?" Again, many thoughts were playing in his head until he felt a pair of warm arms wrapped around his waist.

"Phi." He softly heard a voice that he would never forget and longed for so long not to hear over the phone but personally.

Vee turned around and looked at the person who was hugging him from behind. A pair of black orbs were looking straight at him.

"Mark!" He wrapped his arms around his lover and embraced him tightly. He wanted to express how much he misses the junior he loves so much.

"Phi, we should go home now or would you like to have dinner first on the way?"

He didn't want to let go yet but he was also tired and hungry from the travel so he agreed and settled by holding Mark's hand as they walked out from the airport.

After having lunch and arriving at home, just after they stepped inside their house, Vee immediately claimed Mark's lips with his, devouring the junior with an intense feeling of longing and passion.

"Mhmm..Phi.." a faint moan escaped Mark's lips.

Vee stepped back and looked at Mark's eyes with so many emotions drawn in his own orbs.

"Are you for real? Am I no longer dreaming that you're finally back...Mark?"

The junior slightly arched his lips for a smile. "Yes Phi. I'm finally back."

"Then why didn't you tell me you have plans to come back sooner?" Vee's voice started to tremble. He missed Mark so much and the fact that they missed each other in London due to their own misunderstandings made him lose himself again.

"I wanted to surprise you. Yet, I was the one who was surprised not knowing you were not here."

"That's...the conference..err..I made it a reason to go to London to visit you but..."

"Why would you abruptly go there? For two years, we tried so hard not to have a vacation to visit each other so that we could be together as soon as possible. Is there any reason why you decided to go, Phi?"

Vee's eyes slowly averted but Mark caught his cheeks and made him look back at him.

"Did you cheat?"

The senior's face became pale and he reacted so fast. "No!! I was dying everyday thinking why you were not contacting me and when I decided to go there, I heard there was a man who always visits you and even picked you up. I think I'm not the one who should explain here, Mark."

Mark's eyebrows frowned and he sighed. "Phi, that was probably my colleague, Darrell. He always hang around with me and helps me a lot while I'm adjusting there. If you are thinking the other way around that I was cheating on you, the answer is no. Didn't we already promise to each other?"

"Well.. it's know..we've been far away with each other. The time interval and even the distance was not something we could patch up smoothly. I...was anxious. We've been apart for too long and I thought might forget about me. You could even bear not to contact me."

Mark could hear a sniffing sound coming from Vee. The senior was already shedding tears. He slowly approached and embraced his emotional lover.

"I did. Yes. I could bear it because we've been there before. the end, the reason why I could is because I'm doing it for you.

Working on the proposal made me awake for 24 hours. I was working non-stop for it hoping to win the bet because I wanted to go home here with you as soon as possible. If that was my only chance to go back immediately and stay with you forever, then, I could bear just a little bit more of not talking to you, hearing your voice, seeing your face and all..I could trade some time if it means a lifetime."

Hearing Mark's words made Vee's heart cleared out of worries. The young man didn't abandon him. He leaned his head on Mark's shoulder and spoke in pleading tone.

"Mark...can we not get separated again? I don't want to live again without you by my side. I told you before and I'll tell it many more times, I couldn't go on without you anymore."

"Silly. No matter what happens, even if we are miles apart separated by the vast ocean, even if our time interval does not match, trust me Phi, I would always be faithful to the only playboy of my life."

Vee raised his head and looked at his lover's face. "Oii! Who's a playboy? I'm a stick to one person now. My heart, soul and body only belongs to Mark Masa soon to be Mark Vivis."

Mark only laughed at Vee but his laughter fades slowly when he saw Vee pull out a small box with a ring on it.

"I wanted to tie you up with me that even any distance or time would never be the reason anymore for me or for you to let go. The promise I longed to fulfil, I'll change our promise rings to something more assuring. Marry me, Mark."

The junior's eyes suddenly shed tears that he couldn't stop from falling. He was tongue-tied, yet his heart was already full because of Vee's proposal.

"How could you pull this off?"

Vee, who was also crying because of too much emotion for finally asking the biggest question to Mark tried his best to answer his beloved.

"Anything for you. I'll act shameful as much as I could if it's for you. I've done it so many times in my head, but...can I hear your answer? I'm really nervous here."

Mark giggled and reached out his hand to wipe off the tears on Vee's face. "Why are you also crying with me? The answer?"

Vee nodded his head.


Vee smiled widely and slid the ring on Mark's ring left finger. He was overjoyed and kissed Mark thereafter.

"I love you Mark."

"I love you, as always P'Vee."



Ehh?? This is not that long as I have expected. Oh Well..Thanks for reading all!

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